require("mini.surround").setup({ -- vim-surround style mappings -- left brackets add space around the text object -- 'ysiw(' foo -> ( foo ) -- 'ysiw)' foo -> (foo) custom_surroundings = { -- since mini.nvim#84 we no longer need to customize -- the left brackets, they are spaced by default -- S = { -- lua bracketed string mapping -- 'ysiwS' foo -> [[foo]] input = { "%[%[().-()%]%]" }, output = { left = "[[", right = "]]" }, }, }, mappings = { add = "ys", delete = "ds", find = "", find_left = "", highlight = "gs", -- hijack 'gs' (sleep) for highlight replace = "cs", update_n_lines = "", -- bind for updating 'config.n_lines' }, -- Number of lines within which surrounding is searched n_lines = 62, -- Duration (in ms) of highlight when calling `MiniSurround.highlight()` highlight_duration = 2000, -- How to search for surrounding (first inside current line, then inside -- neighborhood). One of 'cover', 'cover_or_next', 'cover_or_prev', -- 'cover_or_nearest'. For more details, see `:h MiniSurround.config`. search_method = "cover_or_next", }) -- Remap adding surrounding to Visual mode selection vim.keymap.set("x", "S", [[:lua MiniSurround.add('visual')]], { silent = true }) -- unmap config generated `ys` mapping, prevents visual mode yank delay if vim.keymap then vim.keymap.del("x", "ys") else vim.cmd("xunmap ys") end -- Make special mapping for "add surrounding for line" vim.keymap.set("n", "yss", "ys_", { remap = true })