local res, dap = pcall(require, "dap") if not res then return end local uv = vim.loop local nvim_server local nvim_chanID -- both deugging and execution is done on external headless instances -- we start a headless instance and then call ("osv").launch() which -- in turn starts another headless instance which will be the instance -- we connect to -- once the instance is running we can call `:luafile ` in order -- to start debugging local function dap_server(opts) assert(dap.adapters.nlua, "nvim-dap adapter configuration for nlua not found. " .. "Please refer to the README.md or :help osv.txt") -- server already started? if nvim_chanID then local pid = vim.fn.jobpid(nvim_chanID) vim.fn.rpcnotify(nvim_chanID, "nvim_exec_lua", [[return require"osv".stop()]]) vim.fn.jobstop(nvim_chanID) if type(uv.os_getpriority(pid)) == "number" then uv.kill(pid, 9) end nvim_chanID = nil end nvim_chanID = vim.fn.jobstart({ vim.v.progpath, "--embed", "--headless" }, { rpc = true }) assert(nvim_chanID, "Could not create neovim instance with jobstart!") local mode = vim.fn.rpcrequest(nvim_chanID, "nvim_get_mode") assert(not mode.blocking, "Neovim is waiting for input at startup. Aborting.") -- create the symlink from lazy local plugin_name = "one-small-step-for-vimkind" local plugin_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/dap" assert(vim.fn.mkdir(plugin_dir, "p"), "Unable to create plugin dir") vim.loop.fs_symlink(vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy", plugin_dir .. "/opt", { dir = true }) -- make sure OSV is loaded vim.fn.rpcrequest(nvim_chanID, "nvim_exec_lua", [[vim.opt.packpath:append({ vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site" })]], {}) vim.fn.rpcrequest(nvim_chanID, "nvim_command", "packadd " .. plugin_name) nvim_server = vim.fn.rpcrequest(nvim_chanID, "nvim_exec_lua", [[return require"osv".launch(...)]], { opts }) vim.wait(100) -- print(("Server started on port %d, channel-id %d"):format(nvim_server.port, nvim_chanID)) return nvim_server end dap.adapters.nlua = function(callback, config) if not config.port then local server = dap_server() config.host = server.host config.port = server.port end callback({ type = "server", host = config.host, port = config.port }) if type(config.post) == "function" then config.post() end end dap.configurations.lua = { { type = "nlua", request = "attach", name = "Attach to running Neovim instance (localhost:8086)", host = "", port = 8086, }, { type = "nlua", request = "attach", name = "Attach to running Neovim instance (prompt)", host = function() local val = vim.fn.input("Host []: ") return #val > 0 and val or "" end, port = function() local val = vim.fn.input("Port [8086]: ") return #val > 0 and tonumber(val) or 8086 end, }, { type = "nlua", name = "Debug current file", request = "attach", -- we acquire host/port in the adapters function above -- host = function() end, -- port = function() end, post = function() dap.listeners.after["setBreakpoints"]["osv"] = function(session, body) assert(nvim_chanID, "Fatal: neovim RPC channel is nil!") vim.fn.rpcnotify(nvim_chanID, "nvim_command", "luafile " .. vim.fn.expand("%:p")) -- clear the lisener or we get called in any dap-config run dap.listeners.after["setBreakpoints"]["osv"] = nil end -- for k, v in pairs(dap.listeners.after) do -- v["test"] = function() -- print(k, "called") -- end -- end end } }