local M = { "numToStr/Comment.nvim", event = "VeryLazy", -- TODO: doesn't work in visual mode -- keys = { "gc", "gb" }, } M.config = function() require("Comment").setup({ padding = true, -- Add a space b/w comment and the line sticky = true, -- Whether the cursor should stay at its position mappings = { basic = true, -- Includes `gcc`, `gbc`, `gc[count]{motion}` and `gb[count]{motion}` extra = true, -- Includes `gco`, `gcO`, `gcA` extended = false, -- Includes `g>`, `g<`, `g>[count]{motion}` and `g<[count]{motion}` }, toggler = { line = "gcc", -- Line-comment toggle keymap block = "gbc", -- Block-comment toggle keymap }, opleader = { line = "gc", -- Line-comment keymap block = "gb", -- Block-comment keymap }, }) end return M