# THIS REPOSITORY IS READONLY AND NO LONGER ACTIVE # atmosphere :cloud: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cyverse/atmosphere.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cyverse/atmosphere) [![Coverage](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/cyverse/atmosphere/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/cyverse/atmosphere?branch=master) [![Code Health](https://landscape.io/github/cyverse/atmosphere/master/landscape.svg?style=flat)](https://landscape.io/github/cyverse/atmosphere/master) Atmosphere addresses the growing needs for highly configurable and customized computational resources to support research efforts in plant sciences. Atmosphere is an integrative, private, self-service cloud computing platform designed to provide easy access to preconfigured, frequently used analysis routines, relevant algorithms, and data sets in an available-on-demand environment designed to accommodate computationally and data-intensive bioinformatics tasks. ## Installation Install the required python packages ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` A separate environment is provided for developers ``` pip install -r dev_requirements.txt ``` The `*requirements.txt` files are generated using [pip-tools](https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools). See [REQUIREMENTS.md](REQUIREMENTS.md) for instructions on using pip-tools and upgrading packages in Atmosphere. ## Some Features + A powerful web client for management and administration of virtual machines + A fully RESTful API service for integrating with existing infrastructure components + Virtual machine images preconfigured for computational science and iPlant's infrastructure ## Running scripts There are several utility scripts in `./scripts`. To run these: ``` cd export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='atmosphere.settings' export PYTHONPATH="$PWD:$PYTHONPATH" python scripts/ ``` ## Contributing See [HACKING.md](./HACKING.md). ### Coding Style We rely on a tool to format the codebase. If you install from `dev_requirements.txt`, the `yapf` binary will be in your environment. ``` yapf --in-place --parallel -- $(git ls-files | grep '\.py$') ``` When master is pulled, it's helpful to know if a `pip install` or a `manage.py migrate` is necessary. To get other helpful warnings: ```bash ln -s $(pwd)/contrib/post-merge.hook $(pwd)/.git/hooks/post-merge ``` ### Coding Conventions #### Import ordering Imports should be grouped into the sections below and in sorted order. 1. Standard libraries 2. Third-party libraries 3. External project libraries 4. Local libraries ## License See LICENSE.txt for license information ## Lead + **Edwin Skidmore ** ## Authors The following individuals who have help/helped make :cloud: great appear in alphabetic order, by surname. + **Evan Briones ** + **Tharon Carlson ** + **Joseph Garcia ** + **Steven Gregory ** + **Jason Hansen ** + **Christopher James LaRose ** + **Amit Juneja ** + **Andrew Lenards ** + **Monica Lent ** + **Chris Martin ** + **Calvin Mclean ** + **Andre Mercer ** + **Connor Osborn ** + **J. Matt Peterson ** + **Julian Pistorius ** Where the cloud lives!