scriptencoding utf-8 set runtimepath+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/ call vundle#rc() Bundle 'gmarik/vundle' Bundle 'Shougo/neocomplcache' Bundle 'ciaranm/detectindent' Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Bundle 'tpope/vim-rails' Bundle 'tpope/vim-haml' Bundle 'pangloss/vim-javascript' Bundle 'thinca/vim-quickrun' Bundle 'vim-ruby/vim-ruby' Bundle 'tsaleh/vim-matchit' Bundle 'ecomba/vim-ruby-refactoring' Bundle 'tpope/vim-surround' Bundle 'Shougo/vimproc' Bundle 'Shougo/vimproc' Bundle 'L9' Bundle 'FuzzyFinder' Bundle 'rizzatti/funcoo.vim' Bundle 'rizzatti/dash.vim' " add runtimepathe .vim/bundle/* call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() "set nocompatible " Use Vim defaults instead of 100% vi compatibility set backspace=indent,eol,start " more powerful backspacing " Now we set some defaults for the editor set textwidth=0 " Don't wrap words by default set nobackup " Don't keep a backup file " set viminfo='50,<1000,s100,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than set viminfo='500,<10000,s1000,\"500 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than "set viminfo='50,<1000,s100,:0,n~/.vim/viminfo set history=1000 " keep 50 lines of command line history set ruler " show the cursor position all the time " Suffixes that get lower priority when doing tab completion for filenames. " These are files we are not likely to want to edit or read. set suffixes=.bak,~,.swp,.o,.info,.aux,.log,.dvi,.bbl,.blg,.brf,.cb,.ind,.idx,.ilg,.inx,.out,.toc " We know xterm-debian is a color terminal if &term =~ "xterm-debian" || &term =~ "xterm-xfree86" || &term =~ "xterm-256color" set t_Co=16 set t_Sf=[3%dm set t_Sb=[4%dm endif syntax on if has("autocmd") filetype plugin on filetype indent on " これらのftではインデントを無効に " autocmd FileType php filetype indent off " autocmd FileType xhtml :set indentexpr= endif " Some Debian-specific things augroup filetype au BufRead reportbug.* set ft=mail au BufRead reportbug-* set ft=mail augroup END " " タブ幅の設定 set expandtab set tabstop=2 set softtabstop=2 set shiftwidth=2 set modelines=0 set smartindent "検索文字列が小文字の場合は大文字小文字を区別なく検索する set ignorecase "検索文字列に大文字が含まれている場合は区別して検索する set smartcase "検索時に最後まで行ったら最初に戻る set wrapscan " 検索で色をつける set hlsearch "検索文字列入力時に順次対象文字列にヒットさせない set noincsearch "タブ文字の表示 set list set listchars=tab:\ \ ,trail:\ "set listchars=tab:\ \ ,trail:\ " " コメント行が連続するときはコメントに set formatoptions+=r "入力中のコマンドをステータスに表示する set showcmd "括弧入力時の対応する括弧を表示 set showmatch "ステータスラインを常に表示 set laststatus=2 " ステータスラインの表示 set statusline=%<[%n]%m%r%h%w%{'['.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).':'.&ff}%{']'}%y%{fugitive#statusline()}\ %F%=%l,%c%V%8P " コマンドライン補間をシェルっぽく set wildmode=list:longest " バッファが編集中でもその他のファイルを開けるように set hidden " 外部のエディタで編集中のファイルが変更されたら自動で読み直す set autoread " svn/git での文字エンコーディング設定 autocmd FileType svn :set fileencoding=utf-8 autocmd FileType git :set fileencoding=utf-8 set ambiwidth=double " タグファイルの自動セット if has("autochdir") set autochdir set tags=tags; else set tags=./tags,./../tags,./*/tags,./../../tags,./../../../tags,./../../../../tags,./../../../../../tags endif " tags のキーマッピングが C-t だと screen とかぶるので C-z に nnoremap " 辞書ファイルからの単語補間 set complete+=k " include ファイルは無視 " set complete-=i " C-]でtjumpと同等の効果 nnoremap g " CD.vim example:// は適用しない " autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | execute ":try | lcd " . escape(expand("%:p:h"), ' ') . ' | catch | endtry ' | endif if &term =~ "screen" " screen Buffer 切り替えで screen にファイル名を表示 autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | silent! exe '!echo -n "kv:%\\"' | endif autocmd VimLeave * silent! exe '!echo -n "kvim\\"' endif " command line で command window 開く set cedit= "表示行単位で行移動する nnoremap j gj nnoremap k gk vnoremap j gj vnoremap k gk " + - でバッファウィンドウサイズ変更 " nnoremap + + " nnoremap - - " 前回終了したカーソル行に移動 autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal g`\"" | endif " Functions ",e でそのファイルを実行 function! ShebangExecute() let m = matchlist(getline(1), '#!\(.*\)') if(len(m) > 2) execute '!'. m[1] . ' %' else execute '!' &ft ' %' endif endfunction if has('win32') nnoremap ,e :execute '!' &ft ' %' else nnoremap ,e :call ShebangExecute() end :function! HtmlEscape() silent s/&/\&/eg silent s//\>/eg :endfunction :function! HtmlUnEscape() silent s/<//eg silent s/&/\&/eg :endfunction set t_Co=16 set t_Sf=[3%dm set t_Sb=[4%dm if !has('win32') " 補完候補色 hi Pmenu ctermbg=8 hi PmenuSel ctermbg=12 hi PmenuSbar ctermbg=0 endif highlight Visual ctermbg=8 highlight SpecialKey ctermbg=2 highlight MatchParen cterm=none ctermbg=15 ctermfg=0 highlight Search ctermbg=5 ctermfg=0 " highlight 上書き autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter * highlight SpecialKey ctermbg=0 autocmd VimEnter,WinEnter * highlight PmenuSel ctermbg=12 " encoding nnoremap eu :set fenc=utf-8 nnoremap ee :set fenc=euc-jp "nnoremap es :set fenc=cp932 " encode reopen encoding nnoremap eru :e ++enc=utf-8 % nnoremap ere :e ++enc=euc-jp % nnoremap ers :e ++enc=cp932 % " paste/nopaste nnoremap ep :set paste nnoremap enp :set nopaste " yanktmp.vim noremap sy :call YanktmpYank() noremap sp :call YanktmpPaste_p() if has('macunix') noremap sY :call system("pbcopy", @0) noremap sP :r! pbpaste end " for rails autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead app/**/*.rhtml set fenc=utf-8 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead app/**/*.erb set fenc=utf-8 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead app/**/*.haml set fenc=utf-8 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead app/**/*.rb set fenc=utf-8 " rails.vim let g:rails_level=4 let g:rails_statusline=1 " ruby omin complete "let g:rubycomplete_classes_in_global = 1 let g:rubycomplete_rails = 1 " cofs's fsync autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead /mnt/c/* set nofsync " YankRing.vim nnoremap ,y :YRShow " delete input line cnoremap " fold 使わない set nofoldenable " folding keymap nnoremap zz za nnoremap zZ zA " htmlomni " autocmd FileType html set filetype=xhtml " str2numchar.vim " 範囲選択してる文字列を変換 vnoremap sn :Stn2NumChar " あ => あ vnoremap sh :Str2HexLiteral " あ => \\xE3\\x81\\x82 " surround.vim let g:surround_103 = "_('\r')" " 103 = g let g:surround_71 = "_(\"\r\")" " 71 = G " Ruby " let g:surround_{char2nr('%')} = "%(\r)" let g:surround_{char2nr('w')} = "%w(\r)" let g:surround_{char2nr('#')} = "#{\r}" let g:surround_{char2nr('e')} = "begin \r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('i')} = "if \1if\1 \r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('u')} = "unless \1unless\1 \r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('c')} = "class \1class\1 \r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('m')} = "module \1module\1 \r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('d')} = "def \1def\1\2args\r..*\r(&)\2 \r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('p')} = "\1method\1 do \2args\r..*\r|&| \2\r end" let g:surround_{char2nr('P')} = "\1method\1 {\2args\r..*\r|&|\2 \r }" nnoremap g' cs'g nnoremap g" cs"G " 前のバッファに移動を Space に nnoremap " nomatchparent if !has('gui') let g:loaded_matchparen = 1 end " insert 時の削除等のマッピング inoremap u inoremap u inoremap u inoremap u " gh で hilight を消す nnoremap gh :let @/='' set grepprg=internal " 検索レジストリに入ってる文字で現在のファイルを検索し、quickfix で開く nnoremap g/ :exec ':vimgrep /' . getreg('/') . '/j %\|cwin' " G/ ではすべてのバッファ " nnoremap G/ :silent exec ':cexpr "" \| :bufdo vimgrepadd /' . getreg('/') . '/j %'\|:silent cwin " なんだれこれ… autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | exe "normal g`\"" | endif " バッファから検索 function! Bgrep(word) cexpr '' " quickfix を空に silent exec ':bufdo | try | vimgrepadd ' . a:word . ' % | catch | endtry' silent cwin endfunction command! -nargs=1 Bgrep :call Bgrep() " 引数の文字列を、ディレクトリ配下から再帰的に検索 function! Findgrep(arg) let findgrep_cmd = 'find . -type f ! -regex ".*\.svn.*" ! -regex ".*\.git.*" ! -regex ".*\.sw.*" ! -regex ".*tags" -print0 |xargs -0 grep -n ' cgetexpr system(findgrep_cmd . a:arg) silent cwin endfunction command! -nargs=1 Findgrep :call Findgrep() function! Ggrep(arg) setlocal grepprg=git\ grep\ --no-color\ -n\ $* silent execute ':grep '.a:arg setlocal grepprg=git\ --no-pager\ submodule\ --quiet\ foreach\ 'git\ grep\ --full-name\ -n\ --no-color\ $*\ ;true' silent execute ':grepadd '.a:arg silent cwin redraw! endfunction nnoremap gG :exec ':silent Ggrep ' . expand('') command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer Gg call Ggrep() command! -nargs=1 -complete=buffer Ggrep call Ggrep() " changelog let g:changelog_username = "Yuichi Tateno" let g:changelog_dateformat = '== %Y-%m-%d' let g:changelog_new_entry_format= ' * %c' " fuf.vim nnoremap :FufBuffer! nnoremap eff :FufFile! nnoremap es :FufBuffer! nnoremap ed :FufBuffer! nnoremap ee :FufFileWithCurrentBuffer! nnoremap efm :FufMruFile! nnoremap efj :FufMruFileInCwd! nnoremap eft :FufTag! nnoremap efT :FufTagWithCursorWord! autocmd FileType fuf nmap autocmd FileType fuf execute 'NeoComplCacheLock' let g:fuf_splitPathMatching = ' ' let g:fuf_patternSeparator = ' ' let g:fuf_modesDisable = ['mrucmd'] let g:fuf_mrufile_exclude = '\v\~$|\.bak$|\.swp|\.howm$' let g:fuf_mrufile_maxItem = 10000 let g:fuf_enumeratingLimit = 20 let g:fuf_previewHeight = 20 command! FufGitGrep call fuf#script#launch('', 0, 'GitGrep>', 'bash', $HOME . '/bin/ggrep', 0) " Visualモードのpで上書きされたテキストをレジスタに入れない vnoremap p "_c" " acp.vim let g:acp_behaviorHtmlOmniLength = -1 let g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniMethodLength = -1 let g:acp_behaviorRubyOmniSymbolLength = -1 " autocmd CmdwinEnter * AutoComplPopDisable " autocmd CmdwinLeave * AutoComplPopEnable " Insert モード抜けたら nopaste autocmd InsertLeave * set nopaste " ack.vim let g:AckAllFiles=0 " もとの ga を gA に割り当て nnoremap gA ga " ga を / レジスタで :Ack 検索、 nnoremap ga :silent exec ':Ack ' . substitute(getreg('/'), '\v\\\<(.*)\\\>', "\\1", '') " ウィンドウの高さを選択範囲と同じになるよう調整 vnoremap _ `") - line("'<") + 1) 'wincmd' '_' " :Source で選択部分だけ vimscript る " command! -range=% Source split `=tempname()` | call append(0, getbufline('#', , )) | write | source % | bdelete " autoread 時に source しなおす " autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost {*.vim,*vimrc} if &autoread | source | endif " - も fname に含む autocmd BufRead * setlocal isfname+=- " どこかの plugin で上書きされてる? set isfname+=- " QuickFix のサイズ調整,自動で抜ける function! s:autoCloseQuickFix() let qllen = min([10, len(getqflist())]) cclose if qllen execute 'cw' . qllen normal endif redraw endfunction autocmd QuickFixCmdPost * :call s:autoCloseQuickFix() " quickfix を閉じる nnoremap ec :cclose " jptemplate.vim let g:jpTemplateKey = '' " 適当なテンポラリファイルの作成 command! -nargs=0 NewTmp :new `=tempname().'.vim'` " 適当に CSS を JS ぽく変換 function! CSSToJS(sLine, eLine) let prefix = ':' . a:sLine . ',' . a:eLine . 'substitute' let cmd = prefix . '/\v\-([a-z])/\u\1/g' silent execute cmd let cmd = prefix . '/\v;?$/";' silent execute cmd let cmd = prefix . '/\v:\s*/ = "/' silent execute cmd endfunction command! -range CSSToJS :call CSSToJS(, ) noremap! noremap! noremap! noremap! noremap! noremap! inoremap (pumvisible() ? "\" : "\") noremap! " {{{ QFixHowm.vim let QFixHowm_Key = 'g' if has('win32') let howm_dir = 'c:/dropbox/My Dropbox/howm' let QFixHowm_MruFile = 'c:/dropbox/My Dropbox/howm/.howm-mru' else let howm_dir = '~/Dropbox/howm' let QFixHowm_MruFile = '~/Dropbox/howm/.howm-mru' end let howm_filename = '%Y/%m/%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.howm' let howm_fileencoding = 'utf-8' let howm_fileformat = 'unix' let QFixHowm_MruFileMax = 50 let QFixHowm_Title = '=' " let disable_MyQFix = 1 "タイトルに何も書かれていない場合、エントリ内から適当な文を探して設定する。 ""文字数は半角換算で最大 QFixHowm_Replace_Title_len 文字まで使用する。0なら何もしない。 "let QFixHowm_Replace_Title_Len = 64 "対象になるのは QFixHowm_Replace_Title_Pattern "の正規表現に一致するタイトルパターン。 ""デフォルトでは次の正規表現が設定されている。 "let QFixHowm_Replace_Title_Pattern = '^'.g:QFixHowm_Title.'\s*$' "新規エントリの際、本文から書き始める。 "let QFixHowm_Cmd_New = "i".QFixHowm_Title." \\=strftime(\"[%Y-%m-%d%H:%M]\")\\\$" "",Cで挿入される新規エントリのコマンド "let QFixHowm_Key_Cmd_C = "o".QFixHowm_Cmd_New " }}} " omnifunc を適当に有効化 " if has("autocmd") && exists("+omnifunc") " autocmd Filetype * " \ if &omnifunc == "" | " \ setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete | " \ endif " endif " noexpandtab するディレクトリを指定 autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead */chromekeyconfig/* setlocal noexpandtab " debuglet autocmd BufWritePost */debuglet.js silent! execute '!debuglet.rb %' autocmd BufNewFile */debuglet.js silent! execute 'r!debuglet.rb' " NeoCompleCache.vim let g:neocomplcache_enable_at_startup = 1 let g:neocomplcache_enable_auto_select = 1 " Use smartcase. let g:neocomplcache_enable_ignore_case = 0 let g:neocomplcache_enable_smart_case = 1 " Use camel case completion. let g:neocomplcache_enable_camel_case_completion = 1 " Use underbar completion. let g:neocomplcache_enable_underbar_completion = 1 " Set minimum syntax keyword length. let g:neocomplcache_min_syntax_length = 3 let g:neocomplcache_enable_quick_match = 1 let g:neocomplcache_enable_wildcard = 1 nnoremap ent :NeoComplCacheCachingTags imap neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable() ? "\(neocomplcache_snippets_expand)" : pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " : close popup and save indent. " inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup() . (&indentexpr != '' " ? "\\X\":"\") " : completion. inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " , : close popup and delete backword char. inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplcache#smart_close_popup()."\" inoremap neocomplcache#close_popup() inoremap neocomplcache#cancel_popup() imap (neocomplcache_snippets_expand) smap (neocomplcache_snippets_expand) inoremap neocomplcache#undo_completion() inoremap neocomplcache#complete_common_string() imap neocomplcache#sources#snippets_complete#expandable() ? "\(neocomplcache_snippets_expand)" : pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" " quickrun let g:quickrun_config = { \ '*': {'runmode': 'async:vimproc'}, \ } " easymotion let g:EasyMotion_keys = 'asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnmASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM' nnoremap mm :call EasyMotionW(0, 2) vnoremap mm :call EasyMotionW(1, 2) nnoremap mM :call EasyMotionF(0, 2) vnoremap mM :call EasyMotionF(1, 2) " highlight whitespace highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=red guibg=red match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/ " from " command! -bar -range=% Trim :,s/\s\+$//e " Ruby HashSyntax 1.8 to 1.9 command! -bar -range=% NotRocket :,s/:\(\w\+\)\s*=>/\1:/ge vnoremap gr :NotRocket " load ~/.vimrc.local if filereadable(expand('$HOME/.vimrc.local')) source ~/.vimrc.local endif