* @author Jon Parise * @category Horde * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/apache ASL * @package Turba */ class Turba_Driver_Ldap extends Turba_Driver { /** * Handle for the current LDAP connection. * * @var resource */ protected $_ds = 0; /** * Cache _getSyntax() calls. * * @var array */ protected $_syntaxCache = array(); /** * Constructs a new Turba LDAP driver object. * * @param string $name The source name * @param array $params Hash containing additional configuration parameters. * * @return Turba_Driver_Ldap */ public function __construct($name = '', array $params = array()) { if (!Horde_Util::extensionExists('ldap')) { throw new Turba_Exception(_("LDAP support is required but the LDAP module is not available or not loaded.")); } $params = array_merge(array( 'charset' => '', 'deref' => LDAP_DEREF_NEVER, 'multiple_entry_separator' => ', ', 'port' => 389, 'root' => '', 'scope' => 'sub', 'server' => 'localhost' ), $params); parent::__construct($name, $params); } /** * Initiate LDAP connection. * * Not done in __construct(), only when a read or write action is * necessary. */ protected function _connect() { if ($this->_ds) { return; } if (!($this->_ds = @ldap_connect($this->_params['server'], $this->_params['port']))) { throw new Turba_Exception(_("Connection failure")); } /* Set the LDAP protocol version. */ if (!empty($this->_params['version'])) { @ldap_set_option($this->_ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $this->_params['version']); } /* Set the LDAP deref option for dereferencing aliases. */ if (!empty($this->_params['deref'])) { @ldap_set_option($this->_ds, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, $this->_params['deref']); } /* Set the LDAP referrals. */ if (!empty($this->_params['referrals'])) { @ldap_set_option($this->_ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $this->_params['referrals']); } /* Start TLS if we're using it. */ if (!empty($this->_params['tls']) && !@ldap_start_tls($this->_ds)) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("STARTTLS failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } /* Bind to the server. */ if (isset($this->_params['bind_dn']) && isset($this->_params['bind_password'])) { $error = !@ldap_bind($this->_ds, $this->_params['bind_dn'], $this->_params['bind_password']); } else { $error = !(@ldap_bind($this->_ds)); } if ($error) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Bind failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } } /** * Extends parent function to build composed fields needed for the dn * based on the contents of $this->map. * * @param array $hash Hash using Turba keys. * * @return array Translated version of $hash. */ public function toDriverKeys(array $hash) { // First check for combined fields in the dn-fields and add them. if (is_array($this->_params['dn'])) { foreach ($this->_params['dn'] as $param) { foreach ($this->map as $turbaname => $ldapname) { if ((is_array($ldapname)) && (isset($ldapname['attribute'])) && ($ldapname['attribute'] == $param)) { $fieldarray = array(); foreach ($ldapname['fields'] as $mapfield) { $fieldarray[] = isset($hash[$mapfield]) ? $hash[$mapfield] : ''; } $hash[$turbaname] = Turba::formatCompositeField($ldapname['format'], $fieldarray); } } } } // Now convert the turba-fieldnames to ldap-fieldnames return parent::toDriverKeys($hash); } /** * Searches the LDAP directory with the given criteria and returns * a filtered list of results. If no criteria are specified, all * records are returned. * * @param array $criteria Array containing the search criteria. * @param array $fields List of fields to return. * @param array $blobFields Fields that contain binary data. * * @return array Hash containing the search results. * @throws Turba_Exception */ protected function _search(array $criteria, array $fields, array $blobFields = array(), $count_only = false) { $this->_connect(); /* Build the LDAP filter. */ $filter = ''; if (count($criteria)) { foreach ($criteria as $key => $vals) { if ($key == 'OR') { $filter .= '(|' . $this->_buildSearchQuery($vals) . ')'; } elseif ($key == 'AND') { $filter .= '(&' . $this->_buildSearchQuery($vals) . ')'; } } } elseif (!empty($this->_params['objectclass'])) { /* Filter on objectclass. */ $filter = Horde_Ldap_Filter::build(array('objectclass' => $this->_params['objectclass']), 'or'); } /* Add source-wide filters, which are _always_ AND-ed. */ if (!empty($this->_params['filter'])) { $filter = '(&' . '(' . $this->_params['filter'] . ')' . $filter . ')'; } /* Four11 (at least) doesn't seem to return 'cn' if you don't * ask for 'sn' as well. Add 'sn' implicitly. */ $attr = $fields; if (!in_array('sn', $attr)) { $attr[] = 'sn'; } /* Add a sizelimit, if specified. Default is 0, which means no * limit. Note: You cannot override a server-side limit with * this. */ $sizelimit = 0; if (!empty($this->_params['sizelimit'])) { $sizelimit = $this->_params['sizelimit']; } /* Log the query at a DEBUG log level. */ Horde::log(sprintf( 'LDAP query by Turba_Driver_ldap::_search(): user = %s, root = %s (%s); filter = "%s"; attributes = "%s"; deref = "%s" ; sizelimit = %d', $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth(), $this->_params['root'], $this->_params['server'], $filter, implode(', ', $attr), $this->_params['deref'], $sizelimit ), 'DEBUG'); /* Send the query to the LDAP server and fetch the matching * entries. */ $func = ($this->_params['scope'] == 'one') ? 'ldap_list' : 'ldap_search'; if (!($res = @$func($this->_ds, $this->_params['root'], $filter, $attr, 0, $sizelimit))) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Query failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } return $count_only ? count($this->_getResults($fields, $res)) : $this->_getResults($fields, $res); } /** * Reads the LDAP directory for a given element and returns the results. * * @param string $key The primary key field to use. * @param mixed $ids The ids of the contacts to load. * @param string $owner Only return contacts owned by this user. * @param array $fields List of fields to return. * @param array $blobFields Array of fields containing binary data. * @param array $dateFields Array of fields containing date data. * @since 4.2.0 * * @return array Hash containing the search results. * @throws Horde_Exception_NotFound */ protected function _read($key, $ids, $owner, array $fields, array $blobFields = array(), array $dateFields = array()) { /* Only DN. */ if ($key != 'dn') { return array(); } $this->_connect(); if (empty($this->_params['objectclass'])) { $filter = null; } else { $filter = (string)Horde_Ldap_Filter::build(array('objectclass' => $this->_params['objectclass']), 'or'); } /* Four11 (at least) doesn't seem to return 'cn' if you don't * ask for 'sn' as well. Add 'sn' implicitly. */ $attr = $fields; if (!in_array('sn', $attr)) { $attr[] = 'sn'; } /* Handle a request for multiple records. */ if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids)) { $results = array(); foreach ($ids as $d) { $res = @ldap_read($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($d, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $filter, $attr); if ($res) { $results = array_merge($results, $this->_getResults($fields, $res)); } else { throw new Horde_Exception_NotFound(sprintf(_("Read failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } } return $results; } $res = @ldap_read($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($this->_params['root'], 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $filter, $attr); if (!$res) { throw new Horde_Exception_NotFound(sprintf(_("Read failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } return $this->_getResults($fields, $res); } /** * Adds the specified contact to the addressbook. * * @param array $attributes The attribute values of the contact. * @param array $blob_fields Fields that represent binary data. * @param array $date_fields Fields that represent dates. @since 4.2.0 * * @throws Turba_Exception */ protected function _add(array $attributes, array $blob_fields = array(), array $date_fields = array()) { if (empty($attributes['dn'])) { throw new Turba_Exception('Tried to add an object with no dn: [' . serialize($attributes) . '].'); } if (empty($this->_params['objectclass'])) { throw new Turba_Exception('Tried to add an object with no objectclass: [' . serialize($attributes) . '].'); } $this->_connect(); /* Take the DN out of the attributes array. */ $dn = $attributes['dn']; unset($attributes['dn']); /* Put the objectClass into the attributes array. */ if (!is_array($this->_params['objectclass'])) { $attributes['objectclass'] = $this->_params['objectclass']; } else { $i = 0; foreach ($this->_params['objectclass'] as $objectclass) { $attributes['objectclass'][$i++] = $objectclass; } } /* Don't add empty attributes. */ $attributes = array_filter($attributes, array($this, '_emptyAttributeFilter')); /* If a required attribute doesn't exist, add a dummy * value. */ if (!empty($this->_params['checkrequired'])) { $required = $this->_checkRequiredAttributes($this->_params['objectclass']); foreach ($required as $v) { if (!isset($attributes[$v])) { $attributes[$v] = $this->_params['checkrequired_string']; } } } $this->_encodeAttributes($attributes); if (!@ldap_add($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($dn, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $attributes)) { throw new Turba_Exception('Failed to add an object: [' . ldap_errno($this->_ds) . '] "' . ldap_error($this->_ds) . '" DN: ' . $dn . ' (attributes: [' . serialize($attributes) . '])'); } } /** * TODO * * @return boolean TODO */ protected function _canAdd() { return true; } /** * Deletes the specified entry from the LDAP directory. * * @param string $object_key * @param string $object_id * * @throws Turba_Exception */ protected function _delete($object_key, $object_id) { if ($object_key != 'dn') { throw new Turba_Exception(_("Invalid key specified.")); } $this->_connect(); if (!@ldap_delete($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($object_id, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']))) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Delete failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } } /** * Modifies the specified entry in the LDAP directory. * * @param Turba_Object $object The object we wish to save. * * @return string The object id, possibly updated. * @throw Turba_Exception */ protected function _save(Turba_Object $object) { $this->_connect(); list($object_key, $object_id) = each($this->toDriverKeys(array('__key' => $object->getValue('__key')))); $attributes = $this->toDriverKeys($object->getAttributes()); /* Get the old entry so that we can access the old * values. These are needed so that we can delete any * attributes that have been removed by using ldap_mod_del. */ if (empty($this->_params['objectclass'])) { $filter = null; } else { $filter = (string)Horde_Ldap_Filter::build(array('objectclass' => $this->_params['objectclass']), 'or'); } $oldres = @ldap_read($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($object_id, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $filter, array_merge(array_keys($attributes), array('objectclass'))); $info = ldap_get_attributes($this->_ds, ldap_first_entry($this->_ds, $oldres)); if ($this->_params['version'] == 3 && Horde_String::lower(str_replace(array(',', '"'), array('\\2C', ''), $this->_makeKey($attributes))) != Horde_String::lower(str_replace(',', '\\2C', $object_id))) { /* Need to rename the object. */ $newrdn = $this->_makeRDN($attributes); if ($newrdn == '') { throw new Turba_Exception(_("Missing DN in LDAP source configuration.")); } if (ldap_rename($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($object_id, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), Horde_String::convertCharset($newrdn, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $this->_params['root'], true)) { $object_id = $newrdn . ',' . $this->_params['root']; } else { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Failed to change name: (%s) %s; Old DN = %s, New DN = %s, Root = %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds), $object_id, $newrdn, $this->_params['root'])); } } /* Work only with lowercase keys. */ $info = array_change_key_case($info, CASE_LOWER); $attributes = array_change_key_case($attributes, CASE_LOWER); foreach ($info as $key => $var) { $oldval = null; /* Check to see if the old value and the new value are * different and that the new value is empty. If so then * we use ldap_mod_del to delete the attribute. */ if (isset($attributes[$key]) && ($var[0] != $attributes[$key]) && $attributes[$key] == '') { $oldval[$key] = $var[0]; if (!@ldap_mod_del($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($object_id, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $oldval)) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Modify failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } unset($attributes[$key]); } elseif (isset($attributes[$key]) && $var[0] == $attributes[$key]) { /* Drop unchanged elements from list of attributes to write. */ unset($attributes[$key]); } } unset($attributes[Horde_String::lower($object_key)]); $this->_encodeAttributes($attributes); $attributes = array_filter($attributes, array($this, '_emptyAttributeFilter')); /* Modify objectclasses only if they really changed. */ $oldClasses = array_map(array('Horde_String', 'lower'), $info['objectclass']); array_shift($oldClasses); $attributes['objectclass'] = array_unique(array_map('strtolower', array_merge($info['objectclass'], $this->_params['objectclass']))); unset($attributes['objectclass']['count']); $attributes['objectclass'] = array_values($attributes['objectclass']); /* Do not handle object classes unless they have changed. */ if ((!array_diff($oldClasses, $attributes['objectclass']))) { unset($attributes['objectclass']); } if (!@ldap_modify($this->_ds, Horde_String::convertCharset($object_id, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']), $attributes)) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Modify failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } return $object_id; } /** * Build a RDN based on a set of attributes and what attributes * make a RDN for the current source. * * @param array $attributes The attributes (in driver keys) of the * object being added. * * @return string The RDN for the new object. */ protected function _makeRDN(array $attributes) { if (!is_array($this->_params['dn'])) { return ''; } return Horde_Ldap::quoteDN( self::_makeRDNhelper($attributes, $this->_params['dn']) ); } /** * Helper function for _makeRDN(). * * Recursively builds the (possibly nested) attribute-value array to build * a DN. Nested arrays will be joined with the '+' character, see * Horde_Ldap::quoteDN(). * * @param array $attributes The attributes (in driver keys) of the object * being added. * @param array $dn The array describing how the DN should be * built. * * @return string The array to be passed to Horde_Ldap::quoteDN(). */ protected function _makeRDNhelper(array $attributes, array $dn) { $pairs = array(); foreach ($dn as $param) { if (is_array($param)) { $pairs[] = self::_makeRDNhelper($attributes, $param); } else { if (isset($attributes[$param])) { $pairs[] = array($param, $attributes[$param]); } } } return $pairs; } /** * Build a DN based on a set of attributes and what attributes * make a DN for the current source. * * @param array $attributes The attributes (in driver keys) of the * object being added. * * @return string The DN for the new object. */ protected function _makeKey(array $attributes) { return $this->_makeRDN($attributes) . ',' . $this->_params['root']; } /** * Build a piece of a search query. * * @param array $criteria The array of criteria. * * @return string An LDAP query fragment. */ protected function _buildSearchQuery(array $criteria) { $clause = ''; foreach ($criteria as $key => $vals) { if (!empty($vals['OR']) || $key === 'OR') { $clause .= '(|' . $this->_buildSearchQuery($vals) . ')'; } elseif (!empty($vals['AND'])) { $clause .= '(&' . $this->_buildSearchQuery($vals) . ')'; } else { if (isset($vals['field'])) { $rhs = Horde_String::convertCharset($vals['test'], 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']); $clause .= Horde_Ldap::buildClause($vals['field'], $vals['op'], $rhs, array('begin' => !empty($vals['begin']))); } else { foreach ($vals as $test) { if (!empty($test['OR'])) { $clause .= '(|' . $this->_buildSearchQuery($test) . ')'; } elseif (!empty($test['AND'])) { $clause .= '(&' . $this->_buildSearchQuery($test) . ')'; } else { $rhs = Horde_String::convertCharset($test['test'], 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']); $clause .= Horde_Ldap::buildClause($test['field'], $test['op'], $rhs, array('begin' => !empty($vals['begin']))); } } } } } return $clause; } /** * Get some results from a result identifier and clean them up. * * @param array $fields List of fields to return. * @param resource $res Result identifier. * * @return array Hash containing the results. * @throws Turba_Exception */ protected function _getResults(array $fields, $res) { $entries = @ldap_get_entries($this->_ds, $res); if ($entries === false) { throw new Turba_Exception(sprintf(_("Read failed: (%s) %s"), ldap_errno($this->_ds), ldap_error($this->_ds))); } /* Return only the requested fields (from $fields, above). */ $results = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $entries['count']; ++$i) { $entry = $entries[$i]; $result = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_l = Horde_String::lower($field); if ($field == 'dn') { $result[$field] = Horde_String::convertCharset($entry[$field_l], $this->_params['charset'], 'UTF-8'); } else { $result[$field] = ''; if (!empty($entry[$field_l])) { for ($j = 0; $j < $entry[$field_l]['count']; $j++) { if (!empty($result[$field])) { $result[$field] .= $this->_params['multiple_entry_separator']; } $result[$field] .= Horde_String::convertCharset($entry[$field_l][$j], $this->_params['charset'], 'UTF-8'); } /* If schema checking is enabled check the * backend syntax. */ if (!empty($this->_params['checksyntax'])) { $postal = $this->_isPostalAddress($field_l); } else { /* Otherwise rely on the attribute mapping * in attributes.php. */ $attr = array_search($field_l, $this->map); $postal = (!empty($attr) && !empty($GLOBALS['attributes'][$attr]) && $GLOBALS['attributes'][$attr]['type'] == 'address'); } if ($postal) { $result[$field] = str_replace('$', "\r\n", $result[$field]); } } } } $results[] = $result; } return $results; } /** * Remove empty attributes from attributes array. * * @param mixed $val Value from attributes array. * * @return boolean Boolean used by array_filter. */ protected function _emptyAttributeFilter($var) { if (!is_array($var)) { return ($var != ''); } if (!count($var)) { return false; } foreach ($var as $v) { if ($v == '') { return false; } } return true; } /** * Format and encode attributes including postal addresses, * character set encoding, etc. * * @param array $attributes The attributes array. */ protected function _encodeAttributes(&$attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) { /* If schema checking is enabled check the backend syntax. */ if (!empty($this->_params['checksyntax'])) { $postal = $this->_isPostalAddress($key); } else { /* Otherwise rely on the attribute mapping in * attributes.php. */ $attr = array_search($key, $this->map); $postal = (!empty($attr) && !empty($val) && !empty($GLOBALS['attributes'][$attr]) && $GLOBALS['attributes'][$attr]['type'] == 'address'); } if ($postal) { /* Correctly store postal addresses. */ $val = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), '$', $val); } if (!is_array($val)) { $attributes[$key] = Horde_String::convertCharset($val, 'UTF-8', $this->_params['charset']); } } } /** * Returns a list of required attributes. * * @param array $objectclasses List of objectclasses that should be * checked for required attributes. * * @return array List of attribute names of the specified objectclasses * that have been configured as being required. * @throws Turba_Exception */ protected function _checkRequiredAttributes(array $objectclasses) { $ldap = new Horde_Ldap($this->_convertParameters($this->_params)); $schema = $ldap->schema(); $retval = array(); foreach ($objectclasses as $oc) { if (Horde_String::lower($oc) == 'top') { continue; } $required = $schema->must($oc, true); if (is_array($required)) { foreach ($required as $v) { if ($this->_isString($v)) { $retval[] = Horde_String::lower($v); } } } } return $retval; } /** * Checks if an attribute refers to a string. * * @param string $attribute An attribute name. * * @return boolean True if the specified attribute refers to a string. */ protected function _isString($attribute) { $syntax = $this->_getSyntax($attribute); /* Syntaxes we want to allow, i.e. no integers. * Syntaxes have the form: *$n{$y} * ... where $n is the integer used below and $y is a sizelimit. */ $okSyntax = array( 44 => 1, /* Printable string. */ 41 => 1, /* Postal address. */ 39 => 1, /* Other mailbox. */ 34 => 1, /* Name and optional UID. */ 26 => 1, /* IA5 string. */ 15 => 1, /* Directory string. */ ); return (preg_match('/^(.*)\.(\d+)\{\d+\}$/', $syntax, $matches) && ($matches[1] == "") && isset($okSyntax[$matches[2]])); } /** * Checks if an attribute refers to a Postal Address. * * @param string $attribute An attribute name. * * @return boolean True if the specified attribute refers to a Postal * Address. */ protected function _isPostalAddress($attribute) { /* LDAP postal address syntax is * */ return ($this->_getSyntax($attribute) == ''); } /** * Returns the syntax of an attribute, if necessary recursively. * * @param string $att Attribute name. * * @return string Attribute syntax. * @throws Turba_Exception */ protected function _getSyntax($att) { $ldap = new Horde_Ldap($this->_convertParameters($this->_params)); $schema = $ldap->schema(); if (!isset($this->_syntaxCache[$att])) { $attv = $schema->get('attribute', $att); $this->_syntaxCache[$att] = isset($attv['syntax']) ? $attv['syntax'] : $this->_getSyntax($attv['sup'][0]); } return $this->_syntaxCache[$att]; } /** * Converts Turba connection parameter so Horde_Ldap parameters. * * @param array $in Turba parameters. * * @return array Horde_Ldap parameters. */ protected function _convertParameters(array $in) { $map = array( 'server' => 'hostspec', 'port' => 'port', 'tls' => 'tls', 'version' => 'version', 'root' => 'basedn', 'bind_dn' => 'binddn', 'bind_password' => 'bindpw', // can both be specified in Turba but only one in Horde_Ldap. //'objectclass', //'filter' => 'filter', 'scope' => 'scope', // charset is always utf-8 //'charset', // Not yet implemented. //'deref', //'referrals', //'sizelimit', //'dn', ); $out = array(); foreach ($in as $key => $value) { if (isset($map[$key])) { $out[$map[$key]] = $value; } } return $out; } }