import Foundation /// A type which can be decoded using our data type /// /// - Note: This differs from `Decodable` intentionally; `Decodable` does not support `Any` types or JSON well when the /// results are extremely dynamic. This limitation requires that we do it ourselves. public protocol HADataDecodable: HADecodeTransformable { /// Create an instance from data /// One day, if Decodable can handle 'Any' types well, this can be init(decoder:). /// /// - Parameter data: The data to decode /// - Throws: When unable to decode init(data: HAData) throws } public extension HADataDecodable { /// Create a `HADataDecodable` instance via `.decode(…)` indirection /// - Parameter value: The value to convert to HAData for the init /// - Throws: When unable to decode /// - Returns: The decodable initialized with the given value static func decode(unknown value: Any) throws -> Self? { try .init(data: HAData(value: value)) } } extension Array: HADataDecodable where Element: HADataDecodable { /// Construct an array of decodable elements /// - Parameter data: The data to decode /// - Throws: When unable to decode, e.g. the data isn't an array public init(data: HAData) throws { guard case let .array(array) = data else { throw HADataError.couldntTransform(key: "root") } try self.init( { try Element(data: $0) }) } } /// Parse error public enum HADataError: Error, Equatable { /// The given key was missing case missingKey(String) /// The given key was present but the type could not be converted case incorrectType(key: String, expected: String, actual: String) /// The given key was present but couldn't be converted case couldntTransform(key: String) } public extension HAData { /// Convenience access to the dictionary case for a particular key, with an expected type /// /// - Parameter key: The key to look up in `dictionary` case /// - Throws: If the key was not present in the dictionary or the type was not the expected type or convertable /// - Returns: The value from the dictionary func decode(_ key: String) throws -> T { guard case let .dictionary(dictionary) = self, let value = dictionary[key] else { throw HADataError.missingKey(key) } // Not the prettiest, but we need to super duper promise to the compiler that we're returning a good value if let type = T.self as? HADecodeTransformable.Type, let inside = try type.decode(unknown: value) as? T { return inside } if let value = value as? T { // Avoid full JSON cache when using JSONSerialization and referencing NSString if var valueString = value as? String { valueString.makeContiguousUTF8() return valueString as? T ?? value } else { return value } } throw HADataError.incorrectType( key: key, expected: String(describing: T.self), actual: String(describing: type(of: value)) ) } /// Convenience access to the dictionary case for a particular key, with an expected type, with a transform applied /// /// - Parameters: /// - key: The key to look up in `dictionary` case /// - transform: The transform to apply to the value, when found /// - Throws: If the key was not present in the dictionary or the type was not the expected type or the value /// couldn't be transformed /// - Returns: The value from the dictionary func decode(_ key: String, transform: (Value) throws -> Transform?) throws -> Transform { let base: Value = try decode(key) guard let transformed = try transform(base) else { throw HADataError.couldntTransform(key: key) } return transformed } /// Convenience access to the dictionary case for a particular key, with an expected type /// /// - Parameters: /// - key: The key to look up in `dictionary` case /// - fallback: The fallback value to use if not found in the dictionary /// - Throws: If the inner fallback block throws /// - Returns: The value from the dictionary func decode(_ key: String, fallback: @autoclosure () throws -> T) rethrows -> T { guard let value: T = try? decode(key) else { return try fallback() } return value } }