What's new in Agent Mulder ========================== v1.2.9.2 ====== + ReSharper 9.2 support! v1.2.0 ====== + ReSharper 9.1 support! * Many, MANY bug fixes! v1.1.2 ====== + Added support for ReSharper 8.2 (installed via the Extensions Gallery) v1.1.1 ====== + Added support for ReSharper 8.1 (installed via the Extensions Gallery) v1.1.0.0 ======== + Added support for ReSharper 8 (installed via the Extensions Gallery) Agent Mulder now supports ReSharper 6, 7 and 8 + Added support for SimpleInjector (https://github.com/hmemcpy/AgentMulder/wiki/Simple-Injector) * Fixed several performace issues ! Known issue: "Navigate to..." feature is currently disabled! v1.0.5.1 ======== * Fixed StructureMap, so types having private constructors aren't picked up during scan v1.0.5 ====== + ReSharper 7.1 support (7.0 support removed, please upgrade to 7.1) + Support for StructureMap (https://github.com/hmemcpy/AgentMulder/wiki/StructureMap) + Support for Catel IoC (part of Catel framework) (https://github.com/hmemcpy/AgentMulder/wiki/Catel-IoC) * Numerous performace improvements and bug fixes v1.0.4.2 ====== * Fixed a navigation issue caused by ReSharper 7 API change in build 80 (RSRP-321616) Note: you should update ReSharper 7 to the latest version ( at the time of writing) v1.0.4.1 ======== + Adding support for ReSharper 7 (known issue: icon is different) v1.0.4 ====== + Initial support for Autofac (https://github.com/hmemcpy/AgentMulder/wiki/Autofac) * Miscellaneous bug fixes v1.0.3.1 - Hotfix ================= * Fixed a bug where Ninject registration wasn't picked up by Agent Mulder (issue #10) v1.0.3 ====== + Initial support for Unity (https://github.com/hmemcpy/AgentMulder/wiki/Unity) v1.0.2 ====== + Initial support for Ninject (https://github.com/hmemcpy/AgentMulder/wiki/Ninject) v1.0.1 ====== + Castle Windsor: Added support for .Pick() + Castle Windsor: Added support for .Where() that takes in the following methods: * Component.HasAttribute (as a method group, not lambda expression) * Component.IsInNamespace * Component.IsInSameNamespaceAs (both generic and non-generic) + Added a new installer, based on the free edition of Advanced Installer (http://www.advancedinstaller.com) v1.0.0 ====== * First public release + Support for Castle Windsor