/* Andon.js - Bind DOM with Firebase Requirements: jQuery and firebase.js NOTE: All api may change in the prototype phase. TODO: update form TODO: on("value") for a single object TODO: The data attribute name "data-name" doesn't seem to be appropriate? "data-andon"? Author: Hiroshi Saito License: CC BY 2.0 */ Andon = { version: "0.0.0", // yet prototype version filters: { "safe": function(val) { return val; } // placeholder }, debug: false // If true, print some log in console. } /* Andon.bind($target, firebase, options) Bind a jquery object with a firebase reference or query. Arguments: $target: Target jQuery object. $target.children(".template").length > 0: use on("child_added"), otherwise on("value") firebase: Firebase reference or query options: prepend: (default: true) If true prepend children to $target otherwise append them. Data attributes: data-name: Format: name[:reference][|filter1|filter2|...] Examples: "title" -> $(this).text(val); "title|safe" -> $(this).html(val); "user_id:/users/$/nickname" */ Andon.bind = function ($target, firebase, options) { options = $.extend({prepend: true}, options) var child_template = $target.children(".template"); if (child_template.length > 0) { firebase.on("child_added", function(childSnapshot) { Andon.debugLog("child_added: " + childSnapshot.ref().path); var $child = child_template.clone().removeClass("template") .attr("data-path", childSnapshot.ref().path.toString()); if (options.prepend) { $target.prepend($child); } else { $target.append($child); } $child.find("[data-name]").each(function() { var $name = $(this); var name_and_filters = $name.data("name").split("|"); var name_and_ref = name_and_filters[0].split(":"); var name = name_and_ref[0]; var ref = name_and_ref[1]; var path = name.replace(".", "/"); var filters = name_and_filters.slice(1); //var func = options.functions[name]; childSnapshot.ref().child(path).on("value", function(valueSnapshot) { Andon.debugLog("value: " + valueSnapshot.ref().path); if (ref) { // e.g. "/users/$/nickname" -> "/users/1234/nickname" var ref_path = ref.replace("$", valueSnapshot.val()); var base_ref = childSnapshot.ref(); if (ref_path[0] == '/') { base_ref = base_ref.root(); } base_ref.child(ref_path).on("value", function(valRefSnapshot) { $name.html(Andon.applyFilters(valRefSnapshot.val(), filters)); }); } $name.html(Andon.applyFilters(valueSnapshot.val(), filters)); }); }); }); firebase.on("child_removed", function(childSnapshot) { Andon.debugLog("child_removed: " + childSnapshot.ref().path); var path = childSnapshot.ref().path.toString(); var $child = $target.children("[data-path='" + path + "']").detach(); $child.remove(); }); firebase.on("child_moved", function(childSnapshot, prevChildName) { Andon.debugLog("child_moved: " + childSnapshot.ref().path); var path = childSnapshot.ref().path.toString(); var prev_path = prevChildName ? path.replace(childSnapshot.name(), prevChildName) : null; var $child = $target.children("[data-path='" + path + "']").detach(); if (options.prepend) { if (prev_path) { $target.children("[data-path='" + prev_path + "']").before($child); } else { $target.prepend($child); } } else { if (prev_path) { $target.children("[data-path='" + prev_path + "']").after($child); } else { $target.append($child); } } }); } else { console.error("Not implemented yet."); } } /* Andon.bind($form, firebase, options) Bind a jquery object for a form with a firebase reference or query. options: before: function(val) */ Andon.form = function ($form, firebase, options) { var path = firebase.path.toString(); $form.attr("action", path); $form.on("submit", function(e) { var form = this; var val = $(form).serializeObject(); if (options.before) { options.before(val); } firebase.push(val, function(error) { if (!error) { form.reset(); } else { console.error(error); } }); return false; }); } /* Register a filter */ Andon.registerFilter = function (name, func) { Andon.filters[name] = func; } /* Internal functions */ Andon.applyFilters = function (val, filters) { filters.forEach(function(filter) { var func = Andon.filters[filter]; if (func) { val = func(val); } else { console.error("Andon.js: No such filter: " + filter); } }); if (filters.indexOf("safe") == -1) { val = $("
    return val;
Andon.debugLog = function (message) {
    if (this.debug) {
        console.debug("Andon: " + message);
  jQuery extension SerializeObject
if (!$.fn.serializeObject) {
    $.fn.serializeObject = function() {
        var o = {};
        var a = this.serializeArray();
        $.each(a, function() {
            if (o[this.name] !== undefined) {
                if (!o[this.name].push) {
                    o[this.name] = [o[this.name]];
                o[this.name].push(this.value || '');
            } else {
                o[this.name] = this.value || '';
        return o;