#!/usr/bin/perl # # rip44d # # A naive custom RIPv2 daemon to receive RIP updates from the # 44/8 ampr.org routing service, and insert them in the # Linux routing table. # # # This software is free. # It is licensed under the EVVKTVH / ICCLEIYSIUYA license # (public domain, no warranty of any sort). # http://evvk.com/evvktvh.html#english # # # Version history: # # v1.0 - 2011-09-13 Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZB # * Initial published version # # v1.1 - 2011-09-14 Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZB # * Enable multicast on the tunnel interface automatically # # v1.2 - 2012-01-01 Ronald Jochems, PD1ACF and Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZB # * Added syslog functionality, using module: http://perldoc.perl.org/Sys/Syslog.html # * Fixed to use CIDR format when calling /sbin/ip, to support older distributions # # v1.3 - 2013-04-11 Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZB # * write pid file and lock it to prevent running multiple copies # * fix a bug in interim version after 1.2: added routes with wrong prefix length # # v1.4 - 2013-10-01 Heikki Hannikainen, OH7LZB # * Set up an initial dummy route for at startup to prevent # rp_filter from dropping incoming RIP packets # # Things to do in the future: # # - support for better authentication, if one would be supported # - support for multiple RIP masters, to fix the single point of failure # - support for sig-hup message, to remove the routing entries again without manual intervention # use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::Multicast; use Getopt::Std; use Sys::Syslog; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use constant { RIP_HDR_LEN => 4, RIP_ENTRY_LEN => 2+2+4*4, RIP_CMD_REQUEST => 1, RIP_CMD_RESPONSE => 2, RIP_AUTH_PASSWD => 2, AF_INET => 2, }; my $rip_passwd; my $tunnel_if = 'tunl0'; my $route_table = ''; my $routebin = '/sbin/ip'; my $ifconfig = '/sbin/ifconfig'; my $pidfile = '/var/run/rip44d.pid'; my $verbose = 0; my $udp_port = 520; my $log_syslog = 0; # Local gateway addresses (whose routes are skipped) my %my_addresses; # Allowed route destination networks my $net_44_regexp = '^44\.'; # We do not accept routes less specific than /14 my $minimum_prefix_len = 14; # tcp window to set my $tcp_window = 840; # time (in seconds) to use routes which are no longer advertised # - this is set to a large value, so that if the rip advertisements # from mirrorshades stop, the network won't go down right away. my $route_ttl = 7*24*60*60; my %current_routes; my $me = 'rip44d'; my $VERSION = '1.4'; # help and version texts $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; # This subroutine takes care of placing messages on std output, and also into syslog facility sub do_syslog($) { my($logtxt) = @_; if ($log_syslog) { syslog("info", "%s", $logtxt); } else { warn "$logtxt\n"; } } sub HELP_MESSAGE($) { my($fh) = @_; print $fh "Usage:\n" . " $me [-v] [-d] [-s] [-i ] [-a ] [-p ]\n" . " [-t ] [-l ]\n" . "Options:\n" . " -v increase verbosity slightly to print error messages on stderr\n" . " -d increase verbosity greatly (debug mode)\n" . " -s log to syslog instead of stderr\n" . " -i \n" . " use the specified tunnel interface, defaults to tunl0\n" . " -a \n" . " ignore routes pointing to these (local) gateways\n" . " (list contains system's local IP addresses by default)\n" . " -p \n" . " use RIPv2 password 'authentication', defaults to none\n" . " -t \n" . " insert routes in an alternate named routing table\n" . " (ip route add .. table )\n" . " -l \n" . " write process ID to given file instead of default\n" . " (/var/run/rip44d.pid)\n" ; } sub VERSION_MESSAGE() { my($fh) = @_; print $fh "$me version $VERSION\n"; } # write and lock pid file sub writepid($) { my($f) = @_; open(PF, ">>$f") || die "Could not open $f for writing pid: $!"; my $ofh = select(PF); $| = 1; select($ofh); # autoflush flock(PF, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB) || die "Could not flock pid file (other copy already running?): $!"; truncate(PF, 0) || die "Could not truncate pid file: $!"; seek(PF, 0, 0) || die "Could not seek to beginning of pid file: $!"; print PF "$$\n" || die "Could not write pid to $f: $!"; } # Figure out local interface IP addresses so that routes to them can be ignored sub fill_local_ifs() { my $s = `$ifconfig -a`; while ($s =~ s/inet addr:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)//) { do_syslog("found local address: $1") if ($verbose); $my_addresses{$1} = 1; } } # Convert a netmask (in integer form) to the corresponding prefix length, # and validate it too. This is a bit ugly, optimizations are welcome. sub mask2prefix($) { my($mask) = @_; # integer # convert to a string of 1's and 0's, like this (/25): # 11111111111111111111111110000000 my($bits) = unpack("B32", pack('N', $mask)); # There should be a continuous row of 1's in the # beginning, and a continuous row of 0's in the end. # Regexp is our hammer, again. return -1 if ($bits !~ /^(1*)(0*)$/); # The amount of 1's in the beginning is the prefix length. return length($1); } # delete a route from the kernel's table sub route_delete($) { my($rkey) = @_; # This is ugly and slow - we fork /sbin/ip twice for every route change. # Should talk to the netlink device instead, but this is easier to # do right now, and good enough for this little routing table. my($out, $cmd); $cmd = "LANG=C $routebin route del $rkey $route_table"; $out = `$cmd 2>&1`; if ($?) { if ($verbose > 1 || $out !~ /No such process/) { do_syslog("route del failed: '$cmd': $out"); } } } # expire old routes sub expire_routes() { do_syslog("expiring old routes") if ($verbose); my $exp_t = time() - $route_ttl; my $now = time(); foreach my $rkey (keys %current_routes) { if ($current_routes{$rkey}->{'t'} < $exp_t) { # expire route do_syslog("route $rkey has expired, deleting") if ($verbose); route_delete($rkey); delete $current_routes{$rkey}; } elsif ($current_routes{$rkey}->{'t'} > $now) { # clock has jumped backwards, the time is in # the future - set 't' to $now so that the route # will be expired eventually $current_routes{$rkey}->{'t'} = $now; } } } # Consider adding a route in the routing table sub consider_route($$$$$) { my($net, $mask, $plen, $nexthop, $rtag) = @_; my $rkey = "$net/$plen"; if (defined $current_routes{$rkey} && $current_routes{$rkey}->{'nh'} eq $nexthop && $current_routes{$rkey}->{'rtag'} eq $rtag) { # ok, current route is fine do_syslog("route $rkey is installed and current") if ($verbose > 1); $current_routes{$rkey}->{'t'} = time(); return; } do_syslog("route $rkey updated: via $nexthop rtag $rtag") if ($verbose > 1); $current_routes{$rkey} = { 'nh' => $nexthop, 'rtag' => $rtag, 't' => time() }; # now go and update the routing table route_delete($rkey); my($out, $cmd); $cmd = "LANG=C $routebin route add $rkey via $nexthop dev $tunnel_if window $tcp_window onlink $route_table"; $out = `$cmd 2>&1\n`; if ($?) { do_syslog("route add failed: '$cmd': $out"); } } # process a RIPv2 password authentication entry sub process_rip_auth_entry($) { my($entry) = @_; my $e_af = unpack('n', substr($entry, 0, 2)); if ($e_af != 0xFFFF) { do_syslog("RIPv2 first message does not contain auth password: ignoring") if ($verbose); return 0; } my $e_type = unpack('n', substr($entry, 2, 2)); if ($e_type != RIP_AUTH_PASSWD) { do_syslog("ignoring unsupported rip auth type $e_type") if ($verbose); return 0; } my $e_passwd = substr($entry, 4, 16); $e_passwd =~ s/\0*$//; # it's null-padded in the end if (!defined $rip_passwd) { do_syslog("RIPv2 packet contains password $e_passwd but we require none") if ($verbose); return 0; } if ($e_passwd ne $rip_passwd) { do_syslog("RIPv2 invalid password $e_passwd") if ($verbose); return 0; } return 1; } # validate a route entry, make sure we can rather safely # insert it in the routing table sub validate_route($$$$$$) { my($e_net_i, $e_net_s, $e_netmask, $prefix_len, $e_netmask_s, $e_nexthop_s) = @_; # netmask is correct and not too wide if ($prefix_len < 0) { do_syslog("invalid netmask: $e_netmask_s") if ($verbose); return (0, 'invalid netmask'); } if ($prefix_len < $minimum_prefix_len) { do_syslog("$e_net_s/$e_netmask_s => $e_nexthop_s blocked, prefix too short"); return (0, 'prefix length too short'); } # the network-netmask pair makes sense: network & netmask == network if (($e_net_i & $e_netmask) != $e_net_i) { #print "e_net '$e_net_i' e_netmask '$e_netmask' ANDs to " . ($e_net_i & $e_netmask) . "\n"; do_syslog("$e_net_s/$e_netmask_s => $e_nexthop_s blocked, subnet-netmask pair does not make sense") if ($verbose); return (0, 'invalid subnet-netmask pair'); } # network is in 44/8 if ($e_net_s !~ /$net_44_regexp/) { do_syslog("$e_net_s/$e_netmask_s => $e_nexthop_s blocked, non-amprnet address") if ($verbose); return (0, 'net not in 44/8'); } # nexthop address is not in 44/8 if ($e_nexthop_s =~ /$net_44_regexp/) { do_syslog("$e_net_s/$e_netmask_s => $e_nexthop_s blocked, nexthop is within amprnet") if ($verbose); return (0, 'nexthop is in 44/8'); } # nexthop address does not point to self if (defined $my_addresses{$e_nexthop_s}) { do_syslog("$e_net_s/$e_netmask_s => $e_nexthop_s blocked, local gw") if ($verbose); return (0, 'local gw'); } return (1, 'ok'); } # process a RIPv2 route entry sub process_rip_route_entry($) { my($entry) = @_; my $e_af = unpack('n', substr($entry, 0, 2)); my $e_rtag = unpack('n', substr($entry, 2, 2)); if ($e_af == 0xFFFF) { process_rip_auth_entry($entry); return -1; } if ($e_af != AF_INET) { do_syslog("$me: RIPv2 entry has unsupported AF $e_af"); return 0; } my $e_net = substr($entry, 4, 4); my $e_net_i = unpack('N', $e_net); my $e_netmask = substr($entry, 8, 4); my $e_netmask_i = unpack('N', $e_netmask); my $e_nexthop = substr($entry, 12, 4); my $e_metric = unpack('N', substr($entry, 16, 4)); my $e_net_s = inet_ntoa($e_net); my $e_netmask_s = inet_ntoa($e_netmask); my $e_nexthop_s = inet_ntoa($e_nexthop); my $e_prefix_len = mask2prefix($e_netmask_i); # Validate the route my($result, $reason) = validate_route($e_net_i, $e_net_s, $e_netmask_i, $e_prefix_len, $e_netmask_s, $e_nexthop_s); if (!$result) { do_syslog("entry ignored ($reason): af $e_af rtag $e_rtag $e_net_s/$e_netmask_s via $e_nexthop_s metric $e_metric") if ($verbose); return 0; } do_syslog("entry: af $e_af rtag $e_rtag $e_net_s/$e_netmask_s via $e_nexthop_s metric $e_metric") if ($verbose > 1); # Ok, we have a valid route, consider adding it in the kernel's routing table consider_route($e_net_s, $e_netmask_s, $e_prefix_len, $e_nexthop_s, $e_rtag); return 1; } # process a RIP message sub process_msg($$$) { my($addr_s, $perr_port, $msg) = @_; # validate packet's length if (length($msg) < RIP_HDR_LEN + RIP_ENTRY_LEN) { do_syslog("$me: ignored too short packet from $addr_s: " . length($msg)); return -1; } if (length($msg) > RIP_HDR_LEN + RIP_ENTRY_LEN*25) { do_syslog("$me: ignored too long packet from $addr_s: " . length($msg)); return -1; } # packet's length must be divisible by the length of an entry if ((length($msg) - RIP_HDR_LEN) % RIP_ENTRY_LEN != 0) { do_syslog("$me: ignored invalid length packet from $addr_s: " . length($msg)); return -1; } # validate RIP packet header my $hdr = substr($msg, 0, 4); my $entries = substr($msg, 4); my($rip_command, $rip_version, $zero1, $zero2) = unpack('C*', $hdr); if ($rip_command != RIP_CMD_RESPONSE) { do_syslog("$me: ignored non-response RIP packet from $addr_s"); return -1; } if ($rip_version != 2) { do_syslog("$me: ignored RIP version $rip_version packet from $addr_s (only accept v2)"); return -1; } if ($zero1 != 0 || $zero2 != 0) { do_syslog("$me: ignored RIP packet from $addr_s: zero bytes are not zero in header"); return -1; } my $init_msg = 0; # if password auth is required, require it! if (defined $rip_passwd) { return -1 if (!process_rip_auth_entry(substr($entries, 0, RIP_ENTRY_LEN))); $init_msg += RIP_ENTRY_LEN; } # Ok, process the actual route entries my $routes = 0; for (my $i = $init_msg; $i < length($entries); $i += RIP_ENTRY_LEN) { my $entry = substr($entries, $i, RIP_ENTRY_LEN); my $n = process_rip_route_entry($entry); return -1 if ($n < 0); $routes += $n; } return $routes; } # ####### main ############################################# # # command line parsing my %opts; getopts('i:p:l:a:t:vhds', \%opts); if (defined $opts{'i'}) { $tunnel_if = $opts{'i'}; } if (defined $opts{'p'}) { $rip_passwd = $opts{'p'}; } if (defined $opts{'l'}) { $pidfile = $opts{'l'}; } if (defined $opts{'t'}) { $route_table = " table " . $opts{'t'}; } if ($opts{'v'} && !$verbose) { $verbose = 1; } if ($opts{'d'}) { $verbose = 2; } if ($opts{'s'}) { $log_syslog = 1; } if ($opts{'a'}) { foreach my $a (split(',', $opts{'a'})) { $my_addresses{$a} = 1; } } if ($opts{'h'}) { HELP_MESSAGE(*STDOUT); exit(0); } openlog($me, 'cons,pid', 'user') if ($log_syslog); writepid($pidfile); fill_local_ifs(); # Enable multicast on the tunnel interface, the flag is # not set by default system($ifconfig, $tunnel_if, 'multicast') == 0 or die "ifconfig $tunnel_if multicast failed: $?\n"; # Create the UDP multicast socket to receive RIP broadcasts do_syslog("opening UDP socket $udp_port...") if ($verbose); my $socket = IO::Socket::Multicast->new( LocalPort => $udp_port, ReuseAddr => 1, ) or die $!; $socket->mcast_add('', $tunnel_if) or die $!; # Set up a route pointing towards amprgw on the tunnel interface, # so that rp_filter (strict reverse path filtering) will not # make the kernel drop packets. my $init_r_cmd = "LANG=C $routebin route add dev $tunnel_if $route_table"; my $init_r_out = `$init_r_cmd 2>&1\n`; # when to expire old routes my $expire_interval = 60*60; my $next_expire = time() + $expire_interval; # Main loop: receive broadcasts, check that they're from the correct # address and port, and pass them on to processing do_syslog("entering main loop, waiting for RIPv2 datagrams") if ($verbose); while (1) { my $msg; my $remote_address = recv($socket, $msg, 1500, 0); if (!defined $remote_address) { next; } my ($peer_port, $peer_addr) = unpack_sockaddr_in($remote_address); my $addr_s = inet_ntoa($peer_addr); if ($addr_s ne '' || $peer_port ne 520) { do_syslog("ignored packet from $addr_s: $peer_port: " . length($msg) ); next; } do_syslog("received from $addr_s: $peer_port: " . length($msg) . " bytes") if ($verbose); my $routes = process_msg($addr_s, $peer_port, $msg); do_syslog("processed $routes route entries") if ($verbose && $routes >= 0); # Consider expiring old routes. This is actually never run if we do not receive # any RIP broadcasts at all (the recv() is blocking) # The (desired) side effect is that if the RIP announcer # dies, the entries do not time out. if (time() > $next_expire || $next_expire > time() + $expire_interval) { $next_expire = time() + $expire_interval; expire_routes(); } } # currently we never, ever get here, but in case a 'last' would appear above: closelog() if ($log_syslog);