// jQuery.scrollable, v1.2.3 // Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Michael Heim, Zeilenwechsel.de // Distributed under MIT license // http://github.com/hashchange/jquery.scrollable ;( function( $ ) { "use strict"; var mgr = {}, norm = {}, queue = {}, lib = {}, core = {}; ( function ( mgr, norm ) { "use strict"; /** * API */ $.fn.scrollable = function () { return getScrollable( this ); }; $.fn.scrollRange = function ( axis ) { return getScrollRange( this, axis ); }; $.fn.scrollTo = function ( position, options ) { scrollTo( this, position, options ); return this; }; $.fn.stopScroll = function ( options ) { stopScroll( this, options ); return this; }; $.fn.notifyScrollCallbacks = function ( message, callbackNames, queueName ) { notifyScrollCallbacks( this, message, callbackNames, queueName ); return this; }; $.scrollable = { lockSpeedBelow: 400, defaultDuration: $.fx.speeds._default, userScrollThreshold: 10, // Internal config. Do not modify in production. _scrollDetectionThreshold: 5, _enableUserScrollDetection: !isIOS(), _enableClickAndTouchDetection: true, _useScrollHistoryForDetection: isIOS() }; /** * Does the actual work of $.fn.scrollable. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @returns {jQuery} */ function getScrollable ( $container ) { $container = norm.normalizeContainer( $container ); return mgr.getScrollable( $container ); } /** * Does the actual work of $.fn.scrollRange. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {string} axis * @returns {number|Object} */ function getScrollRange( $container, axis ) { $container = norm.normalizeContainer( $container ); axis = axis ? norm.normalizeAxisName( axis ) : norm.BOTH_AXES; return mgr.getScrollRange( $container, axis ); } /** * Does the actual work of $.fn.scrollTo. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {number|string|Object} position * @param {Object} [options] */ function scrollTo ( $container, position, options ) { options = norm.normalizeOptions( options, position ); $container = norm.normalizeContainer( $container ); position = norm.normalizePosition( position, $container, mgr.getScrollable( $container ), options ); mgr.scrollTo( $container, position, options ); } /** * Does the actual work of $.fn.stopScroll. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} [options] * @param {boolean} [options.jumpToTargetPosition=false] * @param {Object} [options.notifyCancelled] * @param {string|boolean} [options.queue] usually not required, set to the scroll queue by default */ function stopScroll( $container, options ) { $container = norm.normalizeContainer( $container ); options = norm.normalizeOptions( options ); mgr.stopScroll( $container, options ); } /** * Does the actual work of $.fn.notifyScrollCallbacks. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} message * @param {string|string[]} [callbackNames] defaults to all exit callbacks ("complete", "done", "fail", "always") * @param {string} [queueName] usually not required, set to the scroll queue by default */ function notifyScrollCallbacks ( $container, message, callbackNames, queueName ) { $container = norm.normalizeContainer( $container ); if ( callbackNames !== undefined && !$.isArray( callbackNames ) ) callbackNames = [callbackNames]; mgr.notifyScrollCallbacks( $container, message, callbackNames, queueName ); } /** * Detects if the browser is on iOS. Works for Safari as well as other browsers, say, Chrome on iOS. * * Required for some iOS behaviour which can't be feature-detected in any way. * * @returns {boolean} */ function isIOS () { return (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/gi).test( navigator.userAgent ); } } )( mgr, norm ); ( function ( mgr, lib, core ) { "use strict"; /** * In here, all arguments ($container, position, options) are expected to be normalized when they are passed to a * function. */ /** * @param {jQuery} $container must be normalized * @returns {jQuery} */ mgr.getScrollable = function ( $container ) { return core.getScrollable( $container ); }; /** * @param {jQuery} $container must be normalized * @param {string} axis must be normalized * @returns {number|Object} */ mgr.getScrollRange = function ( $container, axis ) { return lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, axis ); }; /** * @param {jQuery} $container must be normalized * @param {number|string|Object} position must be normalized * @param {Object} options must be normalized */ mgr.scrollTo = function ( $container, position, options ) { var stopOptions, notifyCancelled = extractNotifyCancelled( options ) || {}; // Callbacks for window animations are bound to the window, not the animated element if ( $.isWindow( $container[0] ) ) options = lib.bindAnimationCallbacks( options, $container[0] ); // Skip animation if the base position already matches the target position. if ( ! lib.isRedundantTarget( position, lib.getScrollStartPosition( $container, options ) ) ) { // If there are animations executing or being queued, capture the history of animation steps immediately // preceding the new animation. // // The new animation can use the history to detect user scrolling more accurately, or rather suppress false // detections, in iOS. See addUserScrollDetection() (lib module) for more. if ( options.append ) { options._history = lib.getLastStepHistory( $container, options ); } else { // Not appending, so stop an ongoing scroll and empty the queue $.extend( notifyCancelled, { cancelled: options.merge ? "merge" : "replace" } ); stopOptions = $.extend( { notifyCancelled: notifyCancelled }, options ); options._history = mgr.stopScroll( $container, stopOptions ); } core.animateScroll( $container, position, options ); } }; /** * @param {jQuery} $container must be normalized * @param {Object} options must be normalized * @param {string|boolean} options.queue set during options normalization if not provided explicitly * @param {boolean} [options.jumpToTargetPosition=false] * @param {Object} [options.notifyCancelled] * @returns {StepHistory} the step history of the stopped animation */ mgr.stopScroll = function ( $container, options ) { var notifyCancelled = extractNotifyCancelled( options ), $scrollable = mgr.getScrollable( $container ); return lib.stopScrollAnimation( $scrollable, options, notifyCancelled ); }; /** * @param {jQuery} $container must be normalized * @param {Object} message * @param {string[]} [callbackNames] defaults to all exit callbacks ("complete", "done", "fail", "always") * @param {string} [queueName] usually not required, set to the scroll queue by default */ mgr.notifyScrollCallbacks = function ( $container, message, callbackNames, queueName ) { var $scrollable = mgr.getScrollable( $container ); lib.notifyScrollCallbacks( $scrollable, message, callbackNames, queueName ); }; /** * Extracts the notifyCancelled option from the options object. Removes the notifyCancelled property from the input * object, modifying it. Returns an independent copy of the notifyCancelled object. * * Returns undefined if the notifyCancelled option does not exist. * * @param {Object} [options] * @returns {Object|undefined} */ function extractNotifyCancelled ( options ) { var notifyCancelled; if ( options && options.notifyCancelled ) { if ( !$.isPlainObject( options.notifyCancelled ) ) throw new Error( 'Invalid notifyCancelled option. Expected a hash but got type ' + $.type( options.notifyCancelled ) ); notifyCancelled = $.extend( {}, options.notifyCancelled ); delete options.notifyCancelled; } return notifyCancelled; } } )( mgr, lib, core ); ( function ( norm, lib, queue ) { "use strict"; /** @type {string[]} non-canonical but recognized names for the vertical axis */ var altAxisNamesV = [ "v", "y", "top" ], /** @type {string[]} non-canonical but recognized names for the horizontal axis */ altAxisNamesH = [ "h", "x", "left" ], /** @type {string[]} non-canonical but recognized names for both axes */ altAxisNamesBoth = [ "vh", "hv", "xy", "yx", "all" ], /** @type {string[]} all non-canonical but recognized names for one or both axes */ altAxisNames = altAxisNamesV.concat( altAxisNamesH, altAxisNamesBoth ); /** @type {string} canonical name for the vertical axis */ norm.VERTICAL = "vertical"; /** @type {string} canonical name for the horizontal axis */ norm.HORIZONTAL = "horizontal"; /** @type {string} canonical name for both axes */ norm.BOTH_AXES = "both"; /** @type {number} scroll position value signalling that the axis should not be scrolled */ norm.IGNORE_AXIS = -999; /** @type {Object} default scroll options (hard-coded, not configurable) */ norm.defaults = { // Identifier for an options object belonging to jQuery.scrollable _jqScrollable: true, axis: norm.VERTICAL, queue: "internal.jquery.scrollable", ignoreUser: false }; /** @type {string} ignoreUser option value for ignoring scroll only */ norm.IGNORE_USER_SCROLL_ONLY = "scroll"; /** @type {string} ignoreUser option value for ignoring clicks and touch only */ norm.IGNORE_USER_CLICK_TOUCH_ONLY = "click"; /** @type {string} "replace" mode flag for chained scrollTo calls */ norm.MODE_REPLACE = "replace"; /** @type {string} "append" mode flag for chained scrollTo calls */ norm.MODE_APPEND = "append"; /** @type {string} "merge" mode flag for chained scrollTo calls */ norm.MODE_MERGE = "merge"; /** * Normalizes the container element, if it relates to a window. Other elements are returned unchanged. * * - It maps `document`, `documentElement` and `body` to the window. * - It maps an iframe element to its content window. * - It returns other elements unchanged. * - It returns an empty jQuery set as is. * * Elements are expected in a jQuery wrapper, and are returned in a jQuery wrapper. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @returns {jQuery} */ norm.normalizeContainer = function ( $container ) { var container = $container[0], tagName = container && container.tagName && container.tagName.toLowerCase(), isIframe = tagName === "iframe", isWindow = !tagName || tagName === "html" || tagName === "body"; return isWindow ? $( lib.ownerWindow( container ) ) : isIframe ? $( container.contentWindow ) : $container; }; /** * Returns a hash of scroll positions. The position on each axis is normalized to a number (in px) and limited to * the available scroll range. If the position is passed in as a hash, the axis properties are normalized to their * canonical names as well ("horizontal"/"vertical"). * * The container element is expected to be normalized. So is the options hash. * * If a position hash is passed in, one axis can be left undefined if it shouldn't be scrolled (e.g. * { vertical: 100 } - note the missing horizontal dimension). Null or "" are treated the same as undefined. * * If only one axis is to be scrolled (as specified by the options or the position hash), the other one is set to * norm.IGNORE_AXIS in the returned hash. * * If a hash has been passed in, that original hash remains untouched. A separate object is returned. * * Percentages are calculated in relation to container size. A simple percentage string is calculated for vertical * scroll, ie relative to container height, unless the axis option says otherwise. For a hash, percentages are * applied per axis. * * The normalization of values works as follows: * * - A number is returned as is. * - A string ending in "px" is turned into a number. * - A string ending in "%" is converted to its px value, relative to container size on the specified axis. * - A string "top" or "left" is converted to 0. * - A string "bottom", "right" is converted to the maximum scroll value on the respective axis. * - A string prefixed with "+=" or "-=", which means that the position is relative to the current scroll position, * is turned into an absolute position. If the scroll is appended or merged, the move is based on the position * which the preceding scroll will arrive at, rather than the current position. * - Hash properties "v"/"h", "y"/"x" are converted into "vertical"/"horizontal" properties. * - Hash property values are converted according to the rules for primitives. * - Missing hash properties are filled in with norm.IGNORE_AXIS. * * @param {number|string|Object} position * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {jQuery} $scrollable * @param {Object} options must have the axis and queue property set (which is the case in a * normalized options object) * @returns {Coordinates} */ norm.normalizePosition = function ( position, $container, $scrollable, options ) { var queueWrapper = new queue.QueueWrapper( $scrollable, options.queue ); if ( $.isPlainObject( position ) ) { return normalizePositionForHash( position, $container, options, queueWrapper ); } else { return normalizePositionForAxis( position, $container, options, queueWrapper ); } }; /** * Normalizes a position hash. * * Delegates to normalizePositionForAxis(). For info, see norm.normalizePosition(). * * @param {Object} position * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} options must have the axis property set (which is the case in a normalized * options object) * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @returns {Coordinates} */ function normalizePositionForHash ( position, $container, options, queueWrapper ) { var axis = options.axis, pos = normalizeAxisProperty( position ), posX = pos[norm.HORIZONTAL], posY = pos[norm.VERTICAL], ignoreX = axis === norm.VERTICAL, ignoreY = axis === norm.HORIZONTAL, optionsX = $.extend( {}, options, { axis: norm.HORIZONTAL } ), optionsY = $.extend( {}, options, { axis: norm.VERTICAL } ), normalized = {}; // NB Merge mode: if an axis is ignored in the current scroll operation, a target may nevertheless be inherited // from previous, unfinished scrollTo commands. Read it from the queue then. normalized[norm.HORIZONTAL] = ignoreX ? ( options.merge ? lib.getLastTarget_QW( queueWrapper, norm.HORIZONTAL ) : norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) : normalizePositionForAxis( posX, $container, optionsX, queueWrapper )[norm.HORIZONTAL]; normalized[norm.VERTICAL] = ignoreY ? ( options.merge ? lib.getLastTarget_QW( queueWrapper, norm.VERTICAL ) : norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) : normalizePositionForAxis( posY, $container, optionsY, queueWrapper )[norm.VERTICAL]; return normalized; } /** * Normalizes a numeric or string position. * * For info, see norm.normalizePosition(). * * @param {number|string} position * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} options must have the axis property set (which is the case in a normalized * options object) * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @returns {Coordinates} */ function normalizePositionForAxis ( position, $container, options, queueWrapper ) { var otherAxis, prefix, origPositionArg = position, basePosition = 0, sign = 1, axis = options.axis, scrollMode = norm.getScrollMode( options ), normalized = {}; // Working in one dimension only. We need a precise statement of the axis (axis: "both" is not enough here - // we need to know which one). if ( !( axis === norm.HORIZONTAL || axis === norm.VERTICAL ) ) throw new Error( "Axis option not defined, or not defined unambiguously, with current value " + axis ); // Convert string input to number if ( lib.isString( position ) ) { position = position.toLowerCase(); // Deal with +=, -= relative position prefixes prefix = position.slice( 0, 2 ); if ( prefix === "+=" || prefix === "-=" ) { position = position.slice( 2 ); sign = prefix === "+=" ? 1 : -1; basePosition = lib.getScrollStartPosition_QW( $container, queueWrapper, axis, scrollMode ); } // Resolve px, % units if ( position.slice( -2 ) === "px" ) { position = parseFloat( position.slice( 0, -2 ) ); } else if ( position.slice( -1 ) === "%" ) { position = parseFloat( position.slice( 0, -1 ) ) * lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, axis ) / 100; } else { // Resolve position strings if ( axis === norm.HORIZONTAL ) { if ( position === "left" ) position = 0; if ( position === "right" ) position = lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, axis ); if ( position === "top" || position === "bottom" ) throw new Error( "Desired position " + position + "is inconsistent with axis option " + axis ); } else { if ( position === "top" ) position = 0; if ( position === "bottom" ) position = lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, axis ); if ( position === "left" || position === "right" ) throw new Error( "Desired position " + position + "is inconsistent with axis option " + axis ); } } // Convert any remaining numeric string (e.g. "100") to a number if ( lib.isString( position ) && $.isNumeric( position ) ) position = parseFloat( position ); } if ( lib.isNumber( position ) ) { // Calculate the absolute position. Explicit rounding is required because scrollTop/scrollLeft cuts off // fractional pixels, rather than rounding them. position = Math.round( basePosition + sign * position ); normalized[axis] = limitToScrollRange( position, $container, axis ); } else if ( isUndefinedPositionValue( position ) ) { // Ignore axis, unless we are in merge mode and a previous target value can be extracted from the queue. normalized[axis] = scrollMode === norm.MODE_MERGE ? lib.getLastTarget_QW( queueWrapper, axis ) : norm.IGNORE_AXIS; } else { // Invalid position value throw new Error( "Invalid position argument " + origPositionArg ); } // Single axis here, hence the other axis is not dealt with - set to "ignore axis" otherAxis = axis === norm.HORIZONTAL ? norm.VERTICAL : norm.HORIZONTAL; normalized[otherAxis] = norm.IGNORE_AXIS; return normalized; } /** * Normalizes the options hash and applies the defaults. Does NOT expect the position argument to be normalized. * * The requested scroll position is required as an argument because the axis default depends on the position format: * * - If the position is passed in as a primitive (single axis), the axis defaults to "vertical". * - If the position is passed in as a primitive but has an implicit axis, that axis becomes the default (positions * "top", "bottom", "left", "right") * - If the position is passed in as a hash, with both axes specified, the axis defaults to "both". * - If the position is passed in as a hash with just one axis specified, the axis defaults to "vertical" or * "horizontal", depending on the position property. * * The options hash is normalized in the following ways: * * - It is converted to canonical axis names. * - The lockSpeedBelow option is set to a number (needed for values such as "off", or false) * - The properties `queue`, `ignoreUser`, `lockSpeedBelow` and `duration` are set to their default values when not * specified. * * Does not touch the original hash, returns a separate object instead. * * If no options hash is provided, the defaults are returned. * * @param {Object|undefined} options * @param {number|string|Object} [position] you can omit the position when not dealing with axes, e.g. when * handling stopScroll options * @returns {Object} */ norm.normalizeOptions = function ( options, position ) { var hasX, hasY, axisDefault = norm.defaults.axis; // Normalize the axis property names options = options ? normalizeAxisProperty( options ) : {}; // Determine the axis default value if ( $.isPlainObject( position ) ) { position = normalizeAxisProperty( position ); hasX = !isUndefinedPositionValue( position[norm.HORIZONTAL] ) && position[norm.HORIZONTAL] !== norm.IGNORE_AXIS; hasY = !isUndefinedPositionValue( position[norm.VERTICAL] ) && position[norm.VERTICAL] !== norm.IGNORE_AXIS; axisDefault = ( hasX && hasY ) ? norm.BOTH_AXES : hasX ? norm.HORIZONTAL : norm.VERTICAL; } else if ( lib.isString( position ) ) { position = position.toLowerCase(); if ( position === "top" || position === "bottom" ) { axisDefault = norm.VERTICAL; } else if ( position === "left" || position === "right" ) { axisDefault = norm.HORIZONTAL; } } options.lockSpeedBelow = normalizeSpeedLockThreshold( options ); validateIgnoreUserOption( options ); // Apply defaults where applicable return $.extend( {}, norm.defaults, { axis: axisDefault, duration: $.scrollable.defaultDuration }, options ); }; /** * Accepts any of the recognized names for an axis and returns the canonical axis name. * * Throws an error if the argument is not recognized as an axis name. * * @param {string} name * @returns {string} */ norm.normalizeAxisName = function ( name ) { if ( lib.isInArray( name, altAxisNamesV ) ) { name = norm.VERTICAL; } else if ( lib.isInArray( name, altAxisNamesH ) ) { name = norm.HORIZONTAL; } else if ( lib.isInArray( name, altAxisNamesBoth ) ) { name = norm.BOTH_AXES; } if ( !( name === norm.VERTICAL || name === norm.HORIZONTAL || name === norm.BOTH_AXES ) ) throw new Error( "Invalid axis name " + name ); return name; }; /** * Verifies that the value of the ignoreUserOption is valid, if it is set. Throws an error if the value isn't * recognized. * * Falsy values are ok, no matter of which type. * * @param {Object} options */ function validateIgnoreUserOption ( options ) { var ignoreUser = options && options.ignoreUser; if ( ignoreUser && !( ignoreUser === true || ignoreUser === norm.IGNORE_USER_SCROLL_ONLY || ignoreUser === norm.IGNORE_USER_CLICK_TOUCH_ONLY ) ) throw new Error( 'Invalid ignoreUser option value "' + ignoreUser + '"'); } /** * Returns the scroll mode after examining the animation options. * * @param {Object} animationOptions * @returns {string} */ norm.getScrollMode = function ( animationOptions ) { return animationOptions.append ? norm.MODE_APPEND : animationOptions.merge ? norm.MODE_MERGE : norm.MODE_REPLACE; }; /** * Makes sure the position is within the range which can be scrolled to. The container element is expected to be * normalized. * * @param {number} position * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {string} axis "vertical" or "horizontal" * @returns {number} */ function limitToScrollRange ( position, $container, axis ) { position = Math.min( position, lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, axis ) ); position = Math.max( position, 0 ); return position; } /** * Returns the speed lock threshold as a number, in px, based on the current options and the global default settings. * * If the distance covered by the scroll animation is below the threshold, the duration is reduced to keep the speed * of the animation from falling further. * * Falsy and non-numeric values (e.g. lockSpeedBelow: "off") are returned as 0. * * @param {Object} options * @returns {number} */ function normalizeSpeedLockThreshold ( options ) { var threshold = options.lockSpeedBelow !== undefined ? options.lockSpeedBelow : $.scrollable.lockSpeedBelow; threshold = parseFloat( threshold ); return isNaN( threshold ) ? 0 : threshold; } /** * Takes a hash of options or positions and returns a copy, with axis names normalized. * * @param {Object} inputHash * @returns {Object} */ function normalizeAxisProperty ( inputHash ) { var normalized = {}; $.each( inputHash, function ( key, value ) { if ( lib.isInArray( key, altAxisNames ) ) { normalized[norm.normalizeAxisName( key )] = value; } else if ( key === "axis" ) { normalized[key] = norm.normalizeAxisName( value ); } else { normalized[key] = value; } } ); return normalized; } /** * Returns if a position value is considered undefined. That is the case when it is set to undefined, null, false, * or an empty string. * * ATTN For primitive values only. Does NOT deal with a position hash! * * @param {number|string|boolean|null|undefined} positionValue * @returns {boolean} */ function isUndefinedPositionValue ( positionValue ) { return positionValue === undefined || positionValue === null || positionValue === false || positionValue === ""; } /** * Custom types. * * For easier documentation and type inference. */ /** * @name Coordinates * @type {Object} * * @property {number} horizontal * @property {number} vertical */ } )( norm, lib, queue ); ( function ( queue, lib, norm ) { "use strict"; /** @type {Function[]} jQuery effects functions which have a custom queue option and take the options hash as first argument */ var jqEffectsWithOptionsArg1 = getJQueryFunctions( [ "fadeIn", "fadeOut", "fadeToggle", "hide", "show", "slideDown", "slideToggle", "slideUp", "toggle" ] ), /** @type {Function[]} jQuery effects functions which have a custom queue option and take the options hash as second argument */ jqEffectsWithOptionsArg2 = getJQueryFunctions( [ "animate" ] ), /** @type {Function[]} jQuery effects functions which have a custom queue option and take the options name (string) as second argument */ jqEffectsWithStringArg2 = getJQueryFunctions( [ "delay" ] ), /** @type {Function[]} jQuery effects functions which don't have a custom queue option */ jqEffectsFxQueueOnly = getJQueryFunctions( [ "fadeTo" ] ), /** @type {Function[]} jQuery effects functions which add themselves to the queue automatically */ jQueryEffects = jqEffectsWithOptionsArg1.concat( jqEffectsWithOptionsArg2, jqEffectsWithStringArg2, jqEffectsFxQueueOnly ); /** * @param {jQuery} $elem * @param {string} [queueName] defaults to the internal default queue * @constructor */ queue.QueueWrapper = function ( $elem, queueName ) { this._$elem = $elem; this._queueName = queueName !== undefined ? queueName : norm.defaults.queue; this._isInternalCustomQueue = isInternalCustomQueue( this._queueName ); this._isOtherCustomQueue = isOtherCustomQueue( this._queueName ); }; /** * Adds a function to a queue. Makes sure the internal custom queue for scrolling works just as well as the default * "fx" queue, ie it auto-starts when necessary. * * When using the internal custom queue, all animations destined for that queue must be added with this method. It * is safest to simply add **all** animations with this method. It can process unqueued, immediate animations as * well. * * DO NOT START THE INTERNAL CUSTOM QUEUE MANUALLY (by calling dequeue()) WHEN USING THIS METHOD. That is taken care * of here. Manual intervention would dequeue and execute the next queued item prematurely. * * ATTN Arguments format: * * Some built-in jQuery effects functions accept arguments in more than one format. Only the format using an options * hash is supported here, e.g `.animate( properties, options )`. The options argument cannot be omitted, and it * must be normalized. For `animate`, that means that config.args must be set to `[ properties, options ]`. * * For functions which are not jQuery effects, arguments can be whatever you like. * * @param {Object} config * @param {Function} config.func the "payload" function to be executed; invoked in the context of queueWrapper.$elem * @param {Array} config.args of config.func * @param {AnimationInfo} [config.info] info to be attached to the sentinel, in an `info` property */ queue.QueueWrapper.prototype.addToQueue = function ( config ) { var func = config.func, args = config.args, $elem = this._$elem, queueName = this._queueName, sentinel = function ( next ) { next(); }; sentinel.isSentinel = true; if ( config.info ) sentinel.info = config.info; if ( isQueueable( func ) ) { // Dealing with an animation-related jQuery function which adds itself to the queue automatically. // // First, force it to use the specified queue (in case there is an inconsistency). Choose the right // arguments format for the function at hand. if ( lib.isInArray( func, jqEffectsWithOptionsArg1 ) ) { $.extend( args[0], { queue: queueName } ); } else if ( lib.isInArray( func, jqEffectsWithOptionsArg2 ) ) { $.extend( args[1], { queue: queueName } ); } else if ( lib.isInArray( func, jqEffectsWithStringArg2 ) ) { args[1] = queueName; } else { // Dealing with an effects function which only works in the "fx" queue. (At the time of writing, that // was $.fn.fadeTo only.) if ( queueName !== "fx" ) throw new Error( "Can't use a custom queue (queue name: '" + queueName + "') with the provided animation function" ); } // Then just run the animation, it is added to the queue automatically func.apply( $elem, args ); } else { // The "payload" is an ordinary function, so create a wrapper to put the function into the queue $elem.queue( queueName, function ( next ) { func.apply( $elem, args ); next(); } ); } // In the internal custom queue, add a sentinel function as the next item to the queue, in order to track the // queue progress. Sentinels also serve as a store for animation info (scroll target position, step history, // callback messaging). // // The sentinel must be added to any other queue as well. Sentinels are not needed for tracking progress there // (no auto start management for those queues), but we must have the animation info around. $elem.queue( queueName, sentinel ); // Auto-start the internal custom queue if it is stuck. // // The telltale sign is that the new animation is still in the queue at index 0, hence its associated sentinel // is at index 1. That only happens if the queue is stuck. If the animation is merely waiting in line until // another animation finishes, it won't be waiting at index 0. That position is occupied by the sentinel of the // previous, ongoing animation. if ( this._isInternalCustomQueue && this.getContent()[1] === sentinel ) $elem.dequeue( queueName ); }; /** * Returns an array of all info objects currently held in the queue, in ascending order (newest is last). * * Info objects are attached to sentinels and hold information about the corresponding (scroll) animation. * * @returns {AnimationInfo[]} */ queue.QueueWrapper.prototype.getInfo = function () { var info = [], queueContent = this.getContent(); $.each( queueContent, function ( index, entry ) { if ( entry.isSentinel && entry.info ) info.push( entry.info ); } ); return info; }; /** * Returns the first (oldest) info object currently held in the queue, or undefined if no such object exists. * * Info objects are attached to sentinels and hold information about the corresponding (scroll) animation. * * @returns {AnimationInfo|undefined} */ queue.QueueWrapper.prototype.getFirstInfo = function () { var info = this.getInfo(); return info.length ? info[0] : undefined; }; /** * Returns the last (newest) info object currently held in the queue, or undefined if no such object exists. * * Info objects are attached to sentinels and hold information about the corresponding (scroll) animation. * * @returns {AnimationInfo|undefined} */ queue.QueueWrapper.prototype.getLastInfo = function () { var info = this.getInfo(), lastIndex = info.length - 1; return info.length ? info[lastIndex] : undefined; }; /** * Returns the queue content as an array. * * @returns {Function[]} */ queue.QueueWrapper.prototype.getContent = function () { return this._$elem.queue( this._queueName ); }; /** * Returns an array of jQuery functions, based on their names. * * The result contains only functions which actually exist in the loaded version of jQuery. * * @param {string[]} names * @returns {Function[]} */ function getJQueryFunctions ( names ) { return $.grep( $.map( names, function ( name ) { return $.fn[name]; } ), function ( func ) { return !!func; } ); } /** * Returns whether a function adds itself to a queue automatically. That is the case for $.fn.animate or other * jQuery animation functions, such as $.fn.delay, $.fn.show etc. * * The list of recognized functions has to be maintained by hand, there is no generic approach here. * * @param {Function} func * @returns {boolean} */ function isQueueable ( func ) { return lib.isInArray( func, jQueryEffects ); } /** * Checks if the queue name refers to the internal queue used for scrolling, and if the internal queue is set to a * custom queue, not "fx". * * @param {string} queueName * @returns {boolean} */ function isInternalCustomQueue ( queueName ) { return queueName === norm.defaults.queue && queueName !== "fx"; } /** * Checks if the queue name refers to a custom queue other than the internal queue used for scrolling. * * @param {string} queueName * @returns {boolean} */ function isOtherCustomQueue ( queueName ) { return lib.isString( queueName ) && queueName !== "" && queueName !== norm.defaults.queue && queueName !== "fx"; } } )( queue, lib, norm ); ( function ( lib, norm, queue, core ) { "use strict"; /** @type {string[]} names of all animation options which are exit callbacks (called when the animation terminates) */ var animationExitCallbacks = [ "complete", "done", "fail", "always" ], /** @type {string[]} names of all animation options which are callbacks */ animationCallbacks = animationExitCallbacks.concat( "start", "step", "progress" ); /** * Returns the maximum position which can be scrolled to on a given axis. The container element is expected to be * normalized. * * When a single axis is queried, the result is returned as a number. When both axes are queried, a hash of both * axes is returned: { horizontal: ..., vertical: ... }. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {string} axis "vertical", "horizontal", or "both" * @returns {number|Coordinates} */ lib.getScrollMaximum = function ( $container, axis ) { var max, containerSize, contentSize, container = $container[0], _document = container.ownerDocument || container.document, isWindow = $.isWindow( container ); if ( axis === norm.BOTH_AXES ) { max = {}; max[ norm.HORIZONTAL ] = lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, norm.HORIZONTAL ); max[ norm.VERTICAL ] = lib.getScrollMaximum( $container, norm.VERTICAL ); } else { // We are measuring the true inner size of the container, excluding a horizontal or vertical scroll bar. The // appropriate property is clientHeight/clientWidth; for a window, use $.windowHeight()/$.windowWidth() to // accommodate pinch zooming, and handle minimal UI on iOS. if ( axis === norm.HORIZONTAL ) { containerSize = isWindow ? $.windowWidth() : container.clientWidth; contentSize = isWindow ? $.documentWidth( _document ) : container.scrollWidth; } else if ( axis === norm.VERTICAL ) { containerSize = isWindow ? $.windowHeight() : container.clientHeight; contentSize = isWindow ? $.documentHeight( _document ) : container.scrollHeight; } else { throw new Error( "Unrecognized axis argument " + axis ); } max = Math.max( contentSize - containerSize, 0 ); } return max; }; /** * Returns the owner window for a given element or document. If a window is passed in, the window itself is returned. * * In case an empty jQuery set is passed in, the method returns undefined. * * @param {Window|Document|HTMLElement|jQuery} $elem * @returns {Window|undefined} */ lib.ownerWindow = function ( $elem ) { var elem = $elem instanceof $ ? $elem[0] : $elem, ownerDocument = elem && ( elem.nodeType === 9 ? elem : elem.ownerDocument ); return ownerDocument && ( ownerDocument.defaultView || ownerDocument.parentWindow ) || $.isWindow( elem ) && elem || undefined; }; /** * Expects an object of animation options and returns a new object consisting only of the callbacks. Does not modify * the input object. * * Returns an empty object if the animation options don't define any callbacks, or if the options are undefined. * * @param {Object} [animationOptions] * @returns {Callbacks} */ lib.getCallbacks = function ( animationOptions ) { return pick( animationOptions, animationCallbacks ); }; /** * Expects an object of animation options and returns a new object consisting only of the exit callbacks (complete, * done, fail, always). Does not modify the input object. * * Returns an empty object if the animation options don't define any callbacks, or if the options are undefined. * * @param {Object} [animationOptions] * @returns {Callbacks} */ lib.getExitCallbacks = function ( animationOptions ) { return pick( animationOptions, animationExitCallbacks ); }; /** * Expects an object of animation options and binds the callbacks ("start", "complete", etc) to the specified * element. * * Returns the modified options object. Does not modify the original object. Returns undefined if the animation * options are undefined. * * @param {Object|undefined} animationOptions * @param {Window|HTMLElement} thisNode * @returns {Object|undefined} */ lib.bindAnimationCallbacks = function ( animationOptions, thisNode ) { if ( animationOptions ) { animationOptions = $.extend( {}, animationOptions ); $.each( animationCallbacks, function ( index, name ) { if ( animationOptions[name] ) animationOptions[name] = $.proxy( animationOptions[name], thisNode ); } ); } return animationOptions; }; /** * Sets up a scroll animation for an element. * * Turns the position hash into a hash of properties to animate. The position is expected to be normalized. * * Delegates to lib.addAnimation and, implicitly, to queueWrapper.addToQueue otherwise. See there for more. * * @param {jQuery} $elem * @param {Coordinates} position the normalized position * @param {Object} options normalized animation options */ lib.addScrollAnimation = function ( $elem, position, options ) { var posX = position[ norm.HORIZONTAL ], posY = position[ norm.VERTICAL ], hasPosX = posX !== norm.IGNORE_AXIS, hasPosY = posY !== norm.IGNORE_AXIS, animated = {}, history = options._history || { real: [], expected: [] }, callbackMessageContainer = createOuterMessageContainer(), animationInfo = { position: position, history: history, callbackMessages: callbackMessageContainer }; options = addUserScrollDetection( options, history ); options = addUserClickTouchDetection( $elem, options ); options = addMessagingToCallbacks( options, callbackMessageContainer ); if ( hasPosX ) animated.scrollLeft = posX; if ( hasPosY ) animated.scrollTop = posY; if ( hasPosX || hasPosY ) lib.addAnimation( $elem, animated, options, animationInfo ); }; /** * Sets up an animation for an element. * * Delegates to queueWrapper.addToQueue - see there for more. * * @param {jQuery} $elem * @param {Object} properties the animated property or properties, and their target value(s) * @param {Object} options animation options * @param {AnimationInfo} [animationInfo] info describing a scroll animation: the resolved, absolute target scroll * position of the animation, the container of the step history, and the * message container for communicating with the animation callbacks */ lib.addAnimation = function ( $elem, properties, options, animationInfo ) { var queueWrapper = new queue.QueueWrapper( $elem, options.queue ), config = { func: $.fn.animate, args: [ properties, options ], info: animationInfo }; queueWrapper.addToQueue( config ); }; /** * Stops an ongoing scroll animation and clears the queue of scroll animations. Optionally jumps to the targeted * position, rather than just stopping the scroll animation wherever it happens to be. Returns a history of * animation steps (StepHistory), or undefined if the queue is bypassed (with options.queue == false). * * Requires the actual scrollable element, as returned by $.fn.scrollable(). The options must have been normalized. * * The last argument allows you to pass messages to the `fail` callbacks of ongoing and queued animations. Pass the * messages as a hash, and they will show up in the messages argument received by the callbacks. * * Scroll animation queue * ---------------------- * * The scrollTo animations use an animation queue of their own. For that reason, calling the generic jQuery method * $elem.stop() does not stop ongoing or queued scroll animations. You must use $elem.stopScroll() for these. * * Conversely, clearing the scroll animation queue does not affect other, non-scroll animations. * * Custom queues of your own * ------------------------- * * If you have forced scrollTo to use a specific custom queue of your own, having called it with a `queue: "foo"` * option, then stopScroll must know about that queue. Pass the same `queue` option to stopScroll. * * If you have forced scrollTo to use the standard animation queue ("fx"), you must provide that option here, too. * In that case, stopScroll will stop and clear *all* animations in the default queue, not just scroll-related ones. * * @param {jQuery} $scrollable * @param {Object} options * @param {string|boolean} options.queue * @param {boolean} [options.jumpToTargetPosition=false] * @param {Object} [messages] * @returns {StepHistory|undefined} */ lib.stopScrollAnimation = function ( $scrollable, options, messages ) { var history; options = $.extend( { jumpToTargetPosition: false }, options ); if ( options.queue === false ) { // Edge case: queue = false // // The original scroll animation may have been run outside of a queue context with { queue: false }. If the // same `queue: false` option is passed in here, just stop the currently ongoing animation, whatever that // may be. // // We can't target a scroll animation specifically, so it is a bit of a gamble - but the queue option // shouldn't have been set to false in the first place. // // Stick to the standard scroll queue as a best practice (ie, simply don't specify a queue, and all will be // well). Manage that queue implicitly with the `append` option of $.fn.scrollTo, or perhaps call // $.fn.stopScroll explicitly when really necessary, and leave it at that. $scrollable.stop( true, options.jumpToTargetPosition ); } else { history = getCurrentStepHistory( $scrollable, options ); // Ongoing and queued scroll animations are about to be stopped or removed. Allow messages to be sent to // their callbacks. if ( messages ) lib.notifyScrollCallbacks( $scrollable, messages, animationExitCallbacks, options.queue ); $scrollable.stop( options.queue, true, options.jumpToTargetPosition ); } return history; }; /** * Transfers all properties of a message object to the message containers in the queue. Can be restricted to message * containers for specific types of callbacks (e.g. for `done`, `always` callbacks only). * * Affects all scroll animations which are ongoing or queued at the time of this transfer. Later on, the message * containers are going to be passed to the exit callbacks of these animations, as they are invoked. * * Leaves the original message object (the input object) unchanged. * * @param {jQuery} $scrollable * @param {Object} message * @param {string[]} [callbackNames] defaults to all exit callbacks ("complete", "done", "fail", "always") * @param {string} [queueName] usually not required, set to the scroll queue by default */ lib.notifyScrollCallbacks = function ( $scrollable, message, callbackNames, queueName ) { var callbackMessageContainers = getMessageContainers( $scrollable, { queue: queueName }, callbackNames ); if ( !$.isPlainObject( message ) ) throw new Error( 'Invalid message argument. Expected a hash but got type ' + $.type( message ) ); $.each( callbackMessageContainers, function ( index, messageContainer ) { $.extend( messageContainer, message ); } ); }; /** * Returns the start position for a new scroll movement, for one or both axes. * * Identical to lib.getScrollStartPosition_QW, except that it does not require the queueWrapper to be set up and * passed in as an argument. As a consequence, a call to getStartPosition is more expensive than one to * lib.getScrollStartPosition_QW. Prefer lib.getScrollStartPosition_QW if you can. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} options must be normalized * @param {string} [axis="both"] "horizontal", "vertical", "both" * @returns {Coordinates|number} */ lib.getScrollStartPosition = function ( $container, options, axis ) { var queueWrapper = new queue.QueueWrapper( core.getScrollable( $container ), options.queue ), scrollMode = norm.getScrollMode( options ); return lib.getScrollStartPosition_QW( $container, queueWrapper, axis, scrollMode ); }; /** * Returns the start position for a new scroll movement, for one or both axes. * * Usually, that is the current scroll position. In append or merge mode, the final target position of preceding * animations is returned, if any such animations exist (or the current position otherwise). * * The result is returned as a hash { vertical: ..., horizontal: ... } by default, or as a number if the query is * restricted to a single axis. * * The result is always made up of real positions, and never contains a norm.IGNORE_AXIS placeholder. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @param {string} axis "horizontal", "vertical", "both" * @param {string} scrollMode "replace", "append", "merge" * @returns {Coordinates|number} */ lib.getScrollStartPosition_QW = function ( $container, queueWrapper, axis, scrollMode ) { var append = scrollMode === norm.MODE_APPEND, merge = scrollMode === norm.MODE_MERGE, position; axis || ( axis = norm.BOTH_AXES ); // We only care about the final scroll target of preceding scrolls if we have to base a new scroll on it (append // mode, merge mode); otherwise, we just use the current position. position = ( append || merge ) ? lib.getLastTarget_QW( queueWrapper, axis ) : lib.getCurrentScrollPosition( $container, axis ); // If an axis is ignored in preceding scrolls, it stays at its current position, so fill it in. if ( axis === norm.BOTH_AXES ) { if ( position[norm.HORIZONTAL] === norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) position[norm.HORIZONTAL] = lib.getCurrentScrollPosition( $container, norm.HORIZONTAL ); if ( position[norm.VERTICAL] === norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) position[norm.VERTICAL] = lib.getCurrentScrollPosition( $container, norm.VERTICAL ); } else if ( position === norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) { position = lib.getCurrentScrollPosition( $container, axis ); } return position; }; /** * Returns a reference to the history of animation steps for the animation which will execute last - the last in the * queue, or else the currently executing one. If no animation is queued or executing, undefined is returned. * * In other words, the method fetches the last animation info entry in the queue, and returns its `history` * property. * * NB If the first animation is still queued and not yet executing, its associated step history is empty, of course. * * @param {jQuery} $container must be normalized * @param {Object} options must be normalized, therefore containing options.queue * @returns {StepHistory|undefined} */ lib.getLastStepHistory = function ( $container, options ) { return lib.getLastStepHistory_QW( new queue.QueueWrapper( core.getScrollable( $container ), options.queue ) ); }; /** * Does the actual work of getLastStepHistory(). See there for more. * * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @returns {StepHistory|undefined} */ lib.getLastStepHistory_QW = function ( queueWrapper ) { var info = queueWrapper.getLastInfo(); return info ? info.history : undefined; }; /** * Returns the last position info which can be retrieved from the queue, for one or both axes. This is the position * which all preceding scroll movements eventually arrive at. * * Identical to lib.getLastTarget_QW, except that it does not require the queueWrapper to be set up and passed in as * an argument. As a consequence, a call to getLastTarget is more expensive than one to lib.getLastTarget_QW. Prefer * lib.getLastTarget_QW if you can. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} options must be normalized * @param {string} [axis="both"] "horizontal", "vertical", "both" * @returns {Coordinates|number} */ lib.getLastTarget = function ( $container, options, axis ) { return lib.getLastTarget_QW( new queue.QueueWrapper( core.getScrollable( $container ), options.queue ), axis ); }; /** * Returns the last position info which can be retrieved from the queue, for one or both axes. This is the position * which all preceding scroll movements eventually arrive at. * * The result is returned as a hash { vertical: ..., horizontal: ... } by default, or as a number if the query is * restricted to a single axis. * * Values are absolute, fully resolved target positions and numeric. If there is no info for an axis (because the * queue is empty or animations target the other axis only), norm.IGNORE_AXIS is returned for it. * * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @param {string} [axis="both"] "horizontal", "vertical", "both" * @returns {Coordinates|number} */ lib.getLastTarget_QW = function ( queueWrapper, axis ) { var retrievedX, retrievedY, returnBothAxes = !axis || axis === norm.BOTH_AXES, last = {}, infoEntries = queueWrapper.getInfo(); // Set the default return value if there is no info for an axis last[norm.HORIZONTAL] = last[norm.VERTICAL] = norm.IGNORE_AXIS; // Extract the last position info for each axis which is not norm.IGNORE_AXIS $.each( infoEntries, function ( index, info ) { if ( info.position ) { retrievedX = info.position[norm.HORIZONTAL]; retrievedY = info.position[norm.VERTICAL]; if ( retrievedX !== undefined && retrievedX !== norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) last[norm.HORIZONTAL] = retrievedX; if ( retrievedY !== undefined && retrievedY !== norm.IGNORE_AXIS ) last[norm.VERTICAL] = retrievedY; } } ); return returnBothAxes ? last : last[axis]; }; /** * Checks if a target position is redundant when compared to an existing position. * * If an axis in the target is ignored, it is considered to match any position. * * @param {Coordinates} target must be normalized * @param {Coordinates} compareTo must be normalized * @returns {boolean} */ lib.isRedundantTarget = function ( target, compareTo ) { var newX = target[norm.HORIZONTAL], newY = target[norm.VERTICAL], lastX = compareTo[norm.HORIZONTAL], lastY = compareTo[norm.VERTICAL], matchesX = newX === norm.IGNORE_AXIS || newX === lastX, matchesY = newY === norm.IGNORE_AXIS || newY === lastY; return matchesX && matchesY; }; /** * Returns the current scroll position for a container on both axes, or on a specific axis if requested. The * container element is expected to be normalized. * * For both axes, a coordinates hash is returned, otherwise a number. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {string} [axis="both"] "vertical", "horizontal", "both" * @returns {Coordinates|number} */ lib.getCurrentScrollPosition = function ( $container, axis ) { var coords = {}; if ( !axis || axis === norm.BOTH_AXES ) { coords[norm.HORIZONTAL] = $container.scrollLeft(); coords[norm.VERTICAL] = $container.scrollTop(); } return axis === norm.HORIZONTAL ? $container.scrollLeft() : axis === norm.VERTICAL ? $container.scrollTop() : coords; }; lib.isString = function ( value ) { return typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String; }; lib.isNumber = function ( value ) { return ( typeof value === 'number' || value instanceof Number ) && ! isNaN( value ); }; lib.isInArray = function ( value, arr ) { return $.inArray( value, arr ) !== -1; }; /** * Adds user scroll detection to the animation options, and returns the updated options hash. * * User scrolling is detected in the `step` callback. If the user has provided a step callback, it is called from * the wrapper `step` function which is added here. * * An independent, modified options hash is returned. The original options hash remains unchanged. * * NB Step wrapper vs propHooks: * * User scroll detection can also be placed into $.Tween.propHooks.scrollLeft and $.Tween.propHooks.scrollTop. But I * have abandoned that route for now. * * - It seems that a propHooks implementation is less reliable than a step wrapper, occasionally aborting scroll * movements which should in fact proceed. (Maybe that could be fixed - I haven't tried hard.) * * - In addition, the propHooks are undocumented, increasing the risk that they might change or disappear in any * future jQuery release. (They seem to be part of the "official" API, though, mitigating that risk.) * * On balance, a step wrapper seemed to be the better option. * * @param {Object} animationOptions must be normalized * @param {StepHistory} history animation step history. Usually empty, unless a preceding animation was * stopped as part of the call - see mgr.scrollTo() * @returns {Object} */ function addUserScrollDetection ( animationOptions, history ) { var queueName = animationOptions.queue, enableDetection = $.scrollable._enableUserScrollDetection && animationOptions.ignoreUser !== true && animationOptions.ignoreUser !== norm.IGNORE_USER_SCROLL_ONLY, userScrollTriggerThreshold = animationOptions.userScrollThreshold !== undefined ? parseInt( animationOptions.userScrollThreshold, 10 ) : $.scrollable.userScrollThreshold, userScrollDetectionThreshold = $.scrollable._scrollDetectionThreshold, userStepCb = animationOptions.step, modifiedOptions = animationOptions ? $.extend( {}, animationOptions ) : {}, lastExpected = {}, cumulativeDelta = { scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0 }; if ( enableDetection ) { if ( userScrollTriggerThreshold < userScrollDetectionThreshold ) throw new Error( "User scroll detection: threshold too low. The threshold for detecting user scroll movement must be set to at least " + userScrollDetectionThreshold ); modifiedOptions.step = function ( now, tween ) { var animatedProp = tween.prop, otherProp = animatedProp === "scrollTop" ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop", lastReal = {}, currentDelta = { scrollTop: 0, scrollLeft: 0 }, scrollDetected = { scrollTop: false, scrollLeft: false }; // Get the actual last position. // // The step callback executes _before_ the step executes. So the scroll state information gathered here // reflects the result of the preceding animation step. lastReal[animatedProp] = Math.floor( tween.cur() ); lastReal[otherProp] = Math.floor( tween.elem[otherProp] ); if ( lastExpected[animatedProp] !== undefined && lastExpected[otherProp] !== undefined ) { currentDelta[animatedProp] = lastExpected[animatedProp] - lastReal[animatedProp]; currentDelta[otherProp] = lastExpected[otherProp] - lastReal[otherProp]; // Only detect movements above a minimum threshold, filtering out occasional, random deviations. scrollDetected[animatedProp] = Math.abs( currentDelta[animatedProp] ) > userScrollDetectionThreshold; scrollDetected[otherProp] = Math.abs( currentDelta[otherProp] ) > userScrollDetectionThreshold; if ( $.scrollable._useScrollHistoryForDetection ) { // If there is a deviation, we compare the current position to the ones before it. If there is // an exact match, it is extremely likely that the browser is lagging and has not updated the // property to the current position yet. Ignore the deviation then. // // We do this comparison twice: once against the history of real positions, once against the // history of expected positions. Tests have shown that the browser readout may catch up, but // still lag on step behind in some instances. // // All of this is a common issue in mobile Safari (observed in iOS 8). I have not seen it happen // in other browsers yet. // // Incidentally, it does not help to read pageXOffset, pageYOffset instead of scrollTop, // scrollLeft (when dealing with a window). In mobile Safari, they suffer from the same problem. if ( scrollDetected[animatedProp] ) scrollDetected[animatedProp] = !hasBrowserFailedToUpdate( animatedProp, lastReal, history ); if ( scrollDetected[otherProp] ) scrollDetected[otherProp] = !hasBrowserFailedToUpdate( otherProp, lastReal, history ); } // If there is a valid deviation, record it. if ( scrollDetected[animatedProp] || scrollDetected[otherProp] ) { cumulativeDelta[animatedProp] += currentDelta[animatedProp]; cumulativeDelta[otherProp] += currentDelta[otherProp]; } if ( Math.abs( cumulativeDelta[animatedProp] ) > userScrollTriggerThreshold || Math.abs( cumulativeDelta[otherProp] ) > userScrollTriggerThreshold ) { // The real position is not where we would expect it to be. The user has scrolled. // // We order the scroll animation to stop immediately, but it does only come into effect _after_ // the current step. We want to remain at the position the user has scrolled to, so we reduce // the current step to a no-op. tween.now = lastReal[animatedProp]; lib.stopScrollAnimation( $( tween.elem ), { queue: queueName }, { cancelled: "scroll" } ); } } lastExpected[animatedProp] = Math.floor( tween.now ); lastExpected[otherProp] = lastReal[otherProp]; if ( $.scrollable._useScrollHistoryForDetection ) { // Record expected and real values in the step history. Limit the history to the number of steps // which are actually examined in hasBrowserFailedToUpdate(). history.real.push( lastReal ); history.expected.push( $.extend( {}, lastExpected ) ); if ( history.real.length > 6 ) history.real.shift(); if ( history.expected.length > 6 ) history.expected.shift(); } // Finally, call the user-provided step callback return userStepCb && userStepCb.apply( this, $.makeArray( arguments ) ); }; } return modifiedOptions; } /** * Adds user click and touch detection to the animation options, and returns the updated options hash. * * An event handler for user click and touch is set up in the `start` callback, and removed in the `always` * callback. If the user has provided callbacks of these types, they are invoked from the wrapper callbacks which * are created here. * * An independent, modified options hash is returned. The original options hash remains unchanged. * * @param {jQuery} $elem * @param {Object} animationOptions must be normalized * @returns {Object} */ function addUserClickTouchDetection ( $elem, animationOptions ) { var handler, events = "mousedown touchstart pointerdown", enableDetection = $.scrollable._enableClickAndTouchDetection && animationOptions.ignoreUser !== true && animationOptions.ignoreUser !== norm.IGNORE_USER_CLICK_TOUCH_ONLY, queueName = animationOptions.queue, userStartCb = animationOptions.start, userAlwaysCb = animationOptions.always, modifiedOptions = animationOptions ? $.extend( {}, animationOptions ) : {}, // Element for attaching the event handlers: If the scrollable element is the "html" element, use the body // instead. $clickable = $elem[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === "html" ? $( $elem[0].ownerDocument.body ) : $elem; if ( enableDetection ) { handler = function () { lib.stopScrollAnimation( $elem, { queue: queueName }, { cancelled: "click" } ); }; modifiedOptions.start = function () { // Add the event handler for mousedown, touchstart, pointerdown $clickable.on( events, handler ); // Call the user-provided `start` callback return userStartCb && userStartCb.apply( this, $.makeArray( arguments ) ); }; modifiedOptions.always = function () { // Remove the event handlers $clickable.off( events, handler ); // Call the user-provided `always` callback return userAlwaysCb && userAlwaysCb.apply( this, $.makeArray( arguments ) ); }; } return modifiedOptions; } /** * Replaces each animation exit callback (complete, done, fail, always) in the animation options with a wrapper * function which calls the original callback, adding a message container to the callback arguments. * * Expects the animation options and the (outer) message container as arguments. Returns the modified animation * options. Leaves the original options untouched. * * For callbacks which receive two arguments (done, fail, always), the message container is added as the third one. * The complete callback, which is called without arguments out of the box, receives the message container as the * only argument. * * @param {Object} animationOptions * @param {Object} outerMessageContainer * @returns {Object} */ function addMessagingToCallbacks ( animationOptions, outerMessageContainer ) { var callbacks = lib.getExitCallbacks( animationOptions ), modifiedOptions = animationOptions ? $.extend( {}, animationOptions ) : {}; $.each( callbacks, function ( callbackName, callback ) { var messageContainer = outerMessageContainer[callbackName]; modifiedOptions[callbackName] = function () { var args = $.makeArray( arguments ); // Callbacks with arguments (done, fail, always) are supposed to receive two arguments, but jQuery omits // the second argument, jumpedToEnd, if the jumpedToEnd flag has not been used. Add it with value // undefined if necessary. if ( args.length === 1 ) args.push( undefined ); // Add the message container as the third argument (or, in the case of the `complete` callback, as the // first and only argument). // // We ensure the argument position explicitly, rather than just append the argument at the end, in case // undocumented arguments get passed to the callbacks in some versions of jQuery. args.splice( 2, 0, messageContainer ); // Call the original callback callback.apply( this, args ); }; } ); return modifiedOptions; } /** * Helper for addUserScrollDetection(), checks the last real position against a history of real and expected * positions. Returns whether or not the browser has failed to update the real position in time. * * That is the case when the real position has not advanced during the animation and still equals one in history. * See the comment in addUserScrollDetection for more. * * @param {string} property * @param {ScrollState} lastReal * @param {StepHistory} history * @returns {boolean} */ function hasBrowserFailedToUpdate ( property, lastReal, history ) { var i, steps, hasFailed = false, lenReal = history.real.length, lenExpected = history.expected.length, real = lastReal[property]; // Check lastReal for up to six steps back in history i = lenReal - 1; steps = 6; while ( i >= 0 && lenReal - i <= steps && ! hasFailed ) { hasFailed = real === history.real[i][property]; i--; } // Check lastExpected for up to six steps back in history i = lenExpected - 1; steps = 6; while ( i >= 0 && lenExpected - i <= steps && ! hasFailed ) { hasFailed = real === history.expected[i][property]; i--; } return hasFailed; } /** * Returns a reference to the history of animation steps for the animation which is currently executing, or queued * up next. If no animation is executing or queued, undefined is returned. * * In other words, the method fetches the first animation info entry in the queue, and returns its `history` * property. * * NB If the first animation is still queued and not yet executing, its associated step history is empty, of course. * * @param {jQuery} $scrollable the real scrollable element * @param {Object} options must be normalized, therefore containing options.queue * @returns {StepHistory|undefined} */ function getCurrentStepHistory ( $scrollable, options ) { return getCurrentStepHistory_QW( new queue.QueueWrapper( $scrollable, options.queue ) ); } /** * Does the actual work of getCurrentStepHistory(). See there for more. * * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @returns {StepHistory|undefined} */ function getCurrentStepHistory_QW ( queueWrapper ) { var info = queueWrapper.getFirstInfo(); return info ? info.history : undefined; } /** * Creates a message container, for passing messages to animation callbacks. * * It consists of an outer container, which holds the actual message containers for each exit callback (complete, * done, fail, always). These "real" message containers, which are just empty hashes at this point, are passed to * the callbacks when they are invoked. * * @returns {OuterMessageContainer} */ function createOuterMessageContainer () { var outer = {}; $.each( animationExitCallbacks, function ( index, callbackName ) { outer[callbackName] = {}; } ); return outer; } /** * Returns all message containers in the queue, as an array. Can be restricted to message containers for specific * types of callbacks. * * If there aren't any sentinels of scroll animations in the queue, and hence no message containers, an empty array * is returned. * * The message containers are attached to the sentinels, as part of the info entries. Message containers are used * for communicating with animation callbacks (more specifically, with the exit callbacks `complete`, `done`, `fail`, * `always`). * * The method returns an array of the actual message containers which are passed to the callbacks, not the outer * message container which keeps them separated by callback type. * * @param {jQuery} $scrollable the real scrollable element * @param {Object} options must be normalized, therefore containing options.queue * @param {string[]} [callbackNames] defaults to all exit callbacks ("complete", "done", "fail", "always") * @returns {Object[]} */ function getMessageContainers ( $scrollable, options, callbackNames ) { return getMessageContainers_QW( new queue.QueueWrapper( $scrollable, options.queue ), callbackNames ); } /** * Does the actual work of getMessageContainers(). See there for more. * * @param {queue.QueueWrapper} queueWrapper * @param {string[]} [callbackNames] defaults to all exit callbacks ("complete", "done", "fail", "always") * @returns {Object[]} */ function getMessageContainers_QW ( queueWrapper, callbackNames ) { var messageContainers = [], infoEntries = queueWrapper.getInfo(), outerMessageContainers = $.map( infoEntries, function ( info ) { return info.callbackMessages; } ); callbackNames || ( callbackNames = animationExitCallbacks ); $.each( callbackNames, function ( index, callbackName ) { if ( !lib.isInArray( callbackName, animationExitCallbacks ) ) throw new Error( 'Invalid animation callback name. Expected the name of an exit callback ("' + animationExitCallbacks.join( '", "' ) + '"), but got "' + callbackName + '"' ); $.each( outerMessageContainers, function ( index, outerMessageContainer ) { messageContainers.push( outerMessageContainer[callbackName] ); } ); } ); return messageContainers; } /** * Calculates the distance, in pixels, from the current scroll position to the target position. * * If an axis is ignored in the target position, make sure it is set to norm.IGNORE_AXIS. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Coordinates} targetPosition * @returns {number} */ function getCurrentTravelDistance ( $container, targetPosition ) { var currentPosition = lib.getCurrentScrollPosition( $container ), deltaX = targetPosition[norm.HORIZONTAL] === norm.IGNORE_AXIS ? 0 : targetPosition[norm.HORIZONTAL] - currentPosition[norm.HORIZONTAL], deltaY = targetPosition[norm.VERTICAL] === norm.IGNORE_AXIS ? 0 : targetPosition[norm.VERTICAL] - currentPosition[norm.VERTICAL]; return Math.sqrt( Math.pow( deltaX, 2 ) + Math.pow( deltaY, 2 ) ); } /** * Expects a hash and returns a copy of it, filtered to only have values for the whitelisted keys. Also omits * existing, matching properties if their value is undefined. Does not modify the input object. * * Returns an empty object if the hash doesn't have any matching properties, or if the hash itself is undefined. * * Roughly replicates the functionality of _.pick() in the Underscore library. * * @param {Object|undefined} hash * @param {string[]} keyNames * @returns {Object} */ function pick ( hash, keyNames ) { var picked = {}; if ( hash ) { $.each( keyNames, function ( index, name ) { var value = hash[name]; if ( value !== undefined ) picked[name] = value; } ); } return picked; } /** * Adds a jQuery.animate prefilter which applies the lockSpeedBelow setting, and adjusts the duration of a scroll * animation when necessary. * * For more about prefilters, see https://gist.github.com/gnarf/54829d408993526fe475#prefilters */ $.Animation.prefilter( function ( elem, properties, options ) { var $container, distance, thresholdDistance, minSpeed, maxDuration, targetPosition = {}, hasX = properties && "scrollLeft" in properties, hasY = properties && "scrollTop" in properties, isScrollAnimation = properties && ( hasX || hasY ) && options && options._jqScrollable; if ( isScrollAnimation && options.lockSpeedBelow ) { $container = norm.normalizeContainer( $( elem ) ); targetPosition[norm.HORIZONTAL] = hasX ? properties.scrollLeft : norm.IGNORE_AXIS; targetPosition[norm.VERTICAL] = hasY ? properties.scrollTop : norm.IGNORE_AXIS; distance = getCurrentTravelDistance( $container, targetPosition ); thresholdDistance = options.lockSpeedBelow; if ( distance < thresholdDistance ) { minSpeed = thresholdDistance / options.duration; maxDuration = distance / minSpeed; this.duration = options.duration = Math.min( maxDuration, options.duration ); } } } ); /** * Custom types. * * For easier documentation and type inference. */ /** * @name Callbacks * @type {Object} * * @property {Function} [start] * @property {Function} [complete] * @property {Function} [done] * @property {Function} [fail] * @property {Function} [always] * @property {Function} [step] * @property {Function} [progress] */ /** * @name AnimationInfo * @type {Object} * * @property {Coordinates} position * @property {OuterMessageContainer} callbackMessages * @property {StepHistory} history */ /** * @name OuterMessageContainer * @type {Object} * * @property {Object} complete * @property {Object} done * @property {Object} fail * @property {Object} always */ /** * @name StepHistory * @type {Object} * * @property {ScrollState[]} real * @property {ScrollState[]} expected */ /** * @name ScrollState * @type {Object} * * @property {number|undefined} scrollTop * @property {number|undefined} scrollLeft */ } )( lib, norm, queue, core ); /** * Core, option A: * * The scrollable element for a window is detected with a feature test. */ ( function ( core, lib ) { "use strict"; /** @type {string} caches the name of the element to use for window scrolling. Values: "body" or "html" */ var _windowScrollable; /** * Returns the scrollable element, in a jQuery wrapper. The container element is expected to be normalized. * * The return value of the method is determined as follows: * * - For ordinary elements, it returns the element itself. * * - For the window, it returns either body or documentElement, depending on the browser whether or not it is in * quirks mode. Document, documentElement and body are considered to mean "window", and are treated the same. * * - For an iframe element, it returns the scrollable element of the iframe content window. * * If an empty jQuery set is passed in, an empty jQuery set is returned. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @returns {jQuery} */ core.getScrollable = function( $container ) { return $.isWindow( $container[0] ) ? getWindowScrollable( $container[0] ) : $container; }; /** * Animates the scroll movement. Container element and options are expected to be normalized. * * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {number} position * @param {Object} options */ core.animateScroll = function ( $container, position, options ) { var $scrollable = core.getScrollable( $container ); lib.addScrollAnimation( $scrollable, position, options ); }; /** * Core internals */ /** * Detects which element to use for scrolling a window (body or documentElement). Returns the element, in a jQuery * wrapper. * * The detection is sandboxed in an iframe created for the purpose. * * @param {Window} [currentWindow=window] needed to detect quirks mode in a particular window, and to return the * scrollable element in the right window context * @returns {jQuery} */ function getWindowScrollable ( currentWindow ) { var iframe, element, tagName, currentDocument = ( currentWindow || window ).document; // In quirks mode, we have to scroll the body, regardless of the normal browser behaviour if ( currentDocument.compatMode === "BackCompat" ) return $( currentDocument.body ); // Use the document.scrollingElement API if available. // // This API is experimental and currently supported by Chrome 44+, Opera 33+, Safari 9+ and Edge. // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/document/scrollingElement if ( ! _windowScrollable ) { // Being very defensive here because the API is experimental and potentially buggy, unstable, or slow. element = document.scrollingElement; tagName = element && element.tagName; if ( tagName && tagName.toLowerCase ) { tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); if ( tagName === "html" || tagName === "body" ) _windowScrollable = tagName; } } if ( ! _windowScrollable ) { iframe = createScrollableTestIframe(); iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo( 1, 0 ); _windowScrollable = iframe.contentDocument.documentElement.scrollLeft === 1 ? "html" : "body"; document.body.removeChild( iframe ); } return _windowScrollable === "html" ? $( currentDocument.documentElement ) : $( currentDocument.body ); } /** * Creates an iframe document with an HTML5 doctype and UTF-8 encoding and positions it off screen. Window size * is 500px x 500px. Its body is 550px wide, in preparation for a horizontal scroll test. Returns the iframe element. * * The iframe content has to overflow horizontally, not vertically, because of an iOS quirk. Iframes expand * vertically in iOS until the content fits inside (and as a result, we are unable to scroll vertically). But * iframes don't expand horizontally, so scrolling on that axis works in iOS. * * @returns {HTMLIFrameElement} */ function createScrollableTestIframe () { var iframe = document.createElement( "iframe" ), body = document.body; iframe.style.cssText = "position: absolute; top: -600px; left: -600px; width: 500px; height: 500px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; display: block;"; iframe.frameborder = "0"; body.appendChild( iframe ); iframe.src = 'about:blank'; iframe.contentDocument.write( '' ); return iframe; } // Let's prime getWindowScrollable() immediately after the DOM is ready. It is best to do it up front because the // test touches the DOM, so let's get it over with before people set up handlers for mutation events and such. $( function () { if ( _windowScrollable === undefined ) getWindowScrollable(); } ); } )( core, lib ); }( typeof jQuery !== "undefined" ? jQuery : $ ));