class Minimongoid id: undefined attributes: {} constructor: (attributes = {}) -> if attributes._id @attributes = @demongoize(attributes) @id = attributes._id else @attributes = attributes isPersisted: -> @id? isValid: -> true save: -> return false unless @isValid() attributes = @mongoize(@attributes) attributes['_type'] = @constructor._type if @constructor._type? if @isPersisted() @constructor._collection.update @id, { $set: attributes } else @id = @constructor._collection.insert attributes this update: (@attributes) -> @save() destroy: -> if @isPersisted() @constructor._collection.remove @id @id = null mongoize: (attributes) -> taken = {} for name, value of attributes continue if name.match(/^_/) taken[name] = value taken demongoize: (attributes) -> taken = {} for name, value of attributes continue if name.match(/^_/) taken[name] = value taken @_collection: undefined @_type: undefined # Rubists will love me, everyone else will burn me! # # Allows calls like firstname: 'John' @new: (attributes) -> new @(attributes) @create: (attributes) -> @new(attributes).save() @where: (selector = {}, options = {}) -> @_collection.find(selector, options) @all: (selector = {}, options = {}) -> @_collection.find(selector, options) @toArray: (selector = {}, options = {}) -> for attributes in @where(selector, options).fetch() # eval is ok, because _type is never entered by user new(eval(attributes._type) ? @)(attributes) @count: (selector = {}, options = {}) -> @where(selector, options).count() @destroyAll: (selector = {}) -> @_collection.remove(selector)