vim9script # Commands # update packages import autoload "git.vim" command! PackUp git.PackUpdate() # Wipe all hidden buffers def WipeHiddenBuffers() var buffers = filter(getbufinfo(), (_, v) => v.hidden) if !empty(buffers) execute 'confirm bwipeout' join(mapnew(buffers, (_, v) => v.bufnr)) endif enddef command! WipeHiddenBuffers WipeHiddenBuffers() # fix trailing spaces command! FixTrailingSpaces :exe 'normal! m`' \ :keepj silent! :%s/\r\+$//g \ :keepj silent! :%s/\v(\s+$)//g \ :exe 'normal! ``' \ :echom 'Remove trailing spaces and ^Ms.' import autoload "text.vim" command! -range FixSpaces text.FixSpaces(, ) import autoload "share.vim" command! -range=% -nargs=? -complete=custom,share.Complete Share share.Paste(, , ) command! CD lcd %:p:h command! MD call mkdir(expand("%:p:h"), "p") # syntax group names under cursor command! Inspect :echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")') # Echo formatted vim objects, e.g. :Echo getbufinfo() import autoload 'dist/json.vim' command! -nargs=1 -complete=var Echo redir @"> | echo json.Format() | redir END # save and load sessions if !isdirectory($'{g:vimdata}/sessions') | mkdir($'{g:vimdata}/sessions', "p") | endif command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,SessionComplete SaveSession :exe $'mksession! {g:vimdata}/sessions/' command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,SessionComplete LoadSession :%bd exe $'so {g:vimdata}/sessions/' def SessionComplete(_, _, _): string return globpath($'{g:vimdata}/sessions/', "*", 0, 1)->mapnew((_, v) => fnamemodify(v, ":t"))->join("\n") enddef # write to a privileged file if executable('sudo') command! W w !sudo tee "%" >/dev/null endif # base64 command! Base64 append('.', trim(system("python -m base64", getline('.')))) command! Base64Decode append('.', trim(system("python -m base64 -d", getline('.')))) # bookmarks def SaveBookmark() if empty(expand("%")) | return | endif var name = input("Save bookmark: ", expand("%:t")) if empty(name) name = expand("%:t") endif var bookmarks = {} var bookmarkFile = $'{g:vimdata}/bookmarks.json' try if !filereadable(bookmarkFile) mkdir(fnamemodify(bookmarkFile, ":p:h"), "p") else bookmarks = readfile(bookmarkFile) ->join() ->json_decode() ->filter((_, v) => filereadable(v.file)) endif bookmarks[name] = {file: expand("%:p"), line: line('.'), col: col('.')} [bookmarks->json_encode()]->writefile(bookmarkFile) catch echohl Error echomsg v:exception echohl None endtry enddef command! Bookmark call SaveBookmark() command! -nargs=1 Grep Sh! grep -Rn "" . command! -nargs=1 Rg Sh! rg -nS --column "" . command! Todo Sh! rg -nS --column "\\b(TODO|FIXME|XXX):" . command! Task Sh! rg -nS --column "\\btask:" . def Irc() var buf_del = -1 if (empty(bufname()) || !empty(&buftype)) && !&modified buf_del = bufnr() endif exe "IIJoin #vim" normal zb wincmd o exe "IIJoin #emacs" normal zb wincmd H # exe "IIJoin #vim" # normal zb # wincmd o # exe "IIJoin #python" # wincmd L # normal zb # exe "IIJoin #perl" # normal zb # wincmd h # exe "IIJoin #emacs" # normal zb if buf_del != -1 exe $"bd {buf_del}" endif if !empty($TMUX) system('tmux rename-window "irc"') endif enddef command! Irc Irc()