vim9script # Name: autoload/share.vim # Author: Maxim Kim # Desc: Share text using pastebin like services. # Usage: # Define command # import autoload "share.vim" # command! -range=% -nargs=? -complete=custom,share.Complete Share share.Paste(, , ) # # Share whole buffer with default # :Share # # Share whole buffer with # :Share clbin # # Share selection # :'<,'>Share var paste_service = { '0x0': ['', 'file=@-'], 'envs': ['', 'file=@-;'], 'clbin': ['', 'clbin=<-'], 'dpaste': ['', 'content=<-'], 'ix': ['', 'f:1=<-'], 'vpaste': ['', 'text=<-'] } # Paste lines from current buffer to one of the s:paste_service # Save URL in clipboard. export def Paste(service: string, line1: number, line2: number) var [paste_url, paste_param] = paste_service->get(service, paste_service["0x0"]) var url = Curl(paste_url, paste_param, line1, line2) @+ = url @@ = url echom $"Shared as {url}" enddef # Helper function to use curl for pastebin-like websites def Curl(url: string, param: string, line1: number, line2: number): string if !executable('curl') echom "curl is not available!" return "" endif var lines = getline(line1, line2)->join("\n") var result = system($'curl -s -F "{param}" "{url}"', lines) return result->trim() enddef # Helper command completion function export def Complete(_, _, _): string return paste_service->keys()->join("\n") enddef