vim9script # Return true if vim is in WSL environment export def IsWsl(): bool return exists("$WSLENV") enddef # Return Windows path from WSL export def WslToWindowsPath(path: string): string if !IsWsl() return path endif if !executable('wslpath') return path endif var res = systemlist($"wslpath -w '{path}'") return empty(res) ? path : res[0] enddef # Open explorer(/finder/thunar...) where current file is located # Only for win and wsl for now. export def FileManager() var path = '' if expand("%:p") == "" path = expand("%:p:h") else path = expand("%:p") endif if executable("cmd.exe") var job_opts = {} if IsWsl() path = escape(WslToWindowsPath(path), '\') job_opts.cwd = "/mnt/c" endif job_start('cmd.exe /c start "" explorer.exe /select,' .. path, job_opts) elseif executable("nautilus") job_start('nautilus --select ' .. path) else echomsg "Not yet implemented!" endif enddef # Silently execute OS command export def Exe(cmd: string) var job_opts = {} if exists("$WSLENV") job_opts.cwd = "/mnt/c" endif job_start(cmd, job_opts) enddef # Silently execute OS command export def ExeTerm(cmd: string) var job_opts = {term_finish: "close", term_rows: 15} if exists("$WSLENV") job_opts.cwd = "/mnt/c" endif botright term_start(cmd, job_opts) enddef # Open filename in an OS export def Open(url: string) var url_x = url var cmd = '' if executable('cmd.exe') cmd = 'cmd.exe /C start ""' elseif executable('xdg-open') cmd = "xdg-open" elseif executable('open') cmd = "open" else echohl Error echomsg "Can't find proper opener for an URL!" echohl None return endif var job_opts = {} if exists("$WSLENV") job_opts.cwd = "/mnt/c" if filereadable(url) url_x = WslToWindowsPath(url)->escape('\\') endif endif job_start(printf('%s "%s"', cmd, url_x), job_opts) enddef # Better gx to open URLs. # nnoremap gx :call os#Gx() export def Gx() # URL regexes var rx_base = '\%(\%(http\|ftp\|irc\)s\?\|file\)://\S' var rx_bare = rx_base .. '\+' var rx_embd = rx_base .. '\{-}' var URL = "" # markdown URL [link text]( 'yandex search') var save_view = winsaveview() defer winrestview(save_view) if searchpair('\[.\{-}\](', '', ')\zs', 'cbW', '', line('.')) > 0 URL = matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') - 1 : ], '\[.\{-}\](\zs' .. rx_embd .. '\ze\(\s\+.\{-}\)\?)') endif # asciidoc URL[yandex search] if empty(URL) if searchpair(rx_bare .. '\[', '', '\]\zs', 'cbW', '', line('.')) > 0 URL = matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') - 1 : ], '\S\{-}\ze[') endif endif # HTML URL Python is here # if empty(URL) if searchpair('\|/>\)\zs', 'cbW', '', line('.')) > 0 URL = matchstr(getline('.')[col('.') - 1 : ], 'href=["' .. "'" .. ']\?\zs\S\{-}\ze["' .. "'" .. ']\?/\?>') endif endif # URL if empty(URL) URL = matchstr(expand(""), $'^<\zs{rx_bare}\ze>$') endif # URL ( if empty(URL) URL = matchstr(expand(""), $'^(\zs{rx_bare}\ze)$') endif # barebone URL if empty(URL) URL = matchstr(expand(""), rx_bare) endif if empty(URL) return endif Open(escape(URL, '#%!')) enddef