vim9script import autoload 'popup.vim' import autoload 'os.vim' var pack_jobs = [] # Update or install plugins listed in packs export def PackUpdate() if !reduce(pack_jobs, (acc, val) => acc && job_status(val) != 'run', true) echow "Previous update is not finished yet!" return endif pack_jobs = [] echow "Update plugins..." var cwd = fnamemodify($MYVIMRC, ":p:h") var pack_list = $'{cwd}/pack/packs' var jobs = [] var msg_count = 2 def OutCb(ch: channel, msg: string) if msg !~ '.*up to date.$' && msg !~ '^HEAD' && msg !~ '^Removing .*tags' && msg !~ '^Updating files' msg_count += 1 echow msg endif enddef if filereadable(pack_list) var plugs = readfile(pack_list) for pinfo in plugs if pinfo =~ '^\s*#' || pinfo =~ '^\s*$' continue endif var [name, url] = pinfo->split("\t") if empty(name) || empty(url) continue endif var path = $"{cwd}/pack/{name}" if isdirectory(path) var job = job_start([&shell, &shellcmdflag, 'git fetch && git reset --hard @{u} && git clean -dfx'], {"cwd": path, "err_cb": OutCb, "out_cb": OutCb}) pack_jobs->add(job) else var job = job_start($'git clone {url} {path}', {"cwd": cwd, "err_cb": OutCb, "out_cb": OutCb}) pack_jobs->add(job) endif endfor endif def TimerHandler(t: number) if reduce(pack_jobs, (acc, val) => acc && job_status(val) != 'run', true) timer_stop(t) if msg_count == 2 echow "No updates available." else echow "Plugins are updated!" endif helptags ALL endif enddef timer_start(2000, (t) => TimerHandler(t), {"repeat": 100}) enddef # Show commit that introduced current(selected) line # If a count was given, show full history # Src: # Usage: # import autoload 'git.vim' # nnoremap gi git.ShowCommit(v:count) # xnoremap gi git.ShowCommit(v:count, line("v"), line(".")) export def ShowCommit(count: number, firstline: number = line("."), lastline: number = line(".")) if !executable('git') echoerr "Git is not installed!" return endif var depth = (count > 0 ? "" : "-n 1") var git_output = systemlist( "git -C " .. shellescape(fnamemodify(resolve(expand('%:p')), ":h")) .. $" log --no-merges {depth} -L " .. shellescape($'{firstline},{lastline}:{resolve(expand("%:p"))}') ) popup.ShowAtCursor(git_output, (winid) => { setbufvar(winbufnr(winid), "&filetype", "git") }) enddef # Blame current (selected) line. # Usage: # import autoload 'git.vim' # nnoremap gb git.Blame() # xnoremap gb git.Blame(line("v"), line(".")) export def Blame(firstline: number = line("."), lastline: number = line(".")) if !executable('git') echoerr "Git is not installed!" return endif var git_output = systemlist( "git -C " .. shellescape(fnamemodify(resolve(expand('%:p')), ":h")) .. $' blame -L {firstline},{lastline} {expand("%:t")}') popup.ShowAtCursor(git_output, (winid) => { setbufvar(winbufnr(winid), "&filetype", "fugitiveblame") }) enddef # Open current line/selection in Github. # Usage: # import autoload 'git.vim' # nnoremap gh git.GithubOpen() # xnoremap gh git.GithubOpen(line("v"), line(".")) export def GithubOpen(firstline: number = line("."), lastline: number = line(".")) var gitroot = systemlist("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")->join('') var filename = strpart(expand('%:p'), len(gitroot) + 1)->tr('\', '/') var branch = systemlist("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD")->join('') var remote_url = systemlist("git remote get-url origin")->join('') if remote_url =~ '^' remote_url = remote_url->substitute('^', '', '') endif remote_url = remote_url->substitute('.git$', '', '') var github_url = $'{remote_url}/blob/{branch}/{filename}#L{firstline}-L{lastline}' os.Open(github_url) enddef