vim9script # Toggle comments # Usage: # 1. Save in ~/.vim/autoload/comment.vim # 2. Add following mappings to vimrc: # import autoload 'comment.vim' # nnoremap gc comment.Toggle() # xnoremap gc comment.Toggle() # nnoremap gcc comment.Toggle() .. '_' export def Toggle(...args: list): string if len(args) == 0 &opfunc = matchstr(expand(''), '[^. ]*\ze[') return 'g@' endif if empty(&cms) | return '' | endif var cms = substitute(substitute(&cms, '\S\zs%s\s*', ' %s', ''), '%s\ze\S', '%s ', '') var [lnum1, lnum2] = [line("'["), line("']")] var cms_l = split(escape(cms, '*.'), '\s*%s\s*') if len(cms_l) == 0 | return '' | endif if len(cms_l) == 1 | call add(cms_l, '') | endif var comment = 0 var indent_min = indent(lnum1) var indent_start = matchstr(getline(lnum1), '^\s*') for lnum in range(lnum1, lnum2) if getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*$' | continue | endif if indent_min > indent(lnum) indent_min = indent(lnum) indent_start = matchstr(getline(lnum), '^\s*') endif if getline(lnum) !~ $'^\s*{cms_l[0]}.*{cms_l[1]}$' comment = 1 endif endfor var lines = [] var line = '' for lnum in range(lnum1, lnum2) if getline(lnum) =~ '^\s*$' line = getline(lnum) elseif comment if exists("g:comment_first_col") || exists("b:comment_first_col") # handle % with substitute line = printf(substitute(cms, '%s\@!', '%%', 'g'), getline(lnum)) else # handle % with substitute line = printf(indent_start .. substitute(cms, '%s\@!', '%%', 'g'), strpart(getline(lnum), strlen(indent_start))) endif else line = substitute(getline(lnum), $'^\s*\zs{cms_l[0]} \?\| \?{cms_l[1]}$', '', 'g') endif add(lines, line) endfor noautocmd keepjumps setline(lnum1, lines) return '' enddef