var fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'); // // ### Usemin Task // // Replaces references ton non-optimized scripts / stylesheets into a // set of html files (or any template / views). // // Right now the replacement is based on the filename parsed from // content and the files present in accoding dir (eg. looking up // matching revved filename into `intermediate/` dir to know the sha // generated). // // Todo: Use a file dictionary during build process and rev task to // store each optimized assets and their associated sha1. // // Thx to @krzychukula for the new, super handy replace helper. // module.exports = function(grunt) { var linefeed = grunt.utils.linefeed; grunt.registerMultiTask('usemin', 'Replaces references to non-minified scripts / stylesheets', function() { var name =, data =, files = grunt.file.expand(data);, i) { var p = files[i]; grunt.log.subhead('usemin - ' + p); // make sure to convert back into utf8, `` when used as a // forEach handler will take additional arguments, and thus trigger the // raw buffer read content = content.toString(); // ext-specific directives handling and replacement of blocks if(!!grunt.task._helpers['usemin:pre:' + name]) { content = grunt.helper('usemin:pre:' + name, content); } // actual replacement of revved assets if(!!grunt.task._helpers['usemin:post:' + name]) { content = grunt.helper('usemin:post:' + name, content); } // write the new content to disk grunt.file.write(p, content); }); }); // usemin:pre:* are used to preprocess files with the blocks and directives // before going through the global replace grunt.registerHelper('usemin:pre:html', function(content) { // XXX extension-specific for get blocks too. // // Eg. for each predefined extensions directives may vary. eg for html, /** directive **/ for css var blocks = getBlocks(content); // handle blocks Object.keys(blocks).forEach(function(key) { var block = blocks[key].join(linefeed), parts = key.split(':'), type = parts[0], target = parts[1]; content = grunt.helper('usemin', content, block, target, type); }); return content; }); // usemin and usemin:* are used with the blocks parsed from directives grunt.registerHelper('usemin', function(content, block, target, type) { target = target || 'replace'; return grunt.helper('usemin:' + type, content, block, target); }); grunt.registerHelper('usemin:css', function(content, block, target) { var indent = (block.split(linefeed)[0].match(/^\s*/) || [])[0]; return content.replace(block, indent + ''); }); grunt.registerHelper('usemin:js', function(content, block, target) { var indent = (block.split(linefeed)[0].match(/^\s*/) || [])[0]; return content.replace(block, indent + ''); }); grunt.registerHelper('usemin:post:css', function(content) { grunt.log.writeln('Update the CSS with new img filenames'); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, /url\(\s*['"]([^"']+)["']\s*\)/gm); return content; }); // usemin:post:* are the global replace handlers, they delegate the regexp // replace to the replace helper. grunt.registerHelper('usemin:post:html', function(content) { grunt.log.verbose.writeln('Update the HTML to reference our concat/min/revved script files'); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, /]?><[\\]?\/script>/gm); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, /]?><[\\]?\/script>/gm); if (grunt.config('rjs.almond')) { content = content.replace(/]?><[\\]?\/script>/gm, function(match, src) { var res = match.replace(/\s*src=['"].*["']/gm, '').replace('data-main', 'src'); grunt.log.ok('almond') .writeln('was ' + match) .writeln('now ' + res); return res; }); } grunt.log.verbose.writeln('Update the HTML with the new css filenames'); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, //gm); grunt.log.verbose.writeln('Update the HTML with the new img filenames'); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, /]+src=['"]([^"']+)["']/gm); grunt.log.verbose.writeln('Update the HTML with background imgs, case there is some inline style'); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, /url\(\s*['"]([^"']+)["']\s*\)/gm); return content; }); grunt.registerHelper('usemin:post:css', function(content) { grunt.log.verbose.writeln('Update the CSS with background imgs, case there is some inline style'); content = grunt.helper('replace', content, /url\(\s*['"]?([^'"\)]+)['"]?\s*\)/gm); return content; }); // // global replace handler, takes a file content a regexp to macth with. The // regexp should capture the assets relative filepath, it is then compared to // the list of files on the filesystem to guess the actual revision of a file // grunt.registerHelper('replace', function(content, regexp) { return content.replace(regexp, function(match, src) { //do not touch external files if(src.match(/\/\//)) return match; var basename = path.basename(src); var dirname = path.dirname(src); // XXX files won't change, the filepath should filter the original list // of cached files. var filepath = grunt.file.expand(path.join('**/*') + basename)[0]; // not a file in intermediate, skip it if(!filepath) return match; var filename = path.basename(filepath); // handle the relative prefix (with always unix like path even on win32) filename = [dirname, filename].join('/'); // if file not exists probaly was concatenated into another file so skip it if(!filename) return ''; var res = match.replace(src, filename); // output some verbose info on what get replaced grunt.log .ok(src) .writeln('was ' + match) .writeln('now ' + res); return res; }); }); }; // // Helpers: todo, register as grunt helper // // start build pattern --> var regbuild = //; // end build pattern -- var regend = //; // // Returns an hash object of all the directives for the given html. Results is // of the following form: // // { // 'css/site.css ':[ // ' ', // ' ', // ' ' // ], // 'js/head.js ': [ // ' ', // ' ', // ' ' // ], // 'js/site.js ': [ // ' ', // ' ', // ' ', // ' ' // ] // } // function getBlocks(body) { var lines = body.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').split(/\n/), block = false, sections = {}, last; lines.forEach(function(l) { var build = l.match(regbuild), endbuild = regend.test(l); if(build) { block = true; sections[[build[1], build[2].trim()].join(':')] = last = []; } // switch back block flag when endbuild if(block && endbuild) { last.push(l); block = false; } if(block && last) { last.push(l); } }); return sections; }