# # Copyright © 2011-2014 Andreas Rönnquist. # This file is distributed under the same license # as the devilspie2 package, see COPYING file. # Information for new translators ------------------------------- Starting fresh -------------- Get a copy of the devilspie2 sources, and if a devilspie2.pot isn't availible in the po folder, create one: cd po make devilspie2.pot When you have made sure you have a devilspie2.pot, generate a po file for your language using msginit: msginit --input=devilspie2.pot This copies the devilspie2.pot to [LANGUAGE ABBREV].po, (it replaces [LANGUAGE ABBREV] with the correct abbreviation for your language, e.g. 'sv' if you are translating into Swedish) and fills it with information that it gets from your system. Then start translating all strings in the generated po file using your favourite texteditor, or a "gettext catalogs (.po files) editor" like poedit (which can be found at http://www.poedit.net.) Checking your translation for errors and completeness ----------------------------------------------------- msgfmt -c --statistics sv.po -o /dev/null Checks the file (in this example sv.po) for errors, and outputs the result statistics to stdout, and other output to /dev/null ("Other output" is of no use if just checking for errors.) Building Devilspie2 with your translation included -------------------------------------------------- Edit the Makefile in the po folder to include your translation under the LANGUAGES variable listing. Then build devilspie2 as usual with make and install using make install as root. Updating your translation ------------------------- When it is time to update your translation, you update your language po file from the content of the devilspie2.pot file (in this example the language is Swedish, and the po is called sv.po): msgmerge --update sv.po devilspie2.pot I will provide you all with an updated devilspie2.pot in the git repository before each release, but if you would like to generate it yourself, just get the latest git version of devilspie2, and then do the following: cd po rm devilspie2.pot make devilspie2.pot and then update your po file as described above. Open your file and locate the strings that need updating. To get the translation to me you can fork devilspie2 on github, do the translation, and send a pull request to me, which I will merge into my devilspie2 repository. Please use English language in your commit messages so that I can understand what you have done.