**EXTENSION** # `UIApplication` ```swift public extension UIApplication ``` ## Properties ### `keyWindow` ```swift var keyWindow: UIWindow? ``` Application key window ### `isConnectedToNetwork` ```swift var isConnectedToNetwork: Bool ``` Checks if the application is connected to the internet via `SystemConfiguration` ## Methods ### `openSettings()` ```swift func openSettings() ``` Open application settings ### `openPhone(calling:)` ```swift func openPhone(calling number: String) ``` Opens application sheet for phonen number ### `openFacebook(name:id:)` ```swift func openFacebook(name: String?, id: String?) ``` Find My Facebook ID: https://findmyfbid.com/ - Parameters: - name: Facebook name - id: Facebook ID #### Parameters | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | name | Facebook name | | id | Facebook ID | ### `openInstagram(name:)` ```swift func openInstagram(name: String?) ``` Launches the Instagram app and loads the Instagram user - Parameter name: Instagram username #### Parameters | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | name | Instagram username | ### `openInstagram(media:)` ```swift func openInstagram(media: String?) ``` Launches the Instagram app and loads the Instagram user - Parameter name: Instagram username #### Parameters | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | name | Instagram username | ### `openExternalMapApp(query:)` ```swift func openExternalMapApp(query: String) ``` Open a map app with the given query. Orders: Google Map -> Apple Map - Parameter query: The query to search on the map. #### Parameters | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | query | The query to search on the map. |