**EXTENSION** # `Int` ```swift public extension Int ``` ## Properties ### `isOdd` ```swift var isOdd: Bool ``` Whether self is an odd number ### `isEven` ```swift var isEven: Bool ``` Whether self is an even number ### `nilIfZero` ```swift var nilIfZero: Int? ``` Treats 0 as nil ### `string` ```swift var string: String ``` Make the number to string ### `range` ```swift var range: CountableRange ``` Make a range from zero to self ### `hours` ```swift var hours: Int ``` ### `minutes` ```swift var minutes: Int ``` ### `days` ```swift var days: Int ``` ### `months` ```swift var months: Int ``` ### `years` ```swift var years: Int ``` ## Methods ### `instances(of:)` ```swift func instances(of creation: @autoclosure () throws -> T) rethrows -> [T] ``` Return a number of instances - Parameter creation: The initialization of the object - Returns: An array containing the objects #### Parameters | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | creation | The initialization of the object | ### `inRange(_:)` ```swift func inRange(_ range: Range) -> Bool ``` Return if `self` is in the given range. - Parameter range: Target range. - Returns: `true` if self is in the range, otherwise `false`. #### Parameters | Name | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | range | Target range. | ### `times(block:)` ```swift func times(block: () -> Void) ``` Calls the given block n number of times.