Easy ==== Medium ====== - Allow changing/adding mob drops - add rare skulls drop - Make a plugin for NEI to allow adding new item IDs easily Hard/Tricky/Unknown =================== - Use Forge's adding trades - Make it compatible with dedicated server (don't use "Packages." construct, try to fix Forge or modify Rhino) - Dispenser planting seeds - Hook CommandBase/ICommand to be Minecraft version independent - Wrap ItemStack and Method in JavaScript pseudo-classes for more straightforward work Alternatively, find out if it's possible to add fields into these specifically for JS engine - Make more reliable Minecraft 1.6 compatible directory detection Maintenance/Boring ================== - Add Thaumcraft aspects for mod items/blocks - Ensure correct mod load order - Write better documentation, etc. Future ====== - If Equivalent Exchange 3 doesn't crash with TFC, support them - more Thaumcraft API support - recipes inspection to help adding missing ones - allow changing chests loot - allow nether warts to grow in overworld, if shielded from sky and having light level 15 - make lava update properly and disappear when source block is removed, for Minecraft 1.5.2 and older (https://mojang.atlassian.net/browse/MC-4631) - plant more stuff in pots - villagers drop last trade (if it's enabled) when killed by a player? - villagers show a bubble with last viewed offer - on medium and especially hard difficulty, regenerating from full hunger bar makes player hungry - charge double amount of XP instead of showing "too expensive!" on anvils - change fishing interval? - chicken mating makes an egg instead of a chicken; if possible, such an egg has 1/2 chance to hatch as opposed to 1/8 if possible, such an egg hatches instead of disappearing in 5 minutes - use lapis in brewing potions? - make bookshelves have direction - support Better Than Wolves Forum suggestions ================= - Enriched Gravel mod API: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1783653- (lets you either add drops to enriched gravel or add custom sifter block drops for any block and metadata) - IC2 recipe support -- macerator, extractor, compressor - Thermal Expansion recipe support -- pulverizer, induction smelter, sawmill - Forestry recipe support -- carpenter, centrifuge - GregTech - http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1686840- add other mods added items to transmute back to their base materials. --- = Trades to add = Priest buying soul sand 36-63 for 1e, (as proof of monsters being killed) gunpowder 18-32 for 1e, rotten flesh 36-63 for 1e, spider eyes 6-11 for 1e, blaze rods 18-32 for 1e, ender pearls 6-11 for 1e, ghast tears 6-11 for 1e, bones 36-63 for 1e Farmers buying carrots 18-21 for 1e cooked potatoes 18-21 for 1e selling saplings 3-5 for 1e sugar canes 3-5 for 1e pumpkins 1-2 for 1e lily pads 5-8 for 1e Librarians selling maps 1 for 10-11e, item frames 1 for 1-2e Butchers selling leather 1-3 for 1 emerald