1.142.2018.09 The following changes are made by EnderDragonneau: - Palette revamped: Grayscale, new name for Beach classic and Beach, new palette: Grimby Grays 1.141.2018.08 - New canvas: fix loading for drawing contests (thanks EnderDragonneau) 1.140.2018.08 - Correct the beach theme 1.139.2018.08 - Fix ANBT version display The following changes are made by EnderDragonneau: - Dark Theme: fix comment highlight, dashboard, profile, store, game creation, settings, search section, emote border when click, white ducks (they're invisible if they're gray)... - Remove "Inventory" button (this fix the user link) - Adding support for Beach 2 palette, change Valentin and Neon palette - Fix "Click to read more" link in comment - Fix game comments ID with post date - remove the "remove flag button" option 1.138.2018.07 - Replace glyphicons with font-awesome icons - Fix identification of replayable drawings, broken due to XHR hijacking - Add 'Toggle light' as a menu item to make it accessible for mobile users - Fix the anchor link when expanding a limited height game comment - Add distance between favorite and replay buttons in game view. 'Literally unplayable!' 1.137.2018.07 - Add support for the new palette: Tropical - Fix double marking on new game comments - Fix user profile ANBT stuff, display of favorites; remove old cover code, remove old dropdown removal - Dark theme: fix user profiles - Fix timestamp and post handling in forum, games, profiles - Change caption limit to 45 - Fix detection of friend games; add proper detection of blitz games as now that is possible - Fix post height limit so it applies to game comments - Prevent first forum post from collapsing due to max height; also display proper timestamp on it 1.136.2018.06 - Fix handling of forum and game comments broken with the site update; now shows exact timestaps for game comments - Don't try to show title when replaying Draw First panels - Increase old font size as it got tiny with the site update 1.135.2018.06 - Forum: linkify new embedded panel images to panel pages - Change Drawception calls from GET to POST+JSON, this should fix Draw First aborting and contests 1.134.2018.06 - Add support for the new palette: Juice 1.133.2018.06 - Allow replaying right from the player's gallery for the new drawings - Fix viewing playback on newer drawings from the game page as their panel links got changed 1.132.2018.06 - Reduce 'Like all' button delay between likes to 1.5 seconds - Fix panel favorites display style - Completely remove the old canvas code; fix new canvas detecting drawing contests - Fix panel favorites old links; fix username when faving from the panel page - Fix showing replay links for the new drawings 1.131.2018.06 - New canvas: fix viewing playback 1.130.2018.06 - Restore old, smaller font size; can be disabled in options 1.129.2018.06 - Dark style: fix game creation page - Fix script loading and working on the updated Drawception site 1.128.2018.04 - New canvas: prevent caching an error from GitHub - Prevent forum post anchor from appearing twice on deleted users - Remove subforum detection in user profile's forum posts as site no longer gives that information - Remove game length detection as it is now provided by the site 1.127.2018.04 - New canvas: fix background tool availability extraction as it got changed again - New canvas: disallow drawing if palette couldn't be extracted 1.126.2018.04 - Fix handling forum 'edited' timestamps - New canvas: fix palette extraction 1.125.2018.04 - New canvas: fix background tool availability extraction 1.124.2018.04 - Increase 'Like all' button delay between likes to 3 seconds - New canvas: fix typo 1.123.2018.04 - New canvas: hopefully improve touchscreen support for some people - 'Like all' button now waits 2 seconds before each like, the site seems to have a hard limit on how quickly you can like now. - Dark style: fix popups and reactions a bit - Fix missing forum anchors and 'show more' broken with the site update - Restore forum warning about posting to another page 1.122.2018.03 - Old canvas: fix loading errors, but warning sound and timer in title are missing for now - New canvas: fix timer extraction 1.121.2018.03 - Update Discord chat link to point to introduction channel, as per request - Force update cached canvas 1.120.2018.03 - Remove the embedded chat - New canvas: fix drawing submission broken with the site update - Fix error in Firefox 59+ due to partial removal of SVGPathSegList API - Update Discord chat link 1.119.2018.03 - Flatten 'more' submenu on userpages for fewer clicks in navigation - Fix handling new timestamps on userpages; support comments tab - Fix handling new forum timestamps - Add support for the new palette: Canyon Sunset - Restore 'Like All' and 'Reverse' buttons that got missing with the site update 1.118.2018.02 - New canvas: resolve error in sandbox (window.gameinfo is not set) 1.117.2017.12 - New canvas: remove color picking adjustment in friend games - Fix assumption that game tokens are 43 characters long (now anything longer than 10), this fixes display of bookmarked games 1.116.2017.12 - New canvas: show an error message instead of weird behavior when server returned a blank response - Configurable warning sound volume - New canvas: prevent executing old timerCallback, this fixes erroneous blitz warning sound on 60 seconds left 1.115.2017.11 - New canvas: workaround for strange cached error on Firefox upon clicking 'Play' - New canvas: remove default avatar, which was a broken image for a while now 1.114.2017.10 - Fix 'like all' when comment indicator is present - Linkify full game images on the forum - Dark style: fix visiblity of caption contests - Dark style: fix text input on search page - Dark style: fix background of caption panels 1.113.2017.6 - Fix game panels with long usernames, again 1.112.2017.6 - Remove loading indicator when liking panels; fix comment indicator and fit longer usernames without hiding them - Fix reverse panels button - Remove old CSS that fixed game panels with long usernames - Fix panel numbers to not cover panels on high resolutions style and style of buttons under - Replace old IRC link with Discord chat link in the footer - Fix 'NEW' and '[hide]' forum spacing 1.111.2017.5 - Fix for posts and comments by deleted accounts 1.110.2017.5 - Lifted the awkward requiremenet to click the anchor to view long posts. Now you can click anywhere to expand them - Fix friend games comments to display 'drew' instead of 'wrote' for drawing panels - Change 'smoothening' to 'smoothing' - New canvas: fix Background Layer availability detection 1.109.2017.5 - New canvas: prevent loading in place of caption contests 1.108.2017.5 - Add support for the new palette: Fire and Ice - Set pointer cursor for show/hide thread buttons 1.107.2017.1 - Add support for the new palette: Colors of the Year 2017 1.106.2017.1 - Dark style: fix favorited panels not showing fully red heart button after faving - Add page navigation buttons to the top of the forum pages 1.105.2016.12 - New canvas: make brush size buttons respond on mouse down, not only full click - Use the old Nunito font, with an option to disable that - Remove needless page scrolling 1.104.2016.11 - Fix settings on invalid input in the number field, assume 0 1.103.2016.11 - One-click profile and inventory buttons in navbar - Add text 'Click the post link to read more' to hidden long posts - Fix panel linking in game comments when a panel is removed 1.102.2016.10 - In users' forum posts, display topic title and subforum at the top - Dark style: better visibility for post date - Convert timestamps in user profile's forum posts 1.101.2016.10 - Dark style: fix for fancy labels - When current page has 20 posts, warn about posting to another page - Limit comments and posts to 1000px height when not directly linked, configurable 1.100.2016.10 - On game page, show which commenters participated and which participants commented - New canvas: fix play limit detection 1.99.2016.9 - Fix panel position detection 1.98.2016.9 - Fix data from header extraction 1.97.2016.9 - Fix forum post anchors 1.96.2016.9 - Remove font fix as it was fixed on site - Old canvas: fix brush cursor 1.95.2016.9 - Make the font exactly what it used to be, with an option to turn it off 1.94.2016.9 - Add an option to set thicker font and bigger user posts for readability 1.93.2016.9 - Fix loading, change Opera Presto detection - jQuery.browser is gone with the site update - New canvas: fix friend game detection broken with the site update - Fix up script settings page a bit 1.92.2016.9 - Fix username detection - fixes 'like all' and chat login 1.91.2016.9 - Hidden forum posts: display when anchor is clicked - Kill the 'kill drawers' option as no longer needed - Fix navbar buttons missing with the site update - Dark style: dropdown menus - Remove keyboard navigation focus hack 1.90.2016.8 - Add a small indication for hidden forum posts 1.89.2016.8 - Fix forum junk by trying process post IDs only in the actual topics - Old canvas: remove the Vue.js workaround for Presto Opera as no longer needed - Add an option to hide specified users' forum posts (from the settings page) 1.88.2016.8 - New canvas: fix support for 'roulette theme' that still appears somehow - New canvas: try to prevent timer being stuck - New canvas: allow using Time+ item after time runs out 1.87.2016.8 - Add support for the new palette: Bee 1.86.2016.8 - Old canvas: re-add bookmark and options buttons missing with the site update 1.85.2016.8 - New canvas: fix play broken with the site update - New canvas: don't reuse currently loaded page as Vue makes it too different from the original HTML - Old canvas: remove fast async skip broken with the site update 1.84.2016.7 - New canvas: fix not activating when on caption (broken in 1.83.2016.7) - Fixes for the site's drawing page changes (restores new canvas background button and old canvas function in sandbox) 1.83.2016.7 - New canvas: support contests, finally! - New canvas: smaller undo cache for iPad/iPhone to avoid crashing on low memory devices - Old canvas: small fixes for contests 1.82.2016.7 - Dark style: avatar borders - Dark style: softer comment separator - Make avatar size not include the borders - Fix linkifying in 'Location' field broken with the site update - New canvas: change playback shortcut from Space to Ctrl+Space 1.81.2016.7 - Fix panel position broken with the site update 1.80.2016.7 - New canvas: fix palette detection 1.79.2016.7 - Add support for the new palette: Colors of the Year 2016 1.78.2016.7 - New canvas: support Roulette item (if it gives zero colors due to Drawception bug, random palette will be chosen) - Restore replay and replay detection - Script errors now report line numbers 1.77.2016.6 - New canvas: fix for characters remaining not being reset - Adjust Adjust image URLs as changed with the site update - New canvas: temporary solution for replaying panels 1.76.2016.5 - New canvas: show number of characters left in a caption - Fix making page address canonical and prevent eating anchor links in the process 1.75.2016.3 - Fix for the case when no drawings are left in the game (all flagged) o_O - New canvas: Support Macintosh Command key just as Ctrl - Adjust /viewgame/ to /game/ URL as changed with the site update 1.74.2016.2 - New canvas: ability to apply custom CSS, experimental 1.73.2016.1 - New canvas: make Time+ button always visible - New canvas: add pathseg polyfill for Chrome 48. No thanks to Google! 1.72.2015.12 - Necropost detection feature - New canvas: try silence the useless 'Script Error' message 1.71.2015.11 - Fix timestamps by detecting Florida DST - Add a button to panel page of your own panels to add panels to cover creator - Add a subpage on your own profile page to remove panels from cover creator 1.70.2015.10 - Change ANBT script link in the footer to link to the last page - Dark style: panel thumbnails cleaner look - Dark style: fix login page - Dark style: slightly more pleasing blue and cyan button colors - Make http:// links in "location" field on player pages clickable - Extend "location" field length to 65 characters on settings page 1.69.2015.9 - Update site version detection - Remove https search fix (fixed onsite) - Fix forum timestamps, handle edited post timestamps - New canvas: on replay, add shareable links in header - New canvas: don't bug about the wacom plugin if not enabled 1.68.2015.9 - New canvas: add timeout to double press color choose feature - New canvas: backspace for undo if canvas is drawn on - New canvas: fix regression introduced with play limit handling 1.67.2015.9 - New canvas: fix stroking while skipping leaving the stroke on a fresh canvas - New canvas: allow undo/redo with simple Z and Y - New canvas: handle color changing mid-stroke - New canvas: option to select colors with double press of 0-9 instead of shift - New canvas: handle play limit 1.66.2015.9 - New canvas: silence the "periodsToSeconds" bogus error - New canvas: add code to investigate server error on submitting - Ability to hide forum threads - Fix up site js/css version display 1.65.2015.8 - New canvas: if Draw First game is left hanging, automatically abort it 1.64.2015.8 - New canvas: make sure players cannot draw with a wrong palette - Attempt to fix script loading in the newest Chrome 1.63.2015.7 - Add support for the new palette: Beach 1.62.2015.7 - Fix "Like All" and "Reverse" buttons location, since "Random Game" button was moved in site update 1.61.2015.6 - New canvas: when skipping, enable skip button only after entering a new game, to prevent double skips 1.60.2015.5 - New canvas: moved the playback bar further away from the drawing area - New canvas: disabled the options button which is not used yet - Changed linkifying behavior to only match paired parentheses 1.59.2015.5 - New canvas: fix warning on close when embedded chat is enabled (jQuery overwrites window.onbeforeunload) 1.58.2015.3 - Adjust site timestamps for DST 1.57.2015.3 - New canvas: fix Firefox not applying proper palette when starting a game or following play link directly 1.56.2015.3 - New canvas: rename March palette to Spring palette and support it in games 1.55.2015.3 - Fix Google search on HTTPS version of the site - Fix embedded chat not applying style properly on HTTPS version of the site - Clarify intro hint to click settings button to make it disappear - Allow script settings to be seen when not logged in - New canvas: sane header when not logged in, with buttons to login and register 1.54.2015.2 - New canvas: fix title displayed for draw first panels - Game creation page: removed automatic switch to friend game type 1.53.2015.2 - New canvas: ensure caption text box is empty after skipping - Dark style: fix some elements colors on game creation page to be more readable - On game creation page, switch to friend game type if it was selected last time 1.52.2015.2 - Show exact registration date on your own profile page - Warn when additional installed scripts conflict with ANBT new canvas 1.51.2015.2 - Fixed embedded chat to work in Opera 12.x - Fixed the embedded chat doubling messages issue 1.50.2015.2 - Changed the internal link to embedded chat script to site that supports https, so that chat can be loaded on secure version on Drawception 1.49.2015.2 - Enter to caption option now also affects game creation 1.48.2015.1 - New canvas: hopefully fix usage of Time+ in the last moment 1.47.2015.1 - Automatically fix panel and game URLs to be more canonical - Show panel position on submitted panel page, if option is enabled 1.46.2015.1 - Old canvas: fix exit button not working with backup and async skip option - New canvas: fix 'false' displayed for bookmarked game title from an image panel - New canvas: new option to auto-bookmark games you caption 1.45.2015.1 - Fix lists in forum messages not being linkified - New canvas: fix color under the cursor indicator and improve performance 1.44.2015.1 - New canvas: fix HTML entities appearing in bookmarked games - New canvas: indicator that shows color under the cursor in the palette - Add an option to disable 0-9 key color shortcuts 1.43.2015.1 - Dark style: better-looking pressed Like button - Fix favorite and replay buttons being off-center on the game page - New canvas: chamge Submit button color to green 1.42.2015.1 - Fix double "made on" display on own drawing panel detail page - Add an option to automatically skip NSFW game warning; that also fixes script error on that warning page 1.41.2014.12 - Fix "Like All" button broken with the site update - Fix site JS/CSS version detection broken with the site update 1.40.2014.12 - Fix warning about unsaved drawing in newest Chrome not appearing 1.39.2014.12 - Change links to game comments to be on timestamp, fixes double new tag 1.38.2014.12 - New canvas: don't change sandbox URL after uploading to imgur - Allow direct links to game comments 1.37.2014.11 - Replace Google proxy (stopped working) with filmot.com for imgur links - New canvas: fix draw first mode (broken in 1.32.2014.11) - New canvas: add clarifying text to 'broken image' image 1.36.2014.11 - Old canvas: fix brush cursor broken with kill drawers option 1.35.2014.11 - Option to kill drawers in modern browsers 1.34.2014.11 - New canvas: add 15 seconds timeout to server requests, after which you can retry - New canvas: try fix 'false' displaying in place of public and friend games 1.33.2014.11 - New canvas: quick fix for Firefox not extracting timer properly from play page 1.32.2014.11 - New canvas: fix loading from sandbox and play pages - New canvas: faster loading from sandbox and play pages - New canvas: fix: now timeout while drawing should properly exit to sandbox - New canvas: try fix navigation history when embedding the new canvas - New canvas: fix smoothening being always disabled in Chrome 1.31.2014.11 - New canvas: allow setting background after timer expires to match original canvas behavior - New canvas: option to disable smoothening of strokes 1.30.2014.11 - New canvas: make interface unselectable 1.29.2014.11 - Fix exploit with friend games involving old canvas and backup option 1.28.2014.11 - New canvas: get rid of header text on narrow screens 1.27.2014.11 - No longer show the welcome message on narrow screens 1.26.2014.11 - New canvas: try fix StrokeAdd without StrokeBegin error 1.25.2014.11 - New canvas: small fixes for avatar and profile link 1.24.2014.11 - New canvas: less text, more space for buttons in header 1.23.2014.11 - New canvas: remove intermediate empty page; fixes single use method 1.22.2014.10 - New canvas: when using time+ item, let warning sound play once again - Adjust site timestamps, Florida DST is over 1.21.2014.10 - New canvas: better color distance function - New canvas: fix valentines palette - New canvas: fix drawing not being cleared on timeout+skip 1.20.2014.10 - New canvas: more responsive timer, also fix timer rounding (displaying 9:00) - New canvas: fix sandbox not directing to new canvas (broken in 1.18.2014.10) - New canvas: update URL when playing/exiting - New canvas: let change brush size while drawing - New canvas: eyedropper now picks nearest palette color (only in play) 1.19.2014.10 - New canvas: add shortcuts for brush size: Ctrl+1,2,3,4, <.> and <,>. - New canvas: clicking "Set background" or \ also cancels choosing a background - New canvas: hide cross option now works - Enter to caption is off by default 1.18.2014.10 - New canvas: fix creating a friend game that would incorrectly lead to play 1.17.2014.10 - Dark style: fix body background again - New canvas: fix time+ item showing after skip - Add links to footer: script, wiki, chat, irc - Add woah when site updates 1.16.2014.10 - Adjust fresh settings hint - Dark style: fix body background that is visible on short pages/large displays - Track new posts at forums main page - Fix ajaxRetry for liking panels 1.15.2014.10 - New canvas: fix halloween theme for draw first - New canvas: proper aborting and interface for draw first 1.14.2014.10 - Show the date drawings made on, in panel view header and game view tooltip - New canvas: improve drawing performance 1.13.2014.10 - New canvas more resilient to server errors 1.12.2014.10 - Move notice for old canvas to the bottom of the page 1.11.2014.10 - New canvas: fix missing 15 seconds timer to submit in draw first - New canvas: option to confirm submitting if more than a minute is left 1.10.2014.10 - New canvas: allow changing the palette in friend games - New canvas: make default, remove experimental status, add link to players with replayable panels, show notice if using old canvas 1.9.2014.9 - Make sure to remove the settings hint - Nicer menu buttons color - Fix middle-click on sandbox and play links in Chrome, when new canvas is enabled 1.8.2014.9 - New canvas: black and white palette detection fix 1.7.2014.9 - Tell to look at settings if freshly installed - Dark style: fixes for store, popovers, search page - New canvas: thanksgiving palette detection fix - Add standalone chat link in settings 1.6.2014.9 - New canvas: backup option now saves the drawing before submitting - New canvas: better header - New canvas: sandbox now displays author info when replaying - New canvas: add Time+ button, it appears when time left is 2 minutes or less - New canvas: fix play button (in playing controls) 1.5.2014.9 - Make links in game comments clickable - Dark theme: remove border from panels of visited games 1.4.2014.9 - New canvas: correct behavior when got to caption a broken image - New canvas: prevent context menu when drawing with right mouse button 1.3.2014.9 - Small style and language fixes - Option to display timestamps according to your system locale 1.2.2014.9 - Show Draw First panels in users' galleries - Small fixes 1.1.2014.9 - Show replayable panels in users' galleries 1.0.2014.9 - Change replay buttons in game page to links - Make old canvas eraser CSS HTTPS-friendly 0.99.2014.9 - Hopefully fixed 404 error appearing for new canvas 0.98.2014.9 - New canvas: properly reset "unsaved" status 0.97.2014.9 - Dark theme: set default background of thumbnails with old (transparent) drawings - New canvas: add warning for skipping with unsaved drawing - Old canvas: fix rare chance of backup giving double time after skipping and getting the same game 0.96.2014.9 - Fix submitting: forgot to remove the leaving warning on submit 0.95.2014.9 - Add replay buttons for panels with recordings in the game page 0.94.2014.9 - New canvas: fix error for Firefox Greasemonkey - New canvas: Add userpage link in the header 0.93.2014.9 - Support Enter to caption in new canvas - New canvas: fix alarm sound 0.92.2014.9 - Automatically fix broken panels when viewing the game - New canvas: fix clicking on finished friend game links 0.91.2014.9 - Functional integration of new canvas! - Fix logout link - Other small fixes 0.63.2014.9 - Fix comment tracking - Zero padding in title timer - Fix dark style for progress bars 0.62.2014.9 - Automatically retry failed requests to reduce annoying error messages 0.61.2014.9 - Option to track changes in unfinished games list (merged with your panel position option) 0.60.2014.9 - Option to show your panel position in unfinished games list 0.59.2014.8 - Add an option to proxy imgur links (hello censorship) 0.58.2014.8 - Async skip and other small fixes 0.57.2014.8 - Add a couple of helpful links if site has Pagoda Box error 0.56.2014.8 - Added March palette 0.55.2014.8 - Show time remaining in the document title 0.54.2014.8 - Also break apart comments that would stretch the page 0.53.2014.8 - Handle deleted games in game bookmarks 0.52.2014.8 - Scale posted images in the forum down to fit post width 0.51.2014.8 - Force break caption that doesn't fit into the panel 0.50.2014.7 - Prevent context menu when finishing drawing outside canvas. - Update brush size buttons state when using keyboard. 0.49.2014.7 - Warning sound option separate for blitz games, when 5 seconds left 0.48.2014.6 - Add bug workaround where clicking undo skipped drawing after timer expires 0.47.2014.6 - New option: warning sound when only a minute is left 0.46.2014.5 - New shortcut: G for "grid", shows grid on edges of the canvas, that will not affect resulting image 0.45.2014.5 - New shortcut: B for "brush", selects last used color as primary 0.44.2014.5 - Numpad +/- also changes brush size 0.43.2014.3 - If Ctrl is pressed, ignore brush color and size shortcuts 0.42.2014.3 - Delete saved drawing if playing another game 0.41.2014.3 - Adjust forum timezone 0.40.2014.2 - Fix upload to imgur - Small backup/undo fix 0.39.2014.2 - Confirm deleting the cover image 0.38.2014.2 - Save drawings from page reload and place timed out ones in sandbox 0.37.2014.2 - Fix undo/redo buttons after fast skip - Fix default color with custom palette game 0.36.2014.2 - Small fix for old broken image links in the forum - Fix scroll position not being kept - Show direct links to forum posts 0.35.2014.2 - An option to disable submitting captions with Enter 0.34.2014.2 - Support for https URL 0.33.2014.2 - Experimental: Fast Async Skip while playing (enabled on settings page) 0.32.2014.2 - Included update/download URLs in script metadata 0.31.2014.2 - Stop confirming leaving the page if submitted a contest drawing - Fix making small and slow strokes with tablet even without pressure sensitivity 0.30.2014.2 - Small fixes 0.29.2014.01 - Corrected colors of 7 sandbox palettes to be exact - Added direct links for installing Wacom plugin in settings page - Fixed minor sandbox undo bug that covered background color 0.28.2014.01 - Re-added like all button that was gone because of style change 0.27.2014.01 - Removed undo/redo improvements (implemented on site) 0.26.2014.01 - Added "the blues" palette to sandbox 0.25.2014.01 - Prevented some usernames from breaking panel layout in contest results - Style change fixes 0.24.2014.01 - Fixed incorrect year display on the forum mainpage 0.23.2013.12 - Added a random daily greeting on your userpage - Added ability to bookmark games from play without participating - Added ability to favorite panels from panel and game pages - Small fix for "Upload to imgur" button icon 0.22.2013.12 - Small correction of game start date displayed (month with leading zero) - An option to make likes for your own panels secret ingame - Show forum times according to user timezone - Make text links in the forum clickable - Make drawing panels in the forum clickable 0.21.2013.12 - In a finished game, show when it was started - Show an error if notifications cannot be loaded - Show script and site versions in the top right corner - Made script settings configurable on the settings page 0.20.2013.12 - Easy configuration to switch off tablet support 0.19.2013.12 - Don't hide the cross cursor by default - Clearing the canvas is now instant but undoable, also resets the timer in sandbox - Small chat fixes 0.18.2013.12 - Cache the chat script for faster loading 0.17.2013.12 - Experimental: added an embedded chat - Stop confirming leaving the page if submitted a drawing 0.16.2013.12 - Inlined dark style as userstyles.org is unreliable and removed a feature - Fixed comment tracking 0.15.2013.12 - Prevent loading multiple times 0.14.2013.12 - Minor fixes - Added dark style - Script now loads at the beginning (Opera 12 users should edit ".user." part out of the script file name!) - Added tracking new comments in games 0.13.2013.11 - Fixed broken link to Leaderboards in quick menu - More colorful quick menu - Fixed canvas broken with the site script change 0.12.2013.11 - Minor fixes - Can now be installed in Chrome Extensions without Tampermonkey - Faster undo function - Redo function (Ctrl+Y) 0.11.2013.11.08 - Removed the temptation to judge 0.10.2013.11.05 - Added ability to upload directly to imgur from sandbox - Fixed background sometimes appearing as foreground in sandbox - Verified code in JSHint - Added reverse panels in viewgame - Fixed some events broken in previous script version for Chrome/Firefox 0.9.2013.11.03 - Fixed options button not working after hiding the popover and displaying again - Enter pressed in caption mode submits the caption - Added palettes in sandbox - Changed eraser display in color indicator 0.8.2013.11.02 - Fixed brush size changing in the middle of a stroke with eraser - Inconspicuous like all panels function - Adjusted the color indicators size to keep with the style change - Added drawing time indicator in sandbox - Added background button in sandbox 0.7.2013.10.28 - Restored notifications functionality and keyboard scrolling for Firefox 4 and older 0.7.2013.10.26 - Adjusted the header to keep with the style change - Added keyboard shortcuts: - = and [ ] for changing brush sizes, E for eraser, 0..9 and Shift+0..Shift+9 for colors, Shift+F to fill with current color 0.6.2013.10.23 - New notifications are now discernable from the old ones - Restored notifications functionality and keyboard scrolling for Opera browser 0.5.2013.10.21 - Added menu buttons to the header for easier access for higher resolutions 0.4.2013.10.16 - Added caption-only and drawing-only play modes 0.3.2013.10.11 - Removed zoom because the new style is zoomed enough - Adjusted colors indicator to keep with the style change - Fixed color picking and eraser broken with the style change 0.2.2013.10.09 - First public version