#!/usr/bin/env perl =begin comment File: GetComponents Author: Eric Seidel Version: 1.0.0 Email: eric@eseidel.org Description: This program automates the procedure of checking out components from multiple sources and mechanisms. For more info see the Pod Documentation with ./GetComponents -m LICENSE This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =end comment =cut use strict; use warnings; #use diagnostics; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use File::stat; use Cwd; use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); use POSIX qw(strftime); # import optional threading modules my $PARALLEL; my %semaphores; my $QUEUE; eval { require threads; require threads::shared; require Thread::Queue; require Thread::Semaphore; }; unless ($@) { import threads; import threads::shared; import Thread::Queue; import Thread::Semaphore; #$PARALLEL = 1; $QUEUE = Thread::Queue->new(); } my $combined_components = "# This file was automatically generated " . "using the GetComponents script.\n\n"; my %components_to_checkout; my %components_to_update; my @all_components; my $checkout_size : shared = 0; my $update_size : shared = 0; my @components_error : shared; my @warnings : shared; my %svn_servers : shared; my $ROOT = ''; my $VERBOSE = 0; my $DEBUG = 0; my $HELP = 0; my $MAN = 0; my $EXPERIMENTAL = 0; my $ANONYMOUS_CHECKOUT = 1; my $DO_UPDATES = 0; my $STATUS = 0; my $DIFF = 0; my $SHALLOW_CLONE = 0; my $DATE; my @CRL_LISTS; my @ORIG_LISTS; my %DEFINITIONS; my $cvs = 'cvs'; my $svn = 'svn'; my $git = 'git'; my $darcs = 'darcs'; my $wget = 'wget'; my $hg = 'hg'; my $curl = 'curl'; my $ln = "ln -nsf"; my $cvs_found = 0; my $svn_found = 0; my $git_found = 0; my $darcs_found = 0; my $wget_found = 0; my $curl_found = 0; my $hg_found = 0; my %updated_git_repos : shared; my %updated_darcs_repos : shared; my %updated_hg_repos : shared; my %verified_git_repos; my %verified_darcs_repos; my %verified_hg_repos; my %checkout_types = ( 'cvs' => \&handle_cvs, 'svn' => \&handle_svn, 'git' => \&handle_git, 'darcs' => \&handle_darcs, 'http' => \&handle_wget, 'https' => \&handle_wget, 'ftp' => \&handle_wget, 'hg' => \&handle_hg ); my $crl_dir = ".crl"; if ( defined( $ENV{HOME} ) ) { $crl_dir = "$ENV{HOME}/.crl"; } else { print "Home directory is not set. CRL files will be stored in .crl\n"; } if ( !-e "$crl_dir" ) { run_command("mkdir $crl_dir"); } ####################### MAIN PROGRAM ##################################### # parse options and print usage if syntax error GetOptions( 'verbose' => \$VERBOSE, 'help|?' => \$HELP, 'man' => \$MAN, 'debug' => \$DEBUG, 'anonymous!' => \$ANONYMOUS_CHECKOUT, 'update' => \$DO_UPDATES, 'root=s' => \$ROOT, 'date=s' => \$DATE, 'experimental' => \$EXPERIMENTAL, 'status' => \$STATUS, 'diff' => \$DIFF, 'parallel' => \$PARALLEL, 'shallow!' => \$SHALLOW_CLONE, 'reset-authentication' => sub { system("rm $crl_dir/users") } ) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $HELP; pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $MAN; find_tools(); &process_args(); # grab the directory the script was called from, we will need this later my $orig_dir = cwd(); if ( $ROOT ne '' ) { $DEFINITIONS{ROOT} = $ROOT } parse_list(); print_list() if $DEBUG; get_status() if $STATUS; get_diff() if $DIFF; process_users(); prompt_for_update(); verify_urls() if $DO_UPDATES; # start timer here, we don't care about authentication time my $start_time = time; foreach my $key ( sort {length($a)<=>length($b)} ( keys %components_to_checkout ) ) { checkout( sort {length($a->{NAME}||$a->{CHECKOUT})<=>length($b->{NAME}||$b->{CHECKOUT})} @{ $components_to_checkout{$key} } ); } if ($DO_UPDATES) { foreach my $key ( sort {length($a)<=>length($b)} ( keys %components_to_update ) ) { update( sort {length($a->{NAME}||$a->{CHECKOUT})<=>length($b->{NAME}||$b->{CHECKOUT})} @{ $components_to_update{$key} } ); } } write_componentlist_target(); print_summary(); exit( @components_error > 0 ); ########################################################################## sub process_args() { unless ( @ARGV || ( -e ".crl/component_list.crl" ) ) { pod2usage( "\n$0: No files given.\nSpecify --man " . "for an explanation of how to use this script.\n\n" ); } if ( @ARGV == 0 ) { my $list = ".crl/component_list.crl"; push @ORIG_LISTS, $list; push @CRL_LISTS, $list; # set $ROOT so it isn't overwritten by definition in file $ROOT = '.'; } else { foreach my $ARG (@ARGV) { # save original list for log message push @ORIG_LISTS, $ARG; if ( $ARG =~ m!^https?://! ) { download_list($ARG); $ARG =~ s!.*/!!; } push @CRL_LISTS, $ARG; } } } sub download_list { my $url = shift; my $file = $url; $file =~ s!.*/!!; if ($curl_found) { system("$curl --silent '$url' -o $file") == 0 and return; } system("$wget --quiet '$url' -O $file") == 0 and return; DIE("Couldn't download $url correctly."); } sub find_tools { if ( system("which $cvs >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $cvs_found = 1 } if ( system("which $svn >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $svn_found = 1 } if ( system("which $git >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $git_found = 1 } if ( system("which $curl >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $curl_found = 1; $curl .= " -f"; } elsif ( system("which $wget >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $wget_found = 1 } if ( system("which $darcs >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $darcs_found = 1 } if ( system("which $hg >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $hg_found = 1 } if ($cvs_found) { # Use compression to speed up slow links, and to avoid # transmission errors with CCT's CVS server $cvs = "$cvs -z9"; } } sub download_include { my $url = shift; print("Using include $url\n"); if ( $url !~ /^https?:\/\// ) { DIE("Don't know how to retrieve include url $url"); } if ( -e "$crl_dir/include_tmp" ) { unlink("$crl_dir/include_tmp"); } if (( !$curl_found or (run_command("$curl '$url' -o $crl_dir/include_tmp"))[0]) and (run_command("$wget '$url' -O $crl_dir/include_tmp"))[0] ) { DIE("Couldn't download include url $url correctly\n"); } if ( !-e "$crl_dir/include_tmp" ) { DIE("Couldn't download include url $url correctly\n"); } open( my $INCL, "$crl_dir/include_tmp" ) or DIE("Couldn't open include url file from $url\n"); my @lines = <$INCL>; unshift( @lines, "\n" ); close($INCL); return @lines; } sub parse_list { my $file = ''; foreach my $LIST (@CRL_LISTS) { open( my $COMPONENT_LIST, $LIST ) or DIE("Could not open $LIST"); # check for CRL Header while (<$COMPONENT_LIST>) { next if m/^#|^\s*$/; if (m/^!CRL_VERSION .*_experimental/) { $EXPERIMENTAL = 1; print "Using experimental features, be careful!\n"; } if (m/^!CRL_VERSION/) { # save Header $combined_components .= $_; $_ = ''; last; } if (m/\w/) { $|++; print "$LIST is not a CRL file.\n"; print "Do you want to continue? yes no [no]: "; my $answer = ; chomp $answer; $|--; exit unless $answer =~ /^y/; last; } } # now that we know we have an CRL file, we slurp it my @lines = <$COMPONENT_LIST>; close($COMPONENT_LIST); # convert CRNL and CR to newline (for lists generated by windows and macs) map s/(\r\n|\r)/\n/gm, @lines; # handle includes my $i = -1; foreach my $line (@lines) { $i++; if ( $line =~ /^[^#]*!INCLUDE *= *(.*)$/ ) { splice( @lines, $i, 1, &download_include($1) ); } } # grab definitions my $line_nr = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { $line_nr++; if ( $line =~ /^!DEFINE\s*([^\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)/ ) { my ( $def, $value ) = ( $1, $2 ); # don't set ROOT if already given on the command line next if $def eq 'ROOT' && $ROOT ne ''; # resolve compound definitions $value =~ s/\$(\w+)/$DEFINITIONS{$1}/; # check for repeated definitions if ( defined( $DEFINITIONS{$def} ) and $DEFINITIONS{$def} ne $value ) { if ($EXPERIMENTAL) { WARN("Repeated definition of $def on line $line_nr, ignored"); } else { print ">$DEFINITIONS{$def}< >$value<\n"; DIE("Repeated definition of $def on line $line_nr"); } } else { $DEFINITIONS{$def} = $value; } } } $file .= "\n\n# Component list: $LIST\n\n"; $file .= join( "", @lines ); } my $orig_file = $file; # remove comments $file =~ s/^\s*#.*$//gm; $file =~ s/\n\n/\n/g; $file =~ s/#.*$//gm; # replace long-form directives with short-form directives $file =~ s/!ANONYMOUS_USER/!ANON_USER/gm; $file =~ s/!ANONYMOUS_PASS/!ANON_PASS/gm; $file =~ s/!ANONYMOUS_PASSWORD/!ANON_PASS/gm; $file =~ s/!LOCAL_PATH/!LOC_PATH/gm; $file =~ s/!REPOSITORY_PATH/!REPO_PATH/gm; $file =~ s/!REPOSITORY_BRANCH/!REPO_BRANCH/gm; $file =~ s/!AUTHORIZATION_URL/!AUTH_URL/gm; # replace definitions, except if escaped $file =~ s/(?; chomp $cvs; # verify that we actually have cvs now... my $ret = system "$cvs --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$cvs does not appear to be a working copy of cvs!"); } else { $cvs_found = 1 } } if ( ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "svn" ) && ( !$svn_found ) ) { print "You have requested a subversion checkout, " . "but the system was unable to find subversion.\n"; print "Please enter the path to subversion: "; $svn = ; chomp $svn; # verify that we actually have svn now... my $ret = system "$svn --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$svn does not appear to be a working copy of svn!"); } else { $svn_found = 1 } } if ( ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "git" ) && ( !$git_found ) ) { print "You have requested a git checkout, " . "but the system was unable to find git.\n"; print "Please enter the path to git: "; $git = ; chomp $git; # verify that we actually have git now... my $ret = system "$git --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$git does not appear to be a working copy of git!"); } else { $git_found = 1 } } if ( ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq ( "http" or "https" ) ) && !( $wget_found || $curl_found ) ) { print "You have requested an $rec{TYPE} checkout, " . "but the system was unable to find curl or wget.\n"; print "Please enter the path to curl or wget: "; my $path = ; chomp $path; if ( $path =~ /curl/ ) { $curl = $path; # verify that we actually have curl now... my $ret = system "$curl --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$curl does not appear to be a working copy of curl!"); } else { $curl_found = 1 } } else { $wget = $path; # verify that we actually have wget now... my $ret = system "$wget --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$wget does not appear to be a working copy of wget!"); } else { $wget_found = 1 } } } if ( ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "darcs" ) && ( !$darcs_found ) ) { print "You have requested a darcs checkout, " . "but the system was unable to find darcs.\n"; print "Please enter the path to darcs: "; $darcs = ; chomp $darcs; # verify that we actually have darcs now... my $ret = system "$darcs --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$darcs does not appear to be a working copy of darcs!"); } else { $darcs_found = 1 } } if ( ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "hg" ) && ( !$hg_found ) ) { print "You have requested an hg checkout, " . "but the system was unable to find hg.\n"; print "Please enter the path to hg: "; $hg = ; chomp $hg; # verify that we actually have hg now... my $ret = system "$hg --version >/dev/null 2>&1"; if ($ret) { DIE("$hg does not appear to be a working copy of hg!"); } else { $hg_found = 1 } } $|--; # check for svn SSL problems if ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "svn" && defined $rec{"AUTH_URL"} ) { my $base = $rec{"AUTH_URL"}; $base =~ s/(https\:\/\/[\w\.]+)\/(.*)$/$1/i; unless ( defined $svn_servers{$base} ) { my $ret = `$svn --non-interactive info $rec{AUTH_URL} 2>&1`; if ( $ret =~ /Server certificate verification failed/ ) { $svn_servers{$base} = 0; } else { $svn_servers{$base} = 1; } } } # save target in original form to check existence. my $target = $rec{"TARGET"}; # If AUTH_URL is not defined, use URL instead if ( defined( $rec{"URL"} ) and !defined( $rec{"AUTH_URL"} ) ) { $rec{"AUTH_URL"} = $rec{"URL"}; } # save url in original form for parsing $1/$2 $rec{"URL_ORIG"} = $rec{"URL"}; $rec{"AUTH_URL_ORIG"} = $rec{"AUTH_URL"}; # we are splitting each group of components into individuals # to check for existence. they will now be passed individually to # the checkout/update subroutines. this will take up more memory, # but it should make it easier if the user decides to add another # component from the same repository later my @checkouts = split( /\s+/m, $rec{"CHECKOUT"} ); foreach my $checkout (@checkouts) { # parse url variables my ( $dir1, $dir2 ); if ( $checkout =~ m!/! ) { ( $dir1, $dir2 ) = $checkout =~ m!(.+)/(.+)!; } else { $dir1 = $checkout; } if ( defined( $rec{URL} ) ) { $rec{URL} = $rec{"URL_ORIG"}; $rec{URL} =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $rec{URL} =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; } if ( defined( $rec{AUTH_URL} ) ) { $rec{AUTH_URL} = $rec{"AUTH_URL_ORIG"}; $rec{AUTH_URL} =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $rec{AUTH_URL} =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; } # parse name of git repo if ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "git" ) { my $git_repo; # check for custom repo name if (defined($rec{NAME})) { $git_repo = $rec{NAME}; } else { $git_repo = $rec{"URL"}; $git_repo =~ s/\.git$//; $git_repo =~ s/^.*[:\/]//; } $rec{"GIT_REPO"} = $git_repo; $rec{"GIT_REPO"} =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $rec{"GIT_REPO"} =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; # add the repo to %updated_git_repos and set it to 0 # we will use this to track which repos have already been cloned # or updated if (not exists $updated_git_repos{$git_repo}) { $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = 0; } if ($PARALLEL and not exists $semaphores{$git_repo}) { $semaphores{$git_repo} = Thread::Semaphore->new(); } } # parse name of darcs repo if ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "darcs" ) { my $darcs_repo; # check for custom repo name if (defined($rec{NAME})) { $darcs_repo = $rec{NAME}; } else { $darcs_repo = $rec{"URL"}; $darcs_repo =~ s/_darcs$//; $darcs_repo =~ s/^.*[:\/]//; } $rec{"DARCS_REPO"} = $darcs_repo; $rec{"DARCS_REPO"} =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $rec{"DARCS_REPO"} =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; # add the repo to %updated_darcs_repos and set it to 0 # we will use this to track which repos have already been cloned # or updated if (not exists $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo}) { $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 0; } if ($PARALLEL and not exists $semaphores{$darcs_repo}) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo} = Thread::Semaphore->new(); } } # parse name of mercurial repo if ( $rec{"TYPE"} eq "hg" ) { my $hg_repo; # check for custom repo name if (defined($rec{NAME})) { $hg_repo = $rec{NAME}; } else { $hg_repo = $rec{"URL"}; $hg_repo =~ s/\.hg$//; $hg_repo =~ s/\/$//g; $hg_repo =~ s/^.*[:\/]//; } $rec{"HG_REPO"} = $hg_repo; $rec{"HG_REPO"} =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $rec{"HG_REPO"} =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; # add the repo to %updated_hg_repos and set it to 0 # we will use this to track which repos have already been cloned # or updated if (not exists $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo}) { $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 0; } if ($PARALLEL and not exists $semaphores{$hg_repo}) { $semaphores{$hg_repo} = Thread::Semaphore->new(); } } $rec{"CHECKOUT"} = $checkout; my %component : shared = %rec; my $name = $rec{"NAME"}; my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; # skip ignored thorns if ( $component{"TYPE"} eq 'ignore' ) { next; } # check for CVS directory elsif ( -e "$target/$dir/CVS" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } # or for .svn directory elsif ( -e "$target/$dir/.svn" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } # slightly different approach for git elsif ( $component{"TYPE"} eq "git" && -e "$target/$checkout" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } # and for darcs elsif ( $component{"TYPE"} eq "darcs" && -e "$target/$checkout" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } # and for hg elsif ( $component{"TYPE"} eq "hg" && -e "$target/$checkout" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } elsif ( $component{"TYPE"} eq "http" && -e "$target/$dir" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } elsif ( $component{"TYPE"} eq "https" && -e "$target/$dir" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } elsif ( $component{"TYPE"} eq "ftp" && -e "$target/$dir" ) { push @{ $components_to_update{$target} }, \%component; } else { push @{ $components_to_checkout{$target} }, \%component; } push @all_components, \%component; } } $combined_components .= $orig_file; } sub print_list { my $num_checkouts = 0; my $num_updates = 0; foreach my $group ( values %components_to_checkout ) { foreach my $component ( @{$group} ) { $num_checkouts++; } } foreach my $group ( values %components_to_update ) { foreach my $component ( @{$group} ) { $num_updates++; } } $|++; print $num_checkouts. " components will be checked out.\n"; print $num_updates. " components will be updated.\n"; print "Would you like a detailed list? [yes no] "; my $answer = ; $|--; if ( $answer =~ /y/ ) { foreach my $group ( values %components_to_checkout ) { foreach my $component ( @{$group} ) { print "A $component->{TARGET}/$component->{CHECKOUT}"; print "/$component->{NAME}" if defined $component->{NAME}; print "\n"; } } foreach my $group ( values %components_to_update ) { foreach my $component ( @{$group} ) { print "U $component->{TARGET}/$component->{CHECKOUT}"; print "/$component->{NAME}" if defined $component->{NAME}; print "\n"; } } } exit 0; } sub get_status { foreach my $component (@all_components) { $checkout_types{ $component->{TYPE} }->( 'status', %{$component} ); } $|++; print "Would you like a diff for these files? yes [no] "; my $answer = ; if ( $answer =~ /y/ ) { get_diff() } exit 0; } sub get_diff { # first reset all updated_xxx_repos hashes # they are also used by get_status foreach my $key (keys %updated_git_repos) { $updated_git_repos{$key} = 0; } foreach my $key (keys %updated_darcs_repos) { $updated_darcs_repos{$key} = 0; } foreach my $key (keys %updated_hg_repos) { $updated_hg_repos{$key} = 0; } foreach my $component (@all_components) { $checkout_types{ $component->{TYPE} }->( 'diff', %{$component} ); } exit 0; } sub verify_urls { foreach my $group ( values %components_to_update ) { foreach my $component ( @{$group} ) { my $ret = $checkout_types{ $component->{TYPE} } ->( 'verify_url', %{$component} ); if ( !$ret ) { DIE( "The URL for $component->{CHECKOUT} has changed, " . "please perform a clean checkout." ); } } } } sub write_componentlist_target { chdir($orig_dir); # find directory to put file into my $fn = $ROOT; if ( defined( $DEFINITIONS{"COMPONENTLIST_TARGET"} ) ) { # this means the user specified a location for the list $fn = $DEFINITIONS{"COMPONENTLIST_TARGET"}; run_command("mkdir -p '$fn'"); # find file name my $short_name = $CRL_LISTS[0]; $short_name =~ s/.*\///g; $fn .= "/$short_name"; # write file open( ALL, ">$fn" ) or die("Could not write file $fn"); print ALL $combined_components; close(ALL); } # we'll also store it in the default location $fn = "$ROOT/.crl/component_list.crl"; # perl can't create dirs for a file unless (-e "$ROOT/.crl") { mkdir "$ROOT/.crl"; } # write file open( ALL, ">$fn" ) or die("Could not write file $fn"); print ALL $combined_components; close(ALL); } sub process_users { my $user = $ENV{USER}; my $last = $user; foreach my $component (@all_components) { # accessing the component hash looks weird here, but what we are doing # is using the hash reference stored in @components directly. # we can't convert the reference back to a hash because that would # create a new hash not in the array... # if $ANONYMOUS_CHECKOUT is set we override any stored users if ($ANONYMOUS_CHECKOUT) { delete $component->{AUTH_URL}; next; } # if AUTH_URL is defined we want to find the username: if ( defined( $component->{AUTH_URL} ) and ( $component->{TYPE} eq 'cvs' or $component->{TYPE} eq 'svn' or $component->{TYPE} eq 'darcs' or $component->{TYPE} eq 'git' or $component->{TYPE} eq 'hg' ) ) { # first we check the users file for a match my $saved_user = find_user( $component->{AUTH_URL_ORIG} ); # if no match is found, we prompt the user for a username # and attempt to login if ( !defined $saved_user ) { if ( $component->{AUTH_URL} =~ /([^\/]+)@/ ) { $user = $1; } $|++; print "No user found for $component->{AUTH_URL_ORIG}\n"; print "Please enter your username ('-' for anonymous access) " . "[$user]: "; my $answer = ; chomp $answer; $|--; # we want to save that the user wants to use anonymous access if ( $answer =~ /^-$/ ) { save_user( 'N/A', $component->{AUTH_URL_ORIG} ); delete $component->{AUTH_URL_ORIG}; delete $component->{AUTH_URL}; next; } elsif ( $answer =~ /^$/ ) { $component->{USER} = $user; $checkout_types{ $component->{TYPE} } ->( 'authenticate', %{$component} ); } else { $component->{USER} = $answer; $last = $answer; $checkout_types{ $component->{TYPE} } ->( 'authenticate', %{$component} ); } # reset user to the last entry $user = $last; } # check for specified anonymous access elsif ( $saved_user eq 'N/A' ) { delete $component->{AUTH_URL_ORIG}; delete $component->{AUTH_URL}; next; } # if a match is found, the user has previously logged in and # we can continue else { $component->{USER} = $saved_user; next; } } } } sub save_user { my ( $user, $url ) = @_; open( my $USERS, ">> $crl_dir/users" ) or DIE("Could not open $crl_dir/users because of: $!"); print {$USERS} "$user $url\n"; close $USERS; } sub find_user { my $url = shift; if ( !-e "$crl_dir/users" ) { return } open( my $USERS, "$crl_dir/users" ) or DIE("Could not open $crl_dir/users."); while ( my $line = <$USERS> ) { chomp $line; my ( $saved_user, $saved_url ) = split( ' ', $line ); return $saved_user if index( $url, $saved_url ) == 0; } return undef; } sub prompt_for_update { # if updates have been specified from the cmd line there's no need # to bother the user return if $DO_UPDATES == 1; # if there are no components to update there's no reason to ask.. return unless scalar( values %components_to_update ); $|++; print "Do you want to update all existing components? yes, no [no] : "; my $answer = ; chomp $answer; $|--; $DO_UPDATES = 1 if ( $answer =~ /^y/ ); } sub checkout { my @components : shared = @_; if ($PARALLEL and scalar(@components) > 1) { # checkout first component in serial, because this is likely to be a # component containing other components, and parallel checkouts here # might run into problems just because of that. # This happens for instance with svn version 1.7 through 1.8 process_component( $components[0]->{TYPE}, 'checkout', %{$components[0]} ); no warnings 'threads'; $QUEUE->enqueue(@components[1..$#components]); my $thr1 = threads->create( \&worker, 'checkout' ); my $thr2 = threads->create( \&worker, 'checkout' ); my $thr3 = threads->create( \&worker, 'checkout' ); my $thr4 = threads->create( \&worker, 'checkout' ); foreach my $thr ( threads->list() ) { $thr->join(); } } else { foreach my $component (@components) { process_component( $component->{TYPE}, 'checkout', %{$component} ); } } } sub update { my @components : shared = @_; if ($PARALLEL) { # update first component in serial, because this is likely to be a # component containing other components, and parallel updates here # might run into problems just because of that. # This happens for instance with svn version 1.7 through 1.8 process_component( $components[0]->{TYPE}, 'update', %{$components[0]} ); no warnings 'threads'; $QUEUE->enqueue(@components[1..$#components]); my $thr1 = threads->create( \&worker, 'update' ); my $thr2 = threads->create( \&worker, 'update' ); my $thr3 = threads->create( \&worker, 'update' ); my $thr4 = threads->create( \&worker, 'update' ); foreach my $thr ( threads->list() ) { $thr->join(); } } else { foreach my $component (@components) { process_component( $component->{TYPE}, 'update', %{$component} ); } } } sub worker { my $method = shift; while ( my $component = $QUEUE->dequeue_nb() ) { process_component( $component->{TYPE}, $method, %{$component} ); } } sub process_component { my ( $type, $method, %component ) = @_; if ( !exists( $checkout_types{$type} ) ) { DIE("Unrecognized checkout type: $type"); } chdir($orig_dir); my $err = $checkout_types{$type}->( $method, %component ); # increment the checkout or update counter unless ($err) { $checkout_size++ if $method eq 'checkout'; $update_size++ if $method eq 'update'; } } sub handle_cvs { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $checkout = $component{CHECKOUT}; my $user; my $pass; my $url; my $target = $component{TARGET}; my $name = $component{NAME}; my $cmd = ''; my $branch = defined( $component{REPO_BRANCH} ) ? '-r ' . $component{REPO_BRANCH} : ''; my $date = defined $DATE ? '-D ' . $DATE : ''; if ( defined( $component{AUTH_URL} ) ) { $url = $component{AUTH_URL}; $user = $component{USER}; # this looks ugly... but we're not guaranteed that $component{USER} # will exist... i.e. for updates we don't define the username if ( $url =~ /:pserver:/ ) { $url =~ s/:pserver:/:pserver:$user\@/ if defined $user; } else { $url = "$user\@$url" if defined $user; } } elsif ( defined( $component{ANON_USER} ) && defined( $component{ANON_PASS} ) ) { $url = $component{URL}; $user = $component{ANON_USER}; $pass = $component{ANON_PASS}; if ( $url =~ /:pserver:/ ) { $url =~ s/:pserver:/:pserver:$user:$pass\@/; } else { $url = "$user:$pass\@$url"; } } # This handles cvs repositories which use external means to authenticate, # especially SSH else { $url = $component{URL}; } if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { run_command("mkdir -p $target"); if ( defined($name) ) { die if $checkout =~ m{/}; # cvs cannot check out into the current directory. cvs # also has problems checking out into subdirectory if the # current directory contains a "CVS" entry. we therefore # check out into a new "tmp" subdirectory, and then move # the content of "tmp" into the current directory, and # then delete "tmp" again. my $tmpdir = ".GetComponents-tmp-$$"; $cmd = "{ " . "rm -rf $target/$tmpdir && " . "(cd $target && " . "$cvs -q -d $url checkout -d $tmpdir $branch $date $checkout) && " . "mv $target/$tmpdir $target/$name; " . "}"; } else { $cmd = "cd $target && $cvs -q -d $url checkout $date $branch $checkout"; } print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ( $err != 0 || $out =~ /^cvs:/gmi ) { my $log = "Could not check out module $checkout\n"; #$out =~ s'^(?!\S*:\s).*$''gmi; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } return $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "cd $target/$dir && $cvs -q update -dP $date $branch"; print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ( $err != 0 || $out =~ /^cvs:/gmi ) { my $log = "Could not update module $checkout\n"; #$out =~ s'^(?!\S*:\s).*$''gmi; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } return $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "cd $target/$dir && $cvs -n -q update -dP $branch"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $out = filter_status_output($out); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { print "In $target/$dir:\n"; print "$out\n"; } } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "$cvs -q -d $url diff -u $target/$dir"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); print $out; } elsif ( $method eq 'authenticate' ) { $cmd = "$cvs -q -n -d $url checkout $checkout > /dev/null 2>&1"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ( $err != 0 ) { $cmd = "$cvs -q -d $url login"; run_command($cmd); } # store repository name and username # remove username from url first $url =~ s/$user\@//; save_user( $user, $url ); } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $url =~ s/:pserver://; my $same_url; open( my $rootfile, "$target/$dir/CVS/Root" ) or DIE("Could not open $target/$dir/CVS/Root"); while (<$rootfile>) { if (/$url/) { $same_url = 1; } } close $rootfile; return $same_url; } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub handle_svn { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $checkout = $component{"CHECKOUT"}; my $target = $component{"TARGET"}; my $name = $component{"NAME"}; my $cmd = ''; my $user = defined( $component{USER} ) ? " --username $component{USER}" : ''; my $err = 0; my $out = ''; my $date = defined $DATE ? " -r {$DATE}" : ''; my $bad_cert = 0; my $url = $component{"URL"}; if ( defined( $component{"AUTH_URL"} ) ) { $url = $component{"AUTH_URL"}; my $base = $url; $base =~ s!(https://[\w\.]+)/(.*)$!$1!i; unless ( $svn_servers{$base} ) { $bad_cert = 1; } } # This should be removed as soon as those repos are moved my $cert_hack = ''; if ( $url =~ /https:\/\/svn\.cct\.lsu\.edu/ ) { $cert_hack = " --trust-server-cert "; } if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { run_command("mkdir -p $target"); my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "cd $target && $svn checkout --non-interactive $cert_hack $user$date $url $dir"; print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); # let svn print to stderr to facilitate dealing with # server certificate issues ( $err, $out ) = run_command( $cmd, $VERBOSE, $bad_cert ); # Check for relocated repositories if ($out =~ /^svn: Repository moved permanently to '(.*)'; please relocate$/) { my $new_location = $1; $cmd = "cd $target && $svn checkout --non-interactive $cert_hack $user$date $new_location $dir"; ( $err, $out ) = run_command( $cmd, $VERBOSE, $bad_cert ); } if ( $err || $out =~ /^svn/gmi ) { my $log = "Could not checkout module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!svn).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } return $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "cd $target/$dir && $svn update --non-interactive $cert_hack $date"; print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); ( $err, $out ) = run_command( $cmd, $VERBOSE, $bad_cert ); # Check for relocated repositories if ($out =~ /^svn: Repository moved permanently to '(.*)'; please relocate$/) { my $new_location = $1; $cmd = "cd $target/$dir && $svn info --non-interactive $cert_hack"; ( $err, $out ) = run_command( $cmd, $VERBOSE, $bad_cert ); $out =~ /^URL: (.*)$/m; my $old_location = $1; if (!defined($old_location)) { WARN("Could not determine old location of module $checkout while ". "trying relocation"); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } else { $cmd = "cd $target/$dir && $svn --non-interactive $cert_hack switch --relocate $old_location $new_location"; ( $err, $out ) = run_command( $cmd, $VERBOSE, $bad_cert ); if ( $err || $out =~ /^svn/gmi ) { WARN("Could not relocate module $checkout"); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } } } if ( $err || $out =~ /^svn/gmi ) { my $log = "Could not update module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!svn).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } elsif ($out =~ /^[CE]\s+/gm && $out =~ /conflicts/gm) { my $log = "Module $checkout has conflicts, don't forget to resolve\n"; $out =~ s/^(?![CE]).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout . ": conflict during update" ); $err = 1; } else { $cmd = "cd $target/$dir && $svn status --non-interactive $cert_hack "; ( $err, $out ) = run_command( $cmd, $VERBOSE, $bad_cert ); if ($out =~ /^[CE]\s+/gm) { my $log = "Module $checkout has conflicts, don't forget to resolve\n"; $out =~ s/^(?![CE]).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout . ": pre-existing conflicts" ); $err = 1; } } return $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "$svn status $target/$dir"; my ($err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $out = filter_status_output($out); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { print "In $target/$dir:\n"; print "$out\n"; } } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; $cmd = "$svn diff $target/$dir"; my ($err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); print $out; } elsif ( $method eq 'authenticate' ) { $cmd = "$svn info --non-interactive $user $url"; $err = run_command($cmd); # store username and repo save_user( $component{USER}, defined( $component{"AUTH_URL_ORIG"} ) ? $component{"AUTH_URL_ORIG"} : $component{"URL_ORIG"} ); } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { my $dir = defined($name) ? $name : $checkout; my $cmd = "$svn info --non-interactive --xml $target/$dir"; my $same_url; my $new_url = $url; $url =~ s!https?://!!; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $out =~ m!(.*)!; my $old_url = $1; unless ($old_url =~ /$url/) { # URL's don't match. try `svn switch` ( $err, $out ) = run_command("$svn --non-interactive $cert_hack switch $new_url $target/$dir"); if ($err) { # repo might have moved. try `svn switch --relocate` ( $err, $out ) = run_command("$svn --non-interactive $cert_hack switch --relocate $old_url $new_url $target/$dir"); if ($out =~ /^svn: Repository moved permanently to '(.*)'; please relocate$/) { my $new_location = $1; if ($new_location eq $old_url) { $err = 0; } } } # exit code 0 means no error, but 0 is boolean false... return !$err; } return 1; } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub handle_git { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $target = $component{"TARGET"}; my $name = $component{"NAME"}; my $url = $component{"URL"}; if ( defined( $component{"AUTH_URL"} ) ) { $url = $component{"AUTH_URL"}; } my $shallow; if ( $SHALLOW_CLONE == 1 ) { $shallow = ' --depth 1' } elsif ( $SHALLOW_CLONE == 0 ) { $shallow = '' } my $checkout = $component{"CHECKOUT"}; my $repo_path = $component{"REPO_PATH"}; my $git_repo = $component{"GIT_REPO"}; my $cmd = ''; my $git_repos_dir = ''; my @branches = defined $component{REPO_BRANCH} ? split ", ", $component{REPO_BRANCH} : (); my $branch; my $tag; my $repo_loc = "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos/$git_repo"; if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$git_repo}->down(); } print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); run_command("mkdir -p $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos"); # first check to see if previous attempt at clone failed if ( $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} == -1 ) { return -1; } # clone the git repo elsif ( !-e $repo_loc ) { $cmd = "$git clone$shallow $url $repo_loc"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not checkout module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!fatal).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); return $err; } # determine if we need a branch or tag checkout if ( defined $component{"REPO_BRANCH"} ) { @branches = split(/, /, $component{"REPO_BRANCH"}); my $real_branches = `cd $repo_loc && $git tag -l`; for $branch (@branches) { # determine if $branch is actually a tag if ( $real_branches =~ /^$branch/m ) { $tag = $branch; $branch = undef; } if ( defined $branch ) { $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && " . "$git checkout --track -b $branch origin/$branch"; if ( $branch eq 'master' ) { # fix for master branch $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $git checkout master"; } my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { my $new; if ( -e "$repo_loc.branch.failed" ) { my @times = glob "$repo_loc.branch.failed*"; $new = "$repo_loc.branch.failed." . scalar @times; } else { $new = "$repo_loc.branch.failed" } run_command("mv $repo_loc $new"); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; my $log = "Could not checkout $checkout, " . "unable to switch to branch $branch. " . "Any existing symlinks to $checkout will be " . "broken"; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlinks may be broken" ); return $err; } } elsif ( defined $tag ) { $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $git checkout -b $tag origin/$tag"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { my $new; if ( -e "$repo_loc.branch.failed" ) { my @times = glob "$repo_loc.branch.failed*"; $new = "$repo_loc.branch.failed." . scalar @times; } else { $new = "$repo_loc.branch.failed" } run_command("mv $repo_loc $new"); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; my $log = "Could not checkout $checkout, " . "unable to switch to tag $branch. " . "Any existing symlinks to $checkout will be " . "broken"; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlinks may be broken" ); return $err; } } } } $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = 1; } # if git repo has already been cloned, we will pull the latest version elsif ( $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} == 0 ) { git_stash_update_repo( $git_repo, $repo_loc, $checkout, @branches ); } my ( $checkout_dir, $checkout_item ) = split( /\//, $checkout ); unless ( $checkout =~ m!/! ) { # if $checkout does not contain a '/', the item to be checked # out will be placed in $checkout_dir instead of $checkout_item, # breaking the relative path for the symlink $checkout_dir = ''; $checkout_item = $checkout; } my $target_dir = "$orig_dir/$target/$checkout_dir"; # $target could be absolute path already... if ($target =~ m!^/!) { $target_dir = "$target/$checkout_dir" } run_command("mkdir -p $target_dir"); # get relative path from target directory to directory containing the # repositories $git_repos_dir = File::Spec->abs2rel( "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos", "$target_dir" ); # now we create a symlink from the repo to the appropriate target if ( defined($repo_path) ) { if ( $repo_path =~ /\$1|\$2/ ) { my ( $dir1, $dir2 ) = $checkout =~ m!(.*)/(.*)!; $repo_path =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $repo_path =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $git_repos_dir/$git_repo/$repo_path $checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } } else { $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $git_repos_dir/$git_repo/$repo_path/$checkout " . "$checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } } #return if (-e "$checkout_item"); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$git_repo}->up(); } return $err; } elsif ( $checkout eq '.' ) { # checkout entire repo $cmd = "cd $target_dir && $ln $git_repos_dir/$git_repo $name"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } return if ( -e "$target_dir/$name" ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$git_repo}->up(); } return $err; } else { $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $git_repos_dir/$git_repo/$checkout $checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } return if ( -e "$target_dir/$checkout_item" ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$git_repo}->up(); } return $err; } } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { if ( $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} == -1 ) { return -1; } elsif ( $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} == 0 ) { if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$git_repo}->down(); } if ( !-e "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos/$git_repo" && -e "$orig_dir/$ROOT/git-repos/$git_repo" ) { run_command("mkdir -p $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos"); run_command( "cd $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos && " . "$ln ../git-repos/$git_repo $git_repo" ); } print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my $err = git_stash_update_repo( $git_repo, $repo_loc, $checkout, @branches); if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$git_repo}->up(); } return $err; } # if git repo has already been updated print update info anyway # to suggest that we didn't miss a module else { print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); return 0; } } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { # only need to run status once per repo return if $updated_git_repos{$git_repo}; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git status -s"); $out = filter_status_output($out); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { print "In $ROOT/repos/$git_repo:\n"; print "$out\n"; } $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { # only need to run diff once per repo return if $updated_git_repos{$git_repo}; $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $git diff --exit-code"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { # help a bit with differentiating between diffs print "================================================================\n"; $out =~ s!^--- a/!--- a/$ROOT/repos/$git_repo/!gm; $out =~ s!^\+\+\+ b/!\+\+\+ b/$ROOT/repos/$git_repo/!gm; print $out; } # reuse this hash, we won't be updating anything this run.. $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'authenticate' ) { # do something, nothing for now... # git authenticates through ssh, so no storing usernames and stuff yet my $user = $component{USER}; save_user( $user, $component{AUTH_URL_ORIG} ); } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { # only need to run once per repo return 1 if $verified_git_repos{$git_repo}; my $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && git config --get remote.origin.url"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); chomp($out); $verified_git_repos{$git_repo} = 1; if (! ( $out =~ /$url/ )) { WARN("git::verify_url: URLs do not match. Stored URL: <$url>, current URL: <$out>"); } return ( $out =~ /$url/ ); } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub git_stash_update_repo { my ( $git_repo, $repo_loc, $checkout, @branches ) = @_; # stash local changes, if necessary my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git stash save GetComponents-tmp"); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. Could not stash local changes. Error message was '$out'."; WARN($logmsg); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; return $err; } my $ret = git_update_repo($git_repo, $repo_loc, $checkout, @branches); # pop stash if necessary ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && if $git stash list | grep -q GetComponents-tmp; then $git stash pop \$($git stash list | grep GetComponents-tmp | sed -e 's/:.*//'); fi"); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. Could not pop stashed changes. Error message was '$out'."; WARN($logmsg); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; return $err; } return $ret; } sub git_update_repo { my ( $git_repo, $repo_loc, $checkout, @branches ) = @_; # update remote origin to make sure we can see all remote branches my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git remote update origin"); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " . "Could not update remote 'origin'."; WARN($logmsg); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; return $err; } # what branch/tag are we on? ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git branch"); $out =~ /^\*\s*(.*)/m; my $current_branch = $1; if ($current_branch =~ /no branch/) { # figure out which tag we're on.... my $commit = `cd $repo_loc && $git rev-parse HEAD`; $current_branch = `cd $repo_loc && $git tag --contains $commit`; } # now loop through specified branches, and append 'master' push @branches, 'master'; for my $branch (@branches) { # three possibilities: # 1. branch exists locally, needs update # 2. branch exists remotely, needs local tracking branch # 3. branch is actually tag, do nothing if ( `cd $repo_loc && $git branch` =~ /$branch/m ) { # case 1 # checkout branch and pull --rebase ( $err, $out ) = run_command( "cd $repo_loc && " . "if [ xrefs/heads/$branch != x`$git symbolic-ref -q HEAD` ] ; then " . " $git checkout $branch ; " . "fi && " . "$git pull --rebase origin $branch"); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " . "Could not update branch $branch."; WARN($logmsg); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; return $err; } } elsif ( `cd $repo_loc && $git branch -r` =~ /$branch/m ) { # dealing with a remote tracking branch ( $err, $out ) = run_command( "cd $repo_loc && " . "$git checkout --track -b $branch origin/$branch"); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " . "Could not create local branch for $branch."; WARN($logmsg); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; return $err; } } # no need for else statement, do nothing for tags } # now checkout original branch if required ( $err, $out ) = run_command( "cd $repo_loc && " . "if [ xrefs/heads/$current_branch != x`$git symbolic-ref -q HEAD` ] ; then " . " $git checkout $current_branch ; " . "fi"); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " . "Could not checkout original branch."; WARN($logmsg); $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; return $err; } # # determine if we have a branch or tag checkout # if ( @branches ) { # $branch = pop @branches; # # determine if $branch is actually a tag # if ( `cd $repo_loc && $git tag -l` =~ /^$branch/m ) { # $tag = $branch; # $branch = undef; # } # } # # # # `git pull --rebase` will fail in detached HEAD state # # i.e. if we have checked out a tag # unless (defined($tag)) { # ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git pull --rebase"); # if ($err) { # push( @components_error, $checkout ); # my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " # . "Could not pull in remote changes."; # WARN($logmsg); # $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; # return $err; # } # } else { # ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git fetch"); # if ($err) { # push( @components_error, $checkout ); # my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " # . "Could not fetch remote changes."; # WARN($logmsg); # $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; # return $err; # } # ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git checkout $tag"); # if ($err) { # push( @components_error, $checkout ); # my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " # . "Could not checkout specified tag."; # WARN($logmsg); # $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; # return $err; # } # } # # if ($stash) { # # pop stashed changes # ( $err, $out ) = run_command("cd $repo_loc && $git stash pop"); # # # `git stash pop` returns 1 if there is no stash # if ($err) { # push( @components_error, $checkout ); # my $logmsg = "Could not update $git_repo. " # . "Could not pop stashed changes."; # WARN($logmsg); # $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = -1; # return $err; # } # } $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} = 1 unless $updated_git_repos{$git_repo} == -1; return $err; } sub handle_curl { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $target = $component{"TARGET"}; my $name = $component{"NAME"}; my $url = $component{"URL"}; my $user = ' '; my $pass = ' '; my $checkout = $component{"CHECKOUT"}; my $cmd = ''; if ( defined( $component{"USER"} ) ) { $user = "--user $component{USER}:$component{PASS}"; } if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { run_command("mkdir -p $target"); if ( defined($name) ) { die if $checkout =~ m{/}; # wget cannot check out into a specific directory. we # therefore check out in a new "tmp" subdirectory, and # then rename, and then delete "tmp" again. my $tmpdir = "$target/.GetComponents-tmp-$$"; $cmd = "{ " . "rm -rf $tmpdir && " . "mkdir $tmpdir && " . "(cd $tmpdir && $curl -O $user $url/$checkout) && " . "mv $tmpdir/$checkout $target/$name &&" . "rmdir $tmpdir; " . "}"; } else { $cmd = "cd $target && $curl -O $user $url/$checkout"; } print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout ); } return $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { if ( defined($name) ) { die if $checkout =~ m{/}; # wget cannot check out into a specific directory. we # therefore check out in a new "tmp" subdirectory, and # then rename, and then delete "tmp" again. my $tmpdir = "$target/.GetComponents-tmp-$$"; $cmd = "{ " . "rm -rf $tmpdir && " . "mkdir $tmpdir && " . "mv $name $tmpdir/$checkout && " . "(cd $tmpdir && $curl -O $user $url/$checkout) && " . "mv $tmpdir/$checkout $target/$name &&" . "rmdir $tmpdir; " . "}"; } else { $cmd = "cd $target && $curl -O $user $url/$checkout"; } # add modification timestamp to old version my $timestamp = strftime "%M.%d.%Y", localtime( stat("$target/$checkout")->mtime ); my $temp = "$timestamp.$checkout"; run_command("mv $target/$checkout $target/$temp"); print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); push( @components_error, $checkout ) if $err; # compare new version, if equivalent delete old ( $err, $out ) = run_command("diff $target/$checkout $target/$temp"); run_command("rm -r $target/$temp") unless $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { warn "Status method not available for type: $component{TYPE}\n"; return; } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { warn "Diff method not available for type: $component{TYPE}\n"; return; } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { # nothing to do for http/ftp return 1; } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub handle_darcs { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $target = $component{"TARGET"}; my $name = $component{"NAME"}; my $url = $component{"URL"}; if ( defined( $component{"AUTH_URL"} ) ) { $url = $component{"AUTH_URL"}; } my $shallow; if ( $SHALLOW_CLONE == 1 ) { $shallow = ' --lazy' } elsif ( $SHALLOW_CLONE == 0 ) { $shallow = '' } my $checkout = $component{"CHECKOUT"}; my $repo_path = $component{"REPO_PATH"}; my $darcs_repo = $component{"DARCS_REPO"}; my $cmd = ''; my $darcs_repos_dir = ''; my $tag = defined( $component{REPO_BRANCH} ) ? " -t $component{REPO_BRANCH}" : ''; my $repo_loc = "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos/$darcs_repo"; if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo}->down(); } run_command("mkdir -p $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos"); # first check to see if previous attempt at clone failed if ( $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} == -1 ) { return -1; } # clone the darcs repo elsif ( !-e $repo_loc ) { $cmd = "$darcs get$shallow$tag $url $repo_loc"; print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not checkout module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!darcs).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); return $err; } $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 1; } # if darcs repo has already been cloned, we will pull the latest # version elsif ( $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} == 0 ) { print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("$darcs pull$tag --repodir=$repo_loc"); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not checkout module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!darcs).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); return $err; } $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 1; } # if darcs repo has already been updated, we will print checkout info # anyway to suggest that we didn't miss a module else { print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ) } my ( $checkout_dir, $checkout_item ) = split( /\//, $checkout ); unless ( $checkout =~ m!/! ) { # if $checkout does not contain a '/', the item to be checked # out will be placed in $checkout_dir instead of $checkout_item, # breaking the relative path for the symlink $checkout_dir = ''; $checkout_item = $checkout; } my $target_dir = "$orig_dir/$target/$checkout_dir"; # $target could be absolute path if ($target =~ m!^/!) { $target_dir = "$target/$checkout_dir" } run_command("mkdir -p $target_dir"); # get relative path from target directory to directory containing the # repositories $darcs_repos_dir = File::Spec->abs2rel( "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos", "$target_dir" ); # now we create a symlink from the repo to the appropriate target if ( defined($repo_path) ) { if ( $repo_path =~ /\$1|\$2/ ) { my ( $dir1, $dir2 ) = $checkout =~ m!(.*)/(.*)!; $repo_path =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $repo_path =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $darcs_repos_dir/$darcs_repo/$repo_path $checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } } else { $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $darcs_repos_dir/$darcs_repo/$repo_path/$checkout " . "$checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } } my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo}->up(); } return $err; } elsif ( $checkout eq '.' ) { # checkout entire repo $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $darcs_repos_dir/$darcs_repo $name"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } return if ( -e "$target_dir/$name" ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo}->up(); } return $err; } else { $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $darcs_repos_dir/$darcs_repo/$checkout $checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } return if ( -e "$target_dir/$checkout_item" ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo}->up(); } return $err; } } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { if ( $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} == 0 ) { if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo}->down(); } if ( !-e "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos/$darcs_repo" && -e "$orig_dir/$ROOT/darcs-repos/$darcs_repo" ) { run_command("mkdir -p $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos"); run_command( "cd $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos && " . "$ln ../darcs-repos/$darcs_repo $darcs_repo" ); } print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("$darcs pull$tag --repodir=$repo_loc"); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not update module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!darcs).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 1; if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$darcs_repo}->up(); } return $err; } # if darcs repo has already been updated print update info anyway # to suggest that we didn't miss a module else { print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); return 0; } } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { return if $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo}; my $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $darcs whatsnew"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $out = filter_status_output($out); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { print "In $ROOT/repos/$darcs_repo:\n"; print "$out\n"; } $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { return if $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo}; $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $darcs diff -u"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $out =~ s!^--- a/!--- a/$ROOT/repos/$darcs_repo/!gm; $out =~ s!^\+\+\+ b/!\+\+\+ b/$ROOT/repos/$darcs_repo/!gm; print $out; $updated_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { # only need to run once per repo return 1 if $verified_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo}; my $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $darcs show repo --no-files"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $verified_darcs_repos{$darcs_repo} = 1; return ( $out =~ /Default Remote: $url/ ); } elsif ( $method eq 'authenticate' ) { # do something, nothing for now... # darcs authenticates through ssh, so no storing usernames and stuff # yet my $user = $component{USER}; save_user( $user, $url ); } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub handle_wget { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $target = $component{"TARGET"}; my $name = $component{"NAME"}; my $url = $component{"URL"}; my $user = ' '; my $pass = ' '; my $checkout = $component{"CHECKOUT"}; my $cmd = ''; if ( defined( $component{"USER"} ) ) { $user = "--user=" . $component{"USER"}; $pass = "--password=" . $component{"PASS"}; } if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { run_command("mkdir -p $target"); if ( defined($name) ) { die if $checkout =~ m{/}; # wget cannot check out into a specific directory. we # therefore check out in a new "tmp" subdirectory, and # then rename, and then delete "tmp" again. my $tmpdir = "$target/.GetComponents-tmp-$$"; $cmd = "{ " . "rm -rf $tmpdir && " . "mkdir $tmpdir && " . "(cd $tmpdir && $wget $user $pass $url/$checkout) && " . "mv $tmpdir/$checkout $target/$name &&" . "rmdir $tmpdir; " . "}"; } else { $cmd = "cd $target && $wget $user $pass $url/$checkout"; } print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); push( @components_error, $checkout ) if $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { if ( defined($name) ) { die if $checkout =~ m{/}; # wget cannot check out into a specific directory. we # therefore check out in a new "tmp" subdirectory, and # then rename, and then delete "tmp" again. my $tmpdir = "$target/.GetComponents-tmp-$$"; $cmd = "{ " . "rm -rf $tmpdir && " . "mkdir $tmpdir && " . "mv $name $tmpdir/$checkout && " . "(cd $tmpdir && $wget $user $pass $url/$checkout) && " . "mv $tmpdir/$checkout $target/$name &&" . "rmdir $tmpdir; " . "}"; } else { $cmd = "cd $target && $wget $user $pass $url/$checkout"; } # add modification timestamp to old version my $timestamp = strftime "%M.%d.%Y", localtime( stat("$target/$checkout")->mtime ); my $temp = "$timestamp.$checkout"; run_command("mv $target/$checkout $target/$temp"); print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); push( @components_error, $checkout ) if $err; # compare new version, if equivalent delete old ( $err, $out ) = run_command("diff $target/$checkout $target/$temp"); run_command("rm -r $target/$temp") unless $err; } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { warn "Status method not available for type: $component{TYPE}\n"; return; } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { warn "Diff method not available for type: $component{TYPE}\n"; return; } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { # nothing to do for http/ftp return 1; } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub handle_hg { my ( $method, %component ) = @_; my $target = $component{"TARGET"}; my $name = $component{"NAME"}; my $url = $component{"URL"}; if ( defined( $component{"AUTH_URL"} ) ) { $url = $component{"AUTH_URL"}; } my $checkout = $component{"CHECKOUT"}; my $repo_path = $component{"REPO_PATH"}; my $hg_repo = $component{"HG_REPO"}; my $cmd = ''; my $hg_repos_dir = ''; my $branch = defined( $component{REPO_BRANCH} ) ? $component{REPO_BRANCH} : undef; my $date = defined $DATE ? '-d ' . $DATE : undef; my $repo_loc = "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos/$hg_repo"; if ( $method eq 'checkout' ) { if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$hg_repo}->down(); } run_command("mkdir -p $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos"); # first check to see if previous attempt at clone failed if ( $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} == -1 ) { return -1; } # clone the hg repo if ( !-e $repo_loc ) { $cmd = "$hg clone $url $repo_loc"; print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not checkout module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!abort).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); return $err; } if ( defined($branch) ) { my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("hg --repository $repo_loc checkout $branch"); if ($err) { my $new; if ( -e "$repo_loc.branch.failed" ) { my @times = glob "$repo_loc.branch.failed*"; $new = "$repo_loc.branch.failed." . scalar @times; } else { $new = "$repo_loc.branch.failed" } run_command("mv $repo_loc $new"); $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = -1; my $log = "Could not checkout $checkout, " . "unable to switch to branch $branch. " . "Any existing symlinks to $checkout will be broken."; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlinks may be broken" ); return $err; } } if ( defined $date ) { #chdir("$hg_repo"); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command( "hg --repository $repo_loc checkout --date $date"); if ($err) { my $new; if ( -e "$repo_loc.date.failed" ) { my @times = glob "$repo_loc.date.failed*"; $new = "$repo_loc.date.failed." . scalar @times; } else { $new = "$repo_loc.date.failed" } run_command("mv $repo_loc $new"); $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = -1; my $log = "Could not checkout $checkout, " . "unable to checkout from date $date. " . "Any existing symlinks to $checkout will be broken."; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlinks may be broken" ); return $err; } } $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 1; } # if mercurial repo has already been cloned, we will pull the latest # version elsif ( $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} == 0 ) { print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("$hg --repository $repo_loc pull"); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not checkout module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!abort).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); return $err; } $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 1; } # if mercurial repo has already been updated, we will print checkout # info anyway to suggest that we didn't miss a module else { print_checkout_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ) } my ( $checkout_dir, $checkout_item ) = split( /\//, $checkout ); unless ( $checkout =~ m!/! ) { # if $checkout does not contain a '/', the item to be checked # out will be placed in $checkout_dir instead of $checkout_item, # breaking the relative path for the symlink $checkout_dir = ''; $checkout_item = $checkout; } my $target_dir = "$orig_dir/$target/$checkout_dir"; # $target could be absolute path if ($target =~ m!^/!) { $target_dir = "$target/$checkout_dir" } run_command("mkdir -p $target_dir"); # get relative path from target directory to directory containing the # repositories $hg_repos_dir = File::Spec->abs2rel( "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos", "$target_dir" ); # now we create a symlink from the repo to the appropriate target if ( defined($repo_path) ) { if ( $repo_path =~ /\$1|\$2/ ) { my ( $dir1, $dir2 ) = $checkout =~ m!(.*)/(.*)!; $repo_path =~ s!\$1!$dir1!; $repo_path =~ s!\$2!$dir2!; $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $hg_repos_dir/$hg_repo/$repo_path $checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } } else { $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $hg_repos_dir/$hg_repo/$repo_path/$checkout " . "$checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } } my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$hg_repo}->up(); } return $err; } elsif ( $checkout eq '.' ) { # checkout entire repo $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $hg_repos_dir/$hg_repo $name"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } my ($err, $out) = (0, ""); if ( not -e "$target_dir/$name" ) { ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$hg_repo}->up(); } return $err; } else { $cmd = "cd $target_dir && " . "$ln $hg_repos_dir/$hg_repo/$checkout $checkout_item"; if ( $orig_dir eq $ROOT ) { $cmd =~ s!$orig_dir/!! } my ($err, $out) = (0, ""); if ( not -e "$target_dir/$checkout_item" ) { ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ($err) { push( @components_error, $checkout . ": symlink error." ); } } if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$hg_repo}->up(); } return $err; } } elsif ( $method eq 'update' ) { if ( $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} == 0 ) { if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$hg_repo}->down(); } if ( !-e "$orig_dir/$ROOT/repos/$hg_repo" && -e "$orig_dir/$ROOT/hg-repos/$hg_repo" ) { run_command("mkdir -p $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos"); run_command( "cd $orig_dir/$ROOT/repos && " . "$ln ../hg-repos/$hg_repo $hg_repo" ); } print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); my ( $err, $out ) = run_command("$hg --repository $repo_loc pull --update"); if ($err) { my $log = "Could not update module $checkout\n"; $out =~ s/^(?!abort).*$//gmi; $out =~ s/\n+/\n/g; $log .= $out; WARN($log); push( @components_error, $checkout ); } $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 1; if ($PARALLEL) { $semaphores{$hg_repo}->up(); } return $err; } # if hg repo has already been updated print update info anyway # to suggest that we didn't miss a module else { print_update_info( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ); return 0; } } elsif ( $method eq 'status' ) { return if $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo}; my $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $hg status"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $out = filter_status_output($out); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { print "In $ROOT/repos/$hg_repo:\n"; print "$out\n"; } $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'diff' ) { # only need to run diff once per repo return if $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo}; $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $hg diff"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); if ( $out !~ /^$/ ) { # help a bit with differentiating between diffs print "================================================================\n"; $out =~ s!^--- a/!--- a/$ROOT/repos/$hg_repo/!gm; $out =~ s!^\+\+\+ b/!\+\+\+ b/$ROOT/repos/$hg_repo/!gm; print $out; } # reuse this hash, we won't be updating anything this run.. $updated_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'authenticate' ) { # do something, nothing for now... # hg authenticates through ssh, so no storing usernames and stuff yet my $user = $component{USER}; save_user( $user, $component{AUTH_URL_ORIG} ); } elsif ( $method eq 'verify_url' ) { # only need to run once per repo return 1 if $verified_hg_repos{$hg_repo}; my $cmd = "cd $repo_loc && $hg showconfig paths.default"; my ( $err, $out ) = run_command($cmd); $verified_hg_repos{$hg_repo} = 1; # match against either anonymous or authenticated URL, assuming # both point to actually the same repository $url = "(".$component{"URL"}.")|(".$component{"AUTH_URL"}.")"; return ( $out =~ /$url/ ); } else { DIE("Unrecognized checkout method: $method") } } sub run_command { # run a command through the shell and return the exit code and output. # can optionally override the global verbose setting and elect to let # the command print to stderr (this is useful in some cases, i.e. svn # will print to stderr and block if the SSL certificate is not trusted) my $command = shift; my $VERBOSE_OVERRIDE = shift; my $show_err = shift; my $verbose = defined $VERBOSE_OVERRIDE ? $VERBOSE_OVERRIDE : $VERBOSE; my $err = $show_err ? '' : '2>&1'; if ( $command =~ /^$/ ) { return } if ($verbose) { if ( $command =~ /^cd (.*) \&\& (.*)$/ ) { my ( $cmd, $loc ) = ( $2, $1 ); print BOLD, "Executing: ", RESET, "$cmd\n", BOLD, " In: ", RESET, "$loc\n"; } else { print BOLD, "Executing: ", RESET, "$command\n" } } my $out = `$command $err`; my $ret = $?; print $out if $verbose; return ( $ret, $out ); } sub info { my $text = shift; if ($VERBOSE) { print $text} } sub print_checkout_info { return if $DEBUG; my ( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ) = @_; my $msg = "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" . " Checking out module: $checkout\n" . " from repository: $url\n" . " into: $target\n"; if ( defined($name) ) { $msg .= " as: $name\n"; } print $msg; } sub print_update_info { return if $DEBUG; my ( $checkout, $url, $target, $name ) = @_; my $msg = "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n" . " Updating module: $checkout\n" . " from repository: $url\n" . " located in: $target\n"; if ( defined($name) ) { $msg .= " under: $name\n"; } print $msg; } sub print_summary { return if $DEBUG; print "-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"; if ( @components_error == 0 ) { print " $checkout_size components checked out successfully.\n"; print " $update_size components updated successfully.\n\n"; my $logmsg = "Updated from thornlist(s): "; $logmsg .= join( ' , ', @ORIG_LISTS ); &LOG($logmsg); } else { print " $checkout_size components checked out.\n"; print " $update_size components updated.\n\n"; foreach my $error (@components_error) { print " Unable to process $error\n"; } print "\n"; my $logmsg = @components_error . " errors occurred during update from thornlist(s): "; $logmsg .= join( ' , ', @ORIG_LISTS ); &LOG($logmsg); print "Summary of Warnings:\n\n"; foreach my $warning (@warnings) { print "$warning\n"; } } my $elapsed_time = time - $start_time; my $min = int( $elapsed_time / 60 ); my $sec = $elapsed_time % 60; print " Time Elapsed: $min minutes, $sec seconds\n\n"; } sub filter_status_output { my $output = shift; my @lines = split /\n/, $output; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^\Q?\E\s+(.*)$/) { my $path = $1; if ($path eq "$ROOT/repos") { $line = ''; next; } foreach my $c (@all_components) { my $dir = defined($c->{NAME}) ? $c->{NAME} : $c->{CHECKOUT}; my $checkout = "$c->{TARGET}/$dir"; if ($checkout =~ /$path/) { $line = ''; last; } } } } $output = join "\n", @lines; $output =~ s/^\s*//gm; chomp $output; return $output; } sub LOG { return if $DEBUG; my $log = shift; if ( $log =~ /^$/ ) { return } # move the file at 100KB, so it doesn't get too Long if ( -e "$crl_dir/crl.log" ) { if ( stat("$crl_dir/crl.log")->size > 100000 ) { run_command("mv $crl_dir/crl.log $crl_dir/crl.log.old"); } } open( my $logfile, '>>', "$crl_dir/crl.log" ) or die $!; my $timestamp = strftime "%b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime; print {$logfile} "$timestamp:\t$log\n"; close $logfile or die $!; } sub WARN { my $warning = shift; LOG($warning); push( @warnings, $warning ); warn( "\n", BOLD, RED, "Warning: ", RESET, "$warning\n\n" ); } sub DIE { my $error = shift; LOG($error); die( "\n", BOLD, RED, "Error: ", RESET, "$error\n\n" ); } __END__ =head1 NAME GetComponents =head1 SYNOPSIS GetComponents [options] [file|URL] Options: --help brief help message --man full documentation --verbose print all system commands as they are executed --debug print all commands to be executed and exit --parallel checkout/update components in parallel --anonymous use anonymous checkout for all components --update process all updates --status run status commands for each component --diff run diff commands for each component --root override root directory --date checkout from a specific date --[no]shallow force shallow clones for git repositories --reset-authentication delete authentication files =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<--help> Print a brief help message and exit. =item B<--man> Print the full man page and exit. =item B<--verbose> Print all system commands as they are executed by script, as well as output from the commands. =item B<--debug> Print a list of components that will be checked out or updated, along with the total number of components in the list. =item B<--parallel> Run checkout and update commands in parallel. Requires perl to be compiled with support for threads. 4 threads are used so as not to overload the network, this may become configurable in the future. =item B<--anonymous> Override any stored login credentials and use anonymous checkouts for all components. =item B<--update> Override the update prompt and process all updates. =item B<--status> Provide a list of files that differ from the repository versions. =item B<--diff> Run a diff on the entire source tree. Be careful with this as it could run for a long time and produce a large output. =item B<--root> Override the root directory in the component list. This allows checking out into an arbitrary directory. =item B<--date> Checkout components from a specific date. Currently only supported for cvs, svn, and mercurial. =item B<--[no]shallow> Force GetComponents to add '--depth 1' to all 'git clone' commands. This will reduce the size of all git repositories by ignoring the repository history. Equivalent options are used for darcs. =item B<--reset-authentication> Delete any CRL authentication files before processing the component list. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B will parse the given input file(s), and checkout/update the requested components using cvs, svn, git, darcs, hg, http, https, and ftp. It requires an argument specifying the file that will contain the information required to checkout the components. Multiple files may be passed together. A component list may also be specified as the URL where the list is located, in which case GetComponents will download the component list, and then proceed as usual. This file must have the following syntax: 0. The first (non-comment) line must be '!CRL_VERSION = 1.0' 1. It will be split up in to multiple sections, with each section corresponding to a repository. The order of the sections is irrelevant. 2. Each section will contain multiple directives beginning with a !. Required directives are: !TARGET, !TYPE, !URL, and !CHECKOUT. Optional directives are: !ANONYMOUS_USER, !ANONYMOUS_PASSWORD, !LOCAL_PATH, !REPOSITORY_PATH, and !AUTHORIZATION_URL. The shortened directives !ANON_USER, !ANON_PASS, !LOC_PATH, !REPO_PATH, and !AUTH_URL are also recognized. 3. !TARGET MUST be the first directive for each section. It will specify the directory, in which the components for the current repository will be placed. !TARGET may contain predefined constants i.e. $ROOT, which could represent the root directory for all of the components. 4. !TYPE specifies the tool used to checkout the components. Currently, cvs, svn, git, http, https, ftp, and hg (mercurial) are supported. 5. !URL specifies the location of the repository for anonymous checkout. !URL may contain variables $1, $2, etc, which will correspond to the directories in the path given by !CHECKOUT. For example, if !URL = http://svn.foo.com/$2/trunk and !CHECKOUT = foo/bar, !URL will be interpreted as http://svn.foo.com/bar/trunk. 6. !AUTH_URL will specify a different location for an authenticated checkout. If both !AUTH_URL and !URL are defined, !AUTH_URL will take precedence. 7. !CHECKOUT specifies the components to checkout from the repository. !CHECKOUT can contain a path through multiple directories, in which case they must be separated by a /. If there are multiple components to be checked out from a single repository, they should be separated by a newline. Any trailing whitespace or comments will be ignored. 8. !NAME specifies an alternate name for the component to be checked out. That means that if !TARGET is foo, !CHECKOUT is bar, and !NAME is foobar, the resulting directory tree will be foo/foobar. 9. !ANON_USER and !ANON_PASS will specify the login credentials for an anonymous cvs checkout from the repository. 10. !REPO_PATH will specify the location of the item to be checked out within a repository. It can consist of a file path, or $1 or $2, and will essentially serve as a prefix to the checkout path when the script is looking for the checkout item. 11. Each directive will be followed by optional whitespace, an =, optional whitespace, the corresponding argument, and more optional whitespace. The end of an argument will be indicated by the ! preceding the next directive. The argument may be enclosed in quotes (" or '), in which case the argument will be taken literally and no variable substitution will occur. 12. Extra newlines may be inserted between sections for greater clarity, and any comments will be preceded by a #. 13. There is an optional section that will contain any definitions i.e. $ROOT. These definitions will be preceded by !DEFINE, and then follow the syntax for the directives. Definitions may only be defined once. =cut