1.2 boolean short int long double string datetime base64Binary simple onRequest simple replace onLoad new replace float date time boolean string true none condition simple embed text:page-count text:paragraph-count text:word-count text:character-count text:table-count text:image-count text:object-count text:reference-ref text:bookmark-ref simple value unit gap text:identifier text:address text:annote text:author text:booktitle text:chapter text:edition text:editor text:howpublished text:institution text:journal text:month text:note text:number text:organizations text:pages text:publisher text:school text:series text:title text:report-type text:volume text:year text:url text:custom1 text:custom2 text:custom3 text:custom4 text:custom5 text:isbn text:issn simple onRequest new replace footnote endnote previous current next previous next name number number-and-name plain-number-and-name plain-number full path name name-and-extension full path name name-and-extension area title table query command text table text-box image object number-no-superior number-all-superior number category-and-value caption value page chapter direction text float percentage currency date time boolean string value none value formula none value formula article book booklet conference custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 email inbook incollection inproceedings journal manual mastersthesis misc phdthesis proceedings techreport unpublished www document chapter text category-and-value caption document chapter simple 1 2 3 separator name number number-and-name plain-number plain-number-and-name address annote author bibliography-type booktitle chapter custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 edition editor howpublished identifier institution isbn issn journal month note number organizations pages publisher report-type school series title url volume year right left visible collapse filter ($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+ ($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+(:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+)? ($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+ ($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+ Value is a space separated list of "cellRangeAddress" patterns copy-all copy-results-only simple onRequest trace-dependents remove-dependents trace-precedents remove-precedents trace-errors from-another-table to-another-table from-same-table date enable disable none unsorted sort-ascending stop warning information column row none print-range filter repeat-row repeat-column column row alpha-numeric integer double text number automatic ascending descending text number automatic ascending descending average count countnums max min product stdev stdevp sum var varp self cell-range text number none row column both row column data hidden page auto average count countnums max min product stdev stdevp sum var varp auto average count countnums max min product stdev stdevp sum var varp from-top from-bottom data none manual name ascending descending tabular-layout outline-subtotals-top outline-subtotals-bottom named previous next none member-difference member-percentage member-percentage-difference running-total row-percentage column-percentage total-percentage index auto auto auto auto seconds minutes hours days months quarters years average count countnums max min product stdev stdevp sum var varp none row column both row column table row column table accepted rejected pending always screen printer none false true full section cut arc standard lines line curve page frame paragraph char as-char top-left top top-right left center right bottom-left bottom-right auto left right up down horizontal vertical scale scale-min scale scale-min simple embed onLoad simple onRequest new replace simple new replace nohref parallel perspective flat phong gouraud draft flat phong gouraud draft parallel perspective none segments rectangle normal path shape path shape non-primitive \([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))){2}[ ]*\) -0.5 0.5 title outline subtitle text graphic object chart table orgchart page notes handout header footer date-time page-number simple onRequest new replace none fade move stripes open close dissolve wavyline random lines laser appear hide move-short checkerboard rotate stretch none from-left from-top from-right from-bottom from-center from-upper-left from-upper-right from-lower-left from-lower-right to-left to-top to-right to-bottom to-upper-left to-upper-right to-lower-right to-lower-left path spiral-inward-left spiral-inward-right spiral-outward-left spiral-outward-right vertical horizontal to-center clockwise counter-clockwise slow medium fast default on-click with-previous after-previous timing-root main-sequence interactive-sequence custom entrance exit emphasis motion-path ole-action media-call none previous-page next-page first-page last-page hide stop execute show verb fade-out sound last-visited-page simple embed onRequest fixed current-date enabled disabled enabled disabled simple start end top bottom start center end top-start bottom-start top-end bottom-end wide high balanced custom none row column both x y z major minor simple simple none onRequest equal-integer is-boolean equal-boolean equal-use-only-zero boolean short int long double string simple none onRequest no-nulls nullable bit boolean tinyint smallint integer bigint float real double numeric decimal char varchar longvarchar date time timestmp binary varbinary longvarbinary sqlnull other object distinct struct array blob clob ref primary unique foreign cascade restrict set-null no-action set-default cascade restrict set-null no-action set-default simple onRequest get post table query command none current parent records current page selection selection-indices unchecked checked unknown horizontal vertical submit reset push url flat 3d center start end top bottom start center end table query sql sql-pass-through value-list table-fields void float percentage currency date time boolean string void 1 i I a A simple onRequest To avoid inclusion of the complete MathML schema, anything is allowed within a math:math top-level element into-default-style-data-style into-english-number keep-text discrete linear paced spline rgb hsl clockwise counter-clockwise translate scale rotate skewX skewY forward reverse in out discrete linear paced spline none sum replace sum first last all media indefinite 0.0 remove freeze hold auto default transition remove freeze hold transition auto inherit never always whenNotActive default never always whenNotActive inherit 0 1 all left right mirrored row column normal ultra-condensed extra-condensed condensed semi-condensed semi-expanded expanded extra-expanded ultra-expanded simple onRequest short long short long short long short long short long short long short long short long short long short medium long fixed language gregorian gengou ROC hanja_yoil hanja hijri jewish buddhist text paragraph section ruby table table-column table-row table-cell graphic presentation drawing-page chart left right inner outer document chapter page text page section document address annote author bibliography-type booktitle chapter custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 edition editor howpublished identifier institution isbn issn journal month note number organizations pages publisher report-type school series title url volume year linear axial radial ellipsoid square rectangular objectBoundingBox pad reflect repeat single double triple simple embed onLoad rect round default portrait landscape headers grid annotations objects charts drawings formulas zero-values ttb ltr continue horizontal vertical both none none line both left center right none lowercase uppercase capitalize font-color super sub latin asian complex ignore normal none embossed engraved font-color font-color none letters lines none none accent dot circle disc above below fixed line-height true none condition none normal small-caps roman swiss modern decorative script system fixed variable [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\-]* normal italic oblique none none single double none solid dotted dash long-dash dot-dash dot-dot-dash wave auto normal bold thin medium thick normal bold 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 continuous skip-white-space normal start center justify auto always auto page no-limit none ideograph-alpha simple hanging normal strict top middle bottom auto baseline start end left right center justify left center right char font-color word auto column page auto column page transparent no-repeat repeat stretch left center right top bottom left center right top center bottom auto always lr-tb rl-tb tb-rl tb-lr lr rl tb page auto above below left center right distribute-letter distribute-space none solid dotted dashed dot-dashed top middle bottom left center right margins collapsing separating auto always top middle bottom automatic fix value-type auto 0 0deg 0rad 0grad no-wrap wrap none bottom top center none hidden-and-protected protected formula-hidden ltr ttb label-width-and-position label-alignment listtab space nothing none dash solid 0 1 miter round bevel middle none butt square round none scroll alternate slide left right up down top middle bottom justify left center right justify no-wrap wrap greyscale mono watermark standard visible hidden below above automatic left-outside inside right-outside automatic above below center automatic mm cm m km pt pc inch ft mi straight-line angled-line angled-connector-line fixed free horizontal vertical auto correct attractive enabled disabled standard double-sided object flat sphere normal inverse object parallel sphere object parallel sphere luminance intensity color enabled disabled replace modulate blend visible hidden none content position size left center right from-left inside outside from-inside page page-content page-start-margin page-end-margin frame frame-content frame-start-margin frame-end-margin paragraph paragraph-content paragraph-start-margin paragraph-end-margin char none left right parallel dynamic run-through biggest no-limit full outside foreground background clip auto-create-new-frame none vertical vertical vertical auto iterative once-concurrent once-successive content thumbnail icon print-view none solid bitmap gradient hatch no-repeat repeat stretch top-left top top-right left center right bottom-left bottom bottom-right horizontal vertical nonzero evenodd top middle bottom from-top below page page-content frame frame-content paragraph paragraph-content char line baseline text horizontal horizontal-on-odd horizontal-on-even rect\([ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)))|(auto))([ ]*,[ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))))|(auto)){3}[ ]*\) ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px) none automatic named-symbol square diamond arrow-down arrow-up arrow-right arrow-left bow-tie hourglass circle star x plus asterisk horizontal-bar vertical-bar image none cubic-spline b-spline cuboid cylinder cone pyramid use-zero leave-gap ignore side-by-side stagger-even stagger-odd none value percentage value-and-percentage none variance standard-deviation percentage error-margin constant standard-error cell-range columns rows none linear logarithmic exponential power start end near-axis near-axis-other-side outside-start outside-end at-labels at-axis at-labels-and-axis avoid-overlap center top top-right right bottom-right bottom bottom-left left top-left inside outside near-origin manual automatic semi-automatic none fade-from-left fade-from-top fade-from-right fade-from-bottom fade-from-upperleft fade-from-upperright fade-from-lowerleft fade-from-lowerright move-from-left move-from-top move-from-right move-from-bottom move-from-upperleft move-from-upperright move-from-lowerleft move-from-lowerright uncover-to-left uncover-to-top uncover-to-right uncover-to-bottom uncover-to-upperleft uncover-to-upperright uncover-to-lowerleft uncover-to-lowerright fade-to-center fade-from-center vertical-stripes horizontal-stripes clockwise counterclockwise open-vertical open-horizontal close-vertical close-horizontal wavyline-from-left wavyline-from-top wavyline-from-right wavyline-from-bottom spiralin-left spiralin-right spiralout-left spiralout-right roll-from-top roll-from-left roll-from-right roll-from-bottom stretch-from-left stretch-from-top stretch-from-right stretch-from-bottom vertical-lines horizontal-lines dissolve random vertical-checkerboard horizontal-checkerboard interlocking-horizontal-left interlocking-horizontal-right interlocking-vertical-top interlocking-vertical-bottom fly-away open close melt forward reverse visible hidden full border true false [A-Za-z0-9]{1,8} [A-Za-z]{1,8} [A-Za-z0-9]{1,8} 1 -?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px)) ([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px)) ([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px)) -?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)% ([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)% -?([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)% [0-9]+\* #[0-9a-fA-F]{6} (([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+ 1 \[(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+\] 3 _self _blank _parent _top float time date percentage currency boolean string -?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)* \([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\) [^:]+:[^:]+ An IRI-reference as defined in [RFC3987]. See ODF 1.2 Part 1 section 18.3.