/*! Parchment - v0.1.0 - 2013-04-24 * https://github.com/gpbmike/parchment * Copyright (c) 2013 gpbmike; Licensed MIT */ (function ($) { "use strict"; var Parchment = (function () { var KEY_MAP = { UP : 38, DOWN : 40, LEFT : 37, RIGHT : 39, ESC : 27, SPACE : 32, BACKSPACE: 8, TAB : 9, DELETE : 46, ENTER : 13, PAGE_UP : 33, PAGE_DOWN: 34 }; function Parchment(target, options) { this.options = options || {}; // Returns true if it is a DOM element function isElement(object) { return ( typeof HTMLElement === "object" ? object instanceof HTMLElement : //DOM2 object && typeof object === "object" && object.nodeType === 1 && typeof object.nodeName === "string"); } // If target isn't an element, maybe it's an id if (!isElement(target) && typeof target === 'string') { target = document.getElementById(target); } // Couldn't find a target, abort. if (!target) { return; } this.parchment = document.createElement('div'); this.parchment.setAttribute('id', 'parchment'); this.parchment.setAttribute('class', 'parchment'); target.parentNode.insertBefore(this.parchment, target); // we need both a textarea and an editor (contenteditable=true) if (/textarea/i.test(target.tagName)) { this.textarea = target; this.editor = document.createElement('div'); this.editor.innerHTML = target.value; } else { this.editor = target; this.textarea = document.createElement('textarea'); this.textarea.value = target.innerHTML; } this.textarea.style.display = 'none'; this.parchment.appendChild(this.editor); this.parchment.appendChild(this.textarea); this.editor.setAttribute('class', 'parchment-editor'); this.editor.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true'); // COMMANDS for (var command in Parchment.commands) { $.extend(true, this.options.parser_rules, Parchment.commands[command].parser_rules || {}); } // // we strip out any attribute that's not in this list. // // key = tagName // // value = regular expression // this.attributes_whitelist = {}; // // we strip out any empty node that's not in this list. // // key = tagName // // value = function returns true if you keep it // this.empty_node_whitelist = { // 'br': function () { // return true; // } // }; // tag tree and node tree to see what you're nested in // this.node_tree = []; // this.tag_tree = []; // this.observeEvents(); // this.loadPlugins(); // this.buildToolbar(); // this.clean({ // add_paragraphs: true, // first_clean: true // }); // ping the document so other things know we're ready // $(document).trigger('parchmentready', this); // use semantic markup for commands // this comes last beause it stops the function for some reason // if (this.browser.mozilla || this.browser.webkit) { // document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false); // document.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", false, false); // } } var createToolbarButton = function (plugin_name, plugin) { var button = document.createElement('button'); button.setAttribute('type', 'button'); button.setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-mini ' + plugin_name.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase()); button.setAttribute('title', plugin_name); button.appendChild(document.createTextNode(plugin_name)); this.plugins[plugin_name].button = button; $(button).on('click', $.proxy(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); plugin.callback(arguments); }, plugin)); return button; }; Parchment.prototype.buildToolbar = function () { this.toolbar = document.createElement('div'); this.toolbar.setAttribute('class', 'toolbar'); this.editor.parentNode.appendChild(this.toolbar); this.options.plugins_display = this.options.plugins_display || $.map(this.plugins, function (value, key) { return (value.type && value.type === 'button') ? key : null; }); var showMore = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this.more_toolbar).toggleClass('open'); $(this.more_toggle).toggleClass('open'); if ($(this.more_toggle).hasClass('open')) { localStorage.setItem('parchmentmoreoptions', true); } else { localStorage.removeItem('parchmentmoreoptions'); } // var padding_top = this.toolbar.offsetHeight; // if (this.more_toolbar) { // padding_top += this.more_toolbar.offsetHeight; // } // this.parchment.style.paddingTop = padding_top + 'px'; }; for (var p = 0; p < this.options.plugins_display.length; p++) { var plugin_name = this.options.plugins_display[p], group = document.createElement('span'); group.className = 'btn-group'; // arrays are also objects, so check for Array first if (plugin_name instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < plugin_name.length; i++) { group.appendChild(createToolbarButton.call(this, plugin_name[i], this.plugins[plugin_name[i]])); } this.toolbar.appendChild(group); } else if (plugin_name instanceof Object) { switch (plugin_name.type) { case 'dropdown': group.setAttribute('class', 'dropdown'); var selection = document.createElement('button'); selection.setAttribute('type', 'button'); selection.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Paragraph')); group.appendChild(selection); var ul = document.createElement('ul'); for (var b = 0; b < plugin_name.buttons.length; b++) { var li = document.createElement('li'); li.appendChild(createToolbarButton.call(this, plugin_name.buttons[b], this.plugins[plugin_name.buttons[b]])); ul.appendChild(li); } group.appendChild(ul); this.toolbar.appendChild(group); break; case 'more': if (!this.more_toggle) { this.more_toggle = document.createElement('button'); this.more_toggle.setAttribute('class', 'more'); if (localStorage.getItem('parchmentmoreoptions')) { $(this.more_toggle).addClass('open'); } this.more_toggle.setAttribute('type', 'button'); if (this.toolbar.firstChild) { this.toolbar.insertBefore(this.more_toggle, this.toolbar.firstChild); } else { this.toolbar.appendChild(this.more_toggle); } this.more_toolbar = document.createElement('div'); this.more_toolbar.setAttribute('class', 'toolbar more'); if (localStorage.getItem('parchmentmoreoptions')) { $(this.more_toolbar).addClass('open'); } this.editor.parentNode.appendChild(this.more_toolbar); $(this.more_toggle).on('click', $.proxy(showMore, this)); } for (var b2 = 0; b2 < plugin_name.buttons.length; b2++) { group.appendChild(createToolbarButton.call(this, plugin_name.buttons[b2], this.plugins[plugin_name.buttons[b2]])); } this.more_toolbar.appendChild(group); break; default: break; } } else { this.toolbar.appendChild(createToolbarButton.call(this, plugin_name, this.plugins[plugin_name])); } // var padding_top = this.toolbar.offsetHeight; // if (this.more_toolbar) { // this.more_toolbar.style.top = padding_top + 'px'; // padding_top += this.more_toolbar.offsetHeight; // } // this.parchment.style.paddingTop = padding_top + 'px'; } }; // Parchment.prototype.loadPlugins = function () { // // create a new instance of each plugin we use // this.plugins = {}; // for (var plugin in this.options.plugins) { // this.plugins[plugin] = new this.options.plugins[plugin](); // } // for (var plugin_name in this.plugins) { // var plugin = this.plugins[plugin_name], // tag; // plugin.parchment = this; // if (plugin.init) { // plugin.init(); // } // // add to attribute whitelist // if (plugin.attributes_whitelist) { // // loop through tags // for (tag in plugin.attributes_whitelist) { // if (this.attributes_whitelist[tag]) { // // loop through attributes // for (var attribute in plugin.attributes_whitelist[tag]) { // if (this.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute]) { // // see if we already have an array // if (this.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute] instanceof Array) { // this.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute].push(plugin.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute]); // } // // not an array of expressions // else { // this.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute] = [ // this.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute], // plugin.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute] // ]; // } // } // // new attribute // else { // this.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute] = plugin.attributes_whitelist[tag][attribute]; // } // } // } // // new tag // else { // this.attributes_whitelist[tag] = plugin.attributes_whitelist[tag]; // } // } // } // // add to empty node whitelist // if (plugin.empty_node_whitelist) { // // loop through tags // for (tag in plugin.empty_node_whitelist) { // if (this.empty_node_whitelist[tag]) { // // see if we already have an array // if (this.empty_node_whitelist[tag] instanceof Array) { // this.empty_node_whitelist[tag].push(plugin.empty_node_whitelist[tag]); // } // // not an array of functions // else { // this.empty_node_whitelist[tag] = [ // this.empty_node_whitelist[tag], // plugin.empty_node_whitelist[tag] // ]; // } // } // // new tag // else { // this.empty_node_whitelist[tag] = plugin.empty_node_whitelist[tag]; // } // } // } // } // }; // fix the toolbar so it follows you down the page Parchment.prototype.fixToolbar = function () { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(), p_offset = $(this.parchment).offset(), p_dimensions = { 'height': $(this.parchment).outerHeight(), 'width' : $(this.parchment).outerWidth() }, toolbar_height = this.toolbar.offsetHeight; if (this.more_toolbar) { toolbar_height += this.more_toolbar.offsetHeight; } // fix the toolbar(s) when you're below the top of the editor and above the bottom of the editor if (scroll > p_offset.top && scroll + toolbar_height < p_offset.top + p_dimensions.height) { $(this.toolbar).addClass('fixed'); $(this.toolbar).css('width', p_dimensions.width - 2); // minus 2 for border... fix later if (this.more_toolbar) { $(this.more_toolbar).addClass('fixed'); $(this.more_toolbar).css('width', p_dimensions.width - 2); // minus 2 for border... fix later } } // unfix the header when you're above the header else { $(this.toolbar).removeClass('fixed'); this.toolbar.style.width = '100%'; if (this.more_toolbar) { $(this.more_toolbar).removeClass('fixed'); this.more_toolbar.style.width = '100%'; } } }; var handlePaste = function () { // we only care if you're pasting into the editor if (document.activeElement !== this.editor) { return; } var _this = this; // grab current content setTimeout(function () { // grab content after paste // compare new to old // figure out the new chunk // send new chunk to plugins // loop through the plugins to see if they care for (var index in _this.plugins) { var plugin = this.plugins[index]; if (typeof plugin.handlePaste !== 'undefined') { plugin.handlePaste.apply(this); } } _this.clean({ 'add_paragraphs': true }); }, 1); }; // the keypress event is extended by jQuery var handleKeyPress = function (event) { var userSelection = this.getSelectionObject(), range = this.getRangeObject(userSelection), in_header = false, node = userSelection.anchorNode; // we want line breaks to be consistent across browsers if (event.which === KEY_MAP.ENTER) { // check if anchor node is in header while (node !== this.editor) { if ((/h\d/i).test(node.parentNode.tagName)) { in_header = true; break; } node = node.parentNode; } // check if focus node is in header if (!in_header) { node = userSelection.focusNode; while (node !== this.editor) { if ((/h\d/i).test(node.parentNode.tagName)) { in_header = true; break; } node = node.parentNode; } } // header tags are special, insert P before or after if (in_header) { // if user is highlighting something, kill it. if (!userSelection.isCollapsed) { document.execCommand('delete', false, false); userSelection = window.getSelection(); } var header_node = node.parentNode, tmp = document.createElement('p'); // at the beginning? add break before node if (userSelection.anchorOffset === 0) { this.editor.insertBefore(tmp, header_node); } // anywhere else, add after the node else { if (header_node.nextSibling) { this.editor.insertBefore(tmp, header_node.nextSibling); } else { this.editor.appendChild(tmp); } } // if you don't put something in the node, you won't be in it when selected tmp.innerHTML = ' '; range.setStartBefore(tmp); range.setEndBefore(tmp); userSelection.removeAllRanges(); userSelection.addRange(range); // we manually added a break already, so stop here event.preventDefault(); return; } // default behavior for lists works great. else if ((/^(li|ol|ul|blockquote)$/i).test(this.getParentBlockElement(userSelection.anchorNode).tagName)) { return; } // do a line break if you're not in a P tag. else if (!(/^p$/i).test(this.getParentBlockElement(userSelection.anchorNode).tagName)) { // webkit throws a
around the new line if it's at the end of the contentEditable node if (this.browser.webkit) { event.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertLineBreak', false, false); } // IE uses

's' else if (this.browser.msie) { event.preventDefault(); document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML('
'); } return; } } }; // the keyup event is extended by jQuery var handleKeyUp = function (event) { // if you're moving around the editor, build the node tree so we know what buttons to turn on if ([KEY_MAP.BACKSPACE, KEY_MAP.DELETE, KEY_MAP.LEFT, KEY_MAP.UP, KEY_MAP.RIGHT, KEY_MAP.DOWN].indexOf(event.which) > -1) { this.buildNodeTree(); } var userSelection = this.getSelectionObject(), range = this.getRangeObject(userSelection), node = userSelection.anchorNode, inCage = false, inHeader = false; if (!userSelection.anchorNode) { return; } // don't back into a cage or header if ([KEY_MAP.BACKSPACE, KEY_MAP.DELETE].indexOf(event.which) > -1) { while (node && node !== this.editor) { if (node.className && (/js-item-cage/i).test(node.className)) { inCage = node; } if (node.nodeName && (/h\d/i).test(node.nodeName)) { inHeader = node; } node = node.parentNode; } // PATCH NOTES: Out of curiosity, why do these two if conditions exist? // It causes weird behavior (if you delete text into a header it just // undo's it, which is weird). Does it fix a bug? Seems to work without em. // we jumped into a cage, undo and move before the cage if (!this.inCage && inCage) { document.execCommand('undo', false, false); if (inCage.previousSibling) { range.selectNodeContents(inCage.previousSibling); range.collapse(true); userSelection.removeAllRanges(); userSelection.addRange(range); } } // we jumped into a header, undo and move to end of header if (!this.inHeader && inHeader) { document.execCommand('undo', false, false); range.collapse(true); userSelection.removeAllRanges(); userSelection.addRange(range); } } // see if we should surround your text with a paragraph if (userSelection.anchorNode.nodeType === window.Node.TEXT_NODE && (userSelection.anchorNode.parentNode === this.editor)) { document.execCommand('formatblock', false, '

'); range.setStartAfter(userSelection.anchorNode); range.setEndAfter(userSelection.anchorNode); userSelection.removeAllRanges(); userSelection.addRange(range); } this.saveSelection(); }; // the keydown event is extended by jQuery var handleKeyDown = function (event) { // stop user from tabbing out of parchment if (event.which === KEY_MAP.TAB) { event.preventDefault(); } // control/command + left/right in FF goes forward/back in browser else if (this.browser.mozilla && (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && [KEY_MAP.LEFT, KEY_MAP.RIGHT].indexOf(event.which) > -1) { event.preventDefault(); } // undo/redo else if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && String.fromCharCode(event.which) === 'Z') { event.preventDefault(); if (event.shiftKey) { //MSDN Claims IE doesn't support REDO, but comments seem to suggest it has from 5.5 // Can't get it to work right on IE, just seems to move the cursor without working. Not sure if there is a fix document.execCommand('redo', null, null); } else { document.execCommand('undo', null, null); } } // we don't want to back into a cage else if ([KEY_MAP.BACKSPACE, KEY_MAP.DELETE].indexOf(event.which) > -1) { this.inCage = false; this.inHeader = false; var userSelection = this.getSelectionObject(), node = userSelection.anchorNode; while (node && node !== this.editor) { if (node.className && (/js-item-cage/i).test(node.className)) { this.inCage = true; } if (node.nodeName && (/h\d/i).test(node.nodeName)) { this.inHeader = true; } node = node.parentNode; } } }; var handleMouseUp = function () { this.buildNodeTree(); this.saveSelection(); }; // simulate scrolling function simulateScroll(event) { window.console.log(event); // If the key wasn't pressed on the document itself, then dont bother if (event.originalTarget !== document.documentElement) { return; } var keyCode = event.keyCode || event.charCode, isShift = event.shiftKey === true, isCtrl = event.ctrlKey === true, isAlt = event.altKey === true, isMeta = event.metaKey === true, isModified = isShift || isCtrl || isAlt || isMeta; function doScroll(delta) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); window.scrollBy(0, delta); window.console.log(delta); } // This is how much it moves on a space/pageDown or opposite, almost whole page. var nearScreenHeight = Math.round(0.9 * window.innerHeight); // This is the distance in pixels it moves up and down var arrow_delta = 50; // Up is pressed with no modifiers if (keyCode === KEY_MAP.UP && !isModified) { doScroll(event, -arrow_delta); return; } // Down is pressed with no modifiers if (keyCode === KEY_MAP.DOWN && !isModified) { doScroll(event, arrow_delta); return; } // pageUp is pressed with no modifiers if (keyCode === KEY_MAP.PAGE_UP && !isModified) { doScroll(event, -nearScreenHeight); return; } // pageDown is pressed with no modifiers if (keyCode === KEY_MAP.PAGE_DOWN && !isModified) { doScroll(event, nearScreenHeight); return; } // space is pressed with shift pressed if (keyCode === KEY_MAP.SPACE && isShift && !isCtrl && !isAlt && !isMeta) { doScroll(event, -nearScreenHeight); return; } // space is pressed with shift pressed if (keyCode === KEY_MAP.SPACE && !isModified) { doScroll(event, nearScreenHeight); return; } } // watch the editor for events Parchment.prototype.observeEvents = function () { // What happens in parchment stays in parchment. var stopPopagation = function (event) { $(this).trigger('parchment.' + event.type, event); event.stopPropagation(); }; $(this.parchment).on({ keypress: stopPopagation, keydown : stopPopagation, keyup : stopPopagation }); $(this.editor).on({ keypress: $.proxy(handleKeyPress, this), keyup : $.proxy(handleKeyUp, this), keydown : $.proxy(handleKeyDown, this), mouseup : $.proxy(handleMouseUp, this) }); $(document).on({ scroll: $.proxy(this.fixToolbar, this), paste : $.proxy(handlePaste, this) }); // This check is borrowed from the internet, Im not sure if this browser check is incorrect // Since I never have to do that, but if its glaringly incorrect to you... replace it if (this.browser.mozilla) { $(document).on("keypress", $.proxy(simulateScroll, this)); } // An outside function can fire an event called 'submit' on the form this rte lives in. $(this.textarea.form).on('submit', $.proxy(function () { this.editor.focus(); this.clean(); this.editor.blur(); }, this)); }; // wrap childNodes in paragraphs Parchment.prototype.addParagraphs = function (container) { var node = container.firstChild, p = false; while (node) { if (this.isBlockElement(node)) { p = false; if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'br') { var br = node; node = node.nextSibling; br.parentNode.removeChild(br); continue; } // if there's a BR in the paragraph, move everything out of the paragraph and clean it properly if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'p' && node.getElementsByTagName('br').length > 0) { // add a br after the p to separate it from next content if (node.nextSibling) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'), node.nextSibling); } else { node.parentNode.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); } // move all of the children out of the paragraph while (node.lastChild) { if (node.nextSibling) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.lastChild, node.nextSibling); } else { node.parentNode.appendChild(node.lastChild); } } continue; } } else { if (!p) { p = document.createElement('p'); node.parentNode.insertBefore(p, node); } p.appendChild(node); } node = p ? p.nextSibling : node.nextSibling; } }; // TODO: fix inline elements wrapping block elements. eg:


// HOLY MOLEY thats a long comment! I guess I needed to thoroughly convince myself that // this thing works. // PATCH NOTES: Heres my attempt to implement this feature, the goal of this implementation is // to go with the "intent" of the original tag placement. That is, if you wrap a block element // with an inline element the intent was probably for every element in the block element to be wrapped // in the inline element. So if you wrap a block with a bold element then everything in the block was // probably meant to bold. // // I think this implementation is reasonably fast for the number of nodes that the editor should be handling, // but I could be wrong. It has to do a bunch of tree traversal, so it might be slow with large elment bases. // On the other hand, if there are no wrongly wrapped elements then it should be fast, and the speed is proportional // to how many messed up elements there are (and number of children) // Also im not sure how it handles non-inline non-block elements (or hybrids...) // // Cases that I tested out: // INTPUT:




(Control Case) // INTPUT:




(More or less what you would expect) // INTPUT: Test





(The extra

around Test is from clean I believe) // INTPUT:








(The Extra H2 Gets compressed by later code if I understand correctly) // INTPUT:




// This is the most extreme test case I did, but the code seems to handle it well /* INTPUT: Test






EVENTUALLY FORMATTED AS: // For some reason the DIV goes away? I think thats because of other clean effects?





*/ Parchment.prototype.fixInlineWrappers = function (container) { var nodes = container.getElementsByTagName('*'), nodesThatWrap = [], i, node; // First grab every node that needs to be fixed for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { node = nodes[i]; if (!this.isBlockElement(node) && !(this.style && this.style.display && this.style.display === 'block') && this.hasBlockChildren(node)) { nodesThatWrap.push(node); } } // Now fix every one of them for (i = 0; i < nodesThatWrap.length; i++) { node = nodesThatWrap[i]; var blockNodes = node.getElementsByTagName('*'), j, blockNode, childNode, dup, dupChild; // replace all text nodes with wrapped versions of this node for (j = 0; j < node.childNodes.length; j++) { childNode = node.childNodes[j]; // Text Node if (childNode.nodeType === 3) { dup = node.cloneNode(false); dupChild = childNode.cloneNode(false); dup.appendChild(dupChild); node.replaceChild(dup, childNode); } } // For every node that actually is a block node fix it. for (j = 0; j < blockNodes.length; j++) { blockNode = blockNodes[j]; if (!this.isBlockElement(blockNode)) { continue; } // This block node has children block node, so only replace // the text elements of the block element not the children. if (this.hasBlockChildren(blockNode)) { var k; for (k = 0; k < blockNode.childNodes.length; k++) { childNode = blockNode.childNodes[k]; // Text Node if (childNode.nodeType === 3) { dup = node.cloneNode(false); dupChild = childNode.cloneNode(false); dup.appendChild(dupChild); blockNode.replaceChild(dup, childNode); } } } // There are no block children of this child, so just wrap all children in the element else { dup = node.cloneNode(false); while (blockNode.firstChild) { dup.appendChild(blockNode.firstChild); } blockNode.appendChild(dup); } } // Move every child element out of the inline node and destroy it while (node.firstChild) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node); } node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }; Parchment.prototype.hasBlockChildren = function (node) { var nodes = node.getElementsByTagName('*'), hasBlockChildren = false, i; for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { node = nodes[i]; if (this.isBlockElement(node) || (this.style && this.style.display && this.style.display === 'block')) { hasBlockChildren = true; break; } } return hasBlockChildren; }; // walks down the tree to find the deepest block element Parchment.prototype.getInlineParent = function (node) { while (node !== null && this.isBlockElement(node)) { node = node.parentNode; } return node; }; Parchment.prototype.isBlockElement = function (node) { return (/^(ADDRESS|BLOCKQUOTE|BR|DIV|DL|FIELDSET|FORM|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|HR|OL|P|PRE|TABLE|UL|DD|DT|LI|TBODY|TD|TFOOT|TH|THEAD|TR|OBJECT|EMBED)$/i).test(node.nodeName); }; // walk up the tree and return the first parentNode that's a natural block element Parchment.prototype.getParentBlockElement = function (node) { while (!this.isBlockElement(node)) { node = node.parentNode; } return node; }; // selects the entire block that you're in Parchment.prototype.selectBlock = function () { // get current selection and range var selection = this.getSelectionObject(), range = this.getRangeObject(selection); range.setStart(range.startContainer, 0); // move range up to highest inline element while (!this.isBlockElement(range.startContainer.parentNode)) { range.setStart(range.startContainer.parentNode, 0); } // walk back until you get to a br or parent while (range.startContainer.previousSibling && !this.isBlockElement(range.startContainer.previousSibling)) { range.setStart(range.startContainer.previousSibling, 0); } // if you triple click, the end container will be the editor so the walking won't work // doesn't matter because you will have selected the block anyway, so skip this if (range.endContainer !== this.editor) { range.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endContainer.length); while (!this.isBlockElement(range.endContainer.parentNode)) { range.setEnd(range.endContainer.parentNode, range.endContainer.parentNode.length); } // walk forward until you get to a br or parent while (range.endContainer.nextSibling && !this.isBlockElement(range.endContainer.nextSibling)) { range.setEnd(range.endContainer.nextSibling, range.endContainer.nextSibling.length); } } // set selection to new range selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); }; // Cross browser insertHTML // restore focus and selection to the editor so you insert in the correct spot automatically Parchment.prototype.insertHTML = function (html) { if (!html) { return; } // FF needs the editor to be in focus before it will insert anything this.editor.focus(); // bring carot back to where the user left off this.restoreSelection(); // Internet Explorer if (this.browser.msie) { document.selection.createRange().pasteHTML(html); } // everything else else { document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, html); } this.saveSelection(); }; // Method to wrap embed in uniform syntax Parchment.prototype.wrapEmbed = function (html, type, className) { var embed_class = 'embed-cage'; if (type) { embed_class += ' embed-type-' + type; } if (className) { embed_class += ' ' + className; } // add wrapper html = '
' + html + '
'; return html; }; // Method to insert a cage. Insert at top level of editor or TD/LI Parchment.prototype.insertCage = function (html) { this.restoreSelection(); var userSelection = this.getSelectionObject(), range = this.getRangeObject(userSelection), // without a shiv cages will be in paragraphs shiv = document.createElement('br'); range.collapse(true); var node = range.startContainer, testnode = node; // make sure we're in the editor while (testnode.parentNode) { if (testnode === this.editor) { break; } else if (testnode === document.body) { node = this.editor; break; } testnode = testnode.parentNode; } // move up to the top level (editor, TD, or LI) while (node !== this.editor && !(/^td|li$/i).test(node.nodeName) && node.parentNode !== this.editor && !(/^td|li$/i).test(node.parentNode.nodeName)) { node = node.parentNode; } // move to before any inline elements while (!this.isBlockElement(node) && node.previousSibling && !this.isBlockElement(node.previousSibling)) { node = node.previousSibling; } // insert before P, after everything else if (node.nodeType === window.Node.TEXT_NODE || (/p/i).test(node.tagName)) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(shiv, node); range.setStartBefore(shiv); range.setEndBefore(shiv); } else if (node === this.editor) { node.appendChild(shiv); range.setStart(node, 0); range.setEnd(node, 0); } else { if (node.nextSibling) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(shiv, node.nextSibling); } else { node.parentNode.appendChild(shiv); } range.setStartAfter(shiv); range.setEndAfter(shiv); } // move below headers while (node.nodeType === window.Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (/^h\d$/i).test(node.tagName)) { range.setStartAfter(node); range.setEndAfter(node); node = node.getNext(); if (!node) { break; } } userSelection.removeAllRanges(); userSelection.addRange(range); this.saveSelection(); // Need to surround cage with paragraphs or you can't type above/below if (node.parentNode === this.editor) { if (!node.previousSibling || !(/p/i).test(node.previousSibling.tagName)) { html = '


' + html; } if (!node.nextSibling || !(/p/i).test(node.nextSibling.tagName)) { html = html + '


'; } // the two paragraphs following an insert will collapse into each other without this else if ((/p/i).test(node.nextSibling.tagName)) { html = html + '

'; } } this.insertHTML(html); // remove the shiv if it's still around try { shiv.parentNode.removeChild(shiv); } catch (error) { // shiv not around? } }; Parchment.prototype.buildNodeTree = function () { var userSelection = this.getSelectionObject(), node = userSelection.anchorNode; if (!node) { return; } this.node_tree = []; this.tag_tree = []; while (node !== this.editor) { this.node_tree.push(node); this.tag_tree.push(node.nodeName); node = node.parentNode; if (node === document) { this.node_tree = []; this.tag_tree = []; break; } } $(this.editor).trigger('nodetreechange', [this.tag_tree, this.node_tree]); }; return Parchment; })(); // Global API window.Parchment = Parchment; // IE doesn't support Node if (!window['Node']) { window.Node = {}; window.Node.ELEMENT_NODE = 1; window.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2; window.Node.TEXT_NODE = 3; window.Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4; window.Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5; window.Node.ENTITY_NODE = 6; window.Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE = 7; window.Node.COMMENT_NODE = 8; window.Node.DOCUMENT_NODE = 9; window.Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10; window.Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11; window.Node.NOTATION_NODE = 12; } // IE doesn't support console if (!window['console']) { window.console = { log: function () {} }; } /* PARCHMENT PLUGIN DEFINITION * =========================== */ $.fn.parchment = function (option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $this.data('parchment'); if (!data) { $this.data('parchment', (data = new Parchment(this, $.extend({}, $.fn.parchment.defaults, option)))); } if (typeof option === 'string') { data[option].call($this); } }); }; $.fn.parchment.Constructor = Parchment; $.fn.parchment.defaults = { plugins: Parchment.Plugins, plugins_display: [ ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Strikethrough'], ['Unordered List', 'Ordered List'], ['Remove Format', 'Clean'] ], parser_rules: { tags: { br: {} } } }; /* PARCHMENT DATA-API * ================== */ $("[data-rte='parchment']").each(function () { $(this).parchment($(this).data()); }); }(jQuery)); (function(Parchment) { "use strict"; var commands = {}, docExec = function (commandName, showDefaultUI, value) { document.execCommand(commandName, showDefaultUI || null, value || null); }; // // => commands.bold = { exec: function () { docExec('bold'); }, state: function () { }, parser_rules: { tags: { strong: {}, b: { rename_tag: "strong" } } } }; // // => commands.italic = { exec: function () { docExec('italic'); }, state: function () { }, parser_rules: { tags: { em: {}, i: { rename_tag: "em" } } } }; // commands.underline = { exec: function () { docExec('underline'); }, state: function () { }, parser_rules: { tags: { u: {} } } }; // commands.strikethrough = { exec: function () { docExec('striketrhough'); }, state: function () { }, parser_rules: { tags: { strike: {} } } }; // Global API Parchment.commands = commands; })(Parchment); /* // these are built in commands that we can use Parchment.Plugins = { 'Bold': function () { window.console.log(this); function Bold () { var _this = this; $(this.parchment.editor).on({ 'keydown': function (event) { if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && String.fromCharCode(event.which) === 'B') { event.preventDefault(); docExec('bold'); $(_this.button).toggleClass('on'); } }, 'nodetreechange': function (event, tag_tree) { if (tag_tree.indexOf('B') > -1 || tag_tree.indexOf('STRONG') > -1) { $(_this.button).addClass('on'); } else { $(_this.button).removeClass('on'); } } }); } Bold.parser_rules = { }; return Bold; // return { // 'type': 'button', // 'init': function () { // }, // 'callback': function () { // docExec('bold'); // $(this.button).toggleClass('on'); // }, // }; }, 'Italic': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'init': function () { var _this = this; $(this.parchment.editor).on({ 'keydown': function (event) { if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && String.fromCharCode(event.which) === 'I') { event.preventDefault(); docExec('italic'); $(_this.button).toggleClass('on'); } }, 'nodetreechange': function (event, tag_tree) { if (tag_tree.indexOf('I') > -1 || tag_tree.indexOf('EM') > -1) { $(_this.button).addClass('on'); } else { $(_this.button).removeClass('on'); } } }); }, 'callback': function () { docExec('italic'); $(this.button).toggleClass('on'); }, parser_rules: { tags: { em: {}, i: { rename_tag: "em" } } } }; }, 'Underline': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'init': function () { // PATCH NOTES: Same as above, the button does not toggle when you press CTRL-U var _this = this; $(this.parchment.editor).on({ 'keydown': function (event) { if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && String.fromCharCode(event.which) === 'U') { event.preventDefault(); docExec('underline'); $(_this.button).toggleClass('on'); } }, 'nodetreechange': function (event, tag_tree) { if (tag_tree.indexOf('U') > -1) { $(_this.button).addClass('on'); } else { $(_this.button).removeClass('on'); } } }); }, 'callback': function () { docExec('underline'); $(this.button).toggleClass('on'); }, parser_rules: { tags: { u: {} } } }; }, 'Strikethrough': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'init': function () { var _this = this; $(this.parchment.editor).on({ 'nodetreechange': function (event, tag_tree) { if (tag_tree.indexOf('STRIKE') > -1) { $(_this.button).addClass('on'); } else { $(_this.button).removeClass('on'); } } }); }, 'callback': function () { docExec('strikethrough'); $(this.button).toggleClass('on'); }, parser_rules: { tags: { strike: {} } } }; }, 'Ordered List': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'init': function () { var _this = this; $(this.parchment.editor).on({ 'nodetreechange': function (event, tag_tree) { if (tag_tree.indexOf('OL') > -1) { $(_this.button).addClass('on'); } else { $(_this.button).removeClass('on'); } } }); }, 'callback': function () { docExec('insertOrderedList'); this.parchment.buildNodeTree(); }, parser_rules: { tags: { ol: {}, li: {} } } }; }, 'Unordered List': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'init': function () { var _this = this; $(this.parchment.editor).on({ 'nodetreechange': function (event, tag_tree) { if (tag_tree.indexOf('UL') > -1) { $(_this.button).addClass('on'); } else { $(_this.button).removeClass('on'); } } }); }, 'callback': function () { docExec('insertUnorderedList'); this.parchment.buildNodeTree(); }, parser_rules: { tags: { ul: {}, li: {} } } }; }, 'Remove Format': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'callback': function () { docExec('removeFormat'); this.parchment.buildNodeTree(); } }; }, 'Clean': function () { return { 'type': 'button', 'callback': function () { this.parchment.clean({'add_paragraphs': true}); } }; } }; */ (function(Parchment){ "use strict"; var parser_rules; Parchment.parser = (function() { function parser(parchment) { window.console.log(parchment); } return parser; })(); function _convert(dirtyNode) { window.console.log(parser_rules); return dirtyNode; } Parchment.parse = function(elementOrHtml, rules) { parser_rules = rules || {}; var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), isString = typeof(elementOrHtml) === "string", element, newNode, firstChild; if (isString) { element = document.createElement('div'); element.innerHTML = elementOrHtml; } else { element = elementOrHtml; } while (element.firstChild) { firstChild = element.firstChild; newNode = _convert(firstChild); element.removeChild(firstChild); if (newNode) { fragment.appendChild(newNode); } } // Clear element contents element.innerHTML = ""; // Insert new DOM tree element.appendChild(fragment); return isString ? element.innerHTML : element; }; })(Parchment); // Parchment.prototype.clean = function (options) { // // default for no options // options = options || {}; // // let everyone know we're about to clean // $(this.editor).trigger('beforeclean', this); // // method to loop through attributes whitelist to check for matches // function matchAnyExpression(value, expressions) { // if (!expressions) { // return false; // } // if (!(expressions instanceof Array)) { // expressions = [expressions]; // } // for (var i = 0; i < expressions.length; i++) { // if ((expressions[i]).test(value)) { // return true; // } // } // return false; // } // var html = this.editor.innerHTML, // fragment = document.createElement('div'), // dirty = true, // precleaned_html, // add_padding_paragraphs = !! options.add_paragraphs; // fragment.innerHTML = html; // while (dirty) { // precleaned_html = html = fragment.innerHTML; // // remove HTML comments // html = html.replace(//g, ''); // // remove unwanted self-closing tags // html = html.replace(/<\/*(font|meta|link)([^>]*)>/gi, ''); // // we shouldn't ever need non-breaking line spaces // html = html.replace(/ /gi, ' '); // // remove all uneccessary whitespace // html = html.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' '); // // move extra space inside a node, outside of it // while ((/<([^\/][^>]*)>(\s+)/g).test(html)) { // html = html.replace(/<([^\/][^>]*)>(\s+)/g, ' <$1>'); // } // while ((/(\s+)<\/([^>]*)>/g).test(html)) { // html = html.replace(/(\s+)<\/([^>]*)>/g, '<\/$2> '); // } // // remove spaces before and after block elements // html = html.replace(/\s*<(\/*(ADDRESS|BLOCKQUOTE|BR|DIV|DL|FIELDSET|FORM|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6|HR|NOSCRIPT|OL|P|PRE|TABLE|UL|DD|DT|LI|TBODY|TD|TFOOT|TH|THEAD|TR)[^>]*)>\s*/gi, '<$1>'); // // this.editor.innerHTML = html; // fragment.innerHTML = html; // this.fixInlineWrappers(fragment); // // clean up attributes, remove empty nodes // var nodes = fragment.getElementsByTagName('*'), // i, node; // for (i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // node = nodes[i]; // var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); // // remove style tags // if (tagName === 'style') { // node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // continue; // } // // br should never be the first or last node // if (tagName === 'br' && (!node.nextSibling || !node.previousSibling)) { // node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // continue; // } // // remove empty nodes unless they pass the empty node test // if (node.childNodes.length === 0) { // var keep_node = false; // if (this.empty_node_whitelist[tagName]) { // if (this.empty_node_whitelist[tagName] instanceof Array) { // for (var f = 0; f < this.empty_node_whitelist[tagName].length; f++) { // keep_node = this.empty_node_whitelist[tagName][f](node); // if (keep_node) { // break; // } // } // } else { // keep_node = this.empty_node_whitelist[tagName](node); // } // } // if (!keep_node) { // node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // continue; // } // } // // google docs puts styles on SPAN/B tags // // translate some of those into elements // if (node.getAttribute('style')) { // var g_element = null; // if (tagName === 'span') { // if (node.style.fontStyle === 'italic') { // g_element = document.createElement('i'); // node.parentNode.insertBefore(g_element, node); // g_element.appendChild(node); // } // if (node.style.fontWeight === 'bold') { // g_element = document.createElement('b'); // node.parentNode.insertBefore(g_element, node); // g_element.appendChild(node); // } // if (node.style.textDecoration === 'line-through') { // g_element = document.createElement('strike'); // node.parentNode.insertBefore(g_element, node); // g_element.appendChild(node); // } // if (node.style.textDecoration === 'underline') { // g_element = document.createElement('u'); // node.parentNode.insertBefore(g_element, node); // g_element.appendChild(node); // } // } else if (tagName === 'b' && node.style.fontWeight === 'normal') { // var new_node = document.createElement('span'); // new_node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML; // node.parentNode.insertBefore(new_node, node); // node.parentNode.removeChild(node); // node = new_node; // } // } // // clear out all unwanted attributes // for (var k = node.attributes.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { // // look for tag and attribute, then test against whitelist // if (!this.attributes_whitelist[tagName] || !this.attributes_whitelist[tagName][node.attributes[k].nodeName] || // node.attributes[k].nodeName === 'class' || !matchAnyExpression(node.attributes[k].nodeValue, this.attributes_whitelist[tagName][node.attributes[k].nodeName])) { // // classes can be split up // if (this.attributes_whitelist[tagName] && node.attributes[k].nodeName === 'class') { // var class_array = node.attributes[k].nodeValue.split(' '), // clean_class_array = []; // for (var c = 0; c < class_array.length; c++) { // // look for whitelisted classes // if (matchAnyExpression(class_array[c], this.attributes_whitelist[tagName][node.attributes[k].nodeName])) { // clean_class_array.push(class_array[c]); // } // } // // replace classes with clean ones // if (clean_class_array.length > 0) { // node.setAttribute(node.attributes[k].nodeName, clean_class_array.join(' ')); // } else { // node.removeAttribute(node.attributes[k].nodeName); // } // } // // anything else that gets here can just be removed // else { // node.removeAttribute(node.attributes[k].nodeName); // } // } // } // } // // strip top level divs/spans that don't have attributes // node = fragment.lastChild; // while (node) { // if (node.nodeType === window.Node.ELEMENT_NODE && (/div|span/i).test(node.nodeName) && node.attributes.length === 0) { // while (node.firstChild) { // node.parentNode.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node); // } // } // node = node.previousSibling; // } // // handle top level nodes // this.addParagraphs(fragment); // // clean paragraphs // for (i = 0; i < fragment.getElementsByTagName('p').length; i++) { // var paragraph_to_clean = fragment.getElementsByTagName('p')[i], // j; // // strip spans in paragraphs that don't have attributes // for (j = 0; j < paragraph_to_clean.getElementsByTagName('span').length; j++) { // var span = paragraph_to_clean.getElementsByTagName('span')[j]; // if (span.attributes.length === 0) { // while (span.firstChild) { // span.parentNode.insertBefore(span.firstChild, span); // } // span.parentNode.removeChild(span); // } // } // // strip anchor tags without attributes // for (j = 0; j < paragraph_to_clean.getElementsByTagName('a').length; j++) { // var a = fragment.getElementsByTagName('a')[j]; // if (a.attributes.length === 0) { // while (a.firstChild) { // a.parentNode.insertBefore(a.firstChild, a); // } // a.parentNode.removeChild(a); // } // } // } // // stop cleaning if we didn't change anything this time around // if (precleaned_html === fragment.innerHTML) { // dirty = false; // } // } // // Add P's to the beginning and end so users can type before and after cages/tables/etc. // if (add_padding_paragraphs) { // var padding_paragraph = document.createElement('p'); // padding_paragraph.innerHTML = "
"; // if (!fragment.firstChild) { // fragment.appendChild(padding_paragraph.cloneNode(true)); // } else if (!(/(p|h\d)/i).test(fragment.firstChild.nodeName)) { // fragment.insertBefore(padding_paragraph.cloneNode(true), fragment.firstChild); // } else if (!fragment.firstChild.firstChild) { // fragment.firstChild.innerHTML = "
"; // } // if (!(/(p|h\d)/i).test(fragment.lastChild.nodeName)) { // fragment.appendChild(padding_paragraph.cloneNode(true)); // } else if (!fragment.lastChild.firstChild) { // fragment.lastChild.innerHTML = '
'; // } // } // // replace editor html with cleaned html // this.textarea.value = this.editor.innerHTML = fragment.innerHTML; // // // on the first clean we don't care about undo and we don't want to bring the focus to the editor // // if (options.first_clean) { // // this.editor.innerHTML = fragment.innerHTML; // // } // // else { // // // select and delete content twice because sometimes H2s and empty As are left over after one time. // // // without focus gecko will complain, but causes the viewport to jump in webkit // // // IE will delete the whole page without this // // if (this.browser.mozilla || this.browser.msie) { // // this.editor.focus(); // // } // // document.execCommand('selectAll', null, null); // // document.execCommand('delete', null, null); // // document.execCommand('selectAll', null, null); // // document.execCommand('delete', null, null); // // // insert cleaned html over previous contents // // this.insertHTML(fragment.innerHTML); // // } // // reset buttons // this.buildNodeTree(); // // let everyone know we're clean // $(this.editor).trigger('clean', this); // }; (function(Parchment) { "use strict"; /** * Detect browser support for specific features */ Parchment.browser = (function() { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent, testElement = document.createElement("div"), // Browser sniffing is unfortunately needed since some behaviors are impossible to feature detect isIE = userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") !== -1 && userAgent.indexOf("Opera") === -1, isGecko = userAgent.indexOf("Gecko") !== -1 && userAgent.indexOf("KHTML") === -1, isWebKit = userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit/") !== -1, isChrome = userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") !== -1, isOpera = userAgent.indexOf("Opera/") !== -1; function iosVersion(userAgent) { return +((/ipad|iphone|ipod/.test(userAgent) && userAgent.match(/ os (\d+).+? like mac os x/)) || [null, 0])[1]; } function androidVersion(userAgent) { return +(userAgent.match(/android (\d+)/) || [null, 0])[1]; } return { // Static variable needed, publicly accessible, to be able override it in unit tests USER_AGENT: userAgent, /** * Exclude browsers that are not capable of displaying and handling * contentEditable as desired: * - iPhone, iPad (tested iOS 4.2.2) and Android (tested 2.2) refuse to make contentEditables focusable * - IE < 8 create invalid markup and crash randomly from time to time * * @return {Boolean} */ supported: function() { var userAgent = this.USER_AGENT.toLowerCase(), // Essential for making html elements editable hasContentEditableSupport = "contentEditable" in testElement, // Following methods are needed in order to interact with the contentEditable area hasEditingApiSupport = document.execCommand && document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandState, // document selector apis are only supported by IE 8+, Safari 4+, Chrome and Firefox 3.5+ hasQuerySelectorSupport = document.querySelector && document.querySelectorAll, // contentEditable is unusable in mobile browsers (tested iOS 4.2.2, Android 2.2, Opera Mobile, WebOS 3.05) isIncompatibleMobileBrowser = (this.isIos() && iosVersion(userAgent) < 5) || (this.isAndroid() && androidVersion(userAgent) < 4) || userAgent.indexOf("opera mobi") !== -1 || userAgent.indexOf("hpwos/") !== -1; return hasContentEditableSupport && hasEditingApiSupport && hasQuerySelectorSupport && !isIncompatibleMobileBrowser; }, isTouchDevice: function() { return this.supportsEvent("touchmove"); }, isIos: function() { return (/ipad|iphone|ipod/i).test(this.USER_AGENT); }, isAndroid: function() { return this.USER_AGENT.indexOf("Android") !== -1; }, /** * Whether the browser supports sandboxed iframes * Currently only IE 6+ offers such feature