import sys import os import exceptions import tkMessageBox from Tkinter import * from ttk import * SUNS_WIZARD_FN = '' SUNS_MOTIFS_FN = '' SUNS_PLUGIN_FN = '' SUNS_MOTIFS_CODE = """ WORDS_DICT = {'lys_linker': {'LYS': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD+CG'}, 'ser_linker': {'SER': 'CA+CB', 'SEP': 'CA+CB'}, 'alanine': {'ALA': 'CA+CB'}, 'guanidinium': {'ARG': 'CD+NE+CZ+NH1+CZ+NE+CZ+NH2'}, 'glu_linker': {'GLU': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD+CG'}, 'valine': {'VAL': 'CB+CG2+CA+CB+CB+CG1'}, 'lys_end': {'LYS': 'CD+CE+CE+NZ'}, 'isoleucine': {'ILE': 'CD1+CG1+CB+CG1+CB+CG2+CA+CB'}, 'thr_linker': {'TPO': 'CB+CG2+CA+CB', 'THR': 'CA+CB+CB+CG2'}, 'indole': {'TRP': 'CD1+CG+CD1+NE1+CD2+CG+CE2+NE1+CD2+CE3+CD2+CE2+CE3+CZ3+CE2+CZ2+CH2+CZ3+CH2+CZ2'}, 'asn_linker': {'ASN': 'CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'trp_linker': {'TRP': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'arg_linker': {'ARG': 'CD+CG+CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'leucine': {'LEU': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD2+CG+CD1+CG'}, 'proline': {'PRO': 'CD+CG+CB+CG'}, 'imidazole': {'HIP': 'CE1+ND1+CG+ND1+CE1+NE2+CD2+CG+CD2+NE2', 'HIS': 'CD2+NE2+CE1+NE2+CD2+CG+CE1+ND1+CG+ND1'}, 'carboxyl': {'ASP': 'CG+OD2+CG+OD1', 'GLU': 'CD+OE2+CD+OE1', 'PHD': 'CG+OD1+CG+OD2'}, 'phenyl': {'PTR': 'CD1+CG+CD1+CE1+CD2+CG+CE1+CZ+CD2+CE2+CE2+CZ', 'TYR': 'CE1+CZ+CD1+CE1+CE2+CZ+CD1+CG+CD2+CE2+CD2+CG', 'PHE': 'CD2+CE2+CD2+CG+CE2+CZ+CD1+CG+CE1+CZ+CD1+CE1'}, 'asp_linker': {'ASP': 'CB+CG+CA+CB', 'PHD': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'hydroxyl': {'SER': 'CB+OG', 'TYR': 'CZ+OH', 'THR': 'CB+OG1'}, 'gln_linker': {'GLN': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD+CG'}, 'tyr_linker': {'PTR': 'CA+CB+CB+CG', 'TYR': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'peptide_bond': {'ILE': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ASN': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'GLN': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'GLY': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ALA': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'GLU': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'HIP': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'HIS': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'SER': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'SEP': 'C+O+C+CA+CA+N', 'PRO': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'PTR': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'CYS': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'VAL': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'TPO': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'THR': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ASP': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'TRP': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'LYS': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'PHE': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'PHD': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'MET': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'LEU': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ARG': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'TYR': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O'}, 'carboxamide': {'ASN': 'CG+ND2+CG+OD1', 'GLN': 'CD+NE2+CD+OE1'}, 'phe_linker': {'PHE': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'phosphate': {'HIP': 'O2P+P+O3P+P+O1P+P+ND1+P', 'TPO': 'O1P+P+O2P+P+O3P+P+OG1+P', 'SEP': 'O3P+P+O2P+P+OG+P+O1P+P', 'PTR': 'OH+P+O1P+P+O2P+P+O3P+P', 'PHD': 'OD1+P+OP3+P+OP1+P+OP2+P'}, 'cysteine': {'CYS': 'CA+CB+CB+SG'}, 'met_linker': {'MET': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'his_linker': {'HIP': 'CB+CG+CA+CB', 'HIS': 'CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'met_end': {'MET': 'CE+SD+CG+SD'}} BOND_WORD_DICT = {('PRO', 'CB', 'CG'): 'proline', ('ILE', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CE2', 'NE1'): 'indole', ('ARG', 'CZ', 'NH1'): 'guanidinium', ('SEP', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('TPO', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('TPO', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('ARG', 'CZ', 'NE'): 'guanidinium', ('ARG', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIP', 'CE1', 'NE2'): 'imidazole', ('TYR', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('VAL', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHD', 'CG', 'OD2'): 'carboxyl', ('TRP', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHD', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('SEP', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('PTR', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'phenyl', ('GLY', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLU', 'CD', 'CG'): 'glu_linker', ('TRP', 'CD1', 'NE1'): 'indole', ('TRP', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'indole', ('ASP', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ILE', 'CB', 'CG1'): 'isoleucine', ('ASN', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('MET', 'CB', 'CG'): 'met_linker', ('HIP', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('PHE', 'CE1', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('PRO', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHE', 'CE2', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('TYR', 'CA', 'CB'): 'tyr_linker', ('ASN', 'CG', 'ND2'): 'carboxamide', ('PHE', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'CD', 'NE2'): 'carboxamide', ('LYS', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CG', 'ND1'): 'imidazole', ('PHE', 'CD1', 'CE1'): 'phenyl', ('MET', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('SEP', 'OG', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('ALA', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('CYS', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('THR', 'CB', 'OG1'): 'hydroxyl', ('ASP', 'CG', 'OD1'): 'carboxyl', ('HIP', 'CD2', 'NE2'): 'imidazole', ('LYS', 'CA', 'CB'): 'lys_linker', ('MET', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'indole', ('HIS', 'CB', 'CG'): 'his_linker', ('MET', 'CG', 'SD'): 'met_end', ('ARG', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIP', 'CE1', 'ND1'): 'imidazole', ('TPO', 'OG1', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('TRP', 'CA', 'CB'): 'trp_linker', ('ARG', 'CB', 'CG'): 'arg_linker', ('PTR', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('LEU', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'leucine', ('SEP', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('MET', 'CA', 'CB'): 'met_linker', ('TYR', 'CD1', 'CE1'): 'phenyl', ('ALA', 'CA', 'CB'): 'alanine', ('GLU', 'CD', 'OE1'): 'carboxyl', ('PHE', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('PHD', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('THR', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLY', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CZ', 'OH'): 'hydroxyl', ('ASP', 'CA', 'CB'): 'asp_linker', ('THR', 'CA', 'CB'): 'thr_linker', ('SEP', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHD', 'CB', 'CG'): 'asp_linker', ('SER', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASP', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TPO', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'thr_linker', ('CYS', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CH2', 'CZ2'): 'indole', ('ILE', 'CA', 'CB'): 'isoleucine', ('PTR', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'CD', 'CG'): 'lys_linker', ('PRO', 'CD', 'CG'): 'proline', ('GLU', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CH2', 'CZ3'): 'indole', ('TPO', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('ILE', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIP', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'CD', 'CE'): 'lys_end', ('PTR', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('HIP', 'CA', 'CB'): 'his_linker', ('MET', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('VAL', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('SEP', 'CA', 'CB'): 'ser_linker', ('THR', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'thr_linker', ('LEU', 'CA', 'CB'): 'leucine', ('ASP', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'CB', 'CG'): 'leucine', ('PTR', 'CD1', 'CE1'): 'phenyl', ('PRO', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CD2', 'NE2'): 'imidazole', ('HIP', 'ND1', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('PHE', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ARG', 'CZ', 'NH2'): 'guanidinium', ('HIP', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'imidazole', ('PTR', 'OH', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('TYR', 'CE1', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('PTR', 'CB', 'CG'): 'tyr_linker', ('TYR', 'CE2', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('VAL', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'valine', ('LEU', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('CYS', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('VAL', 'CA', 'CB'): 'valine', ('LEU', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLU', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLY', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('PTR', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('GLU', 'CA', 'CB'): 'glu_linker', ('GLU', 'CB', 'CG'): 'glu_linker', ('GLN', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHE', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('TYR', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CA', 'CB'): 'his_linker', ('PHD', 'CG', 'OD1'): 'carboxyl', ('PHE', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASN', 'CG', 'OD1'): 'carboxamide', ('PTR', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ILE', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'isoleucine', ('PHD', 'OD1', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('TRP', 'CD2', 'CE3'): 'indole', ('PHD', 'OP1', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('ALA', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'leucine', ('TRP', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'CA', 'CB'): 'gln_linker', ('SEP', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'CB', 'CG'): 'gln_linker', ('HIP', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('HIP', 'CG', 'ND1'): 'imidazole', ('THR', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('PTR', 'CE1', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('HIS', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'indole', ('PHD', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ILE', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLU', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('PTR', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('PTR', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('PHD', 'OP3', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('HIP', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'CB', 'OG'): 'hydroxyl', ('HIS', 'CE1', 'NE2'): 'imidazole', ('SEP', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('HIP', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('ASP', 'CG', 'OD2'): 'carboxyl', ('PTR', 'CA', 'CB'): 'tyr_linker', ('TPO', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASN', 'CB', 'CG'): 'asn_linker', ('LYS', 'CE', 'NZ'): 'lys_end', ('CYS', 'CB', 'SG'): 'cysteine', ('VAL', 'CB', 'CG1'): 'valine', ('TYR', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('VAL', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHD', 'CA', 'CB'): 'asp_linker', ('ARG', 'CD', 'NE'): 'guanidinium', ('ALA', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'CB', 'CG'): 'lys_linker', ('GLU', 'CD', 'OE2'): 'carboxyl', ('TPO', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('PHE', 'CA', 'CB'): 'phe_linker', ('PHD', 'OP2', 'P'): 'phosphate', ('HIS', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'imidazole', ('PHE', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'phenyl', ('PRO', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASN', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TPO', 'CA', 'CB'): 'thr_linker', ('ARG', 'CD', 'CG'): 'arg_linker', ('ARG', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CB', 'CG'): 'trp_linker', ('PHE', 'CB', 'CG'): 'phe_linker', ('HIS', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('MET', 'CE', 'SD'): 'met_end', ('GLN', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CE1', 'ND1'): 'imidazole', ('TYR', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'phenyl', ('HIP', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CE3', 'CZ3'): 'indole', ('TPO', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ILE', 'CD1', 'CG1'): 'isoleucine', ('TRP', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('TYR', 'CB', 'CG'): 'tyr_linker', ('GLN', 'CD', 'CG'): 'gln_linker', ('ARG', 'CA', 'CB'): 'arg_linker', ('CYS', 'CA', 'CB'): 'cysteine', ('PTR', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('ASN', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'CA', 'CB'): 'ser_linker', ('HIP', 'CB', 'CG'): 'his_linker', ('GLN', 'CD', 'OE1'): 'carboxamide', ('PTR', 'CE2', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('THR', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASN', 'CA', 'CB'): 'asn_linker', ('TRP', 'CE2', 'CZ2'): 'indole', ('ASP', 'CB', 'CG'): 'asp_linker'} ATOMS_DICT = {('MG', 'MG'): 'mg', ('HOH', 'O'): 'water'} def get_key(obj, atom, word): key = (obj, atom['model'], atom['segi'], atom['chain'], atom['resn'], atom['resi'], word) return key def get_selection_statement(atom, key, atomNames): selectionStatement = None if(atom['segi'].strip() == ''): selectionStatement = '(object %s and model %s and chain %s and resn %s and resi %s and name %s )' % tuple(list(key[0:2]) + list(key[3:6]) + [atomNames]) else: selectionStatement = '(object %s and model %s and segi %s and chain %s and resn %s and resi %s and name %s )' % tuple(list(key[0:6]) + [atomNames]) return selectionStatement def find_aa_word(obj, bondAtoms): (key, selectionStatement) = (None, None) # The bond key is of the form (resn, atom0, atom1) where the atom # names are in alphabetical order. atomNames = [bondAtoms[0]['name'], bondAtoms[1]['name']] atomNames.sort() bond_key = (bondAtoms[0]['resn'], atomNames[0], atomNames[1]) if(bond_key in BOND_WORD_DICT): word = BOND_WORD_DICT[bond_key] # Now form a new key that has the current residue and the word. key = get_key(obj, bondAtoms[0], word) selectionStatement = get_selection_statement(bondAtoms[0], key, WORDS_DICT[word][key[4]]) return (key, selectionStatement) def find_suns_atom(obj, selectedAtom): (key, selectionStatement) = (None, None) atom_key = (selectedAtom['resn'], selectedAtom['name']) if(atom_key in ATOMS_DICT): key = get_key(obj, selectedAtom, ATOMS_DICT[atom_key]) selectionStatement = get_selection_statement(selectedAtom, key, atom_key[1]) return (key, selectionStatement) """ SUNS_WIZARD_CODE = """ from pymol.wizard import Wizard from pymol import cmd from pika import * import suns_aa_motifs import uuid import threading import json import socket import tkSimpleDialog import tkMessageBox import sys import pymol from Tkinter import * # The following two dictionaries are automatically generated from the motif # directories WORDS_DICT = {'lys_linker': {'LYS': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD+CG'}, 'ser_linker': {'SER': 'CA+CB'}, 'alanine': {'ALA': 'CA+CB'}, 'guanidinium': {'ARG': 'CD+NE+CZ+NH1+CZ+NE+CZ+NH2'}, 'glu_linker': {'GLU': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD+CG'}, 'valine': {'VAL': 'CB+CG2+CA+CB+CB+CG1'}, 'lys_end': {'LYS': 'CD+CE+CE+NZ'}, 'isoleucine': {'ILE': 'CD1+CG1+CB+CG1+CB+CG2+CA+CB'}, 'thr_linker': {'THR': 'CA+CB+CB+CG2'}, 'indole': {'TRP': 'CD1+CG+CD1+NE1+CD2+CG+CE2+NE1+CD2+CE3+CD2+CE2+CE3+CZ3+CE2+CZ2+CH2+CZ3+CH2+CZ2'}, 'asn_linker': {'ASN': 'CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'trp_linker': {'TRP': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'arg_linker': {'ARG': 'CD+CG+CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'leucine': {'LEU': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD2+CG+CD1+CG'}, 'phospho_thr': {'TPO': 'O2P+P+OG+P+O1P+P+O3P+P+O1P+O3P'}, 'phospho_his': {'HIP': 'O2P+P+OG+P+O1P+P+O3P+P+O1P+O3P'}, 'proline': {'PRO': 'CD+CG+CB+CG'}, 'imidazole': {'HIS': 'CD2+NE2+CE1+NE2+CD2+CG+CE1+ND1+CG+ND1'}, 'carboxyl': {'ASP': 'CG+OD2+CG+OD1', 'GLU': 'CD+OE2+CD+OE1'}, 'phospho_tyr': {'PTR': 'O2P+P+OG+P+O1P+P+O3P+P+O1P+O3P'}, 'phenyl': {'PHE': 'CD2+CE2+CD2+CG+CE2+CZ+CD1+CG+CE1+CZ+CD1+CE1', 'TYR': 'CE1+CZ+CD1+CE1+CE2+CZ+CD1+CG+CD2+CE2+CD2+CG'}, 'asp_linker': {'ASP': 'CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'hydroxyl': {'SER': 'CB+OG', 'TYR': 'CZ+OH', 'THR': 'CB+OG1'}, 'gln_linker': {'GLN': 'CA+CB+CB+CG+CD+CG'}, 'phospho_asp': {'PHD': 'O2P+P+OG+P+O1P+P+O3P+P+O1P+O3P'}, 'phospho_ser': {'SEP': 'O2P+P+OG+P+O1P+P+O3P+P+O1P+O3P'}, 'tyr_linker': {'TYR': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'peptide_bond': {'CYS': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'GLN': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'HIS': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'SER': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'VAL': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'LYS': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ILE': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'PRO': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'GLY': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'THR': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'PHE': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ALA': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'MET': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ASP': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'GLU': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'LEU': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ARG': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'TRP': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'ASN': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O', 'TYR': 'CA+N+C+CA+C+O'}, 'carboxamide': {'ASN': 'CG+ND2+CG+OD1', 'GLN': 'CD+NE2+CD+OE1'}, 'phe_linker': {'PHE': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'cysteine': {'CYS': 'CA+CB+CB+SG'}, 'met_linker': {'MET': 'CA+CB+CB+CG'}, 'his_linker': {'HIS': 'CB+CG+CA+CB'}, 'met_end': {'MET': 'CE+SD+CG+SD'}} BOND_WORD_DICT = {('PRO', 'CB', 'CG'): 'proline', ('ILE', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CE2', 'NE1'): 'indole', ('ARG', 'CZ', 'NH1'): 'guanidinium', ('LYS', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('TPO', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phospho_thr', ('HIP', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phospho_his', ('GLY', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ARG', 'CZ', 'NE'): 'guanidinium', ('ARG', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('VAL', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('SEP', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phospho_ser', ('TPO', 'O1P', 'O3P'): 'phospho_thr', ('GLY', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLU', 'CD', 'CG'): 'glu_linker', ('TRP', 'CD1', 'NE1'): 'indole', ('TRP', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'indole', ('ASP', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ILE', 'CB', 'CG1'): 'isoleucine', ('ASN', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('MET', 'CB', 'CG'): 'met_linker', ('HIP', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phospho_his', ('PHE', 'CE1', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('PRO', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHE', 'CE2', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('TYR', 'CA', 'CB'): 'tyr_linker', ('PHE', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'CD', 'NE2'): 'carboxamide', ('HIS', 'CG', 'ND1'): 'imidazole', ('SEP', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phospho_ser', ('PHE', 'CD1', 'CE1'): 'phenyl', ('PTR', 'O1P', 'O3P'): 'phospho_tyr', ('SEP', 'OG', 'P'): 'phospho_ser', ('ALA', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('THR', 'CB', 'OG1'): 'hydroxyl', ('ASP', 'CG', 'OD1'): 'carboxyl', ('PHD', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phospho_asp', ('LYS', 'CA', 'CB'): 'lys_linker', ('MET', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'indole', ('HIS', 'CB', 'CG'): 'his_linker', ('MET', 'CG', 'SD'): 'met_end', ('ARG', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CA', 'CB'): 'trp_linker', ('ARG', 'CB', 'CG'): 'arg_linker', ('PTR', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phospho_tyr', ('LEU', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'leucine', ('SEP', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phospho_ser', ('MET', 'CA', 'CB'): 'met_linker', ('TYR', 'CD1', 'CE1'): 'phenyl', ('ALA', 'CA', 'CB'): 'alanine', ('GLU', 'CD', 'OE1'): 'carboxyl', ('PHE', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('THR', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CZ', 'OH'): 'hydroxyl', ('ASP', 'CA', 'CB'): 'asp_linker', ('THR', 'CA', 'CB'): 'thr_linker', ('TRP', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASP', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('MET', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CH2', 'CZ2'): 'indole', ('ILE', 'CA', 'CB'): 'isoleucine', ('LYS', 'CD', 'CG'): 'lys_linker', ('PRO', 'CD', 'CG'): 'proline', ('GLU', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CH2', 'CZ3'): 'indole', ('TPO', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phospho_thr', ('ILE', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('CYS', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'CD', 'CE'): 'lys_end', ('GLY', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('CYS', 'CA', 'CB'): 'cysteine', ('MET', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('VAL', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('THR', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'thr_linker', ('LEU', 'CA', 'CB'): 'leucine', ('ASP', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'CB', 'CG'): 'leucine', ('PRO', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHD', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phospho_asp', ('PHE', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ARG', 'CZ', 'NH2'): 'guanidinium', ('TYR', 'CB', 'CG'): 'tyr_linker', ('TYR', 'CE1', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('TYR', 'CE2', 'CZ'): 'phenyl', ('VAL', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'valine', ('LEU', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('VAL', 'CA', 'CB'): 'valine', ('GLU', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('PTR', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phospho_tyr', ('GLU', 'CA', 'CB'): 'glu_linker', ('GLU', 'CB', 'CG'): 'glu_linker', ('GLN', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHE', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('TYR', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CA', 'CB'): 'his_linker', ('PTR', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phospho_tyr', ('TRP', 'CE2', 'CZ2'): 'indole', ('ASN', 'CG', 'OD1'): 'carboxamide', ('HIS', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ILE', 'CB', 'CG2'): 'isoleucine', ('HIS', 'CD2', 'NE2'): 'imidazole', ('TRP', 'CD2', 'CE3'): 'indole', ('ALA', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('LEU', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'leucine', ('TRP', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'CA', 'CB'): 'gln_linker', ('GLN', 'CB', 'CG'): 'gln_linker', ('HIP', 'OG', 'P'): 'phospho_his', ('THR', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'indole', ('ILE', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLU', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('GLN', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('SEP', 'O1P', 'O3P'): 'phospho_ser', ('CYS', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'CB', 'OG'): 'hydroxyl', ('HIS', 'CE1', 'NE2'): 'imidazole', ('PHE', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIP', 'O1P', 'P'): 'phospho_his', ('ASP', 'CG', 'OD2'): 'carboxyl', ('ASN', 'CB', 'CG'): 'asn_linker', ('LYS', 'CE', 'NZ'): 'lys_end', ('CYS', 'CB', 'SG'): 'cysteine', ('VAL', 'CB', 'CG1'): 'valine', ('TYR', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('TPO', 'OG', 'P'): 'phospho_thr', ('VAL', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIP', 'O1P', 'O3P'): 'phospho_his', ('ARG', 'CD', 'NE'): 'guanidinium', ('ALA', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'CB', 'CG'): 'lys_linker', ('GLU', 'CD', 'OE2'): 'carboxyl', ('TPO', 'O3P', 'P'): 'phospho_thr', ('PHD', 'O2P', 'P'): 'phospho_asp', ('PHE', 'CA', 'CB'): 'phe_linker', ('ASN', 'CG', 'ND2'): 'carboxamide', ('HIS', 'CD2', 'CG'): 'imidazole', ('PHE', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'phenyl', ('PRO', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASN', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('ARG', 'CD', 'CG'): 'arg_linker', ('ARG', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CB', 'CG'): 'trp_linker', ('PHE', 'CB', 'CG'): 'phe_linker', ('HIS', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('PHD', 'OG', 'P'): 'phospho_asp', ('MET', 'CE', 'SD'): 'met_end', ('GLN', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('HIS', 'CE1', 'ND1'): 'imidazole', ('CYS', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TRP', 'CE3', 'CZ3'): 'indole', ('TYR', 'CD2', 'CE2'): 'phenyl', ('ILE', 'CD1', 'CG1'): 'isoleucine', ('PTR', 'OG', 'P'): 'phospho_tyr', ('TRP', 'C', 'O'): 'peptide_bond', ('LYS', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('TYR', 'CD1', 'CG'): 'phenyl', ('GLN', 'CD', 'CG'): 'gln_linker', ('ARG', 'CA', 'CB'): 'arg_linker', ('ASN', 'CA', 'N'): 'peptide_bond', ('SER', 'CA', 'CB'): 'ser_linker', ('GLN', 'CD', 'OE1'): 'carboxamide', ('PHD', 'O1P', 'O3P'): 'phospho_asp', ('THR', 'C', 'CA'): 'peptide_bond', ('ASN', 'CA', 'CB'): 'asn_linker', ('ASP', 'CB', 'CG'): 'asp_linker'} SELECTION_NAME = 'suns_query' # The name for the query selection # The following suffixes namespace the auto-generated objects. # The Suns client reserves the right to freely delete anything unexpected within # the following namespaces so that automated PyMOL clients can safely use these # namespaces. RESULT_SUFFIX = 'result' # The suffix for each search result CONTEXT_SUFFIX = 'context' # The suffix for each fetched context SAVE_SUFFIX = 'save' # The suffix for saved results SUNS_DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME = 'suns' # The default group name which will contain # results, context, saves, etc. SUNS_SERVER_ADDRESS = '' # The default message queue host CYCLIC_SELECT = '_CYCLIC' AAS = ['ALL', 'GLY','ALA','VAL','LEU','ILE', 'MET','PRO','PHE','TRP','TYR', 'HIS','LYS','ARG','GLU','ASP', 'GLN','ASN','SER','THR','CYS'] def make_cyclic_dictionary(l): cd = {} for i, v in enumerate(l): pre = (i-1) % len(l) post = (i+1) % len(l) cd[v] = (l[pre], l[post]) return cd class SearchThread(threading.Thread): def __init__( self, rmsd, num_struct, random_seed, pdbstrs, server_address, group_name, cmd ): ''' This is the constructor for our SearchThread. Each time we perform a structural search, a new thread will be created. ''' threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.request = json.dumps({ 'rmsd_cutoff' : rmsd, 'num_structures': num_struct, 'random_seed' : random_seed, 'atoms' : pdbstrs }) # All PyMOL routines keep their own copy of the 'cmd' object. # I don't know why, but I copy that practice as a defensive precaution, # assuming they have a good reason for doing that. self.cmd = cmd = None # The AMQP Channel, unique per thread self.pdbs = {} # Tracks results to avoid duplicate generated names self.suns_server_address = server_address # Currently selected host self.group_name = group_name # What is the name of the group? # The following variable will ensure that we don't # stop consuming before we begin consuming etc. self.concurrency_management = {'begun': False, # True once the thread begins consuming 'ended' : False, # True once the thread finishes consuming 'lock' : threading.Lock()} # This guards the 'begun' and 'end' variables def handle_delivery( self, channel, method_frame, header_frame, body, corr_id = None ): ''' This method will handle delivery from the message queue we use to communicate with the Suns server. ''' # Ignore messages with the wrong correlation ID so that we don't # contaminate the current results with results from an aborted previous # query if(corr_id == header_frame.correlation_id): # The inbound results don't use JSON, since there are a lot of them # and they tend to be small. # Message format is a tagged union and the first character is the # tag: # 0 = No more search results: Payload = Empty # 1 = Search result: Payload = PDB ID + PDB structure # 2 = Search time limit exceeded: Payload = Empty # 3 = Error: Payload = message tag = body[0] if(tag == '0'): print '[*] Search done' self.stop() elif(tag == '1'): # The first 4 bytes of the payload are the PDB ID code pdbid = body[1:5] if(pdbid not in self.pdbs): self.pdbs[pdbid] = 0 sele_name = ( pdbid + '_%04d_%s' % (self.pdbs[pdbid], RESULT_SUFFIX)) # If there is an existing result of the same name, delete it, # otherwise PyMOL will load the new result as an additional # model to the existing result. # # In principle there should never be an existing selection with # the same name since the client either migrates old results to # the namespace or deletes unsaved ones when # launching a new search. However, this is just a precaution in # case something goes wrong. self.cmd.delete(sele_name) # Load the structure into pymol. self.cmd.read_pdbstr(body[5:], sele_name) curr_group_name = self.group_name + '_' + RESULT_SUFFIX, sele_name), curr_group_name) self.pdbs[pdbid] += 1 elif(tag == '2'): print '[*] Time limit exceeded' self.stop() elif(tag == '3'): print '[*] Error: ' + body[1:] else: print '[*] Error: Invalid Server Response' print '[*] Response = \'' + body + '\'' # Send a search request and await results def run(self): ''' This method will send the search request to the server and tell Pika about the callback function to use for results returned from the server. It will actuallly block until we call stop_consuming, which will occur in the callback. ''' # This correlation ID ensures that each thread does not receive results # from previous search requests that prematurely aborted corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) credentials = PlainCredentials('suns-client', 'suns-client') try: def connect(port): return BlockingConnection( ConnectionParameters(host=self.suns_server_address, port=port, credentials=credentials, virtual_host='suns-vhost')) try: connection = connect(5672) except: connection = connect(80) try: # Channel Initialization = exchange = 'suns-exchange-responses', passive = True, durable = True) exchange = 'suns-exchange-requests', passive = True, durable = True) # Queue Initialization result = = True) try: # Auto-generates an anonymous queue name callback_queue = result.method.queue exchange = 'suns-exchange-responses', queue = callback_queue, routing_key = callback_queue) lambda c, m, h, b : self.handle_delivery(c, m, h, b, corr_id), no_ack = True, queue = callback_queue) # Send Request print '[*] Waiting for Server...' exchange = 'suns-exchange-requests', routing_key = '1.0.0', properties = BasicProperties( reply_to = callback_queue, correlation_id = corr_id), body = self.request) try: # We are going to change our state from search not begun # to search begun. This needs to be atomic, so that if # the user tries to cancel the search, the state is accurate. # We can't put the start_consuming inside the lock however # since start_consuming is a blocking call, and thus we wouldn't # unlock until after we have stopped consuming, thus negating # the whole point of the cancel search in the first place. self.concurrency_management['lock'].acquire() try: self.concurrency_management['begun'] = True ended = self.concurrency_management['ended'] finally: self.concurrency_management['lock'].release() # Race condition: # This thread could receive a stop() signal before # start_consuming or could receive a second # stop() signal after done consuming. Pika does not # expose a good way to release the lock immediately # after beginning consuming or to acquire the lock # immediately before done consuming. # # The chance of triggering this race condition is very # low and the user can fix it by restarting the wizard if (not ended): # This call is a blocking call. # It blocks until channel.stop_consuming is called. finally: # We are not consuming data anymore, since start_consuming # is no longer blocking, so set the ended flag. self.concurrency_management['lock'].acquire() try: self.concurrency_management['ended'] = True finally: self.concurrency_management['lock'].release() self.cmd.orient(SELECTION_NAME) finally: = callback_queue) finally: connection.close() except socket.error: print ("[*] Error: Unable to connect to '" + self.suns_server_address + "'") def stop(self, message=''): ''' This method will see if we have begun consuming, but haven't ended yet. If so, then it will stop_consuming, thus completing the search. ''' # Since we are going to change the state of our consuming, # we need to acquire a lock. self.concurrency_management['lock'].acquire() try: if(not self.concurrency_management['ended']): if(self.concurrency_management['begun']): self.concurrency_management['ended'] = True finally: self.concurrency_management['lock'].release() if(message != ''): print message class AACycler: '''This class creates a UI to allow for the easy cycling through amino acids from SUNS search results.''' def __init__(self, app, cmd): self.parent = app.root self.child = Toplevel(master=self.parent) self.cmd = cmd self.create_UI() self.aas = make_cyclic_dictionary(AAS) def create_UI(self): self.aaFrame = Frame(self.child) self.bb_sc_frame = Frame(self.child) self.lines_sticks_frame = Frame(self.child) self.buttons_frame = Frame(self.child) self.aaFrame.grid(row=0, column=0) self.bb_sc_frame.grid(row=1, column=0) self.lines_sticks_frame.grid(row=2, column=0) self.buttons_frame.grid(row=3, column=0) self.leftButton = Button(self.aaFrame, text='<', command=self.decrement_aa) self.currAA = StringVar() self.currAA.set(AAS[0]) self.aaEntry = Entry(self.aaFrame, width=5, textvariable=self.currAA) self.aaEntry.bind('', self.change_AA) self.rightButton = Button(self.aaFrame, text='>', command=self.increment_aa) self.leftButton.grid(row=0, column=0) self.aaEntry.grid(row=0, column=1) self.rightButton.grid(row=0, column=2) self.bbScVar = IntVar() self.bbScVar.set(0) self.bb_sc_radio = Radiobutton(self.bb_sc_frame, text='BB+SC', variable=self.bbScVar, value=0) self.bb_radio = Radiobutton(self.bb_sc_frame, text='BB', variable=self.bbScVar, value=1) self.sc_radio = Radiobutton(self.bb_sc_frame, text='SC', variable=self.bbScVar, value=2) self.bb_sc_radio.grid(row=0,column=0) self.bb_radio.grid(row=0,column=1) self.sc_radio.grid(row=0,column=2) self.linesSticksVar = IntVar() self.linesSticksVar.set(0) self.lines_radio = Radiobutton(self.lines_sticks_frame, text='Lines', variable=self.linesSticksVar, value=0) self.sticks_radio = Radiobutton(self.lines_sticks_frame, text='Sticks', variable=self.linesSticksVar, value=1) self.lines_radio.grid(row=0, column=0) self.sticks_radio.grid(row=0, column=1) self.closeButton = Button(self.buttons_frame, text='Close', command=self.close) #self.showButton = Button(self.buttons_frame, text='Show', self.closeButton.grid(row=0, column=0) #self.showButton.grid(row=0, column=1) def close(self): self.child.destroy() def change_AA(self): if(self.currAA.get() not in self.aas): self.currAA.set(AAS[0]) def show(self): self.cmd.hide(representation='nonbonded', selection='all and *_' + RESULT_SUFFIX) self.cmd.hide(representation=['lines', 'sticks'][self.linesSticksVar.get()], selection='all and *_' + RESULT_SUFFIX) selection_txt = '*_' + RESULT_SUFFIX if(self.currAA.get() != 'ALL'): selection_txt += ' and resn ' + self.currAA.get() if(self.bbScVar.get() == 1): selection_txt += ' and name N+CA+C+O' elif(self.bbScVar.get() == 2): selection_txt += ' and not name N+CA+C+O', selection_txt)['lines', 'sticks'][self.linesSticksVar.get()], selection=CYCLIC_SELECT) def decrement_aa(self): self.change_AA() self.currAA.set(self.aas[self.currAA.get()][0]) def increment_aa(self): self.change_AA() self.currAA.set(self.aas[self.currAA.get()][1]) # This wizard requires the ability to select bonds instead of atoms, since all # motifs are defined by bonds. The only way I know how to do that is to # override Python's "PkTB" input. I document various vagaries of that in the # appropriate sections below. class Suns_search(Wizard): ''' This class will create the wizard for performing Suns searches. ''' def __init__(self, app, _self = cmd): Wizard.__init__(self, _self) # Clean the slate self.cmd.unpick() self.do_select(SELECTION_NAME, 'none') self.prompt = ['Select motifs using left click'] = app # type Key = (Object, Model, Segi, Chain, Resn, Resi, Name) # type Val = Selection corresponding to the key # word_list :: Dict Key Val self.word_list = {} # Default values self.rmsd_cutoff = 1.0 self.random_seed = 0 self.number_of_structures = 100 self.suns_server_address = SUNS_SERVER_ADDRESS self.group_name = SUNS_DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME self.searchThread = None # Rebind left click to select bonds. I choose left click since it is # the most portable input method across devices, especially laptops, and # also because the user definitely does not need the old left click # function for the duration of the wizard. self.cmd.button('single_left', 'None', 'PkTB') # PyMOL has this really obscure and undocumented 'auto_hide_selections' # setting that auto hides selections when using editing commands. This # wizard overrides "PkTB", which is one of those editing commands, but # we still want to display selections to the user, so we must disable # this setting. self.prev_auto_hide_setting = self.cmd.get('auto_hide_selections') self.cmd.set('auto_hide_selections',0) self.prev_auto_zoom_setting = self.cmd.get('auto_zoom') self.cmd.set('auto_zoom', 0) # There are a few functions which would like to use a Tcl window # to communicate with the user. This can cause some unsafe threading # issues with the global PyMol Tcl window. Thus, we will instead # store the function calls in the pymol module itself, and when # the time comes, just ask the PyMol module to execute it for us. pymol.stored.aacycler = lambda: AACycler(, self.cmd) pymol.stored.fetch_full_context = lambda: self.fetch_full_context() pymol.stored.ask_group_name = lambda: self.ask_group_name() pymol.stored.ask_server_address = lambda: self.ask_server_address() def cleanup(self): ''' Once we are done with the wizard, we should set various pymol parameters back to their original values. ''' self.stop_search() # This is a hack. I don't yet know how to retrieve the previous value # of this button setting so that I can restore the original value. For # now I assume that the user was in a viewing mode, where the default # behavior for left click is '+/-'. # # Very few users use anything other than viewing mode, especially in # conjunction with searching. Also, users can fix the mistaken # reversion by cycling through mouse button modes, which will properly # reset the action for single left click. self.cmd.button('single_left', 'None', '+/-') self.cmd.set('auto_hide_selections', self.prev_auto_hide_setting) self.cmd.set('auto_zoom', self.prev_auto_zoom_setting) self.cmd.delete(SELECTION_NAME) def set_rmsd(self, rmsd): ''' This is the method that will be called once the user has selected an rmsd cutoff via the wizard menu. ''' self.rmsd_cutoff = rmsd self.cmd.refresh_wizard() def set_num_structures(self, num_structures): ''' This is the method that will be called once the user has set the maximum number of structures to return. ''' self.number_of_structures = num_structures self.cmd.refresh_wizard() def ask_random_seed(self, ask_for_random_seed): ''' This method will be called when the user clicks on the wizard menu to randomize the Suns database. If the user selects to randomize the db, then this method will call get_random_seed to get the random seed for randomization. ''' if(ask_for_random_seed): try: self.random_seed = int(tkSimpleDialog.askstring( 'Randomize Order','Random Seed (Integer):')) except: self.random_seed = 0 else: self.random_seed = 0 self.cmd.refresh_wizard() def create_random_seed_menu(self): ''' This method will create the Randomize Database menu. ''' random_seed_menu = [[2, 'Randomize Order', '']] random_seed_menu.append( [1, 'No', 'cmd.get_wizard().ask_random_seed(False)']) random_seed_menu.append( [1, 'Yes', 'cmd.get_wizard().ask_random_seed(True)']) return random_seed_menu def create_rmsd_menu(self): ''' This method will create a wizard menu for the possible RMSD cutoff values. Currently the values range from 0.1 to 2 A RMSD. ''' rmsd_menu = [[2, 'RMSD Cutoff', '']] for rmsd_choice in range(1,21): rmsd = float(rmsd_choice) / 10.0 rmsd_menu.append( [1, str(rmsd) , 'cmd.get_wizard().set_rmsd(' + str(rmsd) + ')']) return rmsd_menu def create_num_structures_menu(self): ''' This method will create a wizard menu for the possible number of structures to return. Values range from 10 to 2000. ''' num_structures_menu = [[2, 'Number of Results', '']] for n in [10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]: num_structures_menu.append( [1, str(n), 'cmd.get_wizard().set_num_structures(' + str(n) + ')']) return num_structures_menu def create_server_address_menu(self): ''' This method will create a wizard menu for the what address we should use for the Suns server. ''' server_address_menu = [[2, 'Server Address', '']] server_address_menu.append( [1, 'Default: ' + SUNS_SERVER_ADDRESS, 'cmd.get_wizard().set_server_address("' + SUNS_SERVER_ADDRESS + '")']) server_address_menu.append( [1, 'User defined', 'import pymol; pymol._ext_gui.execute("import pymol; pymol.stored.ask_server_address()")']) return server_address_menu def set_server_address(self, server_address): self.suns_server_address = server_address self.cmd.refresh_wizard() def ask_server_address(self): try: server_address = tkSimpleDialog.askstring( 'Suns server address','Suns server address:') except: server_address = SUNS_SERVER_ADDRESS self.set_server_address(server_address) def set_group_name(self, group_name): self.group_name = group_name self.cmd.refresh_wizard() def ask_group_name(self): try: group_name = tkSimpleDialog.askstring( 'Group name', 'Group name:') except: group_name = SUNS_DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME self.set_group_name(group_name) def get_panel(self): ''' This is the wizard method that will create the main menu. ''' rmsd_menu = self.create_rmsd_menu()['rmsd'] = rmsd_menu num_structures_menu = self.create_num_structures_menu()['num_structures'] = num_structures_menu random_seed_menu = self.create_random_seed_menu()['random_seed'] = random_seed_menu server_address_menu = self.create_server_address_menu()['server'] = server_address_menu return [ [ 1, 'Structural Search Engine',''], [ 2, 'Search', 'cmd.get_wizard().launch_search()'], [ 2, 'Cancel Search','cmd.get_wizard().stop_search("[*] Search cancelled")'], [ 3, 'RMSD Cutoff: ' + str(self.rmsd_cutoff) + ' Angstroms', 'rmsd'], [ 3, 'Cap: ' + str(self.number_of_structures) + ' results', 'num_structures'], [ 3, 'Order: ' + {True: 'Random (Seed = %d' % self.random_seed + ')', False: 'Default'}[self.random_seed != 0], 'random_seed'], [ 3, 'Server: ' + self.suns_server_address, 'server'], [ 2, 'Group name: ' + self.group_name, 'import pymol; pymol._ext_gui.execute("import pymol; pymol.stored.ask_group_name()")'], [ 2, 'Clear Results', 'cmd.get_wizard().delete_results()'], [ 2, 'Clear Selection','cmd.get_wizard().clear_selection()'], [ 2, 'Clear Saved', 'cmd.get_wizard().delete_saved()'], [ 2, 'Fetch Full Contexts','import pymol; pymol._ext_gui.execute("import pymol; pymol.stored.fetch_full_context()")'], [ 2, 'Clear Contexts','cmd.get_wizard().delete_full()'], [ 2, 'Cycle Amino Acids','import pymol; pymol._ext_gui.execute("import pymol; pymol.stored.aacycler()")'], [ 2, 'Done','cmd.set_wizard()'] ] def fetch_full_context(self): ''' This method will look at what search results are currently enabled, and then fetch and align the full structure so that the user can see the full context of the match. ''' objs = self.cmd.get_names('objects', enabled_only = 1) def match(objName): words = objName.split('_') return (len(words) == 3) and (words[2] == RESULT_SUFFIX) matches = filter(match, objs) if(len(matches) > 1): # Fetching pdbs can take a while, so ask the user if he/she really # wants to fetch a number of contexts. if(not tkMessageBox.askyesno( "Multiple Results Selected", "Fetching multiple contexts takes time and will block PyMOL until finished. Proceed?")): return; # Loop over all objects that are enabled and have the Result suffix. for obj in matches: w = obj.split('_') del w[-1] w.append(CONTEXT_SUFFIX) new_object_name = '_'.join(w) self.cmd.fetch(w[0], new_object_name) attr_dict = {'x' : []} # Get the atom info for the entire result, not just the part that # matched the query, in order to improve the alignment. self.cmd.iterate( obj, 'x.append( [model,segi,chain,resn,resi,name,alt] )', space=attr_dict) selection = [] for item in attr_dict['x']: altLoc = item[6] # PyMOL chokes on empty arguments to 'alt' if(altLoc.strip() == ''): selection += [ '(chain %s and resn %s and resi %s and name %s)' % tuple(item[2:6])] else: selection += [ '(chain %s and resn %s and resi %s and name %s and alt %s)' % tuple(item[2:7])] selection = '(' + ' or '.join(selection) + ')' # Pair fit will choke if the number of atoms do not exactly match, # so we must take extra care to make sure that we've exactly # specified the atoms we want with our selection self.cmd.pair_fit( new_object_name + ' and (' + selection + ')', obj + ' and (' + selection + ')') curr_group_name = self.group_name + '_' + CONTEXT_SUFFIX, new_object_name), curr_group_name) self.cmd.orient(SELECTION_NAME) # Deletion is done entirely on the basis of reserved name spaces rather than # tracking objects internally through stored variables. This helps the user # reason about how deletion works because they don't need to study the # wizard's source code or simulate the wizard's internal state in their # head. If they are unsure about what state an object is in, they can # simply inspect its suffix. def delete_results(self): self.cmd.delete('*_' + RESULT_SUFFIX) def delete_saved(self): self.cmd.delete('*_' + SAVE_SUFFIX) def delete_full(self): self.cmd.delete('*_' + CONTEXT_SUFFIX) def launch_search(self): pdbstr = self.cmd.get_pdbstr(SELECTION_NAME) self.stop_search() self.delete_results() self.searchThread = SearchThread( self.rmsd_cutoff, self.number_of_structures, self.random_seed, pdbstr, self.suns_server_address, self.group_name, self.cmd) self.searchThread.start() def clear_selection(self): # Do not delete the selection, otherwise PyMOL will throw an exception # when you try to search. Instead, set it to the empty selection. self.word_list = {} self.do_select(SELECTION_NAME, 'none') def stop_search(self, message = ''): if(self.searchThread is not None): self.searchThread.stop(message) def do_select(self, name, selection_logic): if(selection_logic != ''):, selection_logic) self.cmd.enable(name) else:, 'none') self.cmd.disable(name) def is_obj_from_suns_result(self, obj): ''' This method checks the object name to see if it is a suns result or not. ''' words = obj.split('_') if( (len(words) == 3) and (words[2] == RESULT_SUFFIX) ): return True return False def move_result_to_saved(self, obj): ''' This method will move the suns result object to a suns saved object. ''' # First rename the object to a save object. words = obj.split('_') del words[2] words.append(SAVE_SUFFIX) newObj = '_'.join(words) self.cmd.set_name(obj, newObj) # Now put the new save object into the saved group. curr_group_name = self.group_name + '_' + SAVE_SUFFIX, newObj), curr_group_name) return newObj def unpack_attr_dict(self, attr_dict_entry): retVal = {} retVal['model'] = attr_dict_entry[0] retVal['segi'] = attr_dict_entry[1] retVal['chain'] = attr_dict_entry[2] retVal['resn'] = attr_dict_entry[3] retVal['resi'] = attr_dict_entry[4] retVal['name'] = attr_dict_entry[5] retVal['alt'] = attr_dict_entry[6] return retVal def get_atom(self, selection): attr_dict = {'x': []} self.cmd.iterate( selection, 'x.append( (model,segi,chain,resn,resi,name,alt) )', space = attr_dict) return self.unpack_attr_dict(attr_dict['x'][0]) def get_bond_atoms(self): retVal = [self.get_atom('pk1'), self.get_atom('pk2')] return retVal def do_pick(self, bondFlag): ''' This is the method that is called each time the user uses the mouse to select a bond or atom. ''' (key, selectStatement) = (None, None) obj, unused = self.cmd.index("pk1")[0] # bondFlag = 1 if we are selecting bonds. if(bondFlag == 1): # Get the object name of the selection if(self.is_obj_from_suns_result(obj)): obj = self.move_result_to_saved(obj) # Now get info about each of the atoms in the given bond. bondAtoms = self.get_bond_atoms() # We only handle bonds per residue, no residue spanning bonds. if( (bondAtoms[0]['chain'] != bondAtoms[1]['chain']) or (bondAtoms[0]['resi'] != bondAtoms[1]['resi']) ): return (key, selectStatement) = suns_aa_motifs.find_aa_word(obj, bondAtoms) # Now select the atom(s) the user indicated. if((key != None) and (selectStatement != None)): # Now check to see if this word is already selected and deselect it if so. if(key in self.word_list): # Remove the motif from the selection del self.word_list[key] else: self.word_list[key] = selectStatement self.cmd.unpick() self.do_select(SELECTION_NAME, ' or '.join(self.word_list.values()).strip()) def suns_search(app): ''' DESCRIPTION Suns search client. ''' wiz = Suns_search(app) cmd.set_wizard(wiz) # add "suns_search" as pymol command cmd.extend('suns_search', suns_search) # trick to get "wizard suns_search" working sys.modules['pymol.wizard.suns_search'] = sys.modules[__name__] try: from pymol.plugins import addmenuitem # add item to plugin menu def __init_plugin__(self): addmenuitem('Suns Search', lambda s=self : suns_search(s)) except: def __init__(self): self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Plugin', 'command', 'Suns search', label = 'Suns search', command = lambda s=self : suns_search(s)) """ SUNS_PLUGIN_CODE = """ from pymol import cmd def __init__(self): self.menuBar.addmenuitem( 'Wizard', 'command', label = 'Search', command = lambda s=self:search() ) def search(): cmd.wizard('suns_search') """ def check_and_install_pika(): try: import pika except exceptions.ImportError: tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Missing "pika" library', message='Suns requires the "pika" Python library\n\n Please see for "pika" installation instructions.') sys.exit(1) class SelectInstallation(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, vals, store): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.vals = vals = store self.parent.title('Select Python installation') self.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1) listbox = Listbox(self) for v in vals: listbox.insert(END, v) listbox.selection_set(0) store["installation"] = vals[0] listbox.bind('<>', self.onSelect) = 20, y = 20) listbox.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 5, pady = 5) bottom = Frame(self) bottom.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1) cancelButton = Button(bottom, text = 'Cancel', command = self.onCancel) cancelButton.pack(side = RIGHT, padx = 5, pady = 0) okButton = Button(bottom, text='OK', command = self.onOk) okButton.pack(side = RIGHT) def onSelect(self, val): sender = val.widget idx = sender.curselection() value = sender.get(idx)["installation"] = value def onCancel(self):["installation"] = '' self.quit() def onOk(self): if not["installation"]: tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Selection Required', message='You must select a Python installation to proceed') else: self.quit() def hasPyMOL(directory): wizard_directory = directory + '/pymol/wizard' startup_directory = directory + '/pmg_tk/startup' return os.path.exists(wizard_directory) and os.path.exists(startup_directory) def get_pymol_paths(): # PyMOL has a bad habit of keeping its own Python module hierarchy on some # operating systems. Prioritize these locations first because they are the # most likely to be the correct install. import platform system = platform.system() if (system == 'Windows'): directories = ['C:\\Program Files\\PyMOL\\PyMOL\\modules'] elif(system == 'Darwin'): directories = ['/Applications/', '/Applications/'] else: directories = [] # This covers Linux pretty well, and might also work on other systems directories += sys.path pymol_installations = filter(hasPyMOL, list(set(directories))) if len(pymol_installations) < 1: tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Could not locate PyMOL', message='The Suns Installer could not detect a PyMOL installation on your computer.\n\nMake sure you have PyMOL installed. If you do have PyMOL installed, contact the Suns maintainers at "" to report this issue and tell them that the detected platform is "' + system + '"') sys.exit(1) elif len(pymol_installations) > 1: root = Tk() store = {} def onClose(): root.destroy() store["installation"] = '' SelectInstallation(root, pymol_installations, store) root.geometry("600x250+300+300") root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", onClose) mainloop() installation = store["installation"] else: installation = pymol_installations[0] return (installation + '/pymol/wizard', installation + '/pmg_tk/startup') def main(): check_and_install_pika() (wizard_path, plugin_path) = get_pymol_paths() wizard_file = os.path.join(wizard_path, SUNS_WIZARD_FN) motifs_file = os.path.join(wizard_path, SUNS_MOTIFS_FN) try: open(wizard_file, 'w').write(SUNS_WIZARD_CODE) except: tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Cannot install wizard', message='Suns cannot copy the PyMOL wizard to "%s".\n\nThe most likely reason is that you do not have permission to write to that folder. If you do have sufficient permission, then contact the Suns maintainers at "" to report this issue.' % wizard_file) sys.exit(1) try: open(motifs_file, 'w').write(SUNS_MOTIFS_CODE) except: tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Cannot install motifs', message='Suns cannot copy the PyMOL motifs to "%s".\n\nThe most likely reason is that you do not have permission to write to that folder. If you do have sufficient permission, then contact the Suns maintainers at "" to report this issue.' % motifs_file) sys.exit(1) plugin_file = os.path.join(plugin_path, SUNS_PLUGIN_FN) try: open(plugin_file, 'w').write(SUNS_PLUGIN_CODE) except: tkMessageBox.showerror(title='Cannot install plugin loader', message='Suns cannot copy the PyMOL plugin loader to "%s".\n\nThe most likely reason is that you do not have permission to write to that folder. If you do have sufficient permission, then contact the Suns maintainers at "" to report this issue.' % plugin_file) # Remove the wizard file as we probably don't want to have a half installed version lying around. os.remove(wizard_file) sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()