this.modest = this.modest || { modules : {}, // compiled modules as strings //#REMOVE-POST-COMPILE $uncompiled : {}, // uncompiled modules as jquery objects compiled : {}, // set {X:X} -- names of modules that have been compiled saveAsJs : {}, // set {X:X} -- names of modules needed for js dependencies : {}, setWindow : function(w){ this.window = w; this.document = w.document; }.bind(this), setBasePath : function(basePath){ this.modest.basePath = basePath; }.bind(this), loadModules : function(){ var modest = this.modest; var includes = this.document.getElementsByTagName('include'); var path, pathAttr, moduleName, moduleContent, i, extension, lastDot; for (i = 0; i < includes.length; ++i) { // Assume the include tag has a single text node with the name of the module moduleName = includes[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue; // Remove leading and trailing whitespace from the module name moduleName = moduleName.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); // Find and separate the extension. If no extension is given, assume '.xml' lastDot = moduleName.lastIndexOf('.'); if(lastDot == -1){ extension = '.xml'; } else { extension = moduleName.substring(lastDot); moduleName = moduleName.substring(0, lastDot); } if (!modest.compiled[moduleName]) { path = ''; pathAttr = includes[i].getAttribute('path'); if (pathAttr) { // Remove trailing slashes and whitespace from the "path" attribute; Add one slash path = pathAttr.replace(/[\/\\\s]+$/, '') + '/'; } path += moduleName + extension; moduleContent = modest.localFile(path); modest.$uncompiled[moduleName] = $(moduleContent); } if (includes[i].hasAttribute('client')) { modest.saveAsJs[moduleName] = moduleName; } includes[i].parentNode.removeChild(includes[i]); } }.bind(this), compileModule : function(module){ var modest = this.modest; var $module = modest.$uncompiled[module]; modest.compileNode($module, modest.dependencies[module]); if ($module[0].outerHTML) { modest.modules[module] = $module[0].outerHTML; } else { if (this.XMLSerializer) { modest.modules[module] = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString($module[0]); } } modest.$uncompiled[module] = false; modest.compiled[module] = module; }.bind(this), loopError : function(){ var modest = this.modest; var badModules = ''; var module; for (module in modest.$uncompiled) { if (!modest.compiled[module]) { badModules += module + ' '; } } throw ('Infinite loop detected in modules: ' + badModules); }.bind(this), compileModules : function(){ var modest = this.modest; var compiledCount = 0; var numModules = 0; var waitToCompile, module, otherModule, lastCompiledCount, d; for (module in modest.$uncompiled) { ++numModules; if (!modest.compiled[module]) { modest.dependencies[module] = []; for (otherModule in modest.$uncompiled) { if (modest.$uncompiled[module].find(otherModule).length) { modest.dependencies[module].push(otherModule); } } } } while (compiledCount < numModules) { lastCompiledCount = compiledCount; for (module in modest.$uncompiled) { if (modest.compiled[module]) { ++compiledCount; continue; } waitToCompile = false; for (d in modest.dependencies[module]) { if (!modest.compiled[modest.dependencies[module][d]]) { waitToCompile = true; break; } } if (!waitToCompile) { modest.compileModule(module); ++compiledCount; } } if (lastCompiledCount === compiledCount) { modest.loopError(); } } }.bind(this), compileNode : function($node, modules){ var modest = this.modest; if (!modules) { modules = modest.compiled; } // find and compile module views within the node $.each(modules, function(i, module){ $node.find(module).each(function(){ modest.compileView($(this), module); }); }); }.bind(this), //#!REMOVE-POST-COMPILE getAttributes : function(el){ var attrs = {}; $.each(el.attributes, function(i, attr){ attrs[] = attr.value; }); return attrs; }, localFile : function(path){ var modest = this.modest; if (modest.basePath) { return fs.readFileSync(modest.basePath + path, 'utf8'); } else { return modest.remoteFile(path); } }.bind(this), remoteFile : function(path){ $.support.cors = true; return $.ajax({ url : path, async : false }).responseText; }, data : function(path){ // Supported data formats: JSON return $.parseJSON(this.modest.localFile(path)); }.bind(this), remoteData : function(path){ // Supported data formats: JSON return $.parseJSON(this.modest.remoteFile(path)); }.bind(this), compileView : function($view, module, parameters){ var modest = this.modest; var params = {}; var paramAttrs = {}; var viewAttrs, $targets; // Get parameters in the following order: // (in case of duplicates, later overwrites earlier) // 1. remote data // 2. local data // 3. js parameters // 4. html parameters if ($view.attr('remotedata')) { $.each($view.attr('remotedata').toLowerCase().split(' '), function(){ $.extend(params, modest.remoteData(this + '')); }); $view.removeAttr('remotedata'); } if ($view.attr('data')) { $.each($view.attr('data').toLowerCase().split(' '), function(){ $.extend(params, + '')); }); $view.removeAttr('data'); } $.extend(params, parameters); // html parameters $view.children().each(function(){ var param = this; var tag = param.tagName.toLowerCase(); paramAttrs[tag] = modest.getAttributes(param); if (param.innerText && !param.children.length) { params[tag] = param.innerText; } else { params[tag] = param.innerHTML; } }); // save the views attributes viewAttrs = modest.getAttributes($view[0]); // replace the view with the module $view.html(modest.modules[module]); $view = $view.children(':first').unwrap(); $view.attr(viewAttrs); $view.addClass(module); // find targets for the parameters $targets = $view.find('[uses]').not('[uses=""]'); // handle parameter targets in the root element if ($view.attr('uses')) { $targets = $view.add($targets); } // inject the parameters $targets.each(function(){ var $target = $(this); var eq, param, u, attr, strTemplates; var usesString = $target.attr('uses'); // string template substitution usesString = usesString.replace(/{{([^{}]+)}}/g, function(match, param){ strTemplates = true; return params[param.toLowerCase()] || ''; } ); // temporarily replace spaces in string template parameters so they don't get split if(strTemplates){ usesString = usesString.replace(/\s(?=(?:[^{]|{(?=[^{]))*}})/g, 'mSoPdAeCsEt'); } var uses = usesString.split(' '); for (u = 0; u < uses.length; ++u) { switch (uses[u][0]) { case '+': if (params[uses[u].slice(1).toLowerCase()] === undefined) { $target.remove(); break; } break; case '-': if (params[uses[u].slice(1).toLowerCase()] !== undefined) { $target.remove(); break; } break; case '{': $target.html(modest.stripTemplate(uses[u])); break; default: eq = uses[u].indexOf('='); if (eq !== -1) { attr = uses[u].slice(0, eq); param = uses[u].slice(eq + 1); var pVal = params[param.toLowerCase()]; if (pVal) { $target.attr(attr, pVal); } else if(param[0] == '{'){ $target.attr(attr, modest.stripTemplate(param)); } } else { param = uses[u].toLowerCase(); if (params[param] === undefined) { $target.remove(); break; } else { $target.attr(paramAttrs[param] || {}); $target.html(params[param]); $target.addClass(param); } } } } }); return $view; }.bind(this), stripTemplate : function(s){ // remove {{}} s = s.slice(2, s.length - 2); // put back the spaces we replaced earlier return s.replace('mSoPdAeCsEt', ' '); }, render : function(module, params){ var $view = $('
'); $view = this.modest.compileView($view, module, params); $view.find('[uses]').not('[uses=""]').removeAttr('uses'); return $view[0].outerHTML; }.bind(this) }; //#REMOVE-POST-COMPILE if (this.window) { $(function(){ modest.loadModules(); modest.compileModules(); modest.compileNode($(document.body)); }); } //#!REMOVE-POST-COMPILE