String.prototype.strip = function () { return this.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, ''); }; var PottyMouth = function (url_check_domains, url_white_lists) { this.__version__ = '2.1.1'; if (! url_check_domains) { url_check_domains = []; } if (! url_white_lists ) { url_white_lists = []; } var url_check_domain = undefined; if (url_check_domains.length) { url_check_domain = new RegExp('(' + url_check_domains.join(')|(') + ')', 'i'); } var short_line_length = 50; var protocol_pattern = /^\w+:\/\//i; var _domain_pattern = "([-\\\w]+\\\.)+\\\w\\\w+"; // protocol authentication or just www domain port path var _URI_pattern = "((" + "(https?|webcal|feed|ftp|news|nntp)://" + "([-\\\w]+(:[-\\\w]+)?@)?" + ")|www\\\.)" + _domain_pattern + "(:\\\d+)?" + "(/([-\\\w$\\\.+!*'(),;:@%&=?/~#]*[-\\\w$+*(@%&=/~#])?)?"; var URI_pattern = _URI_pattern; var email_pattern = '[^()<>@,;:\\\"\\\[\\\]\\\s]+@' + _domain_pattern; var image_pattern = _URI_pattern + '\\\.(jpe?g|png|gif)'; // youtube_pattern matches: // and // and // and // var youtube_pattern = 'http://(?:www\\\.)?\\\?)?v=?/?([\\\w\\\-]{11})'; var TokenMatcher = function (name, pattern, replace) { = name; this.pattern = pattern; this.replace = replace; this.match = function (s) { return s.match(this.pattern); }; }; var token_order = [ new TokenMatcher('NEW_LINE' , /^(\r?\n)([\t ]*)/ ), // fuck you, Microsoft! // TODO: is the \r even necessary in the JavaScript version? // INDENT token is created when the second group in NEW_LINE pattern matches new TokenMatcher('YOUTUBE' , new RegExp('^('+youtube_pattern+')', 'i')), new TokenMatcher('IMAGE' , new RegExp('^('+image_pattern +')')), new TokenMatcher('URL' , new RegExp('^('+URI_pattern +')')), new TokenMatcher('EMAIL' , new RegExp('^('+email_pattern +')')), new TokenMatcher('HASH' , /^([\t ]*#[\t ]+)(?=\S+)/ ), new TokenMatcher('DASH' , /^([\t ]*-[\t ]+)(?=\S+)/ ), new TokenMatcher('NUMBERED' , /^([\t ]*\d+(\.\)?|\))[\t ]+)(?=\S+)/), new TokenMatcher('ITEMSTAR' , /^([\t ]*\*[\t ]+)(?=\S+)/ ), new TokenMatcher('BULLET' , /^([\t ]*\u2022[\t ]+)(?=\S+)/ ), new TokenMatcher('UNDERSCORE' , /^(_)/ ), new TokenMatcher('STAR' , /^(\*)/), new TokenMatcher('RIGHT_ANGLE', /^(>(?:[\t ]*>)*)([\t ]*)/), new TokenMatcher('DEFINITION' , /^([^\n\:]{2,20}\:[\t ]+)(?=\S+)/), // The following are simple, context-independent replacement tokens new TokenMatcher('EMDASH' , /^(--)/, '—'), // No way to reliably distinguish Endash from Hyphen, Dash & Minus, // so we don't. See: new TokenMatcher('ELLIPSIS', /^(\.\.\.)/, '…') // new TokenMatcher('SMILEY' , /^(:\))/ , '☺'), // smiley face, not in HTML 4.01, doesn't work in IE ]; var Replacer = function (pattern, replace) { this.pattern = pattern; this.replace = replace; }; var smart_quote_replacers = [ new Replacer(/(``)/, '“'), new Replacer(/('')/, '”'), // First we look for inter-word " and ' new Replacer(/(\b"\b)/, '"'), // double prime new Replacer(/(\b'\b)/, '’'), // apostrophe // Then we look for opening or closing " and ' new Replacer(/(\b"\B)/, '”'), // close double quote new Replacer(/(\B"\b)/, '“'), // open double quote new Replacer(/(\b'\B)/, '’'), // close single quote new Replacer(/(\B'\b)/, '‘'), // open single quote // Then we look for space-padded opening or closing " and ' new Replacer(/(")(\s)/, '”$2'), // close double quote new Replacer(/(\s)(")/, '$1“'), // open double quote new Replacer(/(')(\s)/, '’$2'), // close single quote new Replacer(/(\s)(')/, '$1‘'), // open single quote // Then we gobble up stand-alone ones new Replacer(/(`)/, '‘') //new Replacer(/(")/, '”'), //new Replacer(/(')/, '’'), ]; var pre_replace = function (s) { for (var i in smart_quote_replacers) { var r = smart_quote_replacers[i]; s = s.replace(r.pattern, r.replace); } return s; }; var Token = function(name, content) { = name; this.content = content; this.add = function (more) { this.content += more; }; this.toString = function () { return this.content.replace(//g, '>' ); }; this.strip = function () { this.content = this.content.strip(); }; }; var tokenize = function(s){ var p = 0; var found_tokens = []; var unmatched_collection = ''; while (p < s.length) { var found_token = false; for (var ti in token_order) { var tm = token_order[ti]; var m = tm.match(s.slice(p)); if (m) { found_token = true; var content = m[1]; p += content.length; if (tm.replace) { unmatched_collection += tm.replace; break; } if (unmatched_collection) { found_tokens.push(new Token('TEXT', unmatched_collection)); } unmatched_collection = ''; if ( == 'NEW_LINE') { if (found_tokens.length && found_tokens[found_tokens.length-1].name == 'TEXT') { found_tokens[found_tokens.length-1].add(' '); } content=' '; } found_tokens.push(new Token(, content)); if (( == 'NEW_LINE' || == 'RIGHT_ANGLE') && m[2].length) { found_tokens.push(new Token('INDENT', m[2])); p += m[2].length; } break; } } if (! found_token) { // Pull one character off the string and continue looking for tokens unmatched_collection += s.slice(p, p+1); p += 1; } } if (unmatched_collection.length) { found_tokens.push(new Token('TEXT', unmatched_collection)); } return found_tokens; }; var Attributes = function (a) { for (var k in a) { this[k] = a[k]; } this.toString = function () { var s = ''; for (var k in this) { if (k != 'toString') { s += ' ' + k+'="' + this[k] + '"'; } } return s; }; }; var Node = function (name, content, attributes) { = name; this.attributes = new Attributes(attributes ? attributes : {}); this.content = content ? content : []; this.push = function (item) { return this.content.push(item); }; this.concat = function (extra) { this.content = this.content.concat(extra); }; this.node_children = function () { for (var i in this.content) { if (this.content[i] instanceof Node) { return true; } } return false; }; this.inner_content = function() { var strip = (arguments[0] && arguments[0].strip != undefined) ? arguments[0].strip : true; var content = ''; var new_content; var node; for (var i in this.content) { node = this.content[i]; if (node instanceof Node) { new_content = node.toString(); if (content.length && (content[content.length-1] == '>' || new_content[0] == '<')) { content += '\n'; } content += new_content; } else { if (content.length && content[content.length-1] == '>') { content += '\n'; } content += node.toString(); } } content = content.replace(/\n/g, '\n '); if (strip) { content = content.strip(); } return content; }; this.toString = function () { if ( == 'br' || == 'img') { //

causes double-newlines, so we do this return '<' + + this.attributes.toString() + ' />'; } else if (this.node_children()) { return '<' + + this.attributes.toString() + '>\n ' + this.inner_content() + '\n'; } else if ( == 'span') { return this.inner_content({strip:false}); } else { return '<' + + this.attributes.toString() + '>' + this.inner_content() + ''; } }; }; var URLNode = function (content, internal) { = 'a'; this.content = [content.replace(/^http:\/\//, '')]; this.attributes = new Attributes({href:content}); if (! internal) { this.attributes['class'] = 'external'; } }; URLNode.prototype = new Node(); var LinkNode = URLNode; var EmailNode = function (content) { = 'a'; this.content = [content]; this.attributes = new Attributes({href:'mailto:' + content, 'class':'external'}); }; EmailNode.prototype = new Node(); var ImageNode = function (content) { = 'img'; this.content = []; this.attributes = new Attributes({src:content}); }; ImageNode.prototype = new Node(); var YouTubeNode = function (content) { var ytid = content.match(youtube_pattern)[1]; var url = ''+ytid; = 'object'; this.attributes = new Attributes({width:425, height:350}); this.content = [ new Node('param', [], {name:'movie', value:url}), new Node('param', [], {name:'wmode', value:'transparent'}), new Node('embed', [], { type:'application/x-shockwave-flash', wmode:'transparent', src:url, width:425, height:350 }) ]; }; YouTubeNode.prototype = new Node(); var is_list_token = function (t) { return ['HASH', 'NUMBERED', 'DASH', 'ITEMSTAR', 'BULLET'].indexOf( > -1; }; var handle_url = function (t) { var anchor = t.content; if (! anchor.match(protocol_pattern)) { anchor = 'http://' + anchor; } if (url_check_domain && anchor.match(url_check_domain)) { // console.debug('\tchecking urls for this domain'); for (var i in url_white_lists) { var w = url_white_lists[i]; // console.debug('\t\tchecking against', w); if (anchor.match(w)) { // console.debug('\t\tmatches the white lists') return new LinkNode(anchor, true); } } // console.debug('\tdidn\'t match any white lists, making text'); return new Node('span', [anchor]); } else { return new LinkNode(anchor, false); } }; var parse_atomics = function (tokens) { var collect = []; while (tokens.length) { var t = tokens[0]; if ( == 'TEXT') { tokens.shift(); if (t.content.length) { collect.push(new Node('span', [t])); } } else if ( == 'URL') { collect.push(handle_url(tokens.shift())); } else if ( == 'IMAGE') { collect.push(new ImageNode(tokens.shift().content)); } else if ( == 'EMAIL') { collect.push(new EmailNode(tokens.shift().content)); } else if ( == 'YOUTUBE') { collect.push(new YouTubeNode(tokens.shift().content)); } else if ( == 'RIGHT_ANGLE' || == 'DEFINITION') { collect.push(new Node('span', [tokens.shift()])); } else if (is_list_token(t) && != 'ITEMSTAR') { collect.push(new Node('span', [tokens.shift()])); } else { break; } } return collect; }; var parse_italic = function (tokens, inner) { var t = tokens.shift(); var collect = []; while (tokens.length) { var atomics = parse_atomics(tokens); if (atomics.length) { collect = collect.concat(atomics); } else if ((! inner) && (tokens[0].name == 'STAR' || tokens[0].name == 'ITEMSTAR')) { collect = collect.concat(parse_bold(tokens, true)); } else if (tokens[0].name == 'UNDERSCORE') { tokens.shift(); if (collect.length) { return [new Node('i', collect)]; } else { return ['__']; } } else { break; } } collect.unshift(new Node('span', ['_'])); return collect; }; var parse_bold = function (tokens, inner) { var t = tokens.shift(); var collect = []; while (tokens.length) { var atomics = parse_atomics(tokens); if (atomics.length) { collect = collect.concat(atomics); } else if ((! inner) && tokens[0].name == 'UNDERSCORE') { collect = collect.concat(parse_italic(tokens, true)); } else if (tokens[0].name == 'STAR' || tokens[0].name == 'ITEMSTAR') { tokens.shift(); if (collect.length){ return [new Node('b', collect)]; } else { return ['**']; } } else { break; } } collect.unshift(new Node('span', ['*'])); return collect; }; var parse_line = function (tokens) { var collect = []; while (tokens) { var atomics = parse_atomics(tokens); if (atomics.length) { collect = collect.concat(atomics); } if (! tokens.length) { break; } else if (tokens[0].name == 'UNDERSCORE') { collect = collect.concat(parse_italic(tokens, false)); } else if (tokens[0].name == 'STAR' || tokens[0].name == 'ITEMSTAR') { collect = collect.concat(parse_bold(tokens, false)); } else { break; } } return collect; }; var parse_list = function (tokens) { var initial_indent = 0; if (tokens[0].name == 'INDENT') { initial_indent = tokens[0].content.length; tokens.shift(); } var t = tokens[0]; var l; if ( == 'HASH' || == 'NUMBERED') { l = new Node('ol'); } else if ( == 'DASH' || == 'ITEMSTAR' || == 'BULLET') { l = new Node('ul'); } while (tokens.length) { t = tokens[0]; if (is_list_token(t)) { tokens.shift(); l.push(new Node('li', parse_line(tokens))); } else if ( == 'NEW_LINE') { tokens.shift(); if (tokens.length && !is_list_token(tokens[0]) && tokens[0].name != 'INDENT') { break; } } else if ( == 'INDENT') { tokens.shift(); if (t.content.length > initial_indent) { if (tokens.length && ! is_list_token(tokens[0])) { l.content[l.content.length-1].concat(parse_line(tokens)); } } } else { break; } } return [l]; }; var parse_definition = function (tokens) { var initial_indent = 0; if (tokens[0].name == 'INDENT') { initial_indent = tokens[0].content.length; tokens.shift(); } var dl = new Node('dl'); var t; while (tokens.length) { t = tokens[0]; if ( == 'DEFINITION') { dl.push(new Node('dt', [tokens.shift()])); dl.push(new Node('dd', parse_line(tokens))); } else if ( == 'NEW_LINE') { tokens.shift(); if (tokens.length && tokens[0].name != 'DEFINITION' && tokens[0].name != 'INDENT') { break; } } else if ( == 'INDENT') { tokens.shift(); if (t.content.length > initial_indent) { if (tokens.length && tokens[0].name != 'DEFINITION') { var line = parse_line(tokens); dl.content[dl.content.length-1].concat(line); } } } else { break; } } return [dl]; }; var parse_quote = function (tokens) { var initial_indent = 0; if (tokens[0].name == 'INDENT') { initial_indent = tokens[0].content.length; tokens.shift(); } var quote = new Node('blockquote'); var new_tokens = []; var handle_quote = function (token){ // Strip a single > off of a RIGHT_ANGLE token, effectively decreasing the quoting level var new_angle = token.content.replace(/^>\s*/, '').strip(); if (new_angle.length) { new_tokens.push(new Token('RIGHT_ANGLE', new_angle)); } }; handle_quote(tokens.shift()); while (tokens.length) { if (tokens[0].name == 'NEW_LINE') { new_tokens.push(tokens.shift()); if (tokens.length && tokens[0].name == 'INDENT') { var t = tokens.shift(); if (t.length > initial_indent) { break; } } if (tokens.length) { if (tokens[0].name == 'RIGHT_ANGLE') { handle_quote(tokens.shift()); } else { break; } } } else { new_tokens.push(tokens.shift()); } } quote.concat(parse_blocks(new_tokens)); return [quote]; }; var calculate_line_length = function (line) { var length = 0; for (var i in line) { if (line[i] instanceof Node) { length += calculate_line_length(line[i].content); } else if (line[i] instanceof Token) { length += line[i].content.length; } else if (typeof(line[i]) == 'string') { length += line[i].length; } else { throw typeof(line[i]) + line[i].name; } } return length; }; var parse_paragraph = function (tokens) { var p = new Node('p'); var shorts = []; var parse_shorts = function(shorts, line) { var collect = []; if (shorts.length >= 2) { if (p.content.length) { // there was a long line before this collect.push(new Node('br')); } collect = collect.concat(shorts.shift()); while (shorts.length) { collect.push(new Node('br')); collect = collect.concat(shorts.shift()); } if (line.length) { // there is a long line after this collect.push(new Node('br')); } } else { while (shorts.length) { collect = collect.concat(shorts.shift()); } } return collect; }; while (tokens.length) { var t = tokens[0]; if ( == 'NEW_LINE' || == 'INDENT') { tokens.shift(); if (tokens.length && tokens[0].name == 'NEW_LINE') { tokens.shift(); break; } else if (tokens.length && (tokens[0].name == 'RIGHT_ANGLE' || tokens[0].name == 'DEFINITION' || is_list_token(tokens[0]))) { if ( == 'INDENT') { tokens.unshift(t); } break; } } else { var line = parse_line(tokens); if (! line.length) { break; } else if (calculate_line_length(line) < short_line_length) { shorts.push(line); } else { p.concat(parse_shorts(shorts, line)); p.concat(line); } } } p.concat(parse_shorts(shorts, [])); if (p.content.length) { return [p]; } else { return []; } }; var parse_blocks = function (tokens) { var collect = []; var t; while (tokens.length) { t = tokens[0]; if ( == 'NEW_LINE') { tokens.shift(); continue; } if ( == 'INDENT') { if (tokens.length == 1) { break; } t = tokens[1]; } if ( == 'RIGHT_ANGLE') { collect = collect.concat(parse_quote(tokens)); } else if (is_list_token(t)) { collect = collect.concat(parse_list(tokens)); } else if ( == 'DEFINITION') { collect = collect.concat(parse_definition(tokens)); } else { collect = collect.concat(parse_paragraph(tokens)); } } return collect; }; this.parse = function (s) { var finished = parse_blocks(tokenize(pre_replace(s))); var div = new Node('div'); div.concat(finished); return div; }; this.expose_internals_for_tests = function () { // This is a list of all the "private" variables that must // be "exposed" for testing, by being attached to this. this.protocol_pattern = protocol_pattern; this.domain_pattern = _domain_pattern ; this.URI_pattern = URI_pattern ; this.email_pattern = email_pattern ; this.image_pattern = image_pattern ; this.youtube_pattern = youtube_pattern ; this.pre_replace = pre_replace; this.tokenize = tokenize; }; };