vim9script if exists("g:loaded_vimbits") # g:easyjump_default_keymap = false # nmap , EasyjumpJump; # omap , EasyjumpJump; # vmap , EasyjumpJump; # highlight link FfTtSubtle NonText endif if exists("g:loaded_vimcomplete") var dictproperties = { python: { sortedDict: false }, text: { sortedDict: true }, cpp: { sortedDict: false }, } g:VimCompleteOptionsSet({ completor: { triggerWordLen: 0, shuffleEqualPriority: true, alwaysOn: true, postfixClobber: false, postfixHighlight: true, debug: false }, buffer: { enable: true, maxCount: 10, priority: 11, urlComplete: true, envComplete: true, completionMatcher: 'icase' }, dictionary: { enable: true, priority: 10, maxCount: 100, filetypes: ['python', 'text', 'cpp'], properties: dictproperties }, abbrev: { enable: true }, lsp: { enable: true, maxCount: 10, priority: 8 }, omnifunc: { enable: false, priority: 10, filetypes: ['tex', 'python'] }, vsnip: { enable: true, adaptNonKeyword: true, filetypes: ['python', 'java', 'cpp'] }, vimscript: { enable: true, priority: 10 }, tmux: { enable: false }, tag: { enable: false }, ngram: { enable: true, priority: 10, bigram: false, filetypes: ['text', 'help', 'markdown', 'txt'], filetypesComments: ['c', 'cpp', 'python', 'java', 'lua', 'vim', 'zsh', 'r'], }, }) g:VimCompleteInfoPopupOptionsSet({ borderhighlight: ['Comment'], }) endif if exists("g:loaded_vimsuggest") var VimSuggest = {} = { # enable: false, # alwayson: false, pum: false, # ctrl_np: true, # fuzzy: false, # reverse: true, } VimSuggest.cmd = { # enable: false, # alwayson: false, # ctrl_np: true, # pum: true, # fuzzy: true, # exclude: ['^\s*\d*\s*b\%[uffer]!\?\s\+'], # onspace: ['colo\%[rscheme]', 'b\%[uffer]', 'e\%[dit]', 'Scope'], # reverse: true, popupattrs: { # borderchars: ['─', '│', '─', '│', '┌', '┐', '┘', '└'], # borderhighlight: ['Normal'], # highlight: 'Normal', # border: [1, 1, 1, 1], # padding: [1, 1, 1, 1], # maxheight: 20, }, } g:VimSuggestSetOptions(VimSuggest) var pm = hlget('PmenuMatch') if !pm->empty() && pm[0]->has_key('ctermfg') exec $'hi VimSuggestMatch ctermfg={pm[0].ctermfg} ctermbg=None' endif augroup vimsuggest-qf-show autocmd! autocmd QuickFixCmdPost clist cwindow augroup END # find # g:vimsuggest_fzfindprg = 'fd --type f .' # g:vimsuggest_shell = true set shell=/bin/zsh set shellcmdflag=-c nnoremap :VSFind # nnoremap :VSGitFind nnoremap fv :VSFind ~/.vim nnoremap fz :VSFind ~/.zsh/ nnoremap fV :VSFind $VIMRUNTIME nnoremap / :VSGlobal nnoremap ; :VSInclSearch # live find # g:vimsuggest_shell = true # g:vimsuggest_findprg = 'fd --type f --glob' # g:vimsuggest_findprg = 'fd --type f' g:vimsuggest_findprg = 'find -EL $* \! \( -regex ".*\.(zwc\|swp\|git\|zsh_.*)" -prune \) -type f -name $*' nnoremap ff :VSFindL "*" nnoremap fF :VSExec fd --type f # nnoremap fF find -EL . \! \( -regex ".*\.(zwc\|swp\|git\|zsh_.*)" -prune \) -type f -name "*" # XXX: If you use 'find ~/.zsh', it shows nothing since -path matches whole path and dot dirs (including .zsh) are excluded. # nnoremap ff :VSCmd e find . \! \( -path "*/.*" -prune \) -type f -name "*" # Live grep (see notes in .zsh dir) # nnoremap g :VSExec ggrep -REIHins "" . --exclude-dir={.git,"node_*"} --exclude=".*" # NOTE: '**' automatically excludes hidden dirs and files, but it is much slower. # nnoremap g :VSExec grep -IHSins "" **/* # XXX '~' does not work with Vim # nnoremap g :VSExec grep -IHins "" . **/*\~node_modules/* # Live grep g:vimsuggest_grepprg = 'ggrep -REIHins $* --exclude-dir=.git --exclude=".*"' # g:vimsuggest_grepprg = 'rg --vimgrep --smart-case $* .' # g:vimsuggest_grepprg = 'ag --vimgrep' nnoremap g :VSGrep "" nnoremap G :VSGrep "=expand('')" nnoremap :VSBuffer nnoremap fk :VSKeymap nnoremap fr :VSRegister nnoremap fm :VSMark # :find ** -> lists directories also # None of the following can descend into directories correctly # # with zsh -c, slow # nnoremap :VSCmd e find 2>/dev/null **/*(.N) # nnoremap :VSCmd e find 2>/dev/null **/*~.git/*(.N) # nnoremap :VSCmd e find **/*(.N) # # dev null needs 'sh -c' # 10x faster than "**" solution # nnoremap :VSCmd e find . -type f -name "*" 2>/dev/null # # import autoload 'vimsuggest/extras/vscmd.vim' # vscmd.shellprefix = 'sh -c' # vscmd.shellprefix = 'zsh -o extendedglob -c' # # no /dev/null needed if you don't print error # nnoremap :VSCmd e find . -path "*/.git" -prune -o -type f -name "*" # nnoremap :VSCmd e find -E . \! \( -regex ".*\.(zwc\|swp\|git\|zsh_.*)" -prune \) -type f -name "*" # import autoload 'vimsuggest/extras/vsfind.vim' # var cmdstr = 'find -E . \! \( -regex ".*\.(zwc\|swp\|git\|zsh_.*)" -prune \) -type f -name' # def FindCompletor(context: string, line: string, cursorpos: number): list # return vsfind.Completor(context, line, cursorpos, cmdstr) # enddef # def FindAction(arg: string) # vsfind.Action('e', cmdstr, arg) # enddef # command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,FindCompletor Find FindAction() # nnoremap :Find * # command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,FindCompletor Find vsfind.DoCommand() # nnoremap :Find e "*" # command! -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,FindCompletor Find FindAction() # var grepcmd = 'grep -REIHSins --exclude="{.gitignore,.swp,.zwc,tags,./.git/*}"' # grep --color=never -REIHSins --exclude="{.{gitignore,swp,zwc},{tags,./.git/*}}" # grep --color=never -REIHSins --exclude=".gitignore" --exclude="*.swp" --exclude="*.zwc" --exclude="tags" --exclude="./.git/*" a # def GrepCompletor(context: string, line: string, cursorpos: number): list # return vsfind.Completor(context, line, cursorpos, grepcmd, 'zsh -c') # enddef # def GrepAction(arg: string) # vsfind.Action('e', grepcmd, arg) # enddef # command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,FindCompletor Find FindAction() # nnoremap fg :Grep # # command -nargs=1 Find VSCmd e find -E . \! \( -regex ".*\.(zwc\|swp\|git\|zsh_.*)" -prune \) -type f -name # nnoremap :Find "*" # # 'ls' with ** is slow # ls lists directories when file glob fails. (N) removes (.) when (.) fails. # nnoremap :VSCmd e ls -1 **/*(.N) endif # if exists("g:loaded_autosuggest") # g:AutoSuggestSetup({ # search: { # enable: true, # pum: false, # fuzzy: false, # alwayson: true, # }, # cmd: { # enable: true, # pum: true, # fuzzy: false, # exclude: ['^b$', '^e$', '^v$'], # # exclude: ['^buffer ', '^Find', '^Buffer'], # editcmdworkaround: true, # } # }) # endif if exists("g:loaded_lsp") g:LspOptionsSet({ autoHighlightDiags: true, showDiagWithVirtualText: false, # when you set this false, set showDiagOnStatusLine true highlightDiagInline: true, showDiagOnStatusLine: true, diagVirtualTextAlign: 'after', autoPopulateDiags: false, # add diags to location list automatically <- :lopen [l ]l # completionMatcher: 'fuzzy', # case/fuzzy/icase completionMatcher: 'case', # case/fuzzy/icase diagSignErrorText: '●', diagSignHintText: '●', diagSignInfoText: '●', diagSignWarningText: '●', # outlineWinSize: 30, showSignature: true, echoSignature: false, # vsnipSupport: false, ignoreMissingServer: true, # autoComplete: false, # when false, it sets omnifunc (use ) }) if executable('clangd') g:LspAddServer([{ name: 'clangd', filetype: ['c', 'cpp'], path: 'clangd', args: ['--background-index'] }]) endif if executable('pylsp') # see ~/.config/pycodestyle g:LspAddServer([{ name: 'pylsp', filetype: ['python'], path: exepath('pylsp'), # debug: true, }]) endif if executable('typescript-language-server') g:LspAddServer([{ name: 'typescript-language-server', filetype: ['javascript', 'typescript'], path: 'typescript-language-server', args: ['--stdio'], rootSearch: ['tsconfig.json', 'package.json', 'jsconfig.json', '.git'], }]) endif # if executable('gopls') # g:LspAddServer([{ # name: 'gopls', # filetype: 'go', # path: 'gopls', # args: ['serve'] # }]) # endif if executable('jdtls') g:LspAddServer([{ # Note: # - use to place implementation skeleton of method ('t' you get toString() in jdtls) # - invoke code action to organize imports name: 'jdtls', filetype: ['java'], path: exepath('jdtls'), args: [ "-configuration", expand("$HOME") .. "/.cache/jdtls", "-data", expand("$HOME") .. "/.local/share/me/eclipse", ], # initializationOptions: { settings: { java: { contentProvider: { preferred: "fernflower" }, completion: { # exclude the following from completion suggestions filteredTypes: [ "com.sun.*", "java.awt.*", "jdk.*", \ "org.graalvm.*", "sun.*", "javax.awt.*", \ "javax.swing.*" ], }, }, }, }, }]) endif def LSPUserSetup() nnoremap [e :LspDiagPrev| # think as 'error' message nnoremap ]e :LspDiagNext if &background == 'dark' highlight LspDiagVirtualTextError ctermbg=none ctermfg=1 highlight LspDiagVirtualTextWarning ctermbg=none ctermfg=3 highlight LspDiagVirtualTextHint ctermbg=none ctermfg=2 highlight LspDiagVirtualTextInfo ctermbg=none ctermfg=5 endif highlight link LspDiagSignErrorText LspDiagVirtualTextError highlight link LspDiagSignWarningText LspDiagVirtualTextWarning highlight link LspDiagSignHintText LspDiagVirtualTextHint highlight link LspDiagSignInfoText LspDiagVirtualTextInfo highlight LspDiagInlineWarning ctermfg=none highlight LspDiagInlineHint ctermfg=none highlight LspDiagInlineInfo ctermfg=none highlight LspDiagInlineError ctermfg=none cterm=undercurl highlight LspDiagVirtualText ctermfg=1 highlight LspDiagLine ctermbg=none enddef autocmd User LspAttached LSPUserSetup() endif if exists("g:loaded_swap") g:swap_no_default_key_mappings = 1 nmap g< (swap-prev) nmap g> (swap-next) endif if exists("g:loaded_gitgutter") g:gitgutter_map_keys = 0 nmap ]h (GitGutterNextHunk) nmap [h (GitGutterPrevHunk) hi GitGutterAdd ctermfg=5 | hi GitGutterChange ctermfg=5 | hi GitGutterDelete ctermfg=5 # Disable these problematic autocmds, otherwise :vimgrep gives error when opening quickfix if exists("#gitgutter") autocmd! gitgutter QuickFixCmdPre *vimgrep* autocmd! gitgutter QuickFixCmdPost *vimgrep* endif endif if exists("g:loaded_commentary") augroup MyVimCommentary | autocmd! autocmd FileType c,cpp { setlocal commentstring=//\ %s # command! CommentBlock setlocal commentstring=/*%s*/ # command! CommentLines setlocal commentstring=//\ %s } augroup END endif if exists("g:loaded_bufline") if &background == 'dark' # - `User1`: Active buffer # - `User2`: Alternate buffer # - `User3`: Other buffers # - `User4`: Emphasis characters if specified (see Options) # highlight user1 ctermfg=252 cterm=underline,bold # highlight user2 ctermfg=252 cterm=bold,italic # highlight user3 ctermfg=252 cterm=none # highlight user4 ctermfg=252 cterm=bold # g:BuflineSetup({ highlight: true, showbufnr: false, emphasize: '' }) else # keep defaults endif g:BuflineSetup({ highlight: false, showbufnr: false, emphasize: '<%#' }) endif # another way # if exists('g:loaded_devdocs') # import autoload 'devdocs/install.vim' # import autoload 'devdocs/uninstall.vim' # import autoload 'devdocs/find.vim' # nnoremap I install.Install() # nnoremap U uninstall.Uninstall() # nnoremap h find.Find() # hi link DevdocCode CursorLine # endif if exists('g:loaded_devdocs') nnoremap vv DevdocsFind # nnoremap I DevdocsInstall # nnoremap U DevdocsUninstall # hi link DevdocCode CursorLine # g:DevdocsPopupOptionsSet({borderhighlight: ['Comment']}) import autoload 'devdocs/popup.vim' as dp dp.OptionsSet({borderhighlight: ['Comment']}) endif if exists('g:loaded_scope') import autoload 'scope/popup.vim' as sp import autoload 'scope/fuzzy.vim' import autoload 'scope/util.vim' sp.OptionsSet({ borderhighlight: ['Comment'], # maxheight: 20, # maxwidth: 80, # emacsKeys: true, }) fuzzy.OptionsSet({ grep_highlight_ignore_case: false, grep_echo_cmd: true, find_echo_cmd: true, }) nnoremap fuzzy.File() def FindGit() var gitdir = system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null")->trim() if v:shell_error != 0 || gitdir == getcwd() gitdir = '.' endif fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd(gitdir)) enddef nnoremap ff FindGit() # nnoremap ff fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd($'{system("git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null \|\| true")->trim()}')) # note: sets the context of execution to the fuzzy.vim script, so 'findcmd' var is not visible, as in: # var findcmd = 'fd -tf -L . /Users/gp/.vim' command -nargs=1 -complete=dir ScopeFile fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd()) # command -nargs=1 -complete=dir ScopeFile fuzzy.File($'fd -tf --follow . {}') nnoremap fF :ScopeFile nnoremap fv fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd($'{$HOME}/.vim')) nnoremap fV fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd($VIMRUNTIME)) nnoremap fh fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd($'{$HOME}/help')) nnoremap fz fuzzy.File(fuzzy.FindCmd($'{$HOME}/.zsh')) command -nargs=1 -complete=dir ScopeGrepDir fuzzy.Grep(null_string, true, null_string, ) # command -nargs=1 -complete=dir ScopeGrepDir fuzzy.Grep('rg --vimgrep', true, null_string, ) nnoremap fg :ScopeGrepDir nnoremap g fuzzy.Grep() # case sensitive grep nnoremap fG fuzzy.Grep(fuzzy.GrepCmd('-RESIHns')) # cword nnoremap G fuzzy.Grep(null_string, true, '') # for testing # nnoremap g fuzzy.Grep('rg --vimgrep --no-heading --smart-case') # nnoremap g fuzzy.Grep('ag --vimgrep') nnoremap fuzzy.Buffer() nnoremap fb fuzzy.Buffer(true) nnoremap f/ fuzzy.BufSearch() nnoremap fH fuzzy.Highlight() nnoremap fk fuzzy.Keymap() nnoremap fm fuzzy.Mark() nnoremap fr fuzzy.Register() nnoremap fw fuzzy.Window() nnoremap fQ fuzzy.QuickfixHistory() nnoremap fq fuzzy.Quickfix() if exists(":LspDocumentSymbol") == 2 nnoremap / fuzzy.LspDocumentSymbol() endif endif