GenouestBioinfoBundle ===================== This bundle contains some useful utils to manipulate bioinformatics data (fasta sequences for example). How does it work? ----------------- This bundle contains some validator constraints for fasta sequences. It also add some useful twig extensions. Installation ------------ Checkout a copy of the bundle code: .. code-block:: bash $ git submodule add vendor/bundles/Genouest/Bundle/BioinfoBundle Then register the bundle with your kernel: .. code-block:: php // in AppKernel::registerBundles() $bundles = array( // ... new Genouest\Bundle\BioinfoBundle\GenouestBioinfoBundle(), // ... ); Make sure that you also register the namespaces with the autoloader: .. code-block:: php // app/autoload.php $loader->registerNamespaces(array( // ... 'Genouest\\Bundle' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles', // ... )); Configuration ------------- No specific configuration is needed for this bundle. Customization ------------- Fasta validation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This bundle comes with specific Constraints to validate fasta sequences in a form. You can use them like this: .. code-block:: php /** * @Genouest\Bundle\BioinfoBundle\Constraints\Fasta(seqType = "PROT_OR_ADN") */ public $pastedSeq; // To validate a fasta sequence pasted in a textarea /** * @Genouest\Bundle\BioinfoBundle\Constraints\FastaFile(maxSize = "104857600", seqType = "PROT_OR_ADN") */ public $fileSeq; // To validate a fasta file uploaded In this example, PROT_OR_ADN can be replaced by ADN, PROT or PROSITE depending on the type of sequence you want to validate. The Genouest\Bundle\BioinfoBundle\Constraints\FastaFileValidator extends Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\FileValidator, so you can use the same validation options with it (maxSize in this example). Twig extensions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following filters are available with this bundle: .. code-block:: text yourStr|split(',') will split your string with the ',' delimiter yourStr|truncate(6, '...') will truncate your string at the 6th character and add the '...' suffix yourStr|startsWith('foo') returns true if yourStr starts with 'foo' yourStr|endsWith('bar') returns true if yourStr ends with 'bar'