#' @name loader (DEPRICATED) #' @title Loads a single object into memory #' @author Gene Leynes #' #' @param x filename #' @param xPath filepath #' #' @description #' This was before I knew about readRDS. #' #' @details #' Use readRDS instead #' #' @seealso #' \code{\link{saver}}, #' \code{\link[base]{readRDS.}} #' #' #' #' loader <- function(x, xPath='.'){ ## Check if x already has ".RData" at the end if(length(grep('\\.[Rr][Dd]ata$', x))==0){ x=paste(x,'.RData',sep='') } ## Check if x already has ".RData" at the end xWithPath=file.path(xPath, x) rm(xPath) if(as.name(x)=='x') { load(xWithPath) rm(xWithPath) return(x) }else{ load(xWithPath) rm(x,xWithPath) NewVar=ls()[1] return(eval(substitute(variable, list(variable = as.name(NewVar)) ))) } # load(paste('Data/',x,'.RData',sep=''),env=,.GlobalEnv) }