Rebol [ System: "REBOL [R3] Language Interpreter and Run-time Environment" title: "R3 SL4A" file: %prot-sl4a.r3 author: ["Graham" ] name: 'sl4a type: 'module version: 0.0.2 Date: [ 14-Mar-2013 16-Mar-2013 ] Purpose: "R3 send and receive from Scripting Layer 4 Android" Note: "" Description: { A synchronous protocol to send and receive messages from the SL4A server Needs JSON utils loaded first if not value? 'load-json [ do ] p: open sl4a://localhost result: write p [ makeToast "hello, world" ] >> ?? result result: make object! [ error: none id: 1 result: none ] these are all valid blocks, order is not important [ makeToast "hello, world" ] [ 2 makeToast ["hello, world" ]] [ dialogCreateAlert [{"title", "message"}] 3] [ dialogShow ] [ [ dialogCreateAlert ["title" "message" ] 3] [ dialogShow 4]] } History: { 0.0.1 first version 0.0.2 use a dialected block as the parameter for 'write } ] make-sl4a-error: func [ message ][ do make error! [ type: 'Access id: 'Protocol arg1: message ] ] ; if params is absent, then it's an empty JSON array ; if params is a string!, then it's a single element in a JSON array ; if params is a block!, then it needs to be converted to a JSON array parse-request: funct/with [ data [block!] /local params method id template ][ params: method: id: none parse data [ some [ set params block! | set params string! | set method word! | set id integer! ] ] template: copy {{"method":"$method","params":$params,"id":$id}} id: either none? id [ ++ cnt ][ cnt: id id ] params: switch type?/word params [ string! [ mold append copy [] params ] block! [ to-json copy params ] none! [ mold [] ] ][ mold []] reword template reduce [ 'method method 'params params 'id id ] ][ cnt: 1 ] ; android-request: {{"params": ["Hello, Android!"], "id":1, "method": "makeToast"}} sl4a-awake: func [event /local port] [ print ["=== Client event:" event/type] port: event/port switch/default event/type [ error [ print "error event received" return true ] lookup [ print "DNS lookup for Android, so opening port" open port print "port opened" port/spec/state: 'ready ] connect [ print "connected " ] read [ print "reading port" ; print ["^\read:" length? port/data] port/spec/json: load-json to string! port/data return true ] wrote [ print "written, so read port" read port ] close [ print "closed on us!" return true ] ][ true ] false ] sync-write: func [ port [port!] body /local state ][ unless port/state [ open port port/state/close?: yes ] state: port/state state/connection/awake: :sl4a-awake lib/write port/state/connection to binary! join body newline unless port? wait [ state/connection port/spec/timeout ] [ make-sl4a-error "SL4A timeout" ] true ] sys/make-scheme [ name: 'sl4a title: "SL4A Protocol" spec: make system/standard/port-spec-net [port-id: 4321 timeout: 60 ] actor: [ open: func [ port [port!] /local conn ] [ if port/state [return port] if none? port/spec/host [make-sl4a-error "Missing host address"] port/state: context [ connection: error: none awake: none close?: no json: none ] port/state/connection: conn: make port! [ scheme: 'tcp host: port/spec/host port-id: port/spec/port-id timeout: port/spec/timeout ref: rejoin [tcp:// host ":" port-id] json: none state: 'init ] conn/awake: :sl4a-awake open conn port ] open?: func [port [port!]][ all [ port/state ] ] close: func [ port [port!]] [ if open? port [ close port/state/connection ] ] write: func [ port [port!] obj [block!] /local result ][ if port/state/connection/spec/state = 'init [ wait [ port 2 ] ] either all [ block? obj/1 block? obj/2 ][ result: copy [] foreach cmd obj [ sync-write port parse-request cmd append result port/state/connection/spec/json ] result ][ sync-write port parse-request obj port/state/connection/spec/json ] ] ] ]