import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** *

Utility class to generate code from templates using configuration specified in scaffolding.json


Use this to rapidly create all the supporting code specific to your project for a particular purpose.


Examples of use are:

* *

There is no mandated scaffold template - you can use anything you like. It just has to have placeholders defined using * the Handlebars notation with no spaces (e.g. {{package}}) listed below:

* *

As of version 1.6.0+ you can add your own token map containing key-value pairs. This allows external applications to configure * Scaffolding to perform token replacement for almost complete customisation of the output. These will be overwritten by the standard * placeholders above (case-sensitive) so the recommendation is to use all capitals and underscores.


How to install


Just copy this source code into your project under src/test/java. You might want to copy in scaffolding.json * as well.


Quickly generate templates from existing code


Scaffolding is specific to your application so you can read existing examples and turn them into * templates. After a bit of editing they will be suitable for use in your application (and others based on it). To get Scaffolding * to read your existing code you need to provide a scaffolding.js configuration like this:

 * {
 *   "profile": "example-microservice",
 *   "input_directory": "source/example-project",
 *   "output_directory": "target/generated-service",
 *   "template_location": "src/test/resources/scaffolding",
 *   "base_package": "org.example.service",
 *   "read": true,
 *   "only_with_entity_directives": false,
 *   "entities": ["MyEntity"],
 *   "user_token_map": {"PORT": "1000"}
 * }

All code from input_directory base_package and below will be recursively examined and templates built. These will be * stored in a directory structure under src/test/resources/scaffolding (from template_location). * You can then delete any that are not useful and edit those that remain to meet your requirements. Usually there will * be little to no editing required.


Generate code from templates


Once you have your templates in place, you can use them to generate new code. This is again driven by the scaffolding.json * files. You switch away from read and provide a list of new entities that you would like created:

 * {
 *   "profile": "example-microservice",
 *   "input_directory": "source/example-project",
 *   "output_directory": "target/generated-service",
 *   "template_location": "classpath:/scaffolding",
 *   "base_package": "org.example.service",
 *   "read": false,
 *   "only_with_entity_directives": false,
 *   "entities": ["Role", "DataSource"],
 *   "user_token_map": {"PORT": "1000"}
 * }

Using the above, the generic templates built from the MyEntity will be used to produce the * equivalent forRole and DataSource. If you have been careful with what is included in * User then the produced code will act as good launch point for the new entities.

* *

Note that template_location has been adjusted to show support for reading templates off a classpath * location. Also the PORT entry replaces the first 4 digits in the actual port which allows a group of ports * to be specified such as HTTP on 10000 and Admin HTTP on 10001 and so on.

* * @author Gary Rowe ( * @since 1.9.0 */ public class Scaffolding { // File filters private static final String[] IGNORE_FILE_REGEXES = new String[]{ "scaffolding.json$", ".*\\.classpath$", ".*\\.project$", ".*\\.wtpmodules$", ".*\\.iml$", ".*\\.iws$", ".*nb.*\\.xml$", ".*\\.DS_Store$", ".*\\.xdoclet$" }; private static final Pattern[] ignoreFilePatterns = new Pattern[IGNORE_FILE_REGEXES.length]; // Directives private static final String BASE_PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE = "{{package}}"; private static final String BASE_PACKAGE_PATH_DIRECTIVE = "{{package-path}}"; private static final String ENTITY_CLASS_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-class}}"; private static final String ENTITY_TITLE_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-title}}"; private static final String ENTITY_VARIABLE_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-variable}}"; private static final String ENTITY_HYPHEN_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-hyphen}}"; private static final String ENTITY_COMMENT_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-comment}}"; private static final String ENTITY_SNAKE_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-snake}}"; private static final String ENTITY_SNAKE_UPPER_DIRECTIVE = "{{entity-snake-upper}}"; private static final String DIRECTIVE_REGEX = "\\{\\{entity.\\S+\\}\\}"; private static final Pattern ENTITY_DIRECTIVE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(DIRECTIVE_REGEX); static { // Pre-compile the "ignore file" patterns for (int i = 0; i < IGNORE_FILE_REGEXES.length; i++) { ignoreFilePatterns[i] = Pattern.compile(IGNORE_FILE_REGEXES[i]); } } private final ScaffoldingConfiguration sc; /** * @param sc The scaffolding configuration */ public Scaffolding(ScaffoldingConfiguration sc) { = sc; } /** * Main entry point to the scaffolding operations if running from an IDE * * @param args [0]: path to scaffolding.json * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args == null || args.length != 1) { args = new String[]{"scaffolding.json"}; } InputStream is = new FileInputStream(args[0]); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ScaffoldingConfiguration sc = mapper.readValue(is, ScaffoldingConfiguration.class); new Scaffolding(sc).run(); } /** * Executes the process * * @throws If something goes wrong */ public void run() throws IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(sc); if (sc.isRead()) { handleRead(); } else { handleWrite(); } } /** *

Converts camel case to snake case as follows:

* *

Adapted from Stack Overflow answer

* * @param camelCase The camel case (with arbitrary initial capitalisation) * * @return A snake case version in lowercase */ public static String toSnakeCase(String camelCase) { return camelCase.replaceAll( String.format("%s|%s|%s", "(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])", "(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z])", "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])" ), "_" ).toLowerCase(); } /** *

Converts camel case to document lowercase as follows:

* *

Adapted from Stack Overflow answer

* * @param camelCase The camel case (with arbitrary initial capitalisation) * * @return A document version in lowercase (useful for describing entities in Javadocs) */ public static String toComment(String camelCase) { return camelCase.replaceAll( String.format("%s|%s|%s", "(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])", "(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z])", "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])" ), " " ).toLowerCase(); } /** *

Converts camel case to hyphenated lowercase as follows:

* *

Adapted from Stack Overflow answer

* * @param camelCase The camel case (with arbitrary initial capitalisation) * * @return A hyphen version in lowercase (useful for describing entities in RESTful endpoints) */ public static String toHyphen(String camelCase) { return camelCase.replaceAll( String.format("%s|%s|%s", "(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])", "(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z])", "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])" ), "-" ).toLowerCase(); } /** *

Converts camel case to title case with spaces as follows:

* *

Adapted from Stack Overflow answer

* * @param camelCase The camel case (with arbitrary initial capitalisation) * * @return A document version in title case (useful for describing entities in titles) */ public static String toTitle(String camelCase) { String spaced = camelCase.replaceAll( String.format("%s|%s|%s", "(?<=[A-Z])(?=[A-Z][a-z])", "(?<=[^A-Z])(?=[A-Z])", "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[^A-Za-z])" ), " " ); return spaced.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + spaced.substring(1); } /** * Execute in write mode * * @throws IOException If something goes wrong */ private void handleWrite() throws IOException { System.out.println("Writing new code from templates"); // Build URIs for all templates within the project Set projectUris = Sets.newHashSet(); if (sc.getTemplateLocation().startsWith("classpath:")) { // Use classpath filtering filterClasspath(projectUris); } else { recurseFiles(sc.getTemplateLocation() + "/"+ sc.getProfilePath(), projectUris); } sc.setProjectUris(projectUris); System.out.println("Extracted templates: " + projectUris.size()); writeTemplates(sc); } /** * Execute in read mode * * @throws IOException If something goes wrong */ private void handleRead() throws IOException { System.out.println("Reading existing project and extracting templates"); // Build URIs for all files within the project Set projectUris = Sets.newHashSet(); recurseFiles(sc.getInputDirectory(), projectUris); sc.setProjectUris(projectUris); // Add root level files File[] files = new File(sc.getInputDirectory()).listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { continue; } String fileName = file.getName(); // Handle common exclusions boolean ignore = false; for (Pattern pattern : ignoreFilePatterns) { if (pattern.matcher(fileName).matches()) { // It's on the ignore list ignore = true; } } if (!ignore) { projectUris.add(file.toURI()); } else { System.err.println("Ignoring '" + fileName + "'"); } } } readTemplates(sc); } /** * Scans the existing project and builds templates from the code * * @param sc The configuration * * @throws If something goes wrong */ private void readTemplates(ScaffoldingConfiguration sc) throws IOException { Set entities = sc.getEntities(); String basePackage = sc.getBasePackage(); // Form a set of all classes in the classpath starting at the base package String workDir = (new File(sc.getInputDirectory())).toURI().toString(); for (URI uri : sc.getProjectUris()) { // Avoid URL encoding when writing templates String projectPath = URLDecoder.decode(uri.toString(), "UTF-8").replace(workDir, ""); // Read the source file String sourceCode = Resources.toString(uri.toURL(), Charset.defaultCharset()); // Multiple entities may lead to overlapping templates // but some project structures can cater for this for (String entity : entities) { // Work out the template target String templateTarget = sc.getTemplateLocation() + "/" + sc.getProfilePath() + projectPath + ".hbs"; // Introduce the base package directive String content = sourceCode.replace(basePackage, BASE_PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE); // Build the patterns to recognise the entities String entityVariable = entity.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + entity.substring(1); // Java case String entityTitle = toTitle(entity); String entitySnake = toSnakeCase(entity); String entityComment = toComment(entity); String entityHyphen = toHyphen(entity); // Check for entity content content = content .replace(entity, ENTITY_CLASS_DIRECTIVE) // Detect title case (e.g. in README) .replace(entityTitle, ENTITY_TITLE_DIRECTIVE) // Detect variable case (e.g. in methods) .replace(entityVariable, ENTITY_VARIABLE_DIRECTIVE) // Detect comment (e.g. in Javadocs) .replace(entityComment, ENTITY_COMMENT_DIRECTIVE) // Detect ADMIN_USER .replace(entitySnake.toUpperCase(), ENTITY_SNAKE_UPPER_DIRECTIVE) // Detect admin_user and "admin_user" .replace(entitySnake, ENTITY_SNAKE_DIRECTIVE) // Detect admin-user .replace(entityHyphen, ENTITY_HYPHEN_DIRECTIVE) ; // Check for user template entries for (Map.Entry entry : sc.getUserTokenMap().entrySet()) { // Find the value and replace with the key as a directive (e.g. "{{PORT}}") content = content.replace(entry.getValue(), "{{"+entry.getKey()+"}}"); } templateTarget = templateTarget .replace(entity, ENTITY_CLASS_DIRECTIVE) .replace(entityTitle, ENTITY_TITLE_DIRECTIVE) .replace(entityVariable, ENTITY_VARIABLE_DIRECTIVE) .replace(entitySnake.toUpperCase(), ENTITY_SNAKE_UPPER_DIRECTIVE) .replace(entitySnake, ENTITY_SNAKE_DIRECTIVE) .replace(entityHyphen, ENTITY_HYPHEN_DIRECTIVE) ; // Check if path or content must contain directives if (sc.isOnlyWithEntityDirectives() && !containsEntityDirectives(projectPath, content)) { // Ignore System.err.println("Ignoring '" + projectPath + "' due to directive restriction."); continue; } // Write the content writeResult(content, templateTarget); } } } /** * @param path The path * @param content The content * * @return True if either the path or content contain entity directives */ private boolean containsEntityDirectives(String path, String content) { return ENTITY_DIRECTIVE_PATTERN.matcher(path).find() || ENTITY_DIRECTIVE_PATTERN.matcher(content).find(); } /** *

Recursive method

* * @param directory The starting directory * @param projectUris The set of URIs for all the templates * * @throws If something goes wrong */ private void recurseFiles(String directory, Set projectUris) throws IOException { File[] files = new File(directory).listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { recurseFiles(file.getAbsolutePath(), projectUris); continue; } if (file.getName().matches("^(.*?)")) { projectUris.add(file.toURI()); } } } } /** * @param projectUris The set of URIs for all the templates * * @throws If something goes wrong */ private void filterClasspath(Set projectUris) throws IOException { ClassPath classPath = ClassPath.from(Scaffolding.class.getClassLoader()); ImmutableSet resources = classPath.getResources(); String profilePath = sc.getProfilePath(); for (ClassPath.ResourceInfo resourceInfo : resources) { // Fully qualified resource name String resourceName = resourceInfo.getResourceName(); if (resourceName.endsWith(".hbs") && resourceName.contains(profilePath)) { projectUris.add(URI.create(resourceInfo.url().toString())); } } } /** * @return A Map keyed on the target name (relative to working directory) and containing the template with directives * * @throws If something goes wrong */ private Map buildTemplateMap(ScaffoldingConfiguration sc) throws IOException { // Provide a map for target and template Map templateMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // Work out the URI path prefix which can be stripped to // make the project path relative String pathPrefix; if (sc.getTemplateLocation().startsWith("classpath:")) { // Templates are from classpath String rawUri = sc.getProjectUris().iterator().next().toString(); pathPrefix = rawUri.substring(0, rawUri.indexOf(".jar!")+5); } else { // Templates are from file system // Current working directory String workDir = (new File("")).toURI().getPath(); pathPrefix = workDir + sc.getTemplateLocation() + "/" + sc.getProfilePath(); } // Work through all project URIs for (URI uri : sc.getProjectUris()) { // Determine the project path String rawUri = uri.toString(); // Filter out any non-scaffolding resources (the project URI gathering process should have done this) if (rawUri.endsWith(".hbs")) { // Target is the relative path to the current working directory String target = URLDecoder.decode(rawUri,, ""); if (target.startsWith("file:")) { target=target.substring(5); } String template = Resources.toString(uri.toURL(), Charsets.UTF_8); templateMap.put(target, template); } } return templateMap; } /** * Handles the process of writing out the templates * * @param sc The configuration * * @throws If something goes wrong */ private void writeTemplates(ScaffoldingConfiguration sc) throws IOException { Set entities = sc.getEntities(); String basePackage = sc.getBasePackage(); String outputDirectory = sc.getOutputDirectory(); // Read all the templates Map templateMap = buildTemplateMap(sc); // Work through the entities applying the templates for (String entity : entities) { String entityVariable = entity.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + entity.substring(1); String entityTitle = toTitle(entity); String entitySnake = toSnakeCase(entity); String entityHyphen = toHyphen(entity); String entityComment = toComment(entity); // Create directive map for replacements Map directiveMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // Add user tokens as directives (will be overwritten by standard ones) for (Map.Entry entry : sc.getUserTokenMap().entrySet()) { directiveMap.put("{{"+entry.getKey()+"}}", entry.getValue()); } // Add standard directives directiveMap.put(BASE_PACKAGE_DIRECTIVE, basePackage); directiveMap.put(BASE_PACKAGE_PATH_DIRECTIVE, sc.getBasePath()); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_CLASS_DIRECTIVE, entity); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_TITLE_DIRECTIVE, entityTitle); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_VARIABLE_DIRECTIVE, entityVariable); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_HYPHEN_DIRECTIVE, entityHyphen); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_COMMENT_DIRECTIVE, entityComment); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_SNAKE_UPPER_DIRECTIVE, entitySnake.toUpperCase()); directiveMap.put(ENTITY_SNAKE_DIRECTIVE, entitySnake); for (Map.Entry templateEntry : templateMap.entrySet()) { String content = templateEntry.getValue(); // Transform the target String target = templateEntry.getKey(); // Strip off the .hbs target = target.substring(0, target.length() - 4); // Check if path or content must contain directives if (sc.isOnlyWithEntityDirectives() && !containsEntityDirectives(target, content)) { // Ignore System.err.println("Ignoring '" + target + "' due to directive restriction."); continue; } // Cache the profile path String profilePath = sc.getProfilePath(); System.out.println("profilePath:" + profilePath); // Transform target and content using directives for (Map.Entry directiveEntry : directiveMap.entrySet()) { target = target.replace(directiveEntry.getKey(), directiveEntry.getValue()); if (target.contains(profilePath)) { // Strip off unwanted paths (possibly running in an IDE) target = target.substring(target.indexOf(profilePath) + profilePath.length()); } content = content.replace(directiveEntry.getKey(), directiveEntry.getValue()); } // Write out the result writeResult(content, outputDirectory + "/" + target); } } } /** * @param content The content * @param fileName The file name * * @throws If something goes wrong */ private void writeResult(String content, String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(fileName); if (file.exists()) { System.err.println("Skipping '" + fileName + "' to prevent an overwrite."); return; } System.out.println("Writing: '" + fileName + "'"); Files.createParentDirs(file); // Have a good target OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(file), Charsets.UTF_8 ); writer.write(content); writer.close(); } /** *

Configuration to use when reading or writing the templates.

*/ public static class ScaffoldingConfiguration { @JsonProperty("profile") private String profile = ""; @JsonProperty("input_directory") private String inputDirectory = "."; @JsonProperty("output_directory") private String outputDirectory = "."; @JsonProperty("template_location") private String templateLocation = "src/test/resources"; @JsonProperty("base_package") private String basePackage = "org.example"; @JsonProperty private boolean read = false; @JsonProperty("only_with_entity_directives") private boolean onlyWithEntityDirectives = false; @JsonProperty private Set entities = Sets.newHashSet(); @JsonIgnore private Set projectUris = Sets.newHashSet(); @JsonProperty("user_token_map") private Map userTokenMap = Maps.newHashMap(); public ScaffoldingConfiguration() { } /** * A profile name is appended as "src/test/resources/scaffolding"+profile to manage * collections of scaffolding templates targeting different variations * * For example, a profile of "dw-0.6.1-mongodb" could be used to indicate that these * template would create a Dropwizard v0.6.1 microservice containing suitable data access code * for MongoDB * * @return The name of the profile (e.g. "dw-0.6.1-mongodb") */ public String getProfile() { return profile; } public void setProfile(String profile) { this.profile = profile; } /** * @return The name of the profile with path separator appended (if not empty) */ public String getProfilePath() { if (profile == null || profile.length() == 0) { return ""; } if (!profile.endsWith("/")) { return profile + "/"; } return profile; } /** * @return The input directory when reading (e.g. ".", "/temp/source/example-project") */ public String getInputDirectory() { return inputDirectory; } public void setInputDirectory(String inputDirectory) { this.inputDirectory = inputDirectory; } /** * @return The output directory when writing (e.g. ".", "target/generated-sources") */ public String getOutputDirectory() { return outputDirectory; } public void setOutputDirectory(String outputDirectory) { this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory; } /** * The input path allows a variety of operating modes. The default is to read a standard Maven test resources * directory structure recursively. However, prefixing "classpath:" will cause Scaffolding to read from its * classpath instead. * * Any selected profile will be appended to this path * * @return The template location when reading (e.g. "src/test/resources/scaffolding", "classpath:/templates/scaffolding") */ public String getTemplateLocation() { return templateLocation; } public void setTemplateLocation(String templateLocation) { this.templateLocation = templateLocation; } /** * @return The base package to read from/write to */ public String getBasePackage() { return basePackage; } public void setBasePackage(String basePackage) { this.basePackage = basePackage; } /** * @return True if Scaffolding should scan the project looking for templates */ public boolean isRead() { return read; } public void setRead(boolean read) { = read; } /** * @return True if Scaffolding should only store/use templates that contain entity directives in path or content */ public boolean isOnlyWithEntityDirectives() { return onlyWithEntityDirectives; } public void setOnlyWithEntityDirectives(boolean onlyWithEntityDirectives) { this.onlyWithEntityDirectives = onlyWithEntityDirectives; } public Set getEntities() { return entities; } public void setEntities(Set entities) { this.entities = entities; } /** * @return The base package in path format */ @JsonIgnore public String getBasePath() { return basePackage.replace(".", "/"); } public void setProjectUris(Set projectUris) { this.projectUris = projectUris; } /** * @return The URIs for all discovered project content */ public Set getProjectUris() { return projectUris; } public void setUserTokenMap(Map userTokenMap) { this.userTokenMap = userTokenMap; } /** * @return The user's token map with key-value pairs for additional replacement */ public Map getUserTokenMap() { return userTokenMap; } } }