* Tagedit - jQuery Plugin
* The Plugin can be used to edit tags from a database the easy way
* Examples and documentation at: tagedit.webwork-albrecht.de
* Copyright (c) 2010 Oliver Albrecht info@webwork-albrecht.de
* License:
* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* @author Oliver Albrecht Mial: info@webwork-albrecht.de Twitter: @webworka
* @version 1.2.0 (06/2011)
* Requires: jQuery v1.4+, jQueryUI v1.8+, jQuerry.autoGrowInput
* Example of usage:
* $( "input.tag" ).tagedit();
* Possible options:
* autocompleteURL: '', // url for a autocompletion
* deleteEmptyItems: true, // Deletes items with empty value
* deletedPostfix: '-d', // will be put to the Items that are marked as delete
* addedPostfix: '-a', // will be put to the Items that are choosem from the database
* additionalListClass: '', // put a classname here if the wrapper ul shoud receive a special class
* allowEdit: true, // Switch on/off edit entries
* allowDelete: true, // Switch on/off deletion of entries. Will be ignored if allowEdit = false
* allowAdd: true, // switch on/off the creation of new entries
* direction: 'ltr' // Sets the writing direction for Outputs and Inputs
* animSpeed: 500 // Sets the animation speed for effects
* autocompleteOptions: {}, // Setting Options for the jquery UI Autocomplete (http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/)
* breakKeyCodes: [ 13, 44 ], // Sets the characters to break on to parse the tags (defaults: return, comma)
* parseValues: function (values) { // Allows for a custom parsing function to split the input value into multiple tags (e.g. pasting in list of emails)
* return [{ "id": '', "label": values, "value": values }];
* },
* checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive: false, // If there is a new Entry, it is checked against the autocompletion list. This Flag controlls if the check is (in-)casesensitive
* texts: { // some texts
* removeLinkTitle: 'Remove from list.',
* saveEditLinkTitle: 'Save changes.',
* deleteLinkTitle: 'Delete this tag from database.',
* deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure to delete this entry?',
* deletedElementTitle: 'This Element will be deleted.',
* breakEditLinkTitle: 'Cancel'
* }
(function($) {
$.fn.tagedit = function(options) {
* Merge Options with defaults
options = $.extend(true, {
// default options here
autocompleteURL: null,
deletedPostfix: '-d',
addedPostfix: '-a',
additionalListClass: '',
allowEdit: true,
allowDelete: true,
allowAdd: true,
direction: 'ltr',
animSpeed: 500,
autocompleteOptions: {
select: function( event, ui ) {
$(this).val(ui.item.value).trigger('transformToTag', [ui.item.id]);
return false;
breakKeyCodes: [ 13, 44 ],
parseValues: function (values) {
return [{ "id": '', "label": values, "value": values }];
checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive: false,
texts: {
removeLinkTitle: 'Remove from list.',
saveEditLinkTitle: 'Save changes.',
deleteLinkTitle: 'Delete this tag from database.',
deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure to delete this entry?',
deletedElementTitle: 'This Element will be deleted.',
breakEditLinkTitle: 'Cancel'
}, options || {});
// no action if there are no elements
if(this.length == 0) {
// set the autocompleteOptions source
if(options.autocompleteURL) {
options.autocompleteOptions.source = options.autocompleteURL;
// Set the direction of the inputs
var direction= this.attr('dir');
if(direction && direction.length > 0) {
options.direction = this.attr('dir');
var elements = this;
var baseNameRegexp = new RegExp("^(.*)\\[([0-9]*?("+options.deletedPostfix+"|"+options.addedPostfix+")?)?\]$", "i");
var baseName = elements.eq(0).attr('name').match(baseNameRegexp);
if(baseName && baseName.length == 4) {
baseName = baseName[1];
else {
// Elementname does not match the expected format, exit
alert('elementname dows not match the expected format (regexp: '+baseNameRegexp+')')
// init elements
* Creates the tageditinput from a list of textinputs
function inputsToList() {
var html = '
html += '' + $(this).val() + '';
html += '';
html += 'x';
html += '
// replace Elements with the list and save the list in the local variable elements
var newList = elements.last().next();
elements = newList;
// Check if some of the elementshav to be marked as deleted
if(options.deletedPostfix.length > 0) {
elements.find('input[name$="'+options.deletedPostfix+'\]"]').each(function() {
// put an input field at the End
// Put an empty element at the end
html = '
html += '';
html += '
html += '
// Set function on the input
.each(function() {
$(this).autoGrowInput({comfortZone: 15, minWidth: 15, maxWidth: 20000});
// Event ist triggert in case of choosing an item from the autocomplete, or finish the input
$(this).bind('transformToTag', function(event, id) {
var oldValue = (typeof id != 'undefined' && id.length > 0);
var checkAutocomplete = oldValue == true? false : true;
var parsedResult = options.parseValues($(this).val());
if(parsedResult.length > 0) {
for(var i=0; i < parsedResult.length; i++) {
// check if the Value ist new
var parsedValue = parsedResult[i];
var isNewResult = isNew(parsedValue.value, checkAutocomplete);
if(isNewResult[0] === true || (isNewResult[0] === false && typeof isNewResult[1] == 'string')) {
if(oldValue == false && typeof isNewResult[1] == 'string') {
oldValue = true;
id = isNewResult[1];
if(options.allowAdd == true || oldValue) {
// Make a new tag in front the input
html = '
html += '' + parsedValue.label + '';
var name = oldValue? baseName + '['+id+options.addedPostfix+']' : baseName + '[]';
html += '';
html += 'x';
html += '
// close autocomplete
if(options.autocompleteOptions.source) {
$(this).autocomplete( "close" );
.keydown(function(event) {
var code = event.keyCode > 0? event.keyCode : event.which;
switch(code) {
case 8: // BACKSPACE
if($(this).val().length == 0) {
// delete Last Tag
var elementToRemove = elements.find('li.tagedit-listelement-old').last();
elementToRemove.fadeOut(options.animSpeed, function() {elementToRemove.remove();})
return false;
case 9: // TAB
if($(this).val().length > 0 && $('ul.ui-autocomplete #ui-active-menuitem').length == 0) {
return false;
return true;
.keypress(function(event) {
var code = event.keyCode > 0? event.keyCode : event.which;
if($.inArray(code, options.breakKeyCodes) > -1) {
if($(this).val().length > 0 && $('ul.ui-autocomplete #ui-active-menuitem').length == 0) {
return false;
return true;
.bind('paste', function(e){
var that = $(this);
if (e.type == 'paste'){
}, 1);
.blur(function() {
if($(this).val().length == 0) {
// disable the field to prevent sending with the form
$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled').addClass('tagedit-input-disabled');
else {
// Delete entry after a timeout
var input = $(this);
$(this).data('blurtimer', window.setTimeout(function() {input.val('');}, 500));
.focus(function() {
if(options.autocompleteOptions.source != false) {
.click(function(event) {
switch(event.target.tagName) {
case 'A':
$(event.target).parent().fadeOut(options.animSpeed, function() {
case 'INPUT':
case 'SPAN':
case 'LI':
if($(event.target).hasClass('tagedit-listelement-deleted') == false &&
$(event.target).parent('li').hasClass('tagedit-listelement-deleted') == false) {
// Don't edit an deleted Items
return doEdit(event);
return false;
* Sets all Actions and events for editing an Existing Tag.
* @param event {object} The original Event that was given
* return {boolean}
function doEdit(event) {
if(options.allowEdit == false) {
// Do nothing
var element = event.target.tagName == 'SPAN'? $(event.target).parent() : $(event.target);
var closeTimer = null;
element.bind('finishEdit', function(event, doReset) {
var textfield = $(this).find(':text');
if(textfield.val().length > 0 && (typeof doReset == 'undefined' || doReset === false) && isNew(textfield.val(), true)) {
$(this).find('a.tagedit-save, a.tagedit-break, a.tagedit-delete, tester').remove(); // Workaround. This normaly has to be done by autogrow Plugin
return false;
var hidden = element.find(':hidden');
html = '';
html += 'o';
html += 'x';
// If the Element is one from the Database, it can be deleted
if(options.allowDelete == true && element.find(':hidden').length > 0 &&
typeof element.find(':hidden').attr('name').match(baseNameRegexp)[3] != 'undefined') {
html += 'd';
.click(function() {
return false;
.click(function() {
$(this).parent().trigger('finishEdit', [true]);
return false;
.click(function() {
if(confirm(options.texts.deleteConfirmation)) {
else {
$(this).parent().find(':text').trigger('finishEdit', [true]);
return false;
.autoGrowInput({comfortZone: 10, minWidth: 15, maxWidth: 20000})
.keypress(function(event) {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 13: // RETURN
return false;
return true;
.blur(function() {
var that = $(this);
closeTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {that.parent().trigger('finishEdit', [true])}, 500);
* Marks a single Tag as deleted.
* @param element {object}
function markAsDeleted(element) {
.trigger('finishEdit', [true])
.attr('title', options.deletedElementTitle);
element.find(':hidden').each(function() {
var nameEndRegexp = new RegExp('('+options.addedPostfix+'|'+options.deletedPostfix+')?\]');
var name = $(this).attr('name').replace(nameEndRegexp, options.deletedPostfix+']');
$(this).attr('name', name);
* Checks if a tag is already choosen.
* @param value {string}
* @param checkAutocomplete {boolean} optional Check also the autocomplet values
* @returns {Array} First item is a boolean, telling if the item should be put to the list, second is optional the ID from autocomplete list
function isNew(value, checkAutocomplete) {
checkAutocomplete = typeof checkAutocomplete == 'undefined'? false : checkAutocomplete;
var autoCompleteId = null;
var compareValue = options.checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive == true? value : value.toLowerCase();
var isNew = true;
elements.find('li.tagedit-listelement-old input:hidden').each(function() {
var elementValue = options.checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive == true? $(this).val() : $(this).val().toLowerCase();
if(elementValue == compareValue) {
isNew = false;
if (isNew == true && checkAutocomplete == true && options.autocompleteOptions.source != false) {
var result = [];
if ($.isArray(options.autocompleteOptions.source)) {
result = options.autocompleteOptions.source;
else if ($.isFunction(options.autocompleteOptions.source)) {
options.autocompleteOptions.source({term: value}, function (data) {result = data});
else if (typeof options.autocompleteOptions.source === "string") {
// Check also autocomplete values
var autocompleteURL = options.autocompleteOptions.source;
if (autocompleteURL.match(/\?/)) {
autocompleteURL += '&';
} else {
autocompleteURL += '?';
autocompleteURL += 'term=' + value;
async: false,
url: autocompleteURL,
dataType: 'json',
complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
result = $.parseJSON(XMLHttpRequest.responseText);
// If there is an entry for that already in the autocomplete, don't use it (Check could be case sensitive or not)
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var label = options.checkNewEntriesCaseSensitive == true? result[i].label : result[i].label.toLowerCase();
if (label == compareValue) {
isNew = false;
autoCompleteId = result[i].id;
return new Array(isNew, autoCompleteId);