//# Multiple Stacked Modals Using a StackView import ui.View as View; import ui.TextView as TextView; import ui.StackView as StackView; //## Class: Application exports = Class(GC.Application, function () { this.initUI = function () { this.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; var stackView = new StackView({ superview: this.view, x: this.style.width / 2 - 100, y: this.style.height / 2 - 100, height: 200, width: 200, backgroundColor: "#999" }); //when added to a stackView, child views take the same dimensions. var front = new TextView({ text: "Click to dismiss!\nThis is the front view.", backgroundColor: "#00F", //blue, color: "#FFF", size: 20, autoSize: false, autoFontSize: false, wrap: true }); var middle = new TextView({ text: "Click to dismiss!\nThis is the middle view.", backgroundColor: "#080", //green color: "#FFF", size: 20, autoSize: false, autoFontSize: false, wrap: true }); var back = new TextView({ text: "Click to dismiss!\nThis is the back view.", backgroundColor: "#F00", //red color: "#FFF", size: 20, autoSize: false, autoFontSize: false, wrap: true }); function popOff () { stackView.pop(this); } front.on('InputStart', popOff); middle.on('InputStart', popOff); back.on('InputStart', popOff); //Don't animate the views as they are attached to the stackView. stackView.push(front, true); stackView.push(middle, true); stackView.push(back, true); }; this.launchUI = function () {}; }); //view style screenshot //view style screenshot //view style screenshot //view style screenshot