//# Many Random TextView //Here we'll create a header using some of the `TextView` positional options, then add many, many random letters scattered around the screen, each its own `TextView`. import device; import ui.TextView as TextView; exports = Class(GC.Application, function () { this.initUI = function () { //Create the header bar. var title = new TextView({ superview: this.view, autoSize: false, y: 20, height: 25, fontSize: 26, zIndex: 1, text: "Welcome to the TextView", color: "#000000", backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF", shadow: true, shadowColor: "#FFFFFF", verticalAlign: "top", textAlign: "left", verticalPadding: 5, horizontalPadding: 25 }); //Create a lot of TextViews for (var i = 0; i < 1500; i++) { //Randomize the style properties of each TextView. var letter = new TextView({ superview: this.view, text: Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 3), color: "#FFF", opacity: Math.random(), fontSize: Math.random() * 36, x: Math.random() * device.width, y: Math.random() * device.height, width: Math.random() * 50, height: Math.random() * 50, r: Math.random() * (Math.PI * 2) }); }; } }); //Place this in the `Application.js` file of your project and you should see something like the following screenshot. //It should be noted that this is a static scene for the purpose of demonstrating `TextView` creation. //If you tried to animate this many views at once on an actual mobile device, you may run into performance issues. //many textviews screenshot