//# ScoreView: //This is a demonstration of the ScoreView class import ui.View as View; import ui.ScoreView as ScoreView; import ui.widget.ButtonView as ButtonView; // test values and helper functions var textNum = 0; var charNum = 0; var heightNum = 0; var texts = [ '12345', '14346764513', '676713154562152352346245' ]; var chars = [ 'blue', 'orange', 'white' ]; var heights = [ '25%', '50%', '75%' ]; var nextCharData = function() { // this function returns a new character set var d = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { d[i] = { image: "resources/images/numbers/" + chars[charNum] + "_" + i + ".png" }; } charNum = (charNum + 1) % 3; return d; }; var nextText = function() { // this function returns a piece of text textNum = (textNum + 1) % 3; return texts[textNum]; }; var nextHeight = function() { // this function returns a height as a flex value heightNum = (heightNum + 1) % 3; return heights[heightNum]; }; //## Class: Application exports = Class(GC.Application, function () { this.initUI = function () { this.style.layout = 'linear'; this.style.direction = 'vertical'; this.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; // initialize a new ScoreView var svBox = new View({ superview: this, flex: 1 }); var scoreView = new ScoreView({ superview: svBox, layout: 'box', layoutHeight: nextHeight(), characterData: nextCharData(), text: nextText() }); // change the ScoreView's active character set new ButtonView({ superview: this, flex: 1, centerX: true, layoutWidth: '80%', title: "Change Characters", images: { up: 'resources/images/blue1.png', down: 'resources/images/blue2.png' }, on: { up: function() { scoreView.setCharacterData(nextCharData()); } } }); // change the ScoreView's text new ButtonView({ superview: this, flex: 1, centerX: true, layoutWidth: '80%', title: "Change Text", images: { up: 'resources/images/blue1.png', down: 'resources/images/blue2.png' }, on: { up: function() { scoreView.setText(nextText()); } } }); // change the ScoreView's height new ButtonView({ superview: this, flex: 1, centerX: true, layoutWidth: '80%', title: "Change Height", images: { up: 'resources/images/blue1.png', down: 'resources/images/blue2.png' }, on: { up: function() { scoreView.style.layoutHeight = nextHeight(); scoreView.refresh(); } } }); }; }); //The output should look like this screenshot: //a book screenshot