//# Handling click events //This file demonstrates how to handle click events, when the view is clicked the color changes. //Import the `ui.View` class. import ui.View as View; //## Class: Application //Create an application with the clickable view. exports = Class(GC.Application, function () { //Create a new instance of the ClickBox view with the applications view as superview. this.initUI = function () { this.style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF"; new ClickBox({ superview: this.view, x: this.style.width / 4, y: this.style.height / 4, width: this.style.width / 2, height: this.style.height / 2, backgroundColor: "#FF0000" }); }; this.launchUI = function () {}; }); //## Class: ClickBox //Create a view which changes color when clicked. var ClickBox = Class(View, function (supr) { this.init = function (opts) { supr(this, "init", [opts]); this.on("InputSelect", function () { // Change the background color of this view var backgroundColor = (this.style.backgroundColor === "#FF0000") ? "#0000FF" : "#FF0000"; this.updateOpts({backgroundColor: backgroundColor}); }); }; }); //The output should look like this screenshot: //a book screenshot //After clicking on the red rectangle the screen should look like this: //a book screenshot