//# Hello, World! //For a more detailed walk-through, take a look at the [Hello, World! Guide](http://doc.gameclosure.com/guide/hello-world.html). //Import the [TextView](../../api/ui-text.html#class-ui.textview) class to use locally. import ui.TextView as TextView; //## Class: Application //All user applications inherit from [GC.Application](../../api/appengine.html#class-gc.application). exports = Class(GC.Application, function () { //The [initUI](../../api/appengine.html#handler-initui) function is called after the scene graph has been created. this.initUI = function () { //Create a new TextView instance var textview = new TextView({ //Once attached to the view hierarchy, the view is a part of the scene graph and will be rendered. superview: this.view, //The layout system is explained in detail in the [Designing User Interfaces Guide](../../guide/designing-user-interfaces.html). layout: "box", //The text to display on screen text: "Hello, world!", color: "blue" }); }; //The [launchUI](../../api/appengine.html#handler-launchui) function is executed when the game is ready, and the splash screen has been removed. this.launchUI = function () {}; });