partroxis_room_hunt("%1") last_direction = "e" Send("east") last_direction = "w" Send("west") last_direction = "n" Send("north") last_direction = "s" Send("south") last_direction = "u" Send("up") last_direction = "d" Send("down") partroxis_area_reset() partroxis_invis_reminder() reset_curr_room_exits() DoAfterSpecial(0.1,"partroxis_exit_complete()",sendto.script) if ("%1" == "Too dark to see.") then partroxis_needs_nightvision() end if(curr_room ~= nil) then curr_room.exits.n = Trim("%1") end if ("%1" == "Too dark to see.") then partroxis_needs_nightvision() end if(curr_room ~= nil) then curr_room.exits.e = Trim("%1") end if ("%1" == "Too dark to see.") then partroxis_needs_nightvision() end if(curr_room ~= nil) then curr_room.exits.s = Trim("%1") end if ("%1" == "Too dark to see.") then partroxis_needs_nightvision() end if(curr_room ~= nil) then curr_room.exits.w = Trim("%1") end if ("%1" == "Too dark to see.") then partroxis_needs_nightvision() end if(curr_room ~= nil) then curr_room.exits.u = Trim("%1") end if ("%1" == "Too dark to see.") then partroxis_needs_nightvision() end if(curr_room ~= nil) then curr_room.exits.d = Trim("%1") end