/*! jQuery slabtext plugin v2.4.0 MIT/GPL2 @freqdec */ (function( $ ){ $.fn.slabText = function(options) { // Add the slabtexted classname to the body to initiate the styling of // the injected spans $("body").addClass("slabtexted"); return this.each(function(){ if(options) { $.extend(settings, options); }; var $this = $(this), self = this, settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.slabText.defaults, options), keepSpans = $("span.slabtext", $this).length, words = keepSpans ? [] : String($.trim($this.text())).replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ").split(" "), origFontSize = null, idealCharPerLine = null, resizeThrottle = null, viewportWidth = $(window).width(), headLink = $this.find("a:first").attr("href") || $this.attr("href"), linkTitle = headLink ? $this.find("a:first").attr("title") : ""; if(!keepSpans && settings.minCharsPerLine && words.join(" ").length < settings.minCharsPerLine) { return; }; // Calculates the pixel equivalent of 1em within the current header var grabPixelFontSize = function() { var dummy = jQuery('
').appendTo($this), emH = dummy.height(); dummy.remove(); return emH; }; // Most of this function is a (very) stripped down AS3 to JS port of // the slabtype algorithm by Eric Loyer with the original comments // left intact // http://erikloyer.com/index.php/blog/the_slabtype_algorithm_part_1_background/ var resizeSlabs = function resizeSlabs() { // Cache the parent containers width var parentWidth = $this.width(), fs; // Sanity check to prevent infinite loop if(parentWidth == 0) { return; }; // Remove the slabtextdone and slabtextinactive classnames to enable the inline-block shrink-wrap effect $this.removeClass("slabtextdone slabtextinactive"); if(settings.viewportBreakpoint && settings.viewportBreakpoint > viewportWidth || settings.headerBreakpoint && settings.headerBreakpoint > parentWidth) { // Add the slabtextinactive classname to set the spans as inline // and to reset the font-size to 1em (inherit won't work in IE6/7) $this.addClass("slabtextinactive"); return; }; fs = grabPixelFontSize(); // If the parent containers font-size has changed or the "forceNewCharCount" option is true (the default), // then recalculate the "characters per line" count and re-render the inner spans // Setting "forceNewCharCount" to false will save CPU cycles... if(!keepSpans && (settings.forceNewCharCount || fs != origFontSize)) { origFontSize = fs; var newCharPerLine = Math.min(60, Math.floor(parentWidth / (origFontSize * settings.fontRatio))), wordIndex = 0, lineText = [], counter = 0, preText = "", postText = "", finalText = "", lineLength, slice, preDiff, postDiff; if(newCharPerLine != 0 && newCharPerLine != idealCharPerLine) { idealCharPerLine = newCharPerLine; while (wordIndex < words.length) { postText = ""; // build two strings (preText and postText) word by word, with one // string always one word behind the other, until // the length of one string is less than the ideal number of characters // per line, while the length of the other is greater than that ideal while (postText.length < idealCharPerLine) { preText = postText; postText += words[wordIndex] + " "; if(++wordIndex >= words.length) { break; }; }; // This bit hacks in a minimum characters per line test // on the last line if(settings.minCharsPerLine) { slice = words.slice(wordIndex).join(" "); if(slice.length < settings.minCharsPerLine) { postText += slice; preText = postText; wordIndex = words.length + 2; }; }; // calculate the character difference between the two strings and the // ideal number of characters per line preDiff = idealCharPerLine - preText.length; postDiff = postText.length - idealCharPerLine; // if the smaller string is closer to the length of the ideal than // the longer string, and doesn’t contain less than minCharsPerLine // characters, then use that one for the line if((preDiff < postDiff) && (preText.length >= (settings.minCharsPerLine || 2))) { finalText = preText; wordIndex--; // otherwise, use the longer string for the line } else { finalText = postText; }; lineLength = $.trim(finalText).length; // HTML-escape the text finalText = $('
').text(finalText).html() // Wrap ampersands in spans with class `amp` for specific styling if(settings.wrapAmpersand) { finalText = finalText.replace(/&/g, '&'); }; finalText = $.trim(finalText); lineText.push('' + finalText + ""); }; $this.html(lineText.join(" ")); // If we have a headLink, add it back just inside our target, around all the slabText spans if(headLink) { $this.wrapInner(''); }; }; } else { // We only need the font-size for the resize-to-fit functionality // if not injecting the spans origFontSize = fs; }; $("span.slabtext", $this).each(function() { var $span = $(this), innerText = $span.text(), wordSpacing = innerText.split(" ").length > 1, diff, ratio, fontSize; if(settings.postTweak) { $span.css({ "word-spacing":0, "letter-spacing":0 }); }; ratio = parentWidth / $span.width(); fontSize = parseFloat(this.style.fontSize) || origFontSize; $span.css("font-size", Math.min((fontSize * ratio).toFixed(settings.precision), settings.maxFontSize) + "px"); // Do we still have space to try to fill or crop diff = !!settings.postTweak ? parentWidth - $span.width() : false; // A "dumb" tweak in the blind hope that the browser will // resize the text to better fit the available space. // Better "dumb" and fast... if(diff) { $span.css((wordSpacing ? 'word' : 'letter') + '-spacing', (diff / (wordSpacing ? innerText.split(" ").length - 1 : innerText.length)).toFixed(settings.precision) + "px"); }; }); // Add the class slabtextdone to set a display:block on the child spans // and avoid styling & layout issues associated with inline-block $this.addClass("slabtextdone"); // Fire the callback if required if(typeof settings.onRender == 'function') { settings.onRender.call(self); }; }; // Immediate resize resizeSlabs(); if(!settings.noResizeEvent) { $(window).resize(function() { // Only run the resize code if the viewport width has changed. // we ignore the viewport height as it will be constantly changing. if($(window).width() == viewportWidth) { return; }; viewportWidth = $(window).width(); clearTimeout(resizeThrottle); resizeThrottle = setTimeout(resizeSlabs, settings.resizeThrottleTime); }); }; }); }; $.fn.slabText.defaults = { // The ratio used when calculating the characters per line // (parent width / (font-size * fontRatio)). "fontRatio" : 0.78, // Always recalculate the characters per line, not just when the // font-size changes? Defaults to true (CPU intensive) "forceNewCharCount" : true, // Do we wrap ampersands in "wrapAmpersand" : true, // Under what pixel width do we remove the slabtext styling? "headerBreakpoint" : null, "viewportBreakpoint" : null, // Don't attach a resize event "noResizeEvent" : false, // By many milliseconds do we throttle the resize event "resizeThrottleTime" : 300, // The maximum pixel font size the script can set "maxFontSize" : 999, // Do we try to tweak the letter-spacing or word-spacing? "postTweak" : true, // Decimal precision to use when setting CSS values "precision" : 3, // The min num of chars a line has to contain "minCharsPerLine" : 0, // Callback function fired after the headline is redrawn "onRender" : null }; })(jQuery);