import os import sys from fabric.api import local, env, prefix, task from fabric.context_managers import settings, lcd env.host_string = "localhost" VIRTUAL_ENV_WRAPPER = "/usr/local/bin/" """requires virtualenvwrapper/virtualenv/pip/git sets up a virtual env with ipython and django and creates the project""" class Project(object): def __init__(self, name): self.project_dir = "%s_project" % name self.application_dir = os.path.join(self.project_dir, name) self.front_end_dir = os.path.join(self.application_dir, "front_end") self.app_name = name def require_variable(var_name): """ check if a variable exists in the environment """ if var_name not in os.environ: sys.stderr.write("var_name %s not found.\n\n" % var_name) sys.exit(-1) def require_function(func_name): if not function_exists(func_name): sys.stderr.write("func_name %s not found.\n\n" % func_name) sys.exit(-1) def function_exists(func_name): return bool(local("which %s" % func_name, capture=True)) def setup_front_end(project): with lcd(project.front_end_dir): local("npm install brunch") local("node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch new static --skeleton") @task def django_project_setup(name, init_git=True): with prefix("source %s" % VIRTUAL_ENV_WRAPPER): with prefix("workon %s" % name): project = Project(name) local(" startproject --template= %s" % name) local("mv %s %s" % (name, project.project_dir)) setup_front_end(project) with lcd(project.project_dir): local("pip freeze > requirements.txt") if init_git: local("git init") @task def init_git(name): project = Project(name) with lcd(project.project_dir): local("pip freeze > requirements.txt") local("git init") @task def virtual_env_setup(name): with prefix("source %s" % VIRTUAL_ENV_WRAPPER): with settings(warn_only=True): virtual_envs = local("workon", capture=True).splitlines() if name in virtual_envs: raise Exception("virtual env %s already exists" % name) with prefix("source %s" % VIRTUAL_ENV_WRAPPER): local("mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages %s" % name) @task def install_common_components(requirements_in=None): if requirements_in: local("pip install -r %s" % requirements_in) else: local("pip install ipython") local("pip install django") local("pip install ipdb") local("pip install mock") @task def create(name, init_git=True, empty=False, requirements_in=False): require_variable("VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_HOOK_DIR") require_function("pip") require_function("python") require_function("git") require_function("npm") virtual_env_setup(name) if not empty: install_common_components(name) django_project_setup(name, init_git) @task def remove(name): with prefix("source %s" % VIRTUAL_ENV_WRAPPER): with settings(warn_only=True): local("rmvirtualenv %s" % name) project = Project(name) local("rm -rf %s" % project.project_dir)