#!/bin/bash # Based on Bajee's buildscripts (It made life easier. :) ) # get current path reldir=`dirname $0` cd $reldir DIR=`pwd` DATE=$(date +%h-%d-%y) # Colorize and add text parameters red=$(tput setaf 1) # red grn=$(tput setaf 2) # green cya=$(tput setaf 6) # cyan txtbld=$(tput bold) # Bold bldred=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 1) # red bldgrn=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 2) # green bldblu=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 4) # blue bldcya=${txtbld}$(tput setaf 6) # cyan txtrst=$(tput sgr0) # Reset # Command Center DEVICE="$1" SYNC="$2" THREADS="$3" CLEAN="$4" # Initial Startup res1=$(date +%s.%N) echo -e "${cya}Start building MIRAGE ROM.${txtrst}"; # Unset CDPATH variable if set if [ "$CDPATH" != "" ] then unset CDPATH fi # Do ask if [ "THREADS" = "clean" ] then THREADS="12" fi # Some jerks if [ "$SYNC" == "repo" ] then echo -e "${cya}Lul, Changing "repo" to "sync"!" $SYNC="sync" fi # Sync the latest MIRAGE Sources echo -e "" if [ "$SYNC" == "sync" ] then if [ "$(which repo)" == "" ] then if [ -f ~/bin/repo ] then echo "Y U NO install repo?!" mkdir ~/bin export PATH=~/bin:$PATH curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo chmod a+x ~/bin/repo fi fi echo -e "${bldblu}Syncing MIRAGE SOURCE... ${txtrst}" repo sync -f -j"$THREADS" echo -e "" fi # Setup Environment (Cleaning) if [ "$CLEAN" == "clean" ] then echo -e "${bldblu}Cleaning out folder... ${txtrst}" make clobber; else echo -e "${bldblu}Skipping cleaning out folder... ${txtrst}" fi # Setup Environment echo -e "${bldblu}Setting up build enviroments... ${txtrst}" . build/envsetup.sh if [ "$DEVICE" == "all" ] then echo -e "" echo -e "${bldblu}Start building MIRAGE ROM. ${txtrst}" echo -e "${bldblu}maguro ${txtrst}" lunch "mirage_maguro-userdebug" mka bacon TARGET_PRODUCT=mirage_maguro echo -e "${bldblu}toro ${txtrst}" lunch "mirage_toro-userdebug" mka bacon TARGET_PRODUCT=mirage_toro echo -e "${bldblu}crepo ${txtrst}" lunch "mirage_crespo-userdebug" mka bacon TARGET_PRODUCT=mirage_crespo else # Lunch Device echo -e "" echo -e "${bldblu}Launching "$DEVICE"... ${txtrst}" lunch "mirage_$DEVICE-userdebug"; echo -e "" echo -e "${bldblu}Start building MIRAGE ROM. ${txtrst}" # Start Building like a bau5 mka bacon TARGET_PRODUCT=mirage_$DEVICE echo -e "" fi # Once building completed, bring in the Elapsed Time res2=$(date +%s.%N) echo "${bldgrn}Total time elapsed: ${txtrst}${grn}$(echo "($res2 - $res1) / 60"|bc ) minutes ($(echo "$res2 - $res1"|bc ) seconds) ${txtrst}"