#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright (c) Martin Wimpress # http://flexion.org/ # See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. # References # - https://github.com/rraptorr/sun-java6 # - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1090731 # - http://irtfweb.ifa.hawaii.edu/~lockhart/gpg/gpg-cs.html # Version VER="0.3.1-dev" # check the --fqdn version, if it's absent fall back to hostname HOSTNAME=$(hostname --fqdn 2>/dev/null) if [[ $HOSTNAME == "" ]]; then HOSTNAME=$(hostname) fi # common ############################################################### START # if [ ! -v SPINNER ]; then SPINNER="/-\|" fi log="${PWD}/`basename ${0}`.log" function error_msg() { local MSG="${1}" echo "${MSG}" exit 1 } function cecho() { echo -e "$1" echo -e "$1" >>"$log" tput sgr0; } function ncecho() { echo -ne "$1" echo -ne "$1" >>"$log" tput sgr0 } function spinny() { if [ -n "$SPINNER" ]; then echo -ne "\b${SPINNER:i++%${#SPINNER}:1}" fi } function progress() { ncecho " "; while [ /bin/true ]; do kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then spinny sleep 0.25 else ncecho "\b\b"; wait $pid retcode=$? echo "$pid's retcode: $retcode" >> "$log" if [[ $retcode = "0" ]] || [[ $retcode = "255" ]]; then cecho success else cecho failed echo -e " [i] Showing the last 5 lines from the logfile ($log)..."; tail -n5 "$log" exit 1; fi break 2; fi done } function progress_loop() { ncecho " "; while [ /bin/true ]; do kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then spinny sleep 0.25 else ncecho "\b\b"; wait $pid retcode=$? echo "$pid's retcode: $retcode" >> "$log" if [[ $retcode = "0" ]] || [[ $retcode = "255" ]]; then cecho success else cecho failed echo -e " [i] Showing the last 5 lines from the logfile ($log)..."; tail -n5 "$log" exit 1; fi break 1; fi done } function progress_can_fail() { ncecho " "; while [ /bin/true ]; do kill -0 $pid 2>/dev/null; if [[ $? = "0" ]]; then spinny sleep 0.25 else ncecho "\b\b"; wait $pid retcode=$? echo "$pid's retcode: $retcode" >> "$log" cecho success break 2; fi done } function check_root() { if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then error_msg "ERROR! You must execute the script as the 'root' user." fi } function check_sudo() { if [ ! -n ${SUDO_USER} ]; then error_msg "ERROR! You must invoke the script using 'sudo'." fi } function check_ubuntu() { if [ "${1}" != "" ]; then SUPPORTED_CODENAMES="${1}" else SUPPORTED_CODENAMES="all" fi # Source the lsb-release file. lsb # Check if this script is supported on this version of Ubuntu. if [ "${SUPPORTED_CODENAMES}" == "all" ]; then SUPPORTED=1 else SUPPORTED=0 for CHECK_CODENAME in `echo ${SUPPORTED_CODENAMES}` do if [ "${LSB_CODE}" == "${CHECK_CODENAME}" ]; then SUPPORTED=1 fi done fi if [ ${SUPPORTED} -eq 0 ]; then error_msg "ERROR! ${0} is not supported on this version of Ubuntu." fi } function lsb() { local CMD_LSB_RELEASE=`which lsb_release` if [ "${CMD_LSB_RELEASE}" == "" ]; then error_msg "ERROR! 'lsb_release' was not found. I can't identify your distribution." fi LSB_ID=`lsb_release -i | cut -f2 | sed 's/ //g'` LSB_REL=`lsb_release -r | cut -f2 | sed 's/ //g'` LSB_CODE=`lsb_release -c | cut -f2 | sed 's/ //g'` LSB_DESC=`lsb_release -d | cut -f2` LSB_ARCH=`dpkg --print-architecture` LSB_MACH=`uname -m` LSB_NUM=`echo ${LSB_REL} | sed s'/\.//g'` } function apt_update() { ncecho " [x] Update package list " apt-get -y update >>"$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid } # common ################################################################# END # function copyright_msg() { local MODE=${1} if [ "${MODE}" == "build_docs" ]; then echo "# OAB-Java" fi echo `basename ${0}`" v${VER} - Create a local 'apt' repository for Sun Java 6 and/or Oracle Java 7 packages." echo echo "Copyright (c) Martin Wimpress, http://flexion.org. MIT License" echo echo "By running this script to download Java you acknowledge that you have" echo "read and accepted the terms of the Oracle end user license agreement." echo echo "* " echo if [ "${MODE}" == "build_docs" ]; then echo "## Donate" echo echo "If you or your organisation has found `basename ${0}` useful please consider" echo "donating to this project. It is nice to have the effort I've put into this" echo "script recognised, I don't ask for much, it is at your discretion." echo echo "[![Donate to OAB-Java](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donate_SM.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ESP59ZNJHLBZ8) [![Flattr OAB-Java](http://api.flattr.com/button/flattr-badge-large.png)](https://flattr.com/submit/auto?user_id=flexiondotorg&url=https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6&title=oab-java6&language=shell&tags=github&category=software)" echo fi # Adjust the output if we are executing the script. # It doesn't make sense to see this message here in the documentation. if [ "${MODE}" != "build_docs" ]; then echo "If you want to see what this is script is doing while it is running then execute" echo "the following from another shell:" echo echo " tail -f `pwd`/`basename ${0}`.log" echo fi } function usage() { local MODE=${1} echo "## Usage" echo echo " sudo ${0}" echo echo "Optional parameters" echo echo " * -7 : Build ``oracle-java7`` packages instead of ``sun-java6``" echo " * -c : Remove pre-existing packages from ``${WORK_PATH}/deb`` and sources from ``${WORK_PATH}/src``." echo " * -k : Use the specified existing key instead of generating one" echo " * -s : Skip building if the packages already exist" echo " * -t : Specify the Java version tag to use from the upstream Debian packaging script." echo " * -h : This help" echo echo "## How do I download and run this thing?" echo echo "Like this." echo echo " cd ~/" echo " wget https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6/raw/${VER}/`basename ${0}` -O `basename ${0}`" echo " chmod +x `basename ${0}`" echo " sudo ./`basename ${0}`" echo echo "If you are behind a proxy you may need to run using:" echo echo " sudo -i ./`basename ${0}`" echo # Adjust the output if we are building the docs. if [ "${MODE}" == "build_docs" ]; then echo "If you want to see what this script is doing while it is running then execute" echo "the following from another shell:" echo echo " tail -f ./`basename ${0}`.log" echo fi echo "## How it works" echo echo "This script is merely a wrapper for the most excellent Debian packaging" echo "scripts prepared by Janusz Dziemidowicz." echo echo " * " echo " * " echo echo "The basic execution steps are:" echo echo " * Remove, my now disabled, Java PPA ``ppa:flexiondotorg/java``." echo " * Install the tools required to build the Java packages." echo " * Create download cache in ``${WORK_PATH}/pkg``." echo " * Download the i586 and x64 Java install binaries from Oracle. Yes, both are required (for sun-java6 only)." echo " * Clone the build scripts from " echo " * Build the Java packages applicable to your system." echo " * Create local ``apt`` repository in ``${WORK_PATH}/deb`` for the newly built Java Packages." echo " * Create a GnuPG signing key in ``${WORK_PATH}/gpg`` if none exists." echo " * Sign the local ``apt`` repository using the local GnuPG signing key." echo echo "## What gets installed?" echo echo "This script will no longer try and directly install or upgrade any Java" echo "packages, instead a local ``apt`` repository is created that hosts locally" echo "built Java packages applicable to your system. It is up to you to install" echo "or upgrade the Java packages you require using ``apt-get``, ``aptitude`` or" echo "``synaptic``, etc. For example, once this script has been run you can simply" echo "install the JRE by executing the following from a shell." echo echo " sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" echo echo "Or if you ran the script with the ``-7`` option." echo echo " sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-jre" echo echo "If you already have the *\"official\"* Ubuntu packages installed then you" echo "can upgrade by executing the following from a shell." echo echo " sudo apt-get upgrade" echo echo "The local ``apt`` repository is just that, **local**. It is not accessible" echo "remotely and `basename ${0}` will never enable that capability to ensure" echo "compliance with Oracle's asinine license requirements." echo echo "By default, the script creates a temporary GPG keyring in the working" echo "directory. In order to use the current user's GPG chain instead, specify" echo "the key ID of an existing secret key. Run ``gpg -K`` to list available keys." echo echo "## Known Issues" echo echo " * Building Java 7 on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 is no longer supported as the upstream scripts" echo " require ``debhelper``>=8 which is not officially available for Lucid." echo " * The Oracle download servers can be horribly slow. My script caches the downloads" echo " so you only need download each file once." echo echo "## What is 'oab'?" echo echo "Because, O.A.B! ;-)" echo # Only exit if we are not build docs. if [ "${MODE}" != "build_docs" ]; then exit 1 fi } function build_docs() { copyright_msg build_docs > README.md # Add the usage instructions usage build_docs >> README.md # Add the CHANGES if [ -e CHANGES ]; then cat CHANGES >> README.md fi # Add the AUTHORS if [ -e AUTHORS ]; then cat AUTHORS >> README.md fi # Add the TODO if [ -e TODO ]; then cat TODO >> README.md fi # Add the LICENSE if [ -e LICENSE ]; then cat LICENSE >> README.md fi echo "Documentation built." exit 0 } copyright_msg # Check we are running on a supported system in the correct way. check_root check_sudo check_ubuntu "all" # Init variables BUILD_KEY="" BUILD_CLEAN=0 SKIP_REBUILD="" WORK_PATH="/var/local/oab" JAVA_DEV="sun-java" JAVA_UPSTREAM="sun-java6" # Remove a pre-existing log file. if [ -f $log ]; then rm -f $log 2>/dev/null fi # Parse the options OPTSTRING=7bchk:st: while getopts ${OPTSTRING} OPT do case ${OPT} in 7) JAVA_DEV="oracle-java" JAVA_UPSTREAM="oracle-java7" ;; b) build_docs;; c) BUILD_CLEAN=1;; h) usage;; k) BUILD_KEY=${OPTARG};; s) SKIP_REBUILD=1;; t) TAG=${OPTARG};; *) usage;; esac done shift "$(( $OPTIND - 1 ))" if [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "oracle-java7" ] && [ "${LSB_CODE}" == "lucid" ]; then ncecho " [!] Building Java 7 on Ubuntu Lucid is no longer supported " cecho exitting exit 1 fi # Remove my, now disabled, Java PPA. if [ -e /etc/apt/sources.list.d/flexiondotorg-java-${LSB_CODE}.list ]; then ncecho " [x] Removing ppa:flexiondotorg/java " rm -v /etc/apt/sources.list.d/flexiondotorg-java-${LSB_CODE}.list* >> "$log" 2>&1 cecho success fi # Determine the build and runtime requirements. BUILD_DEPS="build-essential debhelper devscripts dpkg-dev git-core \ gnupg libasound2 libxi6 libxt6 libxtst6 rng-tools unixodbc unzip" if [ "${LSB_ARCH}" == "amd64" ] && [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "sun-java6" ]; then BUILD_DEPS="${BUILD_DEPS} lib32asound2 ia32-libs" if [ "${LSB_CODE}" == "wheezy" ]; then # Wheezy need the i386 arch to enable provide access to the tranisitional ia32-libs. # https://github.com/rraptorr/sun-java6/issues/26 ncecho " [x] Adding i386 architecture " dpkg --add-architecture i386 pid=$!;progress $pid apt_update fi fi if [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "oracle-java7" ]; then BUILD_DEPS="${BUILD_DEPS} libxrender1" fi # Install the Java build requirements ncecho " [x] Installing Java build requirements " #apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends ${BUILD_DEPS} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # Make sure the required dirs exist. ncecho " [x] Making build directories " mkdir -p ${WORK_PATH}/{deb,gpg,pkg,srcs} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # Set the permissions appropriately for 'gpg' chown root:root ${WORK_PATH}/gpg 2>/dev/null chmod 0700 ${WORK_PATH}/gpg 2>/dev/null if [ -d ${WORK_PATH}/srcs/${JAVA_UPSTREAM}.git ]; then # Update the code ncecho " [x] Updating from https://github.com/rraptorr/${JAVA_UPSTREAM} " cd ${WORK_PATH}/srcs/${JAVA_UPSTREAM}.git/ >> "$log" 2>&1 git fetch >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid else # Mirror the code ncecho " [x] Mirroring https://github.com/rraptorr/${JAVA_UPSTREAM} " cd ${WORK_PATH}/srcs/ >> "$log" 2>&1 git clone --mirror https://github.com/rraptorr/${JAVA_UPSTREAM} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid fi # Remove the 'src' directory everytime. ncecho " [x] Removing local clones of ${JAVA_UPSTREAM} " rm -rfv ${WORK_PATH}/${JAVA_UPSTREAM}* 2>/dev/null >> "$log" 2>&1 rm -rfv ${WORK_PATH}/src 2>/dev/null >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # Get the last commit tag. cd ${WORK_PATH}/srcs/${JAVA_UPSTREAM}.git/ >> "$log" 2>&1 TAG=${TAG:-`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`} # Clone from mirror, pointing to the tagged, stable, version. ncecho " [x] Cloning ${JAVA_UPSTREAM} with ${TAG} " cd ${WORK_PATH}/ >> "$log" 2>&1 git clone -b ${TAG} ${WORK_PATH}/srcs/${JAVA_UPSTREAM}.git src >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # Cet the current Debian package version and package urgency DEB_VERSION=`head -n1 ${WORK_PATH}/src/debian/changelog | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | cut -d'~' -f1` DEB_URGENCY=`head -n1 ${WORK_PATH}/src/debian/changelog | cut -d'=' -f2` # Determine the currently supported Java version and update JAVA_VER=`echo ${DEB_VERSION} | cut -d'.' -f1` JAVA_UPD=`echo ${DEB_VERSION} | cut -d'.' -f2 | cut -d'-' -f1` ncecho " [x] Getting releases download page " if [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "sun-java6" ]; then wget http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javasebusiness/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase6-419409.html -O /tmp/oab-download.html >> "$log" 2>&1 & else wget http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html -O /tmp/oab-download.html >> "$log" 2>&1 & fi pid=$!;progress $pid # Set the files we're downloading since sun-java6 and oracle-java7 differ. if [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "sun-java6" ]; then JAVA_EXT=.bin else JAVA_EXT=.tar.gz fi if grep -q ia32 ${WORK_PATH}/src/debian/rules; then # Upstream still builds ia32 package, download both architectures JAVA_BINS="jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-linux-i586${JAVA_EXT} jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-linux-x64${JAVA_EXT}" else # Upstream has removed ia32 package, just download the appropriate one if [ "${LSB_ARCH}" == "amd64" ]; then JAVA_BINS="jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-linux-x64${JAVA_EXT}" else JAVA_BINS="jdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-linux-i586${JAVA_EXT}" fi fi for JAVA_BIN in ${JAVA_BINS} do # Get the download URL and size if [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "sun-java6" ]; then DOWNLOAD_URL=`grep ${JAVA_BIN} /tmp/oab-download.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'"' -f4 | sed 's/otn/otn-pub/'` else DOWNLOAD_URL=`grep ${JAVA_BIN} /tmp/oab-download.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'"' -f4` fi DOWNLOAD_SIZE=`grep ${JAVA_BIN} /tmp/oab-download.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f2 | cut -d':' -f2 | sed 's/"//g'` # Cookies required for download COOKIES="oraclelicensejdk-${JAVA_VER}u${JAVA_UPD}-oth-JPR=accept-securebackup-cookie;gpw_e24=http://edelivery.oracle.com" ncecho " [x] Downloading ${JAVA_BIN} : ${DOWNLOAD_SIZE} " wget --no-check-certificate --header="Cookie: ${COOKIES}" -c "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" -O ${WORK_PATH}/pkg/${JAVA_BIN} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress_loop $pid ncecho " [x] Symlinking ${JAVA_BIN} " ln -s ${WORK_PATH}/pkg/${JAVA_BIN} ${WORK_PATH}/src/${JAVA_BIN} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress_loop $pid done # Get JCE download index if [ $JAVA_VER == "7" ]; then DOWNLOAD_INDEX_NO='432124' else DOWNLOAD_INDEX_NO='429243' fi DOWNLOAD_INDEX="technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce-${JAVA_VER}-download-${DOWNLOAD_INDEX_NO}.html" wget http://www.oracle.com/${DOWNLOAD_INDEX} -O /tmp/oab-download-jce.html >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # Get JCE download URL, size, and cookies required for download if [ "${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" == "sun-java6" ]; then JCE_POLICY="jce_policy-6.zip" DOWNLOAD_PATH=`grep "jce[^']*-6-oth-JPR'\]\['path" /tmp/oab-download-jce.html | cut -d'=' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2` DOWNLOAD_URL="${DOWNLOAD_PATH}${JCE_POLICY}" COOKIES="oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie;gpw_e24=http://edelivery.oracle.com" else JCE_POLICY="UnlimitedJCEPolicyJDK7.zip" DOWNLOAD_URL=`grep ${JCE_POLICY} /tmp/oab-download-jce.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f3 | cut -d'"' -f4` COOKIES="oraclelicensejce-7-oth-JPR=accept-securebackup-cookie;gpw_e24=http://edelivery.oracle.com" fi DOWNLOAD_SIZE=`grep ${JCE_POLICY} /tmp/oab-download-jce.html | cut -d'{' -f2 | cut -d',' -f2 | cut -d'"' -f4` ncecho " [x] Downloading ${JCE_POLICY} : ${DOWNLOAD_SIZE} " wget --no-check-certificate --header="Cookie: ${COOKIES}" -c "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" -O ${WORK_PATH}/pkg/${JCE_POLICY} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress_loop $pid ncecho " [x] Symlinking ${JCE_POLICY} " ln -s ${WORK_PATH}/pkg/${JCE_POLICY} ${WORK_PATH}/src/${JCE_POLICY} >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress_loop $pid # Determine the new version NEW_VERSION="${DEB_VERSION}~${LSB_CODE}1" if [ -n "${SKIP_REBUILD}" -a -r "${WORK_PATH}/deb/${JAVA_DEV}${JAVA_VER}_${NEW_VERSION}_${LSB_ARCH}.changes" ]; then echo " [!] Package exists, skipping build " echo "All done!" exit fi # Genereate a build message BUILD_MESSAGE="Automated build for ${LSB_REL} using https://github.com/rraptorr/${JAVA_UPSTREAM}" # Change directory to the build directory cd ${WORK_PATH}/src # Update the changelog ncecho " [x] Updating the changelog " dch --distribution ${LSB_CODE} --force-distribution --newversion ${NEW_VERSION} --force-bad-version --urgency=${DEB_URGENCY} "${BUILD_MESSAGE}" >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # Build the binary packages ncecho " [x] Building the packages " dpkg-buildpackage -b >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress_can_fail $pid if [ -e ${WORK_PATH}/${JAVA_DEV}${JAVA_VER}_${NEW_VERSION}_${LSB_ARCH}.changes ]; then # Remove any existing .deb files if the 'clean' option was selected. if [ ${BUILD_CLEAN} -eq 1 ]; then ncecho " [x] Removing existing .deb packages and sources " rm -rfv ${WORK_PATH}/{deb,src}/* >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid fi # Populate the 'apt' repository with .debs ncecho " [x] Moving the packages " mv -v ${WORK_PATH}/${JAVA_DEV}${JAVA_VER}_${NEW_VERSION}_${LSB_ARCH}.changes ${WORK_PATH}/deb/ >> "$log" 2>&1 mv -v ${WORK_PATH}/*${JAVA_DEV}${JAVA_VER}-*_${NEW_VERSION}_*.deb ${WORK_PATH}/deb/ >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid else error_msg "ERROR! Packages failed to build." fi # Create a temporary 'override' file, which may contain duplicates echo "#Override" > /tmp/override echo "#Package priority section" >> /tmp/override for FILE in ${WORK_PATH}/deb/*.deb do DEB_PACKAGE=`dpkg --info ${FILE} | grep Package | cut -d':' -f2` DEB_SECTION=`dpkg --info ${FILE} | grep Section | cut -d'/' -f2` echo "${DEB_PACKAGE} high ${DEB_SECTION}" >> /tmp/override done # Remove the duplicates from the overide file uniq /tmp/override > ${WORK_PATH}/deb/override # Create the 'apt' Packages.gz ncecho " [x] Creating Packages.gz file " cd ${WORK_PATH}/deb dpkg-scanpackages . override 2>/dev/null > Packages cat Packages | gzip -c9 > Packages.gz rm ${WORK_PATH}/deb/override 2>/dev/null cecho success # Create a 'Release' file ncecho " [x] Creating Release file " cd ${WORK_PATH}/deb echo "Origin: ${HOSTNAME}" > Release echo "Label: Java" >> Release echo "Suite: ${LSB_CODE}" >> Release echo "Version: ${LSB_REL}" >> Release echo "Codename: ${LSB_CODE}" >> Release echo "Date: `date -R`" >> Release echo "Architectures: ${LSB_ARCH}" >> Release echo "Components: restricted" >> Release echo "Description: Local Java Repository" >> Release echo "MD5Sum:" >> Release for PACKAGE in Packages* do printf ' '`md5sum ${PACKAGE} | cut -d' ' -f1`" %16d ${PACKAGE}\n" `wc --bytes ${PACKAGE} | cut -d' ' -f1` >> Release done cecho success # Do we need to create signing keys if [ -z "${BUILD_KEY}" ] && [ ! -e ${WORK_PATH}/gpg/pubring.gpg ] && [ ! -e ${WORK_PATH}/gpg/secring.gpg ] && [ ! -e ${WORK_PATH}/gpg/trustdb.gpg ]; then ncecho " [x] Create GnuPG configuration " echo "Key-Type: DSA" > ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf echo "Key-Length: 1024" >> ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf echo "Subkey-Type: ELG-E" >> ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf echo "Subkey-Length: 2048" >> ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf echo "Name-Real: ${HOSTNAME}" >> ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf echo "Name-Email: root@${HOSTNAME}" >> ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf echo "Expire-Date: 0" >> ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf cecho success # OpenVZ Check... Don't run if in OpenVZ if [ ! -e /proc/user_beancounters ]; then # Stop the system 'rngd'. /etc/init.d/rng-tools stop >> "$log" 2>&1 ncecho " [x] Start generating entropy " rngd -r /dev/urandom -p /tmp/rngd.pid >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid fi ncecho " [x] Creating signing key " gpg --homedir ${WORK_PATH}/gpg --batch --gen-key ${WORK_PATH}/gpg-key.conf >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid # OpenVZ Check... Don't run if in OpenVZ (same as above) if [ ! -e /proc/user_beancounters ]; then ncecho " [x] Stop generating entropy " kill -9 `cat /tmp/rngd.pid` >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid rm /tmp/rngd.pid 2>/dev/null # Start the system 'rngd'. /etc/init.d/rng-tools start >> "$log" 2>&1 fi fi # Do we have signing keys or a user specified key, if so use them. if [ -n "${BUILD_KEY}" ] || [ -e ${WORK_PATH}/gpg/pubring.gpg ] && [ -e ${WORK_PATH}/gpg/secring.gpg ] && [ -e ${WORK_PATH}/gpg/trustdb.gpg ]; then # Sign the Release ncecho " [x] Signing the 'Release' file " rm ${WORK_PATH}/deb/Release.gpg 2>/dev/null if [ -n "${BUILD_KEY}" ] ; then GPG_OPTION=(--default-key "${BUILD_KEY}") else GPG_OPTION=(--homedir ${WORK_PATH}/gpg) fi gpg "${GPG_OPTION[@]}" --armor --detach-sign --output ${WORK_PATH}/deb/Release.gpg ${WORK_PATH}/deb/Release >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid if [ -z "${BUILD_KEY}" ] ; then # Export public signing key ncecho " [x] Exporting public key " gpg --homedir ${WORK_PATH}/gpg --export -a "${HOSTNAME}" > ${WORK_PATH}/deb/pubkey.asc cecho success # Add the public signing key ncecho " [x] Adding public key " apt-key add ${WORK_PATH}/deb/pubkey.asc >> "$log" 2>&1 & pid=$!;progress $pid fi fi # Update apt cache echo "deb file://${WORK_PATH}/deb / #Local Java - https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oab.list apt_update echo "All done!"