GapReload Cordova/PhoneGap LiveReload Plugin cordova,phonegap,live,reload,livereload,plugin,dev Sebastien Pittion MIT --- GapReload usage --- How to configure your LiveReload app in 3 steps (one time setup): 1) Add the project's Cordova root folder to LiveReload 2) Add the *hooks*, *platforms* and *plugins* subfolders to the ignore list 3) Set `cordova prepare` as the custom command to run after changes Using your terminal inside the project's Cordova root folder, execute the following command (where you must choose between `emulate` and `run`, and `platform` is optional and can be one or more valid platform names ; you may also change the server `port` value which is `8000` by default): $ cordova <emulate|run> [platform...] && cordova serve [port] Then wait for the following message to show up (this is important): Static file server running on port <port> (i.e. http://localhost:<port>) CTRL + C to shut down Finally make sure the LiveReload app is running and, in your running Cordova app, accept to use GapReload tweaking the server host and port values if necessary then enjoy working without recompiling everytime :) ** Using grunt-gapreload ** Obviously, you won't depend on the LiveReload app anymore, so close it. And this is the command you'll want to run for the whole thing to work: $ cordova <emulate|run> [platform...] && grunt gapreload-watch