#!/usr/bin/env python """ mutt-notmuch-py This is a Gmail-only version of the original mutt-notmuch script. It will interactively ask you for a search query and then symlink the matching messages to $HOME/.cache/mutt_results. Add this to your muttrc. macro index / "unset wait_keymutt-notmuch-py~/.cache/mutt_results" \ "search mail (using notmuch)" This script overrides the $HOME/.cache/mutt_results each time you run a query. Install this by adding this file somewhere on your PATH. Only tested on OSX Lion. (c) 2012 - Honza Pokorny Licensed under BSD """ import hashlib, sys from commands import getoutput from mailbox import Maildir from optparse import OptionParser def digest(filename): with open(filename) as f: return hashlib.sha1(f.read()).hexdigest() def pick_all_mail(messages): for m in messages: if 'All Mail' in m: return m def empty_dir(directory): box = Maildir(directory) box.clear() def command(cmd): return getoutput(cmd) def main(dest_box): query = raw_input('Query: ') command('mkdir -p %s' % dest_box) command('mkdir -p %s/cur' % dest_box) command('mkdir -p %s/new' % dest_box) empty_dir(dest_box) files = command('notmuch search --output=files %s' % query).split('\n') files = filter(None, files) data = {} messages = [] for f in files: sha = digest(f) if sha not in data.keys(): data[sha] = [f] else: data[sha].append(f) for sha in data.keys(): if is_gmail and len(data[sha]) > 1: messages.append(pick_all_mail(data[sha])) else: messages.append(data[sha][0]) for m in messages: command('ln -s "%s" %s/cur/' % (m, dest_box)) if __name__ == '__main__': global is_gmail p = OptionParser("usage: %prog [OPTIONS] [RESULTDIR]") p.add_option('-g', '--gmail', dest='gmail', action='store_true', default=True, help='gmail-specific behavior') p.add_option('-G', '--not-gmail', dest='gmail', action='store_false', help='gmail-specific behavior') (options, args) = p.parse_args() is_gmail = options.gmail if args: dest = args[0] else: dest = '~/.mail/search' main(dest.rstrip('/'))