# Legacy support If your App doesn't comply with the system version [requirements](/README.md#requirements), no worries: you can still use _SwiftUIPager_. All you need to do is: - Install the framework as specified in the following sections. - Add `SwiftUI` to your target's _Link Binary With Libraries_ phase and make it optional. Legacy projects with SPM - Wrap any reference to `Pager` with `if #available(iOS 13, *)` or any other platform and version you may require. ## Cocoapods ```ruby pod 'SwiftUIPager', :git => 'https://github.com/fermoya/SwiftUIPager.git', :branch => 'legacy-projects' ``` ## Swift Package Manager * File ⭢ Swift Packages ⭢ Add Package Dependency... * Use the URL https://github.com/fermoya/SwiftUIPager.git * **IMPORTANT:** Select branch _legacy-projects_ Legacy projects with SPM Legacy projects with SPM ## Carthage ```swift github "fermoya/SwiftUIPager" "legacy-projects" ``` ## Manually Please, refer to [manual installation](/README.md#manually).