/* author: @fabiantheblind a basic find and change script not grep fc queries */ /* This is the text we are going to change look at the double characters and all that tab return */ var the_text_to_change = "An einem Morgen später Regenfälle\r\t"+ "kam Sierva María de Todos los Ángeles\t\r"+ " im Zeichen des Schützen als Siebenmonatskind\r\t"+ " recht und schlecht auf die Welt.\t\r "+ "\t\tSie erinnerte an eine farblose Kaulquappe\r"+ " \t\tund wäre fast von der um den Hals gewickelten Nabelschnur\r"+ " \t\tstranguliert worden."; var doc = app.documents.add(); // create a doc var tf = doc.pages.item(0).textFrames.add({ /* Make a textframe in the first page with that text */ geometricBounds:[12.7,12.7,297 - 12.7, 210 - 12.7], contents: the_text_to_change }); app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; // now empty the find what field!!!thats important!!! app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; // empts the change to field!!!thats important!!! // some settings app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = true; app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false; app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false; app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = true; app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = true; var greps = [ {"findWhat":" +","changeTo":" "},// Find all double spaces and replace with single spaces. {"findWhat":"\r ","changeTo":"\r"},// Find all returns followed by a space And replace with single returns. {"findWhat":" \r","changeTo":"\r"},// Find all returns preceeded by a space and replace with single returns. {"findWhat":"\t\t+","changeTo":"\t"},// Find all double tab characters and replace with single tab characters. {"findWhat":"\r\t","changeTo":"\r"},// Find all returns followed by a tab character and replace with single returns. {"findWhat":"\t\r","changeTo":"\r"}// Find all tabs followed by a return character and replace with single returns. ] // loop thru the greps object for(var i = 0;i < greps.length;i++){ // this is like entering the find what text in the UI app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = greps[i].findWhat; // this is like entering text in the change to app.changeGrepPreferences.changeTo = greps[i].changeTo; // and now hit the button doc.changeGrep(); app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; // now empty the find what field!!!thats important!!! app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing; // empts the change to field!!!thats important!!! }; // we are done